Love Letter MV Question

So, I recently discovered their new music video and it's so cute. I don't know the group that well, but I've seen them from MLT and OFD and was able to know about them. Anyway, I'm going off the topic... my question is for the Love Letter MV. If anyone is fan of Seventeen, can you tell me who is singing from 2:03 - 2:12? I think it's one of the vocal line, and he really has a beautiful singing voice. I apologize for the post late at night, thank you. 

Love Letter MV


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as an avid seventeen fan, i can confirm it's jeonghan, from the vocal unit. he has such a soft, pretty voice. * ^ *
It is from the MV right? If I am not mistaken, it is DK/Dokyeom or his real name Lee Seokmin. The main vocal from the vocal unit :)
Villuvia13 #3
I think it's Jeonghan, and yes, he's in the vocal unit :)