replace with fc

Moon Minhee



✩ mini moon - it's a nickname some of the members like to call her because they like to baby her quite a bit. Usually used in 'aww, our mini moon' kind of affection.
✩ moon rock - because she gets really lazy and will literally stay in one place without moving if needs to. 


✩ korean - her native language
✩ Japanese - mostly cause she learned it, but also she watched a lot of anime. isn't the best, mostly conversational


✩ Minhee is definitely pretty and fits in rather well with SM's usual castings. She has big eyes with a more button nose. Her face is definitely more rounder than slim, but it helps keep her looking youthful ( as some say). She tends to look taller than most people her height somply cause she has long limbs.


✩ Minhee's fashion is built for comfort. Mostly, it's things that she can laze around without being uncomfortable. Her favorite things to wear are leggings and she usually seen in them especially during practice videos. Despite her having no problem with other clothes, Minhee tends to wear a lot black and navy blue with her shirts always being one of those two colors or even sometimes both. Her clothing tends to be more form fitting than baggy. When she really needs to dress for an occasion by herself, she will usually seek guidance from the more fashionable members.

Hello everyone. -bows deeply- I'm Corona's Diana. Please take care of us and nice to meet you! -waves before bowing again-

BIRTHDATE: dec. 19, 1994
BIRTHPLACE: Incheon, South Korea

FACE CLAIM: son naeun (apink)
BACK UP: Yeeun (clc)
HEIGHT: 165 cm
WEIGHT: 50  kg

Let's knowing.


Positive: Confident, Humble, Open minded, Clever
Negative: Absent-minded, Sluggish, Meticulous, Private


Confident: Meet Minhee, the resident lazy bum of SM entertainment in an endearing way. Minhee is known for her confidence in everything she does. Even if something is completely new to her, she will go at it with confidence that someone who is twice as skilled as her has.  She has no problem going first in any sort of activity and will often speak out her opinions even if they aren't needed. She is also the type who has no problem admitting her mistakes and saying sorry first. 

Humble: Always using formal language, Minhee always bows and greets everyone with a smile. Even if you are her hoobae, she will treat you as a sunbae. She even has a habit of talking to animals with formal language, something that her parents ingrained in her as a child. She is always the members who makes sure to greet and bow to the staff everywhere she goes. 

Open minded: Minhee is an open minded girl. She believes everything deserves a chance and will always be willing to try new things. She isn't the type to judge on first impressions and will look at things favorable until it doesn't become favorable. She is one most of the members go to say her biggest secrets (if they are close) and will often give helpful advice according to the situation. 

Clever: Minhee has a clever mind and it's shown whenever she needs to do an activity. She is good at finding loopholes and it's often used in variety shows. She often uses it to her advantage especially when she has to things that she doesn't want to do such as telling the MC to skip over the aegyo or using it to get out of her chores by strategically leaving the room to go practice. Because of this, some call her extremely sassy. Her cleverness also helps extremely when writing lyrics for rap. 

Absent-minded: Like all girls, Minhee does have flaws to her. One of her main flaws is her absent-mindedness. Minhee tends to daydream a lot that she gets lost in her thoughts because she thinking so much. When she goes into those dazes, she doesn't seem to pay attention to anything around her and when someone asks her what happened in the past few minutes, she will have no idea. She definitely is one of the more forgetful members and is the one constantly forgetting her keys. 

Sluggish: Living up to her resident lazy bum ways, Minhee is usually seen as sluggish. She isn't the most bodily active members when she doesn't see the need to. She will often be seen sitting or laying on the floor on her free time or even taking naps. Sometimes she even gets the other members to wave her hand for her because she gets that lazy (lol). 

Meticulous: Despite her confidence and her willingness to own up to her mistakes, Minhee is definitely a perfectionist. After being surrounded by such talented people for so long, Minhee feels she needs to be just as good. Even the most confident people have their insecure moments and Minhee's is when it comes to her rapping (dancing, if second role is chosen). She will practice harder so she can stay on that great standard that everyone else around her has. If she doesn't feel like she has met that standard, she will practice over and over again until she is satisfied. 

Private: Minhee is naturally a bit of a private person. She doesn't share her inner most feelings with just anyone and some say despite her being friendly, it's hard to get to her know her. It takes quite a long time for her to feel completely comfortable with someone fully. Luckily, she feels close to her members and be seen having fun with them. It's extremely rare for her to be close friends with people immediately. 


Minhee was born in Incheon, South Korea to an older couple who both worked until their extremely late 30's before having children. Minhee's mother was 40 when she gave birth to her and her father was already 41. They call Minhee their last miracle. Since her parents were older, it was harder to do things most parents in the 30's would do with their children. Minhee's childhood wasn't horrible, but it was pretty quiet especially since her parents still worked a lot. Minhee would often be babysat by relatives or a babysitter. When she did have days with her parents, they would take her to the park or stay inside reading books with her as they sometimes did paperwork. 

Minhee got interested in music when she entered school. Her parents decided they wanted Minhee to go through as much lessons to make her a better person as possible and signed her up for tons of classes. Piano was definitely her favorite and she did a lot of retcials. She always wanted to do music as her career path, but was only turned to the idol path one day during when she was 16 years old. 

When she was going to school, a man with a business card came up to her and asked her to audition for SM. Minhee thought it was a joke at first, but when she actually went to the auditions, she was shocked that it was real. She wasn't the most stable singer, but she sang and attempted to dance. Luckily, she was charismatic enough for someone to notice her and she was offered to train at SM. 

When her parents were notified, they were completely against the idea. They ended up signing the permission because Minhee begged them and convinced them that she would never be alone at home then. When it Minhee became 18 though, her parents didn't see the need for her keep training especially since SM hasn't debut her after 2 years of training. Minhee also opted out going to college so she can train more which made her parents very frustrated. They ended up getting into a huge fight and have since she hasn't talked to them. 

It's one of her biggest secrets that she hasn't told anyone that her parents don't support her dream and haven't talked to them. She does keep contact with her grandmother though. 


✩ sleep | Minhee loves dreaming and sleeping is amazing so no explanations needed.
✩ anime/ manga  | she's a nerd and loves anime/manga
✩ Pokemon | she loves Pokemon and her favorite one is Charmander 
✩ pandas | her favorite animal
✩ tea | she's more of a tea person than coffee
✩ books | +1 to her nerd status cause Minhee reads a lot on her spare time


✩ waking up from sleep | who does really?
✩ sugary foods | she's surprisingly a healthy eater and too much sugar makes her cringe
✩ being hot | she rather be cold 
✩ aegyo | on herself, she dislikes, but would still do it. Just don't play it back to her
✩ sudden loud sounds | especially when she's asleep or daydreaming
✩ doing chores | she's lazy and will say she needs to go practice before bolting out of there


✩ daydreaming | she just stares at whatever is in front of her without really realizing
✩ sleeping | she always sleeps on her side
✩ skinship | with people she is comfort with, she often clings to them. Notably, she does this with the members such as Minsoo and the maknae line
✩ sleeping part ii | wil sleep anytime anywhere when given free time 
✩ lips | she tends to chew on her bottom lip when she gets stressed out


✩ watching anime/movie | she does this by herself or even with her members (movie night!)
✩ reading | be it manga or an old fashion book or even a newspaper, she likes to read
✩ random songs | Minhee when she gets bored will often sing randomly such as that she hungry or she waiting to go to the bathroom as she waits for people to come out
✩ writing lyrics | it's only a recent hobby, but Minhee is very much into it and even has a notebook. 


✩ is allegric to apples
✩ isn't the type to spend money a lot, but save it and use it when she really needs it
✩ got her driver's license which she is proud of
✩ she is naturally quite strong and can even arm wrestle some guys
✩ she doesn't use social media because she plainly doesn't want to 
✩ she really wants to collaborate with Taeyeon (because fangirl lol) or D.O  (Minhee thinks his voice is amazing) or Irene (her 'mother' and close friend) or Luna (because they have moon based stage names so it would be funny to have a song/stage based off that similarity)
✩ (only for naeun face claim) some fans thinks she looks like the love child between Irene and Wendy 
✩ she is known to adapt to concepts well
✩ she is a taeyeon fangirl 
✩ she can cook even though she doesn't do it often
✩ plays the piano rather well

✩ (only for main rapper plotline) she does write some of her raps and one day wants to release a mixtape. 

RELATIONSHIPS: (include family, friend, etc) 

✩ close friends - Bae Joohyun 'Irene' (25) / Red Velvet Member / shy, motherly, funny / 9/10
With her long training history, Joohyun and Minhee met during training. They specialize in similiar things so it was natural for them to hang out more since they saw each other quite a lot. Minhee naturally brings out more self assurance to the usually shy Joohyun and they joke around quite a lot. Joohyun does baby her and Minhee looks up to her quite a bit. Because of Joohyun, Minhee is good friends with the Red Velvet members. 

✩ good friends - Kim Minsoo (20) / fellow member / boyish, serious, easygoing / 8/10
Minhee is naturally close with many of the members, but especially with Minsoo whose personality she finds very comfortable to be around. MInhee likes to cling to the younger girl and sometimes, Minhee is seen sleeping on Minhee's shoulder. Minhee likes to call the two of them the Min x 2 because they have the same beginning letter for their name. 

✩ good friends - EXO / idols / Various / 7/10
Minhee was in some of their videos so it wasn't unnatural to get to know them. She is fairly closer to some of the other members such as Minseok, whose the older brother of Minsoo, D.O, who she thought his voice was extremely great and Suho, who she knew from her training days. She hasn't contact them in quite a while, but she starts to see them more after her debut. 


Stage Name : Diana | mostly because her nicknames are all moon based, so she wanted one to reflect that. Since Diana is the Roman Goddess of Moon she thought it would fit more.  
Sub-unit :  Hebe
Position : Main Rapper, Dancer
Back-up POSITION : Main Dancer, Vocalist, Sub-Rapper
Persona : The Shining Moon | Shining for her shining confidence? OTL Not very good at this LOL. 
Talent twins : 
     ✩ Vocal twin - Oh my girl Mimi 
     ✩ Dance twin - Gfriend Yuju (Gfriend SinB)
     ✩ Rap twin - Sonamoo D.ana or Oh my girl Mimi (either is fine with me)
     ✩ Speak twin - IU 
TRaining year : 6 years
Training life : Like any trainee life, Minhee's was tiring and self-discovering. She wanted to quit a lot especially after her fight with her parents, but she wanted to prove them wrong that she wouldn't succeed far. She wasn't naturally a good dancer, vocalist or a rapper, but she worked hard after she felt embarrassed around other people who was more talented than her. She wasn't friends with many of the trainees purely for her privateness, but also because in the first year, she was the cause of many redos. When she started taking more interest in rapping, she started to look up videos online to improve her flow and even went out of her way to asked the more rapping based trainees. She is known to have the most improvement of a trainee since she literally started from the bottom. 

Past Experience(s): 

✩ she appeared in many EXO's videos as an extra such as a school girl in Wolf (the drama version), school girl in Baekhyun's remake of DJ DOC mv and Miracles in December as one of the girl's running in the town square scene. 
✩ she was one the girls in Red Velvet's Happiness video who is seen in the opening. She was the girl in black. 
✩ she helped write her rap in Corona's song Cushion



✩ Minhee gets accused of double eye surgery and nose job | An old classmate that she doesn't know leaks pictures of Minhee and netizens accuse her of having a nose job and double eye surgery. Minhee coolly admits to the double eye surgery, but denies a nose job which she never got. 

✩ Minhee was one of the girls originally suppose to be in Red Velvet, but got her spot taken by Yeri | This is completely false, but netizens after they find out she was in Red Velvet's Happiness video,  they think she was suppose to debut as part of Red Velvet. She was in the video as an extra like many of the extras she was in before her debut. 

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int

Kim Taehyung 'V'

D.O or another applicant


✩ Taehyung is definitely a little more out of the box than the usual idol. He seems a bit childish especially with his general interest and sometimes how he handles some situations. However, he can be quite mature in time of need. Unlike Minhee, Taehyung is definitely more a panic thinker and gets stuck in his head when he's given too much silence. He loves having fun with his friends or even by himself. He definitely more sensitive than he lets on which is equally a good and bad thing. He does have a mischievous streak to him and can flirt rather well with people he has interest in. 


✩ Minhee meeting Taehyung and even later having feelings for him was a bit of surprise. BTS is a popular group even among  the public and it isn't unheard of that a lot of groups regradless be it a girl or boy to cover them. She never expected to meet him, but they did when they were both prompting. Minhee didn't show much interest as some of her groupmates, but properly greeted them. The BTS members revealed to them that V was a big fan especially of Minhee, who was shocked, but thanked him greatly. Due to the encouragements from both sides, they ended up swapping numbers. It was awkward when he contacted her, but soon enough he started sending her lots of gifs and memes when her replies were short. They ended up taking about anime/manga and web cartoons and would even recommend each other. They even ended up meeting at cafes to discuss episodes of animes they've watched. Minhee and Taehyung ended up being a little more than friends when Minhee found out he described her as an ideal type even though they didn't use her name. They only started dating through the other members watching the two flirt all the time and Minhee was the one who asked him out first. 

STATUS: strangers at the moment but good friends and then later dating

✩ When BTS covers Corona, Taehyung tends to do Minhee's parts
✩ Minhee is mentioned in his thanks in BTS's album later on, but most people don't know who MInhee is 
✩ Minhee is a year older than Taehyung
✩ Minhee originally called Taehyung, V-sunbae, but later she started calling him Taehyung and even later, Tae
✩ Taehyung originally called Minhee just Noona, but later just calls her by Minhee or even Min
✩ Both Corona members and BTS shipped these two, but then go into the weird flirting phase, they groan whenever they're together.


thatonethere ✩ one

LAST COMMENT: the reason that I didn't include her parents is because I feel like even if they make up in some sort of way, Minhee would still be pretty wary of them especially since they expressed that they don't like idol career. Also, her parents would probably still not agree with it completely so I decided not add them, but maybe in the end of the story or some sort of epilogue, they made up eventually? Anyway, I hope you like her! This is my third time applying for an application, so I'm still not that great at it, but I hope she's fine ^_^. 


✩ collab with some sm artists

✩ corona's own variety show

✩ during their first solo concert, Corona finds out that Minhee hasn't talked to her parents  when they find the tickets that they were suppose to go their individual families in the garbage. 

✩ Minhee injuries herself and spends the next week in the dorm, where she monitors the other members, but whines to herself that she wants to be with them. 






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