My Type


Do any of you have a specific type in your love interest?

It could be a look or a personality type or anything?

I recently started to notice a pattern in the type of person like I tend to go towards when I read stories/fanfics/Manga/anime.

I found myself looking for people with a tough exterior, cold, kind of bad boy feel but on the inside is actually all shy and cute.

I feel that it is vauge but I recently found that it actually translates to my real life (as in people that know I exist) crushes(big surprise.)

But I feel that this type is not good for starting relationships? First there is the unapproachable factor and if that is not the problem it is the shy factor... 

Is this why I am single??!

What do you guys think?




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I don't really know... I think I kind of go with 4d personalities with KPOP idols (my bae Jongup, and other: Taehyung)
In anime I like all the characters basically, other than the goody goody ones who are very weak and obvious
Kimchuckles #2
I know the feeling. You just can't help but be drawn in by them. Irresistable. My types are the quiet shy ones but there's fire and burning passion once you get to know em. :)

Just be you and everything will fall into place...well hopefully! Toes & fingers crossed! Lol. We're all a limited edition! But I don't think being shy equals to single. I wouldn't call it selective but when you click. Just like jigsaw pieces. Although some think shy is cute or they love the coyness. Your shyness could be someone else's catalyst. In a good way. ;)

Time for bed! Its way past my bedtime...4am. Lol.