Should I Blog More?

Well, seeing that the only thing I post around here is my stories, I thought I should a little bit more social around here, instead of working from inside the closet. :>

I finally have a stable internet connection that doesn't rely on my phone's data. It's a relief to be honest. I can go back to watching all the dramas I'm missing on, too. On another note, I've also transitioned from high school to university. I passed my foundation year for uni, and now I'm officially starting my first year in university this September. I'm excited, and glad that I'm finally in the safe zone. 

This is going to be short, since I don't have much to say (I'm feeling awkward as I'm writing this actually lol), but thank you guys so much for your support. It's this support that has kept me strong this whole time. Even though I'm not updating much, coming back and reading your warm comments has raised my spirits multiple times, and encouraged me to push on. These past few years were like hell to me, but I was able to endure it thanks to you guys. Thank you again; I'm forever grateful to you, and I'll promise more, and better, content in the future. 

Warmest Regards,




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Congratulations on passing your foundation year and good luck!!