용맹_V: 황하니 AMBER UNIT boi i did it

"hello everyone! it's your dawn dove, hani. i just... you guys don't know how much you all mean to me. life has never gone well for me, but you all changed that. you nutured me and gave me sunlight like i was your precious flower. you all see me as more than just a kind of pretty rapper, and i can't thank you all enough for that. you were my support through tough times and easy times, and i want to keep growing in order to make music that you all will like. i promise to be a role model for all the younger ones who watch us, and i promise to be there to support the older ones who love us. fighting!"
full name hwang hani 황하니
other names 
HWAHA & HAHA general nicknames easily made from her name. hwaha is a play on the word hwasa meaning bright because she's very warm and dazzling. haha is a play on laughter because she has a very interesting laugh and she loves to make others laugh.
DJ AEGYOZILLA & HAND FART RAP GOD okay don't laugh but... dj aegyozilla was her "underground" name ( even tho it was just the name of her soundcloud ). she figured she's really cute and a rapper who wanted to be beasty at rap, hence the aegyozilla which combines aegyo and godzilla. hwang hani is the creator and patenter of the hand fart rap™ okay, it's her trademark.
BEAGLE she's really cute and loud and fun and gullible and loving like a puppy okay.
HALMEONI hani is the resident grandma of valiant.
birthdate october twenty-second, nineteen ninety five ; eighteen years old. 
birthplace gangnam, seoul, sk
hometown gangnam, seoul, sk
ethnicity korean
nationality korean
KR native. being a native of gangnam, seoul, hani speaks standard korean. although, her dad is from daegu and speaks to her in satoori, so she sometimes mixes it into her standard korean.
CHN semi-fluent. hani speaks pekingese mandarin, the dialect spoken in urban beijing, having lived there for three years with her mother.
EN advanced. on top of schooling, which stressed english, hani and her mom spent two years living in melbourne, australia.
JPN conversational. when hani and her dad took vacations, they'd often go to japan. they've been all over the country, from hokkaido to okinawa, at least two trips per year, so her japanese is pretty good.
face claim choi yoojung of ioi
backup face kang mina of ioi / gugudan
height & weight one hundred fifty eight cm & forty six kg
lingerings of baby fat on her rosy cheeks, round lips, long eyelashes. silky brown hair that reaches to her chest, front bangs that creep just past her eyebrows. a smile that can make flowers grow. she's a bit chubbier than other girls, but that's okay, she's still cute with full thighs and stubby fingers.
first impression 
she's gentle, like a springtime breeze rustling the cherry blossoms on the branch. soft, unsure, soothing, she's distant yet familiar.
fashion sense 

everyday femininity / sweeter than sugar / blush and creme

onstage / whatever the coordis want / shes defenseless against them

oversized sweaters / girl-next-door / exercise makes her blue

character traits 

LOVE OF YOUR LIFE warm, scintillating, bohemian, mirthful.
patient, peace-loving, GIRL ON THE STREET  awkward, puppy-like.
timid, aloof, absentminded, impulsive, troublesome, delicate. BANE OF YOUR EXISTENCE

she smells like home. like open arms and warm tea, like a soft blanket and a shoulder to rely on. she's incredibly kind, always willing to help others out and treat others when able. hani is the friend you can always rely on, the kind who will haul across a city to take care of you when sick, the kind who helps the elderly cross the street and carry groceries, the kind to turn things into the lost and found, the kind who does things without expecting something in return. even though she doesn't look it, hani is very clever, saying and doing things that are often unexpected. incredibly creative, she always finds fun and better ways to respond to mundane situations. a little quirky, a little whimsical, hwang hani is a free-spirit. she holds a childlike wonder that helps her see the good in the world. she wants to live her life the way she wants, and values freedom and art. she tries to live without regrets, to savor each little moment of every day. hani questions authority far too much because she's not a huge fan of being controlled. vivacious and enthusiastic, hani is a born entertainer. amusing in the small ways, she'll make you chuckle at her sincerity or at her witty one-liners.

hwang hani could honestly wait forever. maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but she has incredible patience. she can put up with mean jokes or out-of-hand pranks with a level head and a calm smile. she listens intently when someone struggles to communicate with her, she has no qualms in explaining something multiple times. to her, the world is beautiful when everyone can live in harmony. when everyone's needs are met and there's no conflict, hani is at peace. that being said, she tries incredibly hard to keep everyone happy in order to maintain that harmony. she's hyper and fun, and almost always wants to play. hani can turn even a mundane task like vaccuming into a one person dance party. a bit mischevious, hani enjoys very lame harmless pranks like hiding the spoons in the cupboard or switching someone's shampoo with their body wash. she thinks it's hilarious too even though her ideas of pranks are, at most, minor inconveniences. very trusting, hani will believe just about anything people tell her, which is why she's always questioning people to be honest. too many times has she actually believed that someone was colorblind when they weren't, so she's always saying "really?", "are you for sure?" to keep herself from looking too dumb. she is valiant's resident no jam grandma, the one who takes whats cool and immediately makes it uncool. hani often feels nervous in social settings, which can lead to horrificly bad jokes and word vomit. all her life she's struggled with decoding social nuances like how to start conversations and what is okay to have conversations about. hani lacks flow in regular conversation, and talking to her is almost always like rough wagon ride on a bumpy road.

hwang hani, despite being warm and kind and energetic, is not one to open up around people. she comes off as being unapproachable by others because she always seems to separate herself from a group and keep to herself. it's not anyone else's fault, she's just really bad at talking to people and doesn't know what to say to them. when she's around new people, or a group of people, grows dry and her muscles tense up. it takes a while for hani to get comfortable with someone, and for the first year of her training, everyone thought she hated them because she would never talk to anyone. it's really hard for hani to stay focused on something unless it is all-immersive. she's rather flighty, spacing out, daydreaming while looking out the window, always misplacing something and spinning around trying to find it. if something doesn't grab her attention or if it's something she couldn't care less about, hani will stare off into space thinking about interesting things like laser shooting kittens on rockets. hani does things without thinking of the consequences, or without thinking at all. eventhing is about reactions with hani, if someone pops out and scares her, she'll hit them. if she wants to climb onto a roof, then she will. her mannerisms, her exciteable nature, her slightly rebellious spirit, her ditzyness, all the little things about her can grow incredibly annoying when used on the wrong person or delivered at the wrong time. sometimes people are just annoyed by how nice she is, sometimes they're tired of her laugh. hwang hani is just trying her best, and when her best isn't good enough, she gets really hurt. she has a tender heart, a heart that just wants everyone to get along, a heart that loves everyone wholly.
her mother works as a reknowned choreographer who owns her own dance studio located in hongdae. she has worked with various entertainment labels to create dances for incredibly popular songs both in korea and china. hani's father is a chef who owns his own contemporary restaurant in hongdae that specializes in adding modern twists to korean classics. they divorced when hani was nine because of how much her mother traveled for work. she was mostly raised by her father since her mother traveled so much, and became a poster child for the restaurant. the divorce process lasted an entire year, and ended with hani's mom getting primary custody because "raising children is a woman's job". hani's father was heartbroken, naturally, because that meant he would hardly be able to see his daughter. and because she traveled with her mom, she really only saw her dad on long breaks and holidays.

her mother is someone who's more like a friend than a parent, easygoing and disliking to sweat the small stuff, she pretty much gave hani free reign of herself. on the other hand, her father was much stricter and wouldn't dream of letting hani do half the her mom enabled. he feels like she's a poor role model for hani with her "irresponsible" and "childish" mindset.

when hani was twelve, she and her mom moved to beijing as a result of her mother being hired as a choreographer and a freelance dance instructor at yuehua entertainment. she attended a foreign school, but spent a lot of time studying mandarin. school had always been terribly hard for hani, and getting older only met things getting more difficult. while her father would reprimand her for her low marks and tell her to work harder, her mother didn't so much as bat an eye. 

at age fourteen, the mother and daughter duo also moved from beijing to australia because her mother wanted to establish a branch of her dance studio there. they spent two years there, and hani's english skills improved rapidly. age fifteen, and mother moves back to korea and allows hani to stay with extended family and attend school in australia. her father is furious. her mother focuses on the korean branch of her dance studio, working with pledis entertainment as a freelance choreographer.

if asked when she realized she wanted to be an idol, she would respond with "isn't it natural?". her mother had worked in the entertainment industry for more than twenty years, and hani was exposed to music and arts from a young age, so it only made sense she would pursue music. at first, she focused on dancing but she didn't want to live in her mother's footsteps, so she went with rapping, forming her own soundcloud at the age of fourteen. she was terrible at first, seriously, her soundcloud was littered with bubblegum rap trash. but she slowly began improving.

she told her parents she wanted to be an idol when she was fifteen. her mother supported her, and would've been more surprised if hani had no interest in the entertainment industry. her father was furious and disappointed because he believed the entertainment industry to be nothing more than a selfish and superficial field that tore his family apart and prevented him from seeing his daughter, which, in his defense, was totally true.

at the age of sixteen, hwang hani had finally returned to korea, and her mother had her audition for pledis entertainment. at age seventeen, hwang hani dropped out of high school with the excuse of focusing on her training. the reality was that it was far too hard for her, far too much. she couldn't do what the others students did, work and pay attention and get good grades, because she was too different. she didn't know how, but she felt like she wasn't like them. her school counselor even said that hani had virtually no chance of getting into a university with her trasncript and grades, so she decided dropping out would be her best choice.

her father was so upset that he cried when she told him. he called her a disappointment and blamed her behavior on her mother and on hani's vapid dreams of being a famous musician.
FENG LIQIN · fifteen · valiant's blooming princess
zone out sisters, liqin is hani's loveable granddaughter. seeing them laugh together is honestly a bit of an experience because they both have unique laughs and they both laugh really hard at things? hani likes liqin and thinks she's precious. they're both a bit spacey and on the not very open side, so they find comfort in one another. hani admires liqin's dancing and she loves dancing with liqin just so she can marvel in how great the young one is. they both have trouble staying still, so they don't judge each other for it.

feng liqin is probably the first person hani considered a friend since she was eleven.

LAYNA JI YOUNGAE · seventeen · valiant's dancing flame
hani wants to be her friend, but she doesn't know how to. she looks at layna in both awe and intimidation because she's such a beagle but she's also too cool for hani.

they could be good friends, at least hani thinks so. all she really needs to do is talk to layna.

VALIANT · bamfs · pledis' princesses
it's weird. like really, really weird. hwang hani isn't used to being around so many people, so she sticks to the sidelines to watch and admire them for their beauty and talent. she feels like she doesn't belong, but she wants to, she just doesn't know how. she thinks going solo would be better for her because everyone already has great chemistry with one another and she'd just throw off the balance. the fact that they love her is weird to her. it's nice, it's what she's always wanted, but she never actually expected it to happen.

valiant loves her, and she loves valiant.
RAP-STHETIC rather than trying to be a "hard" rapper, hani wants to be a rapper who can express all of her feelings from loneliness to fluttery feelings. her strong points are the surprising simplicity of her lyrics and the unpretentiousness of her works. in the rap community, she was often burshed aside as some pretty girl who can't rap, so she decided to embrace her "prettiness" and incorporate it into her rap style.
LIKES wordplay, art museums, being addressed as 'our', symbolism, analysis, conspiracy theories, super villains, harmony, the little things, plants, cool socks, soft and gentle things, pretty journals, alone time, game shows, tea.
DISLIKES pretentiousness, people who say hip hop can't be cute, chaos, people who are rude and mean for no reason, hate comments, group chats omg, people being disappointed in her, being called chubby, being told she has no jams.
HOBBIES bullet journaling, daydreaming, online shopping, baking, doodling, visiting museums, analsying everything in both a serious and fake-deep way, watching conspiracy theory videos, writing thank you letters, hanging out with her mom, collecting cool things from thrift stores in the countries she visits, knitting.
HABITS fidgeting, painting her nails and then messing up the polish she just painted, asking people if they need help, laughing with her uvula visible, stress eating, buying stationery, picking nail polish off her fingers, "disappearing" and then reappearing at random times, going from completely deadpan to a hyper mess in .002 seconds, carrying candy in her purse, having a medicine cabinet in her purse, going to bed early, making and drinking tea, swaying.
BUJO in order for hani to keep track of all the things she needs to do ( she's really trying to remedy her absentmindedness ), she bullet journals. a very colorful and interactive type of organization. it pairs as a planner, calendar, to-do list, diary, and sketchbook all in one. she keeps her little doodles, her to-do lists, ideas, and song lyric inspirations in her journal.
HANDWRITING has really, really pretty handwriting.
TEA hani loves loose leaf tea with fancy, fruity flavors. flavors like raspberry limeade tea, blackberry mojito green tea, youthberry white tea, anything that sounds exotic and fruity. she has a cute little pink tea brewer and drinks about eight cups of tea a day. hani likes her tea iced rather than scalding hot, so she'll have it over ice.
HANI-STHETICS filling up a solo stage with quiet yet powerful energy, a secret garden, picked flower petals laying on grass, the gentle breeze of a fan during summer, trying to supress laughter with a friend at four am, throwing winks, shoujo heorines, straddling the line between introversion and extroversion, balance in the universe.
SPECIALTIES wordplay, witty one-liners, languages, hand fart raps, three verse poems, calligraphy, interior decorating, expressions.
EXPRESSION QUEEN practiced her expressions a lot whenever she could as a trainee. she can move her facial features freely and is known for her great reactions and expressions when performing.
LAUGH laughs like kara's youngji.
HEUNG when thrown into a situation with multiple beagle-people, hani freezes and is both terrified and overjoyed. scared because they're so loud and open and what if they touch her and overjoyed because everyone is so funny and happy it makes her feel good.
SOFT hani seems to disappear at times becuase of how quiet she is. when she's not bouncing everywhere, almost everything about her is as quiet as a mouse from her presence, her footsteps, her voice. in school, whenever she would speak up, no one would be able to hear her unless she was shouting.
CHUB hani used to be an overweight child, but she lost a lot of weight from ages fourteen to sixteen through dieting and dancing.
THE GRANDMA FRIEND hwang hani is the grandma friend. everything makes her tired, she'd rather sleep than go out and have fun, she does old fashioned things like writing thank you letters, she knits and bakes for pete's sake.
SHAWL the first thing she's ever knitted was a cream colored shawl and wears it all the time around the building and dorms.
AEGYO HOLE isn't a fan of aegyo and claims that it's physically impossible for her to be cute. everyone else says that she has a lot of natural aegyo, like the way she'll gently sway while she's sitting or standing, and the way she throws out winks left and right.
SOLO hani expected to debut as a soloist instead of in a group, and such a large one like valiant. she contemplates pulling a zayn and leaving the group to pursue a solo career so she can have more control over her music, though as long as pledis doesn't try to stifle her artistic creativity, she'll be happy enough to stay. is the member that spends time during comebacks working on solo activities like songs and music events.
NO FRIENDS hani never made many friends when she was younger. she was always shy, and she figured there was no point because she'd simply move away in two to three years, which made her even more shy and painfully awkward.
IDOLS she really likes old kpop groups like ses, g.o.d, fin.k.l, seo taiji and the boys. but she absolutely positively loves clazziquai project because it was her father's favorite group and she grew up on them. dj clazzi is very much an influence on the type of music she likes to produce.
HUMANITARIAN enjoys volunteering at animal shelters and homeless shelters, and she enjoys visiting nursing homes, hospitals, and orphanages.
DROPOUT she dropped out of high school in her third year so she could focus on training. school has always been something that has been really difficult to her, she could do things like make posters and drawings but when it came to seemingly simple assignments like writing essays or doing math problems, she'd be redouced to a crying mess because she couldn't do it. she was always very daydreamy in school, deemed an underachiever by her teachers. even though she's a nice gal, she never had many friends because she can't wrap her head around the nuances of social interactions, she could never decode the subtleties of the girl world.
ATTENTION DEFECIT hani has adhd, the main reason why she struggled so much in school. it is currently undiagnosed.
HWANG HANI'S WISHES she wishes to experience life at a very deep level, make music that many people can enjoy, to have her own room, to spend a warm winter with her family, live a month without having to worry about finances, and be able to give money to her parents.
PARENTS her mother's name is park haru while her father's name is hwang johnny. her name is a combination of her parent's ha-ni ( ny ). her dad is furious with her mother for letting hani do whatever she wanted and for whisking her all around and preventing him to spend time with her.
OCKTABBANG post-debut, hani's mom rents out an ocktabbang, a rooftop room, so she can work on producing music. hani absolutely loves it. it's above a convenience store close to the dorm.
PD-NIM writes and compose her own songs. 
                "fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on you again for taking
                 advantage of my kind and trusting heart."
                "if it wasn't for physics and law enforcement, i'd be unstoppable."
                "well... at the moment, i'm making tea."
                "love is a neurochemical con-job."
                "change is inevitable. except from a vending machine."
                "as a child, my parents told me i could be anyone i wanted. turns out, that's called
                 identity theft."
                "the risk i took was calculated but man, am i bad at math."
                "i love you. despite the warning signs."
                "god can't help us now."
stage name hani ; nothing special, just her name.
stage persona the dawn dove ; a dove is also someone who's known advocating peace while dawn is, symbolically, a creation, the unconscious broadening into consciousness and hani wants to create music.
17 student no one. she was actually assigned to mentor one of the boys, but she turned down the offer because she felt she wasn't skilled enough to actually teach anyone anything.
fanclub name hatoful boyfriends ; fanmade. hatoful boyfriend is a popular dating sim in which a human girl attends bird school, school for birds, and can date and fall in love with the many handsome birds out there. because hani is know for being the girl who jumped straight from a shoujo manga, her fans equate her to the heroine of a dating sim and they're all her boyfriends.
fanclub color #e0ccd1 ; its a pretty color that's easy on her grandma eyes.
position m rap, dance ( m rap, vocal )
vocal twin junghwa ( heize )
dance twin wheein ( solar )
rap twin kisum ( jimin )
speaking / english twin hani ( kisum )
training years 
three years, 2012-2015
training experience 
because her mom was working with pledis as a choreographer, hani got a bit of special treatment. other staff members were notably nice to her, they weren't as harsh on her when it came to dieting, nothing too shockingly huge. however, some trainees doubted her talent and would trash talk her after noting that trainers were nicer to her. she really didn't have many friends among the trainees or many people to talk to until one day, feng liqin asked how she was doing. but really, hani was used to spending time by herself, so she would usually just write songs or dance in her spare time.

hani would doubt her own skill too, wondering if it was her hard work or her mother that got her so far. on the positive side, it pushed hani to constantly work on improving herself in order to be confident in her skills and make everyone recognize them.
how did you join pledis? 
"i auditioned." i spoke. the interviewer looked like they wanted a response with more substance. did i do something wrong? i hope they're not upset with me. what else could i say? my mother probably played a role in me getting accepted? i think?
valiant is rumored to consist of pledis's best female trainees; how do you feel about this? 
if valiant is supposed to be for the best, why am i here? "um... i don't think i should be in it then." the words barely come out of my mouth at first, and the interviewer gives me a look that says speak up. i repeat myself, with twice as much force. they stare at me. my face feels hot, i wish they'd stop. i pick at the nail polish remaining on my nails, flaky and peeling.
did you ever think you were going to debut?
if i wouldn't have debuted under pledis, i would've simply gone indie. "hm, eventually." different means to the same end. i could feel myself growing restless, having to sit still for so long. i fidgeted with my hands as my body swayed mindlessly in my seat.
who are you closest to in the pledis family, seventeen included?
"feng liqin?" were we close? "wait, am i allowed to say that? ah, what if she gets mad at me because she doesn't see us a friends?" i bowed in my seat. "i'm sorry, i'm not..."
what activities do you aspire to do outside of valiant?
"solo songs?" i never thought of much else. i don't think i'd make a good variety host... maybe i can be on a web drama? "i'd like to go on hello counselor."
where do you think you'll be in fifteen years?
"in fifteen years i'll be making music on my own in my ocktabbang and i'll spend a warm winter with my family and not have to worry about rent." wow this was the most awkward moment of my life, i never want to do this again.
"is that a smouldering look or is he glaring at me?"
spoiler alert : it's both.
love interest woozi 우지
backup love interest jeonghan

hardworking, candid, reliable, conscientious
caustic, snarky, awkward, aloof, cold


woozi, at the beginning, was one of the many trainees who weren't very fond of hani. it wasn't the he despised her, he found how much everyone talked about her to be more than mildly irritating because why talk about someone you don't even like? why pay attention to them? "can you stop talking about her if you don't like her?" woozi barked at a group of noisy trainees who were interrupting his scared creative process. he was tired of hwang hani and he hadn't even met her yet.

one day, as he was walking around outside the pledis practice building, ready for another day of hard woozi work, he was stopped and approached by an english-speaking foreigner, asking him how to get to the subway station. wooz, bless his heart, tried to speak english, but it resulted in a soft voice and repeating "what?" and "i'm sorry...". woozi and the stranger were growing frustrated and flustered with one another.

out from no where he hears perfect english, ( not really perfect but he'll be damed if he can spot the difference ), and a girl shorter than him helped the stranger with their problem and sent them on their way. woozi could only stare at her as she entered the practice building without saying a word to him.

was she pretentious? was she a ? did she even see him? thoughts raced through woozi's mind. he decided not to think about it.

their next encounter was on a rainy day. woozi was standing by the entrace, getting his umbrella ready with a girl who looked vaguely awfully familiar. she struggled with her umbrella, trying to get it to extend. he offered to help, he felt bad for her. as soon as he moved closer to her, the umbrella extended and hit him full force in the crotch. the wind was knocked out of woozi and he almost toppled to the ground.

"goodness, are you alright?"
"do i look alright?"
"good point."

he slid down onto the floor in pain, and she stayed by his side, apologizing and offering him a sip of her water, telling him she had painkillers if he needed it, mentioning that she had bandages.

"i'm hwang hani, by the way, i'm really really sorry."
"it's... fine. i'm lee jihoon."

and after recieving a critical hit to the nads from her umbrella, and getting a good look at her chubby face and hearing her soft voice apologize over and over again, woozi developed a bit of a soft spot for hani.

dec 2013 / jan 2014

lee jihoon had a soft spot for hwang hani, something that didn't go unnoticed by the obnoxious guys he called his friends. they about it relentlessly because finally the vicious and sassy woozi was tamed by a cute girl.

"you guys can be like... a cute grandma and a cranky, angry grandpa."
"i'll seriously kick your ."

he doesn't know which one of those bastards did it, pushed him into her as they saw her walking past. he doesn't know which one of them is laughing as he falls into her arms like a romantic heroine. he doesn't know why his heart is beating so fast as she caught him and stared at him with a concerned face. 

"um, are you alright jihoon?"
"uh, yeah."
"um... alright then. goodbye."
"yeah, uh, bye."

eventually, woozi gained up the courage to approach her and attempted to hold a conversation with her that lasted longer than five minutes. she was more than a bit surprised, but really happy because she wanted to talk with him more but just... didn't know how to speak. they talk, and he slowly finds himself admiring her, like how she always offers to help people and how well she can put up with his sassiness like it was nothing.

but of course he couldn't just tell her that, so he'd mask his admiration and soft spot for her by being extra sassy and a bit cold. if she'd look at him, he'd look away. she would ask him for feedback on her work, and he'd say everything so bluntly that it bothered her, but she'd realize that his criticism was constructive and actually very helpful.

she'd furrow her brows as she listened to him, examining each area he pointed out. maybe it's that, he wondered, she does the same thing when someone accuses her of stealing the last fry or slice of pizza. maybe it was her smile.

he'd get frustrated with her sometimes, wondering why she couldn't realize that maybe he was interested in her. "you have to tell her in order for her to know." like that'd ever happen. instead, he pokes fun at her with calloused words. and she amuses him when she laughs. they spend a lot of time together, something that just happened naturally because they both dance and the both compose.

sometimes she wouldn't see him for days as he locked himself away to work on songs, and she didn't mind that. occasionally she'd check up on him and make sure he was still alive. she'd bring whatever sweet she baked, cookies or brownies or cupcakes, for him. she was so nice, why was she so dense? did he have to wear a giant neon sign on his forehead that said attention hwang hani : i may or may not have a itsy bitsy crush on you? he already took as much care of her as he could without seeming suspcious, organizing her stuff, telling her to focus when she started daydreaming, telling her to not pick at her nails, what more could she want?

they're friends. woozi may or may not have a crush on her, and hani may or may not return his feelings.

love story 
hani isn't sure what they are. she thinks they're friends but then again she doesn't want to assume anything and be wrong. woozi appraoches her and talks to her, but he's also pretty cold. she's blissfully unaware of the emotion turmoil he's going over because he just can't spit it out.

she likes him, she thinks. maybe it's because she likes mean and snarky guys deep down. maybe it's because he looks so cute but his personality is such a stark contrast to his image that it intrigues her. hani doesn't think about it much, she doesn't know how to process the information in her mind and she always ends up getting distracted when she tries to think about it.

he's mad at her. it's four am, he needs to write a song, but he keeps thinking about her. he can't remember his own name or the last time he took a shower or eaten in the past twenty-four hours but he can remember everything about her. about the bars and lyrics to the chorus of the song she was composing and showed him, about how her hands look around knitting needles, about how cute she looks in her stupid cute shawl. he just wishes she was there so he can... he's not exactly sure. he just wants to be with hani because she has a soothing presence and will most likely save him from the brink of madness.

"jihoon?" holy , was he actually going mad? "jihoon, are you in there?"
"uh yeah."
holy , now she's actually inside his studio. is this a dream?
"i didn't know if you'd be up still but i, um, wanted to check up on you. and i brought you food just in case you were."
she's looking around his studio, trying to avoid his face, and he's staring at his screen trying to avoid her face.
"hey jihoon?"
"what is it?"
"can you play the guitar for me?"
"it's four am, go to sleep." he wants to play the guitar for her, he wants an excuse for her to stay longer, is she hoping for the same thing?
"oh... alright then—"
"geez, you're so persistant. if you insist."

he can't help but get jealous when she's nice to the other svt members. like when jun acts greasy towards her and she lets out a robotic laugh, or when when dk takes random candid photos of her. woozi gets cold, prickly, gives hani the cold shoulder but literally cannot admit to himself or the other svt members that he likes her, so they keep on talking to her. they about it all the time and he always gets so flustered.

"i would never like her, stop!"
hani's mind is just one long serious of question marks and woozi is cursing the day he was born because of course she had to be right there, listening. he can't read the look on her face. pain? anguish? heartbrokeness? is that a word, woozi? she leaves. oh god she's leaving!

in hani's mind ; hm? oh, they seem to be talking about something serious, i should leave before things get awkward.

he runs after her, worrying that she's seriously hurt and crying her eyes out. he finds her eating candy from her purse and looking down at her journal, look at what you did to that poor girl lee jihoon, she's obviously in tears because of your insensitivity and stubborness.

"no, uh, noona. i didn't—i just got really flustered because i like you and i just panicked. i didn't plan on confessing this, like, ever, but i don't wanna lose you. please don't hate me, noona."
"where did this come from? jihoon are—are you crying?"
"no—yes! shut up!"
"jihoon, why would i hate you?"
"did... did you not hear anything i said to the guys?"
"no, i wasn't really paying attention. was it important?"

woozi wants to cry. and laugh. and scream in frustration, but he feels good. he feels a weight lifted from his heart and mind and body and soul.

"wait, you like me jihoon?"
"i'm not telling you."
"lee jihoon!"

tl ; dr two awkward people being awkward with their feelings. someone please help them.
the end 
hopefully someone helps these kids spit it out okay. just imagine the cuteness potential. he messages her at the most ungodly hours of the night and its like a long message about his day or his thoughts or how he feels about her. like, she knits cute matching phone straps for them if they ever get phones rip and he loves them so much but he'd never admit that.

he can't even hug her in the presence of others because it makes him feel so embarrassed and all the svt members laugh at him but she respects his comfort level and only initiates skinship when they're alone or he asks. like imagine him having to ask omg.

and he just sticks out his hand and she's like ??
"h-hold my hand. dummy."

and he'd only refer to her as "noona" in really serious or intimate situations to make it all the more special. imagine them making mixtapes that express their feelings for one another and giving them to each other on their like anniversary. and he'd want her to wear his sweaters but she'd say they'd cramp her style. but sometimes she'll stop by his studio to check up on him wearing one of his sweaters and his heart almost stops. and when lil woozi is tired, like really really tired, he sleeps on her like on her shoulder or in her lap.

imagine minggyu giving her a piggy back ride and woozi not talking to him for like three days. imagine them just going on walks either outside or around the pledis building just so they can be together. holy , imagine woozi worrying about if he's a good enough bf and telling hani that she deserves better than him but hani just shakes her head and tells woozi how grateful she is to have him.
love statement 
lover boy & love mode by clazziquai project
very nice by seventeen 
grandma & grandpa
smoll & smoller
comments omg i was gonna deadass suggest feedback as an amber unit song but yall already DID THAT *clap emoji* also i get vague and artsy the later it gets lmao i am a mess.
questions its like 3 am.............. i did 90% of this in like seven hours....
also gasp what flower would hani be??? i love liqin and her flowers shes the cutest.
concerns kill me
scene reqs 
HOLIDAYS valiant x svt spending holidays together, like christmas and chuseok bc they're busy training but they still make time for celebrations with each other. like, some of the girls and some of the dudes set up a christmas tree in the practice room using an air freshener tree and putting tiny presents for one another under it. and when everyone else walks in their so happy that some of them start crying while others are just speechless and they just spend the day surrounded by warmth and love and appreciation for one another as they exchange gifts ( bonus points if someone makes them wear ugly christmas sweaters ). and for chuseok like man, man. they gather in the practice room bc its big enough for all of them lmao and then they have a feast with cheap convenience store food and break their diets but who cares bc its the holidays!!!!!
FIREWORKS everyone watching fireworks together and having cute, fluffy moments with one another.
FAMILY PHOTOS valiant taking cheesy family photos.
PROMISE valiant getting promise rings for their hundreth day anniversary.
JIHOON-AH woozi getting so stressed out that he gets like physically ill and grandma hani taking care of him and making him tea and wrapping him up in her shawl and making sure he's warm and forbidding him from working until he recovered.
X-MEN woozi and hani reading x-men comics together ( bc comic books are better than movies ). bonus points if hani got it for woozi as a gift and he secretly keeps it in his studio so he always has a memento of her.
MUSIC LOVERS hanoozi sharing the music they like with one another. like they're sitting super close, knees tangled together, thighs almost touching while hani puts an earbud in his ear and shows him clazziquai project and she's just gushing about how much she loves dj clazzi's music and how much he influences her and woozi's just staring at her bc watching her speak about it is so captivating.
OPERATION : HELP HANI valiant members trying to help hani overcome her shyness and awkwardness.
HUMANITARIAN HANI hani volunteering at places like nursing homes, homless shelters, orphanages, and pet shelters.
TEA hani brewing tea for the valiant girls on a chilly autumn night.
SHE'S HERE hani getting her period a bit earlier than usual while she's with woozi. he freaks out and thinks she's dying before spriting to the conveniece store to buy feminine care products. he doesn't know whether to buy pads or tampons so her buys both.
PROTECTIVE a male trainee trying to pester hani into a date with him, literally having her stuck in a corner with her back against the wall and hani's stuttering and turning red because she doesn't know what to say. woozi is furious because that's his maybe crush and he like pulls her away but before he can say anything, the valiant girls drag the out of random male trainee.
V( ALIANT ) APP hani doing a valiant v app stream and it's just her shopping for tea and yarn.
CHRISTMAS MIRACLE hani knitting individualized christmas sweaters for members of valiant and seventeen. the fronts have the respective group members in christmas attire ( valiant as santas and seventeen as reindeer ) with each member's name and unit on the back. she draws the members by hand in a cute doodle style and turns into a knitting patern using a graphic chart.
DATE woozi planning a romantic, late autumn picnic date beneath the maple trees for hani only everything goes completely wrong. some kids run by and step all over the food he laid out, a stray dog pees on the picnic blanket, a bird poops on his shoulder. when hani finally arrives, they're greeted by the first snowfall of the year, an early snowfall. woozi wants to jumpoff a cliff, but hani just takes him to a conveniece store to buy some food and then back to his studio. she brews warm tea for them and they sit close together and woozi plays guitar for her.
VALIANT'S HANI GETS EMOTIONAL TALKING ABOUT SCHOOLING ppssibly post-debut, hani talks about how she dropped out of high school because it was so hard for her, and how her father called her a disappointment. she starts sobbing and everyone moves in to hug her.
password (ゝ。∂)


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why do i keep coming back to this--


"is that a smouldering look or is he glaring at me?"
spoiler alert : it's both.

this gets me every time i read it : ' )
she's so cute what the heck
this is the cutest thing ive ever seen i am DECEASEDT