Introverted (?)

I don't know whether to consider myself as an introvert or not. I'm quite friendly but not the type to initiate a conversation with someone. Neither am I a people person but that doesn't mean I can't have friends I just choose not to. People are so quick to pass judgement because I'm what they consider "different". I agree that I am different, and because so people like to create an image or opinion about me before getting to know me. And when they do get to know me, they realize, I'm nothing like what they thought. It's quite difficult being judged my entire life, however I'm not concerned with what others think of me because they'll find out for themselves who I really am. Or they can continue to pass judgement. Especially when it comes toy attraction to men of another race. People judge heavily upon that but what's wrong with trying something different if there's no harm in it?

I can tell those who I work with don't know much about me because I don't talk very much. I just go to work to get my job and go home because at the end of the day, I'll remain myself and I'm only at work to get paid and learn to deal with life situations by dealing with customers. 

I honestly like being different. No point in being like everyone else or trying to fit in. Someone will love me for who I am because there's someone out there for every individual. 


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There's a big misunderstanding about introverts vs. extroverts. Being an introvert doesn't mean that you're antisocial, it just means that you work better or function at your best in a more quiet environment. Conversely, being an extrovert means you get energy from people around you and you work better in that situation. Being an introvert doesn't hinder your chances of making friends or being outgoing, or anything of the sort. It is unfortunate that our society nowadays emphasizes on "being extrovert" as a postive thing without really knowing what it means. Introvert or extrovert isn't negative or positive, but rather a description of certain situations. Good on you for not caring what others think and paving your own path :D
Its okay to be different :) i like your positive thinking .
It's good to just be who you are and don't give a about what they have to say. I'm like this too and people think I'm weird or something which is why I only have few friends