✴ 별빛 : Vocals + Annie ✴

Goo Jin-ah 
Vocals — whateverL — 10/10
FULL NAME — Goo Jin-ah
— Regan Goo - english name 
— Annie / Anne - Her english name is pronounced Reyg-ANNE
— Reggie, Oregano, Reg-o, Reganomics, Regsie, Regasaurus - her friends would make up a lot of nicknames for her
BIRTHDAY & AGE — October 12th, 1994 & 21 (international), 23 (Lunar and Solar calenders in Korea)
ETHNICITY — korean - american
BIRTHPLACE & HOMETOWN — Bucheon, South Korea & Bucheon and Boston, NY, US
— English [native] 
— Korean [fluent]
FACE CLAIM & BACKUP —  Vivi Weng & Byeon Jeongha
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 163cm & 47kg
APPEARANCE — Jin-ah has a slender body with long legs. Her face is in an oval shape and has a dimple on her right cheek. She looks older than her age and her face is not a typical korean one that's why she doesn't really fit in korean girl groups and hasn't debuted yet. Also has a tattoo on her left shoulder.
STYLE — Jinah's style is a mix between popular fashion items like crop tops and mom jeans and second hand looking loose grandma clothes. Her go to items are a maxi skirt with a loose shirt or a flowy dress. In her everyday life Jinah doesn't wear high heels. She sticks to her black sandals or a pair of sneakers.
 Regan has been aloof with people ever since 3rd grade. She used to be very cheerful and happy but her life turned 180 degrees making her close up to the world. She was getting really badly bullied in the 5 years before high school and took the bullying to heart and has been on defence mode ever since, which means that she doesn't talk to anybody and nobody talks to her that way she avoids confrontations. This girl never goes up to people to introduce herself, she always stays calmly and alone at the side of the room and doesn't speak much. Some people find her calm way of approaching things annoying but honestly she couldn't care less. In her opinin everyone has their own truth and is entitled to it, that doesn't mean that she has to agree with it.
There have been people that actually tried to get to know her and have gained an awesome and true friend. Once you get her to like you (which isn't that hard, you just have to be nice to people and not be a complete , that's it) her stone wall becomes thin ice and you realise that the water under it isn't so cold after all. 
Regan likes to act like the unni, even though she doesn't admit to it. She is very caring to the people around her and likes to take care of them. She treats them meals, listens and gives personal advices, actually takes care of her people when they are sick. 
She's very passionate about things and tries achieve her goals no matter how long it takes her. Music has become a part of her and doesn't even count as an interest anymore but fashion, and painting and photography and filmography do. She likes being busy so she has taken up a lot of things. She's very artsy-fartsy as you can see from her interests. It brings her joy knowing that she created someting that might spark a discussion or make someone feel something.
On the inside Jinah is very competetive. She really likes being good and getting praised but tries not to show it since it can backfire. Not being the best motivates her to try harder and work a lot more but she is a person that loves her break. In her 21 years of life she has figured out that taking a break once in a while is just as important as working hard.
Jin practices and works very hard on her craft but forgets that she can ask for help when she can't deal with things. She tries to work everything out by herself and be as independent as possible. It's not that she doesn't like to work with people it's the opposite actually, for her working with people is one of the most enjoyable things ever  but her ideas and projects are very out of the ordinary and most times creepy so the first thing she usually hears is a rejection, that's why she never reveals them until she has everything done or figured out.
Even though she is quiet she's also very dominant. When she was assigned in a group project in school she would break out of her quiet, nerdy, aloof girl image and become the group's leader. Jin-ah always has a plan and really likes things going her way. She would assign different parts to the other students in her group so work can be done faster but plans never work out the way that we imagine. She worked with 4 different groups in 4 of her high school years and every group was different but similar at the same time. These excersizes helped her lern ways to persway people into agreeing with her while making them think it was their idea.
On stage she is almost not herself. The moment the lights hit her face and she hears the first notes of the song her confidence boosts up with 80%. It's as if the song possesses her. She sings like she means everything she's saying and is speaking on behalf of the song. It's not evident to everybody because it's not a character switch, she doesn't go from quiet and reserved to loud and wild she rather gets an aura change. Her aura changes from calm to passionate and gives off a sense of strength and joy and that affects people around her positively as well.
TL;DR — 
(+) passionate, caring, hard worker, good listener, accepting, broad minded
(=) intovert, quiet, doesn't ask for help, competetive, aloof, 
)  manipulative
BIOGRAPHY — Jin-ah comes from a broken home. Her father cheated on his wife with Jin-ah's mother and when she got pregnant he was okay with taking care of his baby but the night he was going to reveal to his wife that he got someone else pregnant she suprised him first by saying that they were expecting a baby. Her father decided that it would be best to return to his wife, with whom he almost separated before she got pregnant, and insisted that his mistress gets an abortion. Of coure Jin-ah's mother disagreed and kept her. Her father decided that it would be best to return to his wife, with whom he almost separated before she got pregnant, and insisted that his mistress gets an abortion. Of coure Jin-ah's mother disagreed and kept her. Her father paid child support for the fist six years of her life behind his wife's back but she later found out about it and had a huge argument with him and ended up throwing him out of their home. After two weeks of living in a motel her father decided to seek forgiveness and came to Jin-ah's mother's door. At first she didn't let him in but after 3 days of him standing on the street in front of her apartment she let him in believing that the actually wanted to make thing better. Jin-ah was not trusting to this man that she is seeing for the first time in her life but her mother seemd to like him so for her mother's sake she tried to give him a chance.
Their life was starting to get settled but two months into living with their new "friend" he says that he's moving out because his wife "returned from overseas". At the time Regan didn't know that this man was her father, let alone that he and his wife decided to try and work their problems out but only on one condition - He had to cut all ties with "that other woman and her child", so he did.
He moved out of their apartment and stoped paying child support. Jin-ah's mother was devastated that she got played for second time and kind of let herself go for two months. She looked nornal on the outside but on the inside she was a ruin. She cried every night and her head was not in the right place. She also started drinking everynight before she went to bed. Everything was starting to spiral down but like a help from the universe Jin-ah's aunt, her mother's sister came to the rescue. She came to visit them from the US for a month and turned her sister's life back on tracks. She made her realise that by letting herself go she was doing more damage than good. So her aunty cleaned and dressed her sister up and took her to the court house to file a lawsuit against Jin-ah's father. The court threatened to sent him to prison if he doesn't pay his dues so his wife came to Jin-ah's mother's home and begged her to take the charges back because they were trying to live a normal life and she didn't want her child to be traumatised. Jin-ah's mother was not about to back down and sent the woman on her way. There were court battles for the next whole year and at the end Jin-ah's mother won.
A week after the last court Jin-ah's mother, Yoon- Min, packt all of their stuff and shipped it to the US. She decided that her daughter and her deserved a new and better life so she moved to Boston, where her sister lived.
Before her father got involved in Jin-ah's life she and her mother lived just fine. Her mother  never got angry at her, she always put herself in her daughter's shoes, that's why she was so compassionate. It was fun have Yoon Min as a mother. They always did fun things together, since Jin-ah didn't have a dad her mom tried to be the good and the bad cop and did a very good job at it. Jin-ah was treated like a grown person from her mom from a very young age. She taught her daughter what is at the age of nine, taught her that if she has something to say she has to be able to back it up and stay behind her word if she believes in it,) no matter what and that's why she shouldn't speak without thinking. Religion was never a topic that came up, that's why Jin-ah is not religious but her mother believed in aliens, reincarnation, auras, ghosts, supernatural things generally her mom was kind of kooky to other people but to her she was the most awesome and interesting person ever. Jin-ah's dream was to be like her mother when she grew up. And now she is.
The whole 'stranger living the her house' and 'a year of her mom dealing with that stranger in court' thing kind of disturbed Jin-ah as it is but moving to a new continent with knowlege close to nothing on language and culture really made her close up and become shy. She learned the language pretty fast but that didn't mean that she didn't understood when the other kids were making fun of her and laughing at her behind her back, she didn't know what they were saying but it was obvious that it wasn't nice. In fact the bullying got even worse when she started understanding what they were saying, it was almost like in a movie. She didn't like being in confrontations that's why she didn't say anything back to them but their mean spirited words, throwing her backpack with all of her belongings in it out of the 4th floor window at the school and drenching her in milk took their toll on her developing yound brain. Good thing she had a source to let her emotions out. She used to write songs daily, sometimes she wouldn't even do her homework she would just play her guitar or saxophone and write. That was the time when her notes started getting bad.
The last year of middle school she snapt, because enough was enough, even though she wrote songs to let her anger out it was important for her to shut this circus down. She went up to the guy that was leading everyone who bullied her and talked to him one on one about how he was affecting her and that the joke was never funny to begin with. It was a long shot but she wanted to try a more civilised way before getting into a fist fight but luckily that wasn't needed. The boy listend to her and talked with the members of his 'gang' slowly by the end of the school year everyone stoped bullying her.
In high school it was all fine. She made some friends, no one cared enough to bully her, her academics were really good so everything falling into place. In the summer she would go to visit her grandparents in Korea and would go to Seoul with a neighborhood girl that studied at a university there. The first time Eun Hee (the girl from the neighborhood) and Regan went to Seoul together Eun Hee took her straight to Hongdae so she can listen to some indie Korean music, meet people her age and visit the coolest places for young people. Eun Hee is the exact opposite on Regan, she is an extovert and speaks to people with ease, very cheerful, very optimistic infact she encouraged Jin-ah to play her music on the streets of Hongdae and auditing for an entertainment company. Whenever she is with Eun Hee, Jin-ah becomes a whole different person, she starts chatting and laughing and trying new things. Eun Hee just makes her let go of life for a while, she's like a drug to Regan but a very healthy and helpful one.
When she was seventeen Regan auditioned for FNC entertainment just for the heck of it and got through the first round of auditions which suprised and excited her very much suddently she got hope that it was not impossible to be somebody and actually do something she loves as a job. But there was a huge problem, Jin-ah couldn't dance for , she auditioned a month before AOA's debut so she knew that the company was now debuting idol groups too. If she wanted to get in she had to lern how to dance and do it fast. Eun Hee as the life saver she is was going to dance classes everyweek and offered to help Jin-ah with some basic things so she doesn't make an of herself and show some potential possibly. Jin-ah passed her second audition that was three weeks after the first one. There wasn't much time left from her summer vacantion and she had to go back to the US. Long story short she did get in and become a trainee. Since FNC doesn't have an oversea trainging facility Annie had to move to Korea. At first her mother wasn't sure about the whole idol thing and did not know if she should allow Annie to go or not  She trained for three years and the company didn't seem like it was going to debut her anytime soon so she was thinking over if she wanted to resign her contract or not when this competiton came along and she regained a small pice of her hope back.
— Hanoks (traditional korean houses)
— filming and editing videos
— designing fashion items
— people with free minds
— tattoos and piercings
— taking pictures
— spicy food
— not being taken seriously
— watching movies
— doing the dishes
— being rejected
— excersising
— red meat
— peas
— Her english name is Regan because her mother loves 'The Excorcist'
When she concentrates on something it's almost impossible to distract her, unless she wants to be distracted.
Jinah is very humble. She never boasts about anything except if it's not a joke.
— She's very honest. True she has lied in school when she didn't know the answer to a question but in school it's better to say something insted of saying 'I don't know' because the teachers see that as a way of giving up.
— Able to play the saxophone and a guitar
  • Mother : Kim Yoon Min : 44 : Manager of a boutique : soft spoken, caring, compassionate, natural leader, has a positive outlook on everything : As you probabbly read in the biography part Jin-ah's mother was her only family growing up, besides her aunt, that's why she is so close to her. They have a very friends like relationship. They share everything with each other, even clothes.
  • Aunt : Kim Sung Min : 40 : Vocal coach : bright, helpful, she is a shark, overachiever, perfectionist: Jin-ah's aunt is like her second mother she is always ready to help and is very nice when she's not at work but sine she works with people that have star potential she goes hard on them and shows her sharp teeth. Also aunt Sung min is a go getter and cat teach anyone some trick for getting what they want.
  • Grandmother : Im Mi-Ran : 68 : retired flight attendant : This woman can't do without working, she's always on her feet, either working in the garden or somewhere around the house. She's a tyipical grandmother, makes sure you are well fed at all times, gives you allowance every once in a while and knits you nice sweaters for winter. Jin-ah is very close both with her grams and her papaw.
  • Grandfather : Kim Man-sik : 71 : owner of a tofu shop : Her grandfather is the chill one between him and his wife. While her grams gets caught up in emotions her gramps thinks rationally. As it seem in Korea the calmer ones are the men. He doesn't really show his emotions and thoughts but he does feel a lot and shares a lot of experiences and advice if you have a one on one conversation with him. Jin-ah is closer to her grandfather as opposed to her grandmother.
  • Kim Eun Hee : 26 : law school graduate : extrovert, adventurous, bright, funny, inteligent : Jin-ah and Eun hee are so close that Jin-ah feels as if Eun is her older sister, that she never had. Eun Hee has helped a lot in the development of the younger one's social skills. They know eachother since little kids but got close once Jin-ah started visiting her grandparents frequently in the summers between her high school years.
FULL NAME — Is it okay for her to not have a love interest?
BACKUP — Honestly I think she wants to focus on her career more than finding a boyfriend. I don't mind if she gets acctepted and you want to give her one but I'm hoping it's really further in the future.
BIRTHDAY & AGE — as you said in the audition requirements, if you decide to give her a love interest somewhere in the story, if she's accepted, the should be  maximum 7 years
PERSONALITY — I think that she would like someone very mature, accepting, patient, broad minded, someone who has traveled or read a lot and thinks outside of the box. Someone who has goals and aspirations. 
The outside doesn't matter that much but she finds tattoos really attractive.

PERSONA  hippy unni

MAJOR Vocals
           sing twin : Jinsil (Mad Soul Child) / backup: Heize
           dance twin : Luna (Fx) / backup: Yeeun (Wonder Girls)

           rap twin : she can't rap at all

TRAINEE YEARS 1 year in Kalon and 3 in FNC entertainment

 The fist year she trained in the US through Skype because she was going to school but you already know that, I wrote it earlier. When she moved to Korea to train her dancing was still pretty so she worked really hard on her dancing for the next two years. 

 She didn't really fit in with the other trainies plus it takes her a really long time to warm up to people and that's why she spent most of her trinee life in FNC lonely and with no real friends to rely on. If you ask her it wasn't that much of a loss because she focused on improving her skills at dancing and producing songs. There was a lot of gossip going around about her but she never really took the time to adress it. Right when she was starting to get close to some trainees in FNC she transfered to Kalon and lost contact with all of those people.
 In Kalon it was far less boring because there was a chance of debuting and everyone was competing and trying to outdo each other, just what gets Jin-ah going. It was a very fun year of getting to observe people's real sides.

           none ,if you don't count singing on the streets of Hongdae

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CONCERNS? — Hey, I'm writing this before I have even finished my personality portion but I'm not that good at traits, that's why I tried to explain her personality as detailed as I could in writing. I know that it's a pain the the arse to read that much about someone's made up character's personality but I like Jin-ah and I want you to understand her as much as possible so please exuse my long paragraphs but that is the best way I can express myself (and her).
PASSWORD —  I think the applyfic has a change of becoming a good read but in order for people to notice it an apply the autors have to update often or spread about the fic on people's walls. It would be such a shame for an applyfic that seems so interesting not to even start because of lack of applicants. I don't really understand what a successful applyfic is but I know that nobody but the applicats is going to read it so the autors should make a shedule and post on it. If successful means for the story to be completed - I really hope it does become successful because this seem interesting and I would glady read.


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