Exhaustion and Overwhelmed

I don't know what been going on with me lately. I just guess I over think things too much, but at the same time I have a situation going on in my personal life as well. I'm exhausted from working but that's the only thing that'll keep me from being in the house all day with nothing to do. But it's also stressful because I have two jobs: One in a retail store, and another at a hair and beauty supply store. Since my hours are little to no existent at the retail store I've been working full time at the hair store for a month for a lower pay but it's better than nothing.

And it's quite overwhelming when I have to figure out how I'm going to work both and go to school. Along with dealing with BS at home. I'm trying to take it day by day but it's hard to think straight when all I do is work, work, work, work (Btw I wasn't referring to the song. Lol)

And it's kind of difficult working at the hair store learning all the different products, which I'm familiar with most because I use them. But when it comes to educating customers on things such as buying wigs or weaves (fake hair) it's difficult because I only wear my natural hair. And they never try to listen to the owner of the shop when they ask about certain products because they don't believe her because she's Asian (Korean to be specific) but she knows more about the products than I do but yet they want to hear it from someone who speaks better English and someone of the same race to get an opinion. Just kinda of fed up with customers and their bull....

How about you wear your real hair for once in your ing life. It's not that hard! Unless you have a medical condition.


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You're awesome to work two different jobs and to study at the same time. Its very impressive. I dont think i can do that. You should be proud of yourself for working hard. I hope things get better for you. Try think positive and dont get too stress up. Have a blessed day.