Hi y'all, hope you're having a lovely day^.^

I recently saw this blogpost from 'soothighs' on aff, and I think it'd be wonderful if you guys checked it out. She's currently volunteering at a local animal hospital (which is already an incredibly selfless thing to do), and to say the least, their hospital isn't doing so well. I understand that there's been a recent shortage of workers at the hospital, shortage of supplies, and much more that's essential for the hopsital to keep running.

I have four turtles at home, so I can't really connect with the workers at this girl's pet hospital. My pets have never gotten sick, and turtles are known to have quite long lifespans, HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that there aren't situations out there where pets struggle to get by. I strongly urge you to read 'soothighs' blogpost: The picture on there is pretty graphic, but that's the reality of these animals' situations. Many of them are discovered in critical situations, on the verge of death.

So what can we do to help?

1. Please donate!! 'Soothighs' started a GoFundMe account where you can donate to the hospital she works at:D

2. But say you're a minor, or you simply can't donate at this time, that's okay you can still help! Share the links above on blogposts here on aff, facebook, twitter, instagram, any social media you have, etc. to get the word out there!!

I'm sure I've only scratched the surface on the entire scope of things, but I think I got the point across. Please help this wonderful girl save many more precious animals that would otherwise never get a chance:)



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