YeHey, Its RemeRis96! 

Well I kind of still think I wasn't thinking correctly when I choose the username for me on here. Most of the username I use is bizzare and doesn't make sense. Or you can state otherwise. 
But most of my name consants of

"Pingping9621" - Deviant Art. (But its the only one with that username.)
Mostly I find myself using "BabyYehet96", BbyYeya, BabyKai, Jo - Ka_ LOT and the Newest username, that I use for my nickname on twitter, above my username, and Youtube username.. "Risen Angel" also adding my Kpop Tumblr Username. "Xoxo_G7Blue" 

I don't know where I get these idea's.. Tell me what you think of these usernames. But I feel I made the most weirdest Usernames. 

But clearly this is not what this blog is about.. Its about the fact that I haven't been updating for awhile. Though I only been on here for reading fanfics. I can say I just haven't had any ideas that pop in my mind about where I want "Secrets Between Brothers" to go.. And I'm to afriad to get the other fanfics that are on darfts out on here, because of the fact that the fanfic that is currently out isn't far where I want it to go..

So I have been staying away alittle. And there is some people who is saying to write through it. But I don't want to write when I feel that I cant' even make it good. If I do that, I feel like I might ruin what I have already and the future chapters. So I choose not to for now. 

I'm so Sorry for that, I will try to write it. 

But I just didn't have my heart in the right spot so I waited. 

Well, I will stop talking now before this gets to far. 

Keep Smiling~ 

- RemeRis96 




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