Mini vaca

I know I'm late but these past two days and last Wednesday have been nothing but fun. Last Wednesday we stayed at this hotel and it was nothing but relaxation and swimming. My cousin came home for a break from camp so we decided to take a day just to have fun away from the house. He ends up going back to camp the next day because of working there but he went back with a nice surprise for them. He came to me when he came home and said "can you dye my hair me and some of my friends are dying our hair?" I agreed and didn't think anything about it. Well let's just say he chose my favorite color, blue. I have never worked with anything other then black and blonde, so it was a little challenge for me. First I had to bleach his hair and then due it and I'm thankful it came it better than I expected. Sunday and yesterday I got to spend time with family. Sunday we went to the crayola experience and let's just say I felt like a big kid in the toy store. Most people that know me knows I love to color so being there was fun for me, and yes I made two crayons with my name on them. Yesterday, happy late 4th of July, I went to a family cookout and found out I'm a brides maid for my one cousins wedding and I got to meet her fiancé for the first time, and on top of that I found out another cousin is getting married and my aunt is getting married. So many weddings and I'm the only one not getting married and single :( too much going on. I am glad to be back but not sure if I will be reading as much as I normally do but I will do some reading. I everyone has a rockin summer and don't forget to have lots of fun.


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Happy 4th! Well late from ehere <3