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kim sunyoung
//// Did you say chicken ? where ? ////
full name / Kim Sunyoung
other names /
► Little monster : her big brother call her like that because when she was younger she was an evil child always getting her brother in trouble , destructing everything , always with dirty clothes .
►Sun - Y :: her members call her like that , once they were messing around and acted like if they were in show me the money each of them choose a rapper name and Sunyoung rapper name was Sun- Y .
► Dancing queen  :: her best friend call her like that because her best friend is the worst one at dancing so for her sunyoung is a dancing queen .

birthdate / 21 / 05 / 1997
hometown / Seoul
ethnicity / Korean
nationality / Korean
languages /
► korean / fluent / native language 
► english / basics / she just learnt it improve her rap and singing , so she would have a good accent . 
//// Don't fear anyone but god ////
face claim /Mimi ( Oh my Girl )
backup / Seung Hee ( Oh my girl )
appearance /
► She is 170 cm tall and weight about 50 kg , she have a fit body , long legs , flat stomach , long blonde hair that reach mid-back . Smooth and clear skin , big brown eyes and cute colgate smile . 
fashion sense /
► She love trendy and fashionable clothes , she spend most of her money on clothes . She like to wear shorts and caps , but also like dresses and skirt even if she doesn't wear them often , she love heels but also have a ton of sneakers . When home she wear whatever she doesn't have a complete and sync pijamas , it always a top from a side and a bottom from another sometimes it's no bottom . 
Casual :: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
Dorm clothes :: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
Practice :: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
Formal :: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
//// Who's that y thing I see over there? That's me, standin' in the mirror ////
character traits /
► positives : confident , easygoing , loyal , kind , passionated 
► negatives : bossy , stubborn , dirty mind , possesive ,no sense of orientation
elaboration /
you never know unless you try it : She is the kind of person who isn't afraid of a thing , from a really young age , she was always the one that jumped into the moment first , some may think that she is just too dumb and careless , but for her it's a proof of courage and fearlessness .
there's none so blind as those who will not listen : She is really stubborn , if she have an idea she will fight for it and believe in it till the end even if it's a wrong or bad idea , she tend not to listen to the others and just do what she have on her mind , which got her in trouble with the elder and superior people . She is prefer to follow her intuition than logical stuffs .
" i'm not lost , this is the right way " : This is a sentence that She tell her self a lot , as she is really bad with direction and orientation , people around her make sure not to leave her alone or to ask her to go somewhere she's never been before alone .
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see: Even if she look like an intimidating and hard to get girl , which is , She have a big heart , she would make the manager stop the car just to go help an elder cross the road , she is that kind of person . She also know how to comfort the other and is pretty good with words .
Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'm told 'no,' then I find another way to get my 'yes.' But I'm a loyal person. : She was really REALLY bossy , she would boss everyone around and tell everyone what to do , she would get pretty angry when someone would say no to her , but she won't gave up and would make anything so the no change to a yes and most of the time that's what happen .
I don't like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them : She is really loyal , she doesn't trust people easily but when she know that someone trust her she never betray them , the best quality in a human for her would loyalty .
Having a dirty mind make normal conversation much more interesting: She is known for her dirty and erted mind , she is that friend who takes something you say and make it sound dirty , maybe that's one of the reason why she got a long with guys well .
"what mine is mine " : she may be kind but she doesn't like to share much , she will get mad if you touch her clothes or her food without permission , she may even not talk to you for some times which the other girl find prettu childish .
background /
Her dad got married and had his first kid at the age of twenty while his wife was 19 they had four kids together before that the wife got sick and left him with two boys and two girls . Life was hard on his dad so to get help at home and with the kids he remarried not out of love but out of need , that's when three years after their marriage they had sunyoung , her half siblings never treated her as a stranger or anything for them she was their sister , they were protective , loving , caring and always here for her . When she got two years old , her big sister got married and left the house , two years after it's her big brother who left the house to another country hoping to have more chance of a better living their . Her childhood was normal , she was close to boys and was kind of tomboyish as she got along with her brother more than her sister her only girl friend was her childhood friend who was older than her of one year , they spent all their time together as they were from the same neighborhood . To today they don't remember the first time they met they just remember being with each other and that's how they stayed . In elementary school she was that nice and cheerful friend who was friend with everyone but didn't get in any defined squad as she shared interest with everyone . She would have a crush on a boy but he would only see her as a friend as she wasn't really feminine , always short hair , jeans and t-shirt . She got to like her self the way she was . It was in middle school after a school performance that she found out that she is talented in something , she was so happy that she was different so she worked harder on being better at everything , but her main point was dance , when she reached her second year of middle school , she told her family about her dream of being an idol as her brother and sister were big fan of Big Bang they proposed to her to audition for YG entretainement and that's how at the age of 13 she became a trainee.
relationships /
► Mom Oh Ha ni (45) / stage director  / motherly , mature , loving , intimidating / They got a long well , when they aren't screaming at each other faces , but her dad call that i way for them to show there love . Even that they don't get a long a lot , her mom is always here for her when she need her the most , she give good advice and good hugs .
Dad Kim Joo Won (55) / english teacher / warm , loving , playful , protective / her dad and her are pretty much a like they love the same things , talk the same way , laugh the same way so they got a long pretty well , he never once got mad at her and would always support her in everything , but when he is angry he is really scary .

2th big brother  — kim sungjoon (32) / doctor /protective , loving , caring , serious , nagging  / they are like cat and mouse always judging and nagging each other , he would always critic what she is doing , he doesn't like when she get close to boy , he have that idea that his sister is still the little girl that followed him around , he can get angry at her but they would act like nothing happen the next day , he tend to call her when he hear rumors about her , he always advises her to not get a big head and to keep her feet on the earth , and always remember her from where she came 

2th Big Sister — Kim sunhee(26) / Managing Director / They have a love hate relationship , they love each other but they don't show it , they tend to fight and nag each other a lot , they are always competing about who is better at something , but they share their moments sometime when they watch a movie together or talk about boys .

1th Big Brother —  Kim Sunghoon ( 36)  / CEO  / They don't meet much , because he work out the country but when he visit it's kinda awkward because they don't know what to talk about so he start talking about school or some really old stuffs , he once even told his wife that Sunyoung was 14 when she 16 years old

1th Big sister   Kim sunah (34) / Manager / They got a long fine , but aren't that close either , they don't know what to talk about so just keep quiet , she only talk to her to ask about something she is curious about , Akoi feel sometime like her sister doesn't want her here but it's just her sister cold personality 
►Best friend — Park Nana (19) / college student / She is like her twin sister , they love the same stuffs , think the same stuffs and get a long really well , when you are with the two of them you may feel un-welcomed because it's like they are in their own world and they don't like to share t with the others . / Nana's big sister and Sunyoung sister Sunhee are child hood friend , plus they are neighbors and from the day aiko remembered Nana was always by her side they don't even remember their first interaction maybe because they were too young .
Close Friend   Kim Hanbin (19) / idol / humble , bossy , responsible ,caring , funny  / They met when she first got in as a trainee as he is one year older and had been with YG for a year more than her , she addressed him at sunbae first but they got along really easily they would sometimes tease each other and play around like little kids , he know her story and she knows his , they don't pity each other but support each other he is the perfect best friend even when he is busy he send her minimum one text a day .

►Friend — Cho Daeun (18 ) / idol / outgoing, creative, hardworking, honest / they met during trainee days and got along pretty fast as they were both big fans of Jay park , so they would dream about him together .
Members Blankspace (age varies) / idol / cheerful , loving , talented  / She got a long pretty well with each and everyone of her group members , they are like her second family .
Sunbae and Hoobae   She got a long with everyone as she make friend easily and like to hang out with everyone , so she get love and support from everyone .
triva /
her favorite season is summer
she like to play video games , big fan of Call of Duty and Fifa
she was to have two child later , one boy and one girl
► she doesn't like to be called bored
she prefer dogs to cat 
► she want to have a dog but doesn't think that she is ready for the responsability 
► at home she have 6 gold-fish , there names are ; nemo , dory , woody , buzz , little , big truck .
she can't sleep without her teddy bear
for her to focus on something she have to tear paper
she love basketball
watching old movies
kdrama addicted but never finish the whole drama
► she get bored easily 
► she will ship everyone with anyone as long as they look cute together 
 she love asian bl movies 
she is a addicted 
she can't swim 
► she love to watch animes too , her favorite one is Fairy tails 
she met chris brown once .
she is a big fan of Kim soo hyun
her ideal type is someone like SimonD or T.o.P
she is a big fan of the AOMG crew.
► she always go at least once a week after training to the park in her neighborhood  where she play one or two matches with some friends .
► she tend to play with her hair when she is bored 
► she hate just sitting down and looking at the walls with nothing to do , she want to always be active in her life no matter the moment or the day .
 she would prefer if you glare at he and talk about her in her face not fake a smile and go spreed some rumors behind her back .

//// Never trust a stranger who give you food , been there know how it end ////
STAGE NAME / Sunyoung
PLOTLINE / Sohyun + Hyuna
Position / Vocalist , Rapper , Lead Dancer +MAIN RAPPER, MAIN DANCER, FACE OF THE GROUP
TRAINEE YEARS / 5 year(s), 8 month(s)
Trainee life were like she said once " it was like hell , but after a while , hell became comfortable" , it was hard like for everyone , she had up and down moment and even if she couldn't debut she never regretted , she made sure to remember every moment , also she made really reliable friend and even if it was hard now she will be able to make her dream come true 
► rapping;; Dahyun twice
► singing;; Tzuyu twice
► dancing;; Seulgi red velvet
► variety shows:: Hani exid

//// Bounce that booty like a basketball ////
love interest /Bobby ikon
backup / Gdragon
DOB /  21/12/1995
personality / 
► He is known for his eyesmile , whenever he smiles he shows his bunny teeth . He hass a very cheerful personality and is the team's mood maker . He sill dance weird moves to show how happy he is .He is goofy and sometimes childish , he love to play and tease the other member and especial the maknae, as the younger one is always whining about how his hyung treat him. But on the other side he also has a fierce personality , he can get pretty protective and when angry he is really scary .
love story /
► They met during trainee days , they would always nag each other and tease one another they were like a dog and cat , if the two of them are in the same room they may jump at each other throat , hanbin has to always scold both of them about how childish they are acting . You would think that they hate each other to the core , it all started on the first day of Sunyoung at YG , bobby had made a really bad joke to her , when she asked him about where the practice room was he told her the exact opposite side and she got scold that's where there hate relationship started . One day Hanbin , Mino , Jiwon and Sunyoung were hanging at one of the studio talking when both Hanbin and Mino left letting the two alone ,Sunyoung was deep asleep and without meaning it she fell on his laps and kept sleeping , he didn't know how to wake her up and kept watching her for a while that's when he realized his feeling for her , after that night he started acting more nicely in a bad boy way if you know what i mean , and Sunyoung was suspicious so she screamed at him "if you are going to do something do it now" as she was referring to one of his bad joke but he just stayed quite looking at her before pushing her against the wall in kissing her , luckily there was no one around , Sunyoung pushed him confused and angry , that's when he confessed his feeling .
ending / Sunyoung kept thinking about Bobby's confession for days and didn't know what to think of it , was he joking was he not , she start seeing some stuffs on him she never noticed before like how cute and handsome he look , that's when she understood that she too feel the same about him but to today never confessed to him they became awkward friend , he would nag her if he saw her with another men and she would nag him if she saw him with another woman , it was like a love and hate relationship . 
relationship status / love- hate 
//// Find a friend that will stay even when you fart ////
final words /really excited about the idea , keep on the good work
scene reqs /
► Sunyoung and Daeun meeting Jay parl
► The girls on weekly idol
► Sunyoung on running man 
password / Taylor swift ... no just kidding , but Something like Fill in or anything close like they will be the one to fill the blank space 


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