About Me (saw this and wanted t do it)

The About Me Post

^ My yukie self~



1) What's your full name? -Sophie Louise Curtis 

2) How old are you? - I'm 18 in September yay~ 

3) Would you like to build/ design your own house? - Don't mind designing but building is just a big hassle. 

4) What do you wear to bed? - Depends on the time of year, During the winter I wear long pj's trousers and long sleeved pj tops. During spring, and Autumn I wear shorts and a tank top, and during summer I literally just sleep . 

5) Do you hold grudges? - Oh I have on a few people...

6) Who was the last person to send you a text messages? - I don't text..but the last person I messaged was my friend who loves BTS - if you reading this gurl luv you~ 

7) What's your most used word? - Urm...to be honest I say so many words...but pout is used a lot or pretty. 

8) Who's your favourite comedian? -  Don't really know many Korean ones....but Park Kyung-lim and Kim Shin-Young and Lee Guk-Joo. 

9) Do you have any lucky items? - My little foxie bear, and my Crystal necklace. 

10) What's your first thought upon waking up? - "Have I woken up on time" or "Okay voice, I get it" I have days where I can't really do anything because of my mental health. 

11) What was your favourite school subject? - History

12) What was your least favourite school subject? - Science. 

13) How often do you buy new clothes? - If I am lucky once every three months...my family tend to forget about my existance. 

14) What are your weaknesses? - Anything that triggers my anxiety, loud sounds, cars, spiders, clowns...

15) How did you get your name? - My Mother named me after a Spainish female actress Sophia Loren. My father however wanted my initials to be SFC meaning Southampton Football Club...

16) How much would it cost to buy your love? - You can't buy it, just pet me on the head and call me Little Wolfie or Little One and I am yours *facepalms*

17) Have you already thought about your babies name? - To be honest I have actually.

18) Have you ever walked into a wall? - Of course how do you think I cracked my head open as a kid *laughs*

19) How long does it take you to get ready? - 10-15minutes

20) Have you ever met any celebrities? - If the famous dart player by the name of Johnny Haines counts then yes I have, on a monthly basis because he's my uncle. 

21) How long could you go without talking? - all day. 

22) What makes you angry? - Anything makes me angry...if you touch me, you go near my hair without permission, you take my things, you do something to upset me, you play pranks on me, you shout at me, you say mean things...etc.

23) Do you want a church wedding? - My family would want me to them being all religious and all...but personally I just want a simple wedding. 

24) Do you want children? - Possibly, like I do but I am scared of the pain of child birth. 

25) Do you have any scars? - I have a scar my head from me cracking it open when I was little, I have a scar on the back of my right knee from a rose bush, then another on my ankle, lots on my thigh...and a few on my face due to my anxiety as a child where I was scratch my face and gave myself a deep af scare on my cheek. 

26) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie? - It's an innie~ 

27) When did you last go to the beach? - Three years ago I believe. I hate the beach.

28) Are you ticklish? - Does a black eye and a probably few broken bones tell you the answer to that...you tickle me you die. 

29) If you could choose one celebrity to be the father of your child, who would it be? -   Kim Minseok *faceplams* never going to happen. 

30) Do you like vanilla or chocolate? - Chocolate! Sorry but yea can't give up my chocolate. Only for strawberries will I do that! 

31) Who was your first kiss? - My first kiss was stolen by a guy, who was my friends ex..he literally broke up with my friend two days before the incident happened...was terrified because he was 6ft and a rugby player and he wouldn't let go so I had to pray for help. 

32) What nicknames do you have? - A few, Little Wolfie, Sofa, Slytherin girl...

33) What's your favourite boys name beginning with the letter D? - Daniel or Drew don't know why.

34) What's your favourite actor beginning with the letter K? - Kyungsoo *giggles* don't know many actors I am afraid don't watch kdramas... 

35) What colour of your eyes? - My eye colour varies on my mood...but brown/hazel is my default but they go orange at times- used to get called vampire because of it.

36) Your ideal type? - Just a boy who is a little older and is taller than me. And isn't afraid to get called Daddy or have a little wolfie as a girlfriend. *giggles*

37) Have you ever made someone cry? - No at least not that I know of.

38) Do you correct people mistakes? - Often, if I am in an argumnet then yes definetly.

39) Have you ever given someone a handmade present? - Yes,  when I can't afford to buy things I make cookies and put them in clear pouches with ribbon and a little note. 

40) What was the last thing you ate? - a single peice of sweetcorn.


A few things there that nobody really knows the back stories of... 



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Omg you're even more pretty than me!:))!