The Most Satisfying things for an author!





WARNING: WHAT LIES AHEAD IS SAD-ISH AND MIGHT BE A BIT OVER-DRAMATIC, BUT I NEED TO TELL SOMEONE!!!!! AND there is no sentence order here. It literally is all random but please bear with me












I wanted to share somethings with people who read my Fanfics and to the world in general about myself and things I go through. Hopefully, this gets people to know me better (without being stalkers n' stuff) and mabye, just mabye, I can convince someone to start writing.

I joined AFF almost over a year now and have been in K-pop for about 3 1/2.  When I joined AFF, I loved reading peoples stuff and one day I said to myself. 

"Alyssa (my real name), You could do that. You should try it out.". So I did. I thought of a plot and posted my first ever story 'Dang it, you three'.  That story now has 205 subscribers and over 2000 views. That is amazing how many people liked my writing. I never though people would. You see, my penmanship is probably the worst you can find. I can't read my own writing. So you can guess, I didn't do good in writing class (I usaully got a C while my other grades were As). One time I even failed writing. That was in 3rd grade. Now, I am in Highschool and I have 488 people (bigger than my entire school) wasting thier time reading what I wrote. I am not trying to sound concieted. I just want to let people know what it feels like to be on an author's end (when you aren't one). But seriously a great feeling.  

I am quite insecure about, well, EVERYTHING. I am not the skinniest person nor am I the prettiest. I don't suffer from depression, but I thought so poorly of myself. I look back and realise how sad I was. I am bi and I live in a world of Die-heart Catholics. My parents aren't haters of non-straight people, but they defiently won't praise them. I can tell the way they look at couples kissing on TV and way they look at Gay couples kissing. The difference is real and I don't wanna feel like a dissapointment to them. SO I don't tell them everything (I still love my parents). SO I wanted to tell someone so that's what ^^^^^^^^ is.


Why you should Write?: 

- You should write because you can let out whatever feelings you need to get out. If you are anrgy and you know you can't yell at them, write a chapter about something bad happening. (let out the inner sadist)

- Recieving comments (they are like mini-blessings. Trust me they REALLY REALLY REALLY make my day when people comment) and upvotes and just overall subscribers is rewarding. It makes you feel useful and speacial (ily you all) 

- There is a nice feeling when you see the words COMPLETED next to a story. 


I hope that above might inspire you to write. If anyone needs anyone to talk to about ANYTHING, don't be afraid to contact me. I wanna make sure that I can keep as many people happy as I can. Whether that be listening to rants and giving adivce or writing stories for people or insperational quotes. ALSO!!! I want to find a way to thank all the people that do read my stories because I really love all of you. 











I told you t



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