❛ Welcome To 1Millionㅤㅤ 》SONG JONGIN


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The seeker : SONG JONGIN

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BIRTHNAME : Song Jongin

▸Jojo  — his little sister call him like that from a really young age , and it was never a bother to him .

▸Thor -- when he was younger and to now  , Thor was always his favorite avenger , he would take a toy hammer and run around the house saying that he will save the universe .

▸Mister nice -- his student would call him like that cause he is really patient and rarely get angry with them .

DATE OF BIRTH : 22 june 1992

▸ korean — fluent , native language 

▸ english — semi fluent , his step dad is British , so he learnt how to speak english from him .

HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 177 cm and 65 kg

▸ He look the same as his face claim with curly hair , rabbit teeth , amazing eyes smile and a fit and muscular body . He also have a tattoo on his back . 


PERSONALITY TRAITS : dorky , goofy  , easygoing , caring , stubborn , erted , narcissistic , bossy , kind , too nice , patient , naggy .

Live is so much funnier when you have a dirty mind  : He have the dirtiest mind among his friend , he like to tease them and always make ert joke , he is the one with the , as he like to slap and grab the other members . He is really dorky and playful but he can be quite stubborn , when he have an idea even a bad one he stick with it and won't say that he regret it later , he have a really big ego and pride .
Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind : He is the kind of person who will stop his car in the middle of the road to go help an elder cross it . He may have a blank or careless look but under all that is a really kind a big heart that love to help others
I like to be admired from afar, and then complimented up close : He love to be complimented , love to look at him self and check him self out , he is pretty soft to flattery but it doesn't mean that he would fall for you just because of a couple words .
I don't like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them : He is really loyal , he doesn't trust people easily but when he know that someone trust him he never betray them , the best quality in a human for him would loyalty . He hate cheaters .
can't say no he really need to learn to say no . he open up easily , never set boundaries, and both end up getting hurt when it comes time for him to say he've had enough.
Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'm told 'no,' then I find another way to get my 'yes.' But I'm a loyal person. : He is really REALLY bossy , he would boss everyone around and tell everyone what to do , he would get pretty angry when someone would say no to him , but he won't gave up and would make anything so the no change to a yes and most of the time that's what happen , he usually use aegyo for that .
With love and patience, nothing is impossible : That's how he like to work , everything will happen when it's time for it he never rush his student gave them their time and make sure that they are liking the session .

At the age of 19 years old , Jongin's mom , made the biggest mistake of her life , she fell in love with a married man and even worst , she slept with him and got pregnant that's when Jongin came . Not knowing what to do Jongin's mom run away from home not even telling the father and took her baby with her . They lived in misery and hard work for 5 years until his mom got a stable job , on the same year she start seeing a man , who was also a single parent with a little boy the age of Jongin , the only thing different was that the dad and son where foreigner , but they spoke korean semi fluently . When Jongin got into elementary school he didn't understand why but his mom and him moved into the foreigner man and his son's house . He understood later that his mom got remarried . Elementary school was really hard for him he got bullied a lot , because he was to nice of a kid , his step brother would always stand for him and protect him but on the second year of elementary school his step brother went back to England to his mom, he was more than just lonely at school but then a boy start talking to him and begin to become the one who stand for him , he turn out to be his best friend for life they even live together now . When he got 9 , his mother and step brother got a little girl , he got so protective over her , he would always get worried that she will get hurt , will run after her when she walk around . When he got in middle school life got easier , he had more friends , his step brother came back , it was awkward between them at first as Jongin was really mad at him for cutting contact with them but with time it got better , it was also in middle school that he grew a patient for dancing , he didn't take lesson or anything his body will just move with the music , he loved it so much it made him forget about life problems and stuffs like that . In highschool he met his father for the first time and it was really awkward as he never really was looking forward to meeting him or anything , but his father wasn't just his type , he wasn't more his type when he asked him to go and live with him . When he graduated high school he moved to Seoul with his best friend were they went to Seoul institute of arts and studied dance . At the age of 22 he came by one of the videos of 1million dance studio and totally fell in love with it , during the same year he worked with both AOMG and YG as a choreographer and back dancer , he kept following 1 million for 1 years until he got hired in . 



Likes ::

he like late night walk  : Once or twice a week , Jongin would put on his shoes a jacket and walk around the empty street .
drinking : he is the kind of person that love to go out with his friend after work to some grilling place to drink two or three cup of beer and laughs and talk about their day .
tattoo : he love tattoos he find them really interesting , he would love to get more
►  spicy food : he basically add hot sauce in everything , for him if it's not spicy it doesn't have a special taste .
dogs  : he love them so much he even plan on adopting one but his best friend hate them  
dancing : as he made dancing as a profession .
walking around with not much clothes on : his best friend always scream at him to put on some clothes but he never listen .
video games : when bored , he would grab a remote control and start playing to fifa or call of duty .

Dislikes ::

he hate the smell of smoke : but never say anything when someone smoke beside of him 
waking up too early : even if he do wake up everyday really early he hate it , but he live with it .
fake people : he would prefer if you glare at him and talk about him in his face not fake a smile and go spreed some rumors behind his back .
being told no : he hate it when someone say does two letters "no" he may get really angry but he just try her best so that no will turn to a yes like he wanted .
being bored : he hate just sitting down and looking at the walls with nothing to do .

Habits ::

► He can't sleep with the light on 
► he like to hold something while sleeping
► he drink water first thing in the morning 
► He take two shower everyday
► He bit his lips when he think or daydream 
► He play with his fingers when nervous 
► When he wake up on the morning he always find himself .

Hobbies ::

► watching tv
► sleeping
► cooking
► youtube
► shopping
► working out

Trivia ::

► he can sleep everywhere and anywhere 
► he love to take long car rides
► he have a playlist in his phone which only have ual song on it it called "voulez-vous coucher avec moi se soir ?" which means would you like to sleep with me tonight .
► He is allergic to cats 
► He listen to music to fall asleep
► he is biual
he love kdrama , but never finish it till the end .
►he can't swim 
►he love to watch animes too , his favorite one is Fairy tails 
►he have an instagram
►he have a collection of caps
►he love noodles , like he really love them
►he is the worst one at aegyo
►he like to go to photoshoot 
►he took too many selcas



RELATIONSHIPS : only include those who are important and matter to your character

▸ Mom — Park Mina (43) / teacher / motherly , over protective , jealous , bossy , caring  / 10his mom and him are pretty much a like they love the same things , talk the same way , laugh the same way so they got a long pretty well , she never once got mad at him and would always support him in everything , but when she is angry he is really scary , one they she got arrested at the police station because she beat up a man who had touched her son , the most important thing for her is her family they mean the world to him .

▸ step dad  — Mike Reynolds (45) / chef /  warm , loving , playful , protective / 9
his like a dad to him , he always treated jongin like his own son , sometime scolding him sometime playing around with him , he is really nice and they got along really well with each other .

▸ Step brother — LIam Reynolds (24) / college student /humble , bossy , responsible ,caring , funny/ 8
They were pretty close when they were young but when Liam left and came back it was pretty awkward between them but after being stuck babysitting their younger sister together they got to get closer again .

▸ Little sister  — Hana Reynolds (15) / student / athletic , dedicated , passionate , bossy , cheerful , stubborn . / 9
He is really over protective over her , he doesn't like when she show too much skin when she get too close to boys , he would always scold her and nag her and she hate that , she always scream to him to get out of her business and let her live her life freely .

▸ best friend / roommate — kim Jisoo (24) / producer, compositer /  narcissistic , bossy , possessive , outgoing , flirt  / 9
They went to the same elementary and middle school , at first Jisoo was a bully but quickly changed to a nice person after he spend some times with Jongin , he used to protect Jongin from everyone and was always by his side the only thing that was bad in it was that Jongin's step brother hated Jisoo , but Jongin consider jisoo as his closest friend .


We have a style, what's yours?

FASHION SENSE :Jongin love to wear trendy clothes , but he doesn't like flashy colors so most of the time it's pale and dark colors that he put on , he love to wear caps and sunglasses he even have a collection .

daily clothes :: 1 / 2  / 3 / 4 
practice :: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
formal :: 1 / 2 / 3


DANCE STYLE : dancing twin 



Simple questions


▸ Youtube being one of my hobbies , while watching some dancing video on youtube i came across one of one million video's and got really interested so i started watching more videos from the same studio and i fell in love with it .

Is there any 1m dancer you want to collab with/dance with : 

▸ Well let's not lie to ourself i would like to collab with mina myoung-ssi because she is a really talented girl or Junsun yoo-ssi too as you know ... he is ... well you do understand right ?


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LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name


▸ start here


▸ start here


ENDING :  here

Jinminchan : AICHA

LAST WORDS : love the idea of the applyfic 


PREDICTION : i feel like it Bongyoung



▸ none

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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