replace with face claim or anything you want 500*240

the Frontrunner : 공강수

replace with face claim 80*80replace with face claim 80*80

BIRTHNAME : gong, kangsu 

SENPAI jisung the turd  if life were an anime, kangsu would definitely be a senpai, jisung's senpai. she isn't sure why because even though she isn't his upperclassman but she doesn't even try to question it or tell him not to call her it. kangsu knows he won't. it's amusing to those who hear him calling her it but they make no move to call her it too. you can tell it's kind of a friendship thing, a jisung thing. plus, they also have a feeling she wouldn't answer to them. 

KANGSOUP  jisung the turd behold another nickname created by jiturd, kangsu's friend. there isn't a  serious meaning behind this nickname, kangsu thinks. it just fits nicely so jiturd calls her this. the rules with the senpai nickname apply to this one too. no one else calls her this, it's a jisung thing, etc. it's her contact name in his phone. 'kangsoup'. 

DATE OF BIRTH : january 19, 1999
BIRTHPLACE : seodaemun, seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY : korean

KOREAN fluent native language, kangsu speaks it well. she sounds a bit older when she speaks but that's only because she rarely ever uses any form of slang.

ENGLISH conversational learning it since middle school, kangsu get's a decent enough grande in english. her pronunciation still needs a lot of work but for the most part she understands what she's hearing pretty well. conversating to a certain extent isn't a problem for her.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 164 cm and 52kg

PRETTY ENOUGH kangsu isn't necessarily a heart melter or a traffic stopper like most beauties her age that you see nowadays but she's definitely is a sight to look at. with fair skin, a sweet wide smile, half moon shaped eyes and naturally wavy, brown hair that stops just beneath her s, kangsu has had her fair share of admirers. her ears stick out more than they should, but they're charming in a way. her body is a healthy slender with slight muscle. she normally never diets because dancing takes care of her body and it's doing a good job of keeping her bmi at a healthy number.

STYLISH ENOUGH home graphic -tees, leggings, basically anything comfortable, esp sweaters and hoodies practice   loose fitting shirts. usually wears leggings(black),  basketball shorts or track shorts. normally  mainly oversized shirts and sweaters, cardigans, skinnies(ripped or not), and high waist shorts. not a heels person.


My soul






as hard as it is to believe, the girl whose dances create stories and holds so much creativity and personality, is as simple as it gets. she isn't some talkative individual with an outgoing personality, nor is she a girl of a few words with antisocial tendencies either. kangsu is an easy-going person that rarely shows expressions other than disgust, boredom, and a smirk but still manages to befirend others. 

she isn't the best person to ask for advice no matter how much she looks like she has her life together or calm she is about everything when something is going wrong. while she is a smart young lady, she doesn't experience things enough to give her input and can't seem to give advice based on how she would deal with that situation. giving encouragement and comfort, isn't exactly her forte either. but hey, if you want words that don't make sense or don't really tie in with your situation, awkward pats, then go right ahead and ask her. she does warn before she does.

an not so unknown thing about kangsu would be the very thing that everyone praises her for. her creativity. she's the type who could make something out of nothing even without good craftsmanship and think of everything white sitting inside nothing but an empty box. her ability to make her paintings come to life and her dancing tell a tale, is proof of this.

kangsu is expressive but at the same time isn't. through dance, art, and crafts, is when all of her emotion is shown. when she isn't doing her hobbies and passion, kangsu is a girl limited to a few expressions and on always chill state with occasional harsh tongue, and awkwardness given the situation. nothing gets her riled up and you definitely won't know what she's thinking unless she feels the need to tell you. she's almost as mysterious as her friend jisung. 

surprisingly, this doesn't make seem kangsu unapproachable or weird to some. she's quite affable in her own special way. however, she does have people that still don't like her. it seems kangsu rubs them the wrong way by the fact that she lacks reaction to the things that goes on around her. it makes them feel like that she feel like she's too good for their problems or some crap like that. so for that reason she categorized as stuck up. truthfully, kangsu is kind-hearted but only to those she wants to be. call it selective kindness. sure,  it gets shown in small ways but that doesn't mean it isn't there. 

her honest way of speaking doesn't help other's negative opinions of her. like she cares about that anyway. it isn't a secret to anyone that kangsu speaks her mind. debate class experiences it first hand, every school day. her words can hurt somethines and she knows this but doesn't plan on fixing it. because no one has gotten by in this world by being nice and sugercoating everything. now, she isn't going around hurting people's feelings whenever she talks to them but if she's asked her opinion, she well tell them.  


you could say kangsu has always been the girl she is now since she was a child. born in seoul to a middle class family, kangsu was brought up with 2 other older siblings, where she was thought of last. it didn't hurt her feelings, she didn't try to get attention by acting out, and she wasn't jealous by the fact that her siblings got all of the shine. she simply understood. it was because they were older and accomplishing more. if anything her siblings were a sort of motivation. kangsu tried different things to find out if she was good at anything. painting, crafts, the piano. while she had fun learning those things, even kept them as little hobbies, she didn't fall in love with them. 

then came dancing. with a simple visit to mapo, seoul to buy some art work, kangsu saw a dance crew dancing on the street and fell in love. in a way, she felt as if they were artwork. she immediately asked her father can she start dancing. seeing as she didn't have anything going on besides the weird creation of art she occasionally showed him, he let her. so at the age of 9, kangsu begun dancing. 

ballet was first, then she learned hiphop, and lastly contempory. all dances she excelled in quickly. her recitials was always left in standing ovations and that made kangsu extremely proud. her parents began to think of her a little more. kangsu's free time was taken up mostly by dance instead of studying really. she never failed but she kept her grades at a level her parents could be satisfied with. 

competitions begun to happen for kangsu at the age of 14. she won some, lost some. but each time she lost, she pondered on why and begun to fix what she had shown the judges, move by move. slowly, kangsu began creating her own moves, all of them.not half choreograhper, some hers.  surely enough those 'lost some' became 'lost a few'. 

choosing and entering a high school when the time came was a pretty easy choice. her middle school recommended seoul school of preforming arts or yesul, but kangsu's interest was in yesul who was a bit more well known and like in her area. 


MIDNIGHT midnight is kangsu's favorite time of day. why? she likes how much clearer the she can see the stars.
COOL PLACES she doesn't like being hot and prefers the places she goes to have some cool air some where.
POETRY she loves to interpet what poems means in her own way. some help for when she wants to create a new dance in contemporary style.
MYSTERY kangsu doesn't do a lot of reading but when she do, the books she reads are always mystery novels.
SPICY FOOD  the key to her heart. 
THE ADVENGERS kangsu is such an advengers hoe. she watched all of their movies despite not being into action movies and read and own almost all their comics even though she doesn't like reading comics. her favorite hero is thor. but if she had to choose between him and other marvel heroes.  she'd choose deadpool.


SWEET THINGS never had much of a sweet tooth
BIRDS she thinks they're  evil because they stole her sandwich when she was eating in the park.
DRAMA whether it be watching it or in it, kangsu doesn't like it. it calls way to much energy and trouble. trouble that she doesn't have time to deal with and energy she doesn't want wasted.
SPORTS not really playing them but watching them. of course, her body can do sports but she can't bring her self to watch it because of how much everything confuses her. 
FOOD TOUCHING her food much be separate or she won't eat it. kangsu hates it when her food is touching one another. hence why she makes her own food and pack them separately.
NOSY PEOPLE if she doesn't want to tell you, don't prob her prob her. it's going to make her drop talking to you all together. 


PAINTING AND CRAFTING she may not be the best painter or crafter but kangsu still does pretty well and enjoys being to let her mind run wild and her hand follow.
PARKS eating and walking through the park if it isn't so hot and the sun isn't blazing down on her is a pass time of kangsu. she usually goes by herself during a time she knows not a  lot of people will be out.
DANCE COVERS it's usually once every two weeks she'd post something on her youtube. 


BLINK kangsu blinks excessively if she's tired or just waking up
POSTURE always has perfect posture. she's does ballet and using her teacher's rules about posture stuck with her.
TWIDDLE she twiddles whatever small object is in her hand. mainly during lectures or when people are doing long talking , she'll begin moving what ever is in her hand(pencil, pen, coins, etc)


LENGTH kangsu unknowngly keeps others at a certain distance. while she will befriend them, she keeps what they know about her limited. basics like favroite color and food are the extent of her revealing. she hasn't been confronted about it because people simple don't care, that's all they really need to know about her, or feel that's all there is to her probably. 
CLEANING she normally doesn't get stressed because she doesn't allow herself to. but if she feels the need to clear her head, she cleans.
FRIEND JISUNG as close as jisung and kangsu are, the two don't hang out much outside of school but that made up for with texting. there are times when jisung has the urge to touch jisung's hair for a second but when she goes to do so that second turns into a couple of minutes. likes the fact that jisung's hair is so soft. they met in their first year.she usually touches his hair when he's spaced out.carries tissues and handsanitizer because jisung's gross.
FAMILY kangsu's relationship with her parents is decent enough while her relationship with her siblings is rather distant. if they're visiting from college she says hi to them andgo off on her on. she has two older brothers named kangmin(oldest) who is in his second year of college and sunkang(second) who is only first year in college. her parent, sunhwa and kangin, are both lawyers.
NO BED TIME since kangsu is a night owl, she does things in the dark of night. from homework to eating, kangsu stays up until 2 in the morning doing random stuff.
TO DATE OR NOT TO DATE kangsu hasn't done much dating in he lifetime but that's only because the boys around her aren't interesting enough for her to date them. she usually turns down offers if she gets them because the boys don't spark anything in her.
IDEAL TYPE doesn't have one but she does want someone who will make her want to chase after them, want to ask them out.
SOCIAL MEDIA kangsu doesn't have a twitter, instagram, or any other form of social media except youtube where she post her dance covers. she occasional scrolls through tumblr. 
HAND she's  left handed
PHONE usually uses her phone to listen to music and text. she doesn't have any apps expet tumblr and rarely takes pictures of herself. her gallery is only 108 and most of those photos are of jisung, thor, and her with jisung unaware. her home screen is a picture of thor and her lock screen is a picture of jisung doing the duck face with her in the background reading.

My treasure


members of the teen spirit club - personalities varies - 6.5 to7 out of 10

kangsu is sure about any of them questions herself daily on why she even agreed to join the club. since kangsu was more responsible than jisung, they look more so to her when things are going on. it makes her feel some type a way because she isn't some they should rely on to be comforted or give advice. she's terrible at those things. she keeps herself from getting attached or letting them get attached to her. but slowly, they do. and her time and relationship seem a bit more comfortable.

                                            lee, jisung - student - extrovert, loud, carefree - 7.5 to 8  out of 10

lee jisung is a pretty easy mess to handle in kangsu's eyes. sure she gets tired of his bad puns, that never fail to make her unamused, and constantly have to remind him of things, but it could be worse. he's the closest person to her and most who conversate with her wonder why. she doesn't have a answer for that yet so she simply shrugs. in her mind, however, she thinks it's because they're alike in certain ways. neither like to reveal much about themselves, though with kangsu she'll reveals simple things like her favorite color, their kindness isn't shown but both know it is in their some where, they work in mysterious ways, and the list could go on. they don't hang all over each other like most good friends do but they have their moments. they're small, but they're there. often enough, kangsu can be seen running her fingers through jisung's hair. there affection is limited to pokes, pats, and leaning on one another but jisung will surprise kangsu with a hug when he's in his feelings before controlling himself(he bipolor asf). who knew having one lunch together in their first year could lead to such a weird wonderful friendship.

My answer

Hey, Introduce yourself ?

with her body sitting up in a proper postion and a slight wave she gave the interveiwer, kangsu could only imagine how uptightly awkward she looked. but she had no choice but to ignore it for now. "gong kangsu, class 2-6, and captain of yesul dance team. " 

Why did you decide to enroll in yesul high ?

personallly, kangsu thought it was pretty stupidly obvious question and she didn't mean to be rude but- "why do you think? it's the best preforming arts school in the area, why else would i be here?" there was no hint of harshness in her calm voice, but still made the interviewer red faced. before he could squibble down, she answered his question again. " it's known for helping aspiring talents grow to be as successful as they can be. that's why "

what do you want to be in the future ?

kangsu wasted no time answering this question. "a choreographer, then later open my own dance school"

how did you find out about teen spirit ?

there was a slight smile on her face instead of neutral."lee jisung" was all she said. if you knew jisung then you'd know why all she had to do was list his name. the boy was loud and could talk, a lot.

why did you join ?

the smile she had was gone and her face went back to the same slight boredom slight neutral expression she had since coming in here. "he asked me" she paused. " repeatedly."

What kind of club do you want teen spirit to be ?

she was going to give some half-assed answer but kangsu thought the question through before answering. " a club that helps others discover what they want in life" 

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : hong jisoo(seventeen's joshua)
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : lee jisung's brother because idk


handsome, gentlemen like, hard working, and friendly, jisoo is the ideal man that most girls at pledis high hope to have. with his sweet voice and ability to play the acoustic among the piano, jisoo makes it hard for girls not to fall for him. however, no matter how graceful and charming, jisoo may be that doesn't mean he don't have a harsh side. his harshness is hidden behind his sweet smile, only to be revealed when it's needed. cunning as could be, it's better if you don't cross him, he will end you in the worst way possible. of course you won't know it's him. jisoo is a secretive guy who makes sure everything about him and what he does is unknown(unless he tells you). he hates being confused and surprised, and get's frustrated when he is. for jisoo, he has to be control of everything around him especially his emotions. so when he's surprised that means he wasn't in control of his aware enough and that doesn't sit well with him. overall, jisoo can be a gentle, charming guy as well as someone who shouldn't be crossed and mysterious. 



there are things that hong jisoo aka joshua loves to do besides singing and playing his favorite instruments.one of those things is painting. painting was a passion of his way before he learned he could sing like an angel. he would have pursued a career in art if he hadn't felt so strongly about singing.one thing about jisoo's art is that he never paints the same thing twice. not even with a different spin to it. it was like this until he came to high school and met a girl named gong kangsu. the girl who could tell stories and emotions through her body. it was by accident that he turned down the wrong hallway and looked in on her practice. after seeing  the girl who was talked about on a daily basis dancing he began painting her repeatedly. it was frustrating to the point where he felt nothing but dislike towards her. esp because he never could finish the paintings he painted of her. his dislike and frustration last until the end of his first year where he finally have an official meeting with her. 

"that supposed to be me?" kangsu observed the painting the poor boy she startled had been painting before she stepped into the empty classroom filled with art supplies. she only recognized it to be her because of how detailed the painting was even though he had only her face painted. the painting was on point with her features. yet she still questioned him.

jisoo was lost for words(for once)and just stared at the girl he has been painting since the beginning of the year. seeing her up close rather than from away was so much better. when she met his eyes was when he snapped out of his trance. he nodded, clearing his throat after. " i wanted to capture your dancing" 

"cool, show me when you finish" was all she had said before grabbing a notebook from off the table nearby. she thew a half smile and a 'see you' his way, on her way out. leaving jisoo slightly spaced out. 

too bad  jisoo never finished it. just like his other paintings of her. the dislike vanished after that meeting because he realized the reason for his frustration for her was actually attraction. hong jisoo has a crush on gong kangsu. it seemed a bit unrealistic to him because of how much he doesn't know about her and there little interactions. 

now in his second year, jisoo is still infatuated with kangsu. he however, he doesn't plan on telling her that until he can figure out how. coming right out and saying is stupid because he has no doubt in his mind that she'll reject him. so what does he do? 

jisoo, school president, had just stopped by to ask kangsu for papers of the dance club but after catching her dancing once again, he asked for something completely different. 

"let me paint you" okay it wasn't a question, more like a demand, but nonetheless, kangsu agreed. 

for kangsu, jisoo is someone she has looked at for good period of time. seeing his painting of her being the starting point. she wouldn't call her feelings towards him like or love(yet), just curiosity. so if agreeing to let him paint her get's her access into his head for just a second, she going to take that chance. 

they meet up whenever jisoo has an idea and needs kangsu's presence to complete it. sometimes jisoo doesn't draw even her but things related to what she dances. sometimes he lies and just has her there because he likes being able to look at her with no restraint or being accused of being creepy. 


RELATIONSHIP STATUS :   tbh, neither knows so it's complicated.

ENDING :  maybe in the middle of the story(if she's chosen) they could start dating. then in the end they end up having an on and off relationship after making it to junior or senior year. 

-cheminks : raven

LAST WORDS : i hope she isn't confusing. she doesn't interact with her siblings or parents enough to be in the relationship section so i just listed their names in her triviia.


ONE okay school ain't school with out SOME type of fight. can it invovle one of the teen spirit members. boy or girl. that would be cool.
TWO a party that end up making one relationship sail. or just a party.
THREE jisoo and kangsu moment. it could be anything just so long as it's cute and invovles both of them. maybe they run into each other at a cafe and decide to order and eat together.


turn in : story : cheatsheet


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