「f.r.i.e.n.d.s」- Jang In Na


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Disowned : jang in na

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BIRTHNAME : jang, in na

▸ na na— short form of In Na, Na Na is a nickname that was given to her when she was young

DATE OF BIRTH : 17, December, 1991
BIRTHPLACE : Seoul, South Korea
ETHNICITY : Korean Chinese

▸ english — very fluent ; In Na knows how to speak english as she had studied abroad in America before, thus she was able to pick up the language there.

▸ chinese — basic chinese ; coming from a Chinese mother, her mother taught her a little chinese when she was young, however Na na finds it too difficult thus giving up learning the rest of the language.

FACE CLAIM : Han Su Hyun ; O1 O2 O3
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : An Su Kyung ; O1 O2 O3
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 168 cm ; 55 kg

In Na has long brown hair with a little bit of highlights here and there. She has thick straight brows and almond shape eyes that is always defined with an eyeliner. She has a bit of a pouty lips as well. 

On casual days, In Na can be seen wearing mostly blouses and skinny jeans, if not, t shirts with shorts, it all depends on her mood. She only wears a skirt or a dress if she has to attend a formal event. In Na is always seen wearing a different pair of high heels everyday, however she do slip on a pair of sneakers once in a while. 

She accessorises a lot and would never leave the house without earrings or rings. 

Style: O1 O2 O3 O4

How you doin'?

PERSONALITY TRAITS : (+) : positive ; independent ; determined

                                                             (-) : argumentative ; lazy ; blunt

PERSONALITY : Firstly let's talk about her positive traits. She is very positive, this meant that In Na always looks at the brighter side whenever something bad happens. This is how she keeps herself going forward, she always remains positive and would believe that there's an answer to every problem and if you cannot find the answer, then you make one. It is like her motto in life and this is what keeps her going everytime.

In Na is very independent. She likes to do things by her self without wanting any help. She likes to be challenged and does not want to depend on anyone to do her tasks for her. She has always believe that she has the potential to do anything but sometimes, she has never realize that maybe one day, she might need to depend on someone. She is also a very determined person. When she sets her mind on doing something or finishing a task, she will do it until the end. She will not stop until she gets what she wants and until she reaches her goals.

Now let's talk about her negative traits. In Na has a rather argumentative character. She feels the need to argue whenever there's a need to, for example, if she feels that what she did is correct, she would argue with the other party non stop until she wins. This is kind of in sync with her determination. In Na may not look like it, but she is in fact very very lazy. She likes to sleep in a lot and would be too lazy to step out of the house just for minor things like shopping for groceries. She would rather stay at home and use the computer to order them if she had too. That is how lazy she is.

This girl is also very blunt especially towards others. Sometimes she unintentiionally hurt people feelings because of how straight forward she is, when she thinks of something, she would immediately shoot it out instead of thinking about how others would feel. You could describe as a machine gun that is unstoppable.  

BACKGROUND : Born with a silver spoon, In Na has everything that she could ever ask for. Having a CEO father and a mother is something everyone dreams of having. Growing up, she was taught on how she should behave and how lady like she should be in front of people especially since she is the only daughter in the family. At a young age, she has been sent to different classes such as art class, music class, tennis class etc, because she was young, she just accepted whatever her parents ask her to do.

At home, she hardly sees her parents in the day because of how busy they were working. Therefore, growing up, she had only the company of her nanny and her younger brother. It wasn't until when she reached the age of 18, then she was sent to America to study for a few years. Again, it was her parents decision to let her go abroad.

After graduating from University in America, she came back to Korea. Initially planning to find a career that she loves, her plans soon got ruined as her parents immediately assigned her to work in the family business. Being a filial daughter, she obeyed, however, she soon got tired as this is not what she wanted. In Na that decided to take control of her life and is determined to do what she loves, without her parents interefering and deciding her future for her.  

Because of her determination to make decisions on her own and start living the life she wants, this caused her to have a huge argument with her parents. Her parents had threatened that if she does not obey what they tell her to do, she will not be able to take over as CEO of the company. However, In Na being In Na, she could hardly care less and this resulted in her storming out of the house, leaving every single inheiritance behind. Needless to say, her parents are pissed and disappointed by what their oldest child did. 


▸ like : chocolates ; ballad music ; action movies ; bulgogi ; korean dramas

▸ dislikes : insects ; anything that has to do with guava and coconut ; romance movies ; walking long distance 

 Hobbies : listening to music ; watching late night movies and dramas in her bed on her laptop ; reading books ; doing pilates 

 Habits : biting her nails when she's nervous ; biting lips when she is thinking ; rolling her eyes when she finds something annoying ; sighing out loud when she is bored


Sure I peed on her. And if I had to, I’d pee on any one of you!

RELATIONSHIPS : only include those who are important and matter to your character

▸ Father — Jang Hyun Shik (55) / CEO of Jang Corps / Calm, Intelligent ; Demanding, Insensitive / Not close ; In Na will only talk to her father if there is a need for her to

▸ Mother — Huang Shi Ya (50) / Director of Jang Corps / Dutiful, perfectionist; domineering, hostile / not close ; she will only talk to her mother if she needs to

▸ Younger Brother — Jang In Woo (20) / Student at Seoul University / dilligent, caring ; naive, timid / very close ; the siblings are very close, In Na plays the role of a big sister and makes sure no one bullies her brother whereas her younger brother is dependent on his noona

▸ Nanny Ahjuma —  Lee Shin Yang (60) / Retired Nanny / loving, gentle ; soft ; tough / very close ; Nanny Ahjuma has been taking care of the Jang siblings for many many years since they were young, she is like a second mother to them. Even after she retired, In Na has still been treating her as if she is like her mother, giving her gifts etc. 

Welcome to the real world. It . You’re gonna love it!


▸ In Na expected her life to be controlled by her parents forever, she thought that because she was the oldest of the Jang family, therefore she would have to inherit the position of CEO and take over the company as soon as she graudates from University. 

▸ She decides to go against her parents for once and decide to make her own decision and take control of her life by leaving home. 

I know you didn't ask but no-one had spoken for fourteen minutes.


▸ Hello everyone, I am Jang In Na, aged 25 this year.. Yes, that Jang In Na, daughter of Jang Hyun Shik, CEO of Jang Corps. *sigh*


▸ Well, every morning after washing up, it is a must to do my hair and makeup, I have been doing that for years so I am already used to it. After which, I would head for breakfast, I would either make my own food or order delivery if I'm feeling lazy.. which is most of the time to be honest. 

Then I would go to work at the cafe where I'm a barista there. I love coffee making so this is a job which I'm kinda interested in. I am not too sure if I would be making coffee for the rest of my life, a part of me wants to be filial and head the corporation, but the other part of me wants to be free. I am still in the midst of finding what I love.. After all, these things take time. Thankfully the owner is an ex classmate of mine, so she decided to hire me I mean, after all, I left home you see.. 

So after working for about 8 hours, I would head straight back home. Well, I'm quite a lazy person, so back home is the best cause it's where my bed is anyway. I would either catch the latest episode of my favorite K drama if not read a book before heading to bed. Then the same old routine repeats itself. 


▸ I wouldn't mind as long as he keeps his hygiene in check. I'm quite a hygienic person, so I wouldn't want dirty clothings to be appearing in front of my feet in the room where I would rest. 

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : min, yoongi

BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : bang, yong guk


▸ Min Yoongi, everything about him spills "IDGAF". Ulitmate "I could care less" attitude followed by his good looks could send girls falling for him still. He may look like he could kill you with just a glare, but really, deep down he is a very loyal and kind person. Of course, his loyalty and kindness is only seen by people whom he is close to. He is not someone who will want to be friends with you until he really knows what kind of person you are. 

On the outside, he just has this bad boy vibe around him, people may think he look like he's a douchebag, a jerk or a player. But really, those are just a facade. He appears to be cold in front of strangers, it is like his defensive shield. However, on the inside, he is someone who needs  alot of love, probably due to an incident that happened when he was young. 

When he was young, he had a loving family, a caring father and a doting mother. But that all fell apart when his mother was killed in a tragic car accident. This resulted in the personality change of his father. His father soon became a drunkard, often taking out his anger of losing his wife on his son, beating and abusing him frequently. As Yoongi was still a child then, he could not do anything except take the beatings from his father. As he grew up, he had enough, the teenage boy then decided to leave home and stay with his maternal grandmother, far from home which was in Daegu. Because of this incident, Yoongi had been emotionally scarred. 

He lets his guard down when he is with his close friends and grandmother because he knows that those are the people he trusts. Overall, this guy may look fierce, cold and mean, but deep down inside, is just a boy who has been scarred emotionally. 


▸ In Na and Yoongi met at the cafe where she works at. He was the customer and she was the barista. Nope, it was not love at first sight. They got into an argument after In Na made the wrong type of coffee which Yoongi wanted. Both were equally hotheaded and was just arguing in the cafe.

Their second encounter was on the streets when In Na was apparently running away from reporters (they were interested in getting a scoop of why was the CEO of Jang corp's daughter leaving outside home) to which she bumped into Yoongi and immediately pushed him into a back alley to hide from the reporters.. also resulting in the two clumsy people falling and.. ended up pecking each other on the lips. 

Soon after the second encounter (and accidental kiss), their friendship soon begin to form, they bonded over coffee (at the cafe) and got to know each other better, however, In Na didn't tell Yoongi about her identity and that she is a chaebol of a rich businessman.

To Yoongi, In Na was the first ever girl he started to fall for, to In Na, she didn't realise that she was even falling for this guy whom she disliked initially. However, both parties were just too scared and shy to ask each other out, even when it was obvious that everyone could see they liked each other, the both of them just couldn't see it. 

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  budding romance

ENDING :  in a official relationship with each other

iheartswag : britz

LAST WORDS : I hope I was kinda correct on the ending portion of the love interest.. I was not quite sure what it meant, but what I wrote was that the pair ended up together in the end.. :D


▸ A flashback of In Na and Yoongi's accidental kiss!




turn in : story : cheatsheet


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