☆ 〈 just a little bit of stardust 〉thoughts & opinions of yuni ( shoutout to ying for telling me to do this )

— thoughts & opinions...
      ( Tell Me How You Feel; My Feelings Won't Be Hurt )     

username (alias) : lambhorns ( ivy )
Character, stage name : yuni
mentor : mr kim moonshik ; vocal instructor.

favorite song : cool hot sweet love 
honorable mentions : rough, me gustas tu, galaxy
least favorite song : lion heart
honorable mentions : party, bad girl, neverland

favorite concept : yuni's favorite concepts were galaxy, rough, and cool hot sweet love. songs that were a bit slow and bittersweet but really allowed her to showoff her skills while feeling elegant and chic like an adult. begrudgingly, glass bead and me gustas tu's concepts probably suite her best, so she feels a sort of fondness towards them.
least favorite concept : she really disliked bad girl's concept because she's not a bad girl at all. it felt like a song more geared towards shimin and aria than one that would suit her. and as she gets older, glass bead's concept begins to irk her because yeah it was cool when she was like seventeen, but she's trying to be an adult!

songs they may have written : the song's yuni has contributed most to, song-writing wise, are cool hot sweet love, hot summer nights, and neverland. she's most embarrassed of neverland.

activities they would be interested in : yuni would love to act, seeing as she was born for the stage. another activity she would be interested in would be mc-ing simply because it looks fun ( and she'd love to get an mc shoutout during one of mamaoo's performances ).

thoughts on stardust : 
to yuni, stardust is family, much more than her real family could be considered. they're the first people to pay attention to her even when she wasn't singing for them or annoying them. her sisters, her family, the ones who took care of her and adored her! yuni seriously loves all the members of stardust, she's so thankful to them for supporting her and standing by her side all this time. they guide her from adolescence to womanhood, teaching her how to grow and become a beautiful, loving lady. yuni works so hard just for them, she wants to make all of her unnies proud of her and she wants to give them nothing but the world. most people talk about wanting to buy things for their mothers, but yuni wants to buy things for her unnies. yuni fits the sweet concept, being the youngest and cutest, so she doesn't mind it. all she's worried abut is that they'll be stuck with it forever and she'll be thirty two singing about shy first loves.

debuting to yuni doesn't completely feel real, like she's just having a really nice dream and her alarm is gonna go off any minute and she'll have to get to practice. she feels really blessed that she gets to debut while she's still in her teens, and really blessed that nam hyeri, manager park, and manager oh felt she was skilled enough and mature enough as a musician to let her debut.

      ( Shimin : Shi Min )     
thoughts & opinion : 
when yuni first met shimin, she thought stardust's leader didn't like her. whenever yuni would try and talk with shimin, she'd hardly respond and in all honesty, it intimidated yuni. once she learned it was because shimin didn't speak korean fluently, she felt much better in her efforts to speak with shimin. after getting to know her better, yuni sees shimin as a safe haven, someone to protect her from aria's angry outbursts and from everyone's mood swings.

behavior : yuni loves leader shimin even though her korean isn't that great. sometimes yuni just babbles around her for the sake of speaking, shimin likes listening to her speak anyway, even though she uses a lot of colorful language. yuni really idolizes her for how hardworking she is, and is always giving her compliments that shimin may or may not fully understand. however, the leader does occasionally express some envy towards yuni and her powerful vocal skills, especially for having such a refined voice at a young age. luckily, yuni is never the wiser. yuni is like a little sister to shimin, the older woman and only child flops between adoring yuni and wanting to tell her off for her latest prank, just like real sisters! yuni enjoys sticking to shimin's side like glue, and she's always the first person yuni says 'i love you' to.
      ( Aria : Kim Aeri )     
thoughts & opinion : 
yuni has been lowkey afraid of aria since day one. aria's just too cool and mature for yuni to not be intimidated. currently, she's still intimidated by aria but is much more considerate of her.

behavior : yuni and aeri got off to a rocky start that yuni wasn't even aware of until the group spoke about their first impressions of one another. out of all the members, aeri responds to yuni’s jokes the worst because of her emotional, sensitive, and resentful personality. aeri has called her out multiple times for doing stupid , but yuni never learned until the day aeri literally yelled at her. i said i was sorry unnie… “sorry? do you really think sorry fixes everything yuni? i have asked you to stop multiple times! i don’t find your jokes funny! start focusing on how your actions will affect other people, sorry is no excuse at this point.”. yuni was so caught off guard that aeri’s outburst genuinely scared her and she had to hold her s to comfort herself. like, yuni couldn’t even be dramatic, that’s how badly aeri scared her. now, yuni sort of knows better than to mess with aeri. she only does harmless things, like changing the shortcuts on her phone.
      ( Mio : Ahn Miok )     
thoughts & opinion : 
along with chaewon, yuni really liked mio. she never got mad at yuni's jokes or antics, and didn't try to nag her for everything. the more yuni got to know mio, the more she wanted to froce her unnie to be her partner-in-crime.

behavior : ahn miok is frequently a victim of yuni, though yuni prefers to use the term ‘willing good sport’ because mio never gets upset with her like aeri does and doesn’t scold her like shimin does. yuni enjoys poking fun at mio because of her ungainliness and how literal she can be. yuni loves her all the same and always wants to help her with cooking and composition, even if all she really does is sit there and act silly. though unaware of mio’s self-criticalness, yuni always seems to make her feel a bit better when she’s really down with oddly specific compliments. ah unnie, you’re nail cuticles are so lovely today! tell them i love them! mio is yuni’s un-official partner in crime, mainly because she’s so easygoing. she even went with yuni to adopt tator tot because yuni needed an adult with her.
      ( Chaewon : Kwon Chaewon )     
thoughts & opinion : 
yuni loved chaewon right off the bat, they shared a lot of similarities and got along very well. the more yuni got to know chaewon, the deeper she fell in love with her. currently, if you asked yuni to choose a favorite unnie, she'd choose chaewon.

behavior : yuni loves chaewon. out of all the unnies, chaewon has the best sense of humor and is the second biggest ert, so yuni always has a lot of fun with her. she can be a bit like aeri when she’s moody and that’s when yuni avoids her and hangs out with mio instead. sometimes the two of them just overdo the hell out of gags, much to the other members’ secondhand embarrassment. being the loving weirdo that she is, yuni’s odd compliments always extend to chaewon too. chaewon is really the only person that yuni can ever tell is upset because she’s like an open book, so yuni always knows when to deliver her wham-blam best compliments.
      ( Evie : Choi Yubi )     
thoughts & opinion : 
yuni was not a fan of evie at all when they first met. not even a solid ten minutes into a conversation, and evie was trying to nag her. and in good ole' kim yuni fashion, she threw a fit, pouting and sulking and giving evie the silent treatment because she hates being mothered and nagged by people. she thought evie was pretentious and a stick in the mud because of how obsessed with maturity she was. it takes a while but yuni realizes that evie is only nagging from a place of good intent and she learns to appreciate it.

behavior : yuni feels that yubi needs to learn how to let go of the concept of being mature. taking yourself too seriously is only a hindrance. yuni wants to break her out of her shell but she also wants to stay as far away from her as possible becasue she's always nagging yuni! she isn't deterred by yubi's mom face, and in fact, it just makes her want to exaggerate whatever she's doing even more. their relationship is best described as "mother and rebellious teenaged daughter" because the more yubi nags her, the more yuni wants to act out. other than the constant push and pull between them, yubi watches out for her very well, especially since she's so close in age to yubi's brothers and yubi really helps her grow into a young lady.
      ( Yuni : Kim Yeoreum )     
thoughts & opinion : 
what?? kim yuni?? love that girl.

behavior : loving her, cherishing her, and letting her smell the best smelling candles.
      ( Manager Park : Park Seojun )     
thoughts & opinion : 
yuni expected him to be a grumpy stick in the mud when they first met. for a while, they had a dynamic similar to hers and moonshiks, where manager park would tell her to stop goofing off and yuni would get upset and have a fit. their bickering never really changes, but yuni sees him as less grumpy and more cranky and a bit more cool than she initially thought. manager park's the one to buy her her first drink once she turns of age.

behavior : 
bickering for the sake of bickering, choice banter. yuni's always trying to get him to buy her things because he's rich and she's cute, but he always tells her she's not cute and she gets so mad. when he found out junseok made her cry, he was furious because only he can be mean to yuni.
      ( Manager Oh : Oh Sora )     
thoughts & opinion : 
the dubbed seventh member of stardust, yuni thought manager oh would be scary and mean but was pleasantly surprised to find she's really affectionate.

behavior : 
yuni is always trying to charm the pants off manager oh by using aegyo to get her to buy stuff for yuni. yuni's always hanging off manager oh because she feeds stardust's maknae's love for physical intimacy. usually whenever a conflict breaks out in the dorm, yuni always ends up running to manager oh and using aegyo to get her on yuni's side so yuni won't get in trouble.
      ( Ms. Nam : Nam Hyeri )     
thoughts & opinion : 
yuni kim yuni is, and always has been scared of ms nam. if yubi is the mom who is exasperated at her rebellious teenage daughter, hyeri is the mom who can and will ground yuni. over the years, yuni's fear of ms nam hasn't lessened one bit.

behavior : 
whenever the talks happened with trainees, yuni was always terrified that moonshik had tol ms nam how much of a brat she had been, and that ms nam was here to kick yuni out of the compnay. as an idol, that fear still remains when ms nam conducts the monthly talks. yuni tries her best not to tell ms nam too much incriminating evidence, but yuni always ends up telling ms nam too much because if she tried to lie, ms nam would just know and have her head. yuni is always most respectful around ms nam.
      ( Axis : The First Boy Group )     
thoughts & opinion : 
yuni thought of axis as nice but weird big brothers. since yuni is the youngest memeber of stardust, they all seem to watch over her the most, and have made multiple efforts to scare seungyeon and yibo away from her. yuni still thinks of them as nice but weird brothers, only know she knows that they're all a bunch of dorks too.

behavior : 
yuni loves sunho, he's the best. he plays with her whenever he asks and they have a twenty step overly complicated handshake, but he's passive-aggressive and moody too! kill her or else she won't know why he's upset with her! please!
alex : the unapproachable alexander zhang. when everyone thought he was just being aloof, yuni said what if he doesn't speak korean? watching them interact is always a game of charades. yuni will say one word in her accented, limited english that makes alex scratch his head in confusion and then yuni will act out the object she needs. they've done this so many times that they're master charades partners ( along with aria because she's the one who translates his english ). yuni always likes to about how much he loves song sena and any disputes between them are immediately solved with trot singing battles.
hiro all of starudst are hiro's sisters but yuni is the youngest sister so he has to protect her the most. when hiro first met seungyeon and yibo, he glared them down the whole time and almost made them too afraid to come back to the amour building and hang out with yuni. she trusts him with everything becuase he's just so reliable and nice.
hangil the phrase "noh hangil, stop trying to extort teenagers" is something that is said far too often in the amour building. hangil enjoys making bets with yuni because she'll bet on just about anything, no need for context.
minsoo minsoo is often the straightman to yuni's... yuni. his two of his friends are literally her ideal types, and he's always there to try and remind her that they're gross losers, which never works because yuni finds everything they do to be cute and perfect.
notable relations : 
alex & hiro.
      ( Alice : The Second Girl Group )     
thoughts & opinion : 
yuni was impressed by their vocals and thinks they're singing angels. they're so fun and lovely to be around, they're becomming the second mamamoo in yuni's heart.

behavior : 
yuni likes sky because she's incredibly nice and selfless, always taking care of young reum but she's so passive-aggressive and moody. please just punch her in the face and tell her what's wrong!! she can't understand you, sky!!
clarissa whenever yuni and clarissa join forces, it's a loud mess of loud. they're both irresponsible so other people have to watch over them otherwise they'll probably do things that aren't completely legal.
jinah & luzylaugh all you want but yuni and jinah totally play with dolls together. both balls of childlike energy, they mesh incredibly well and yuni is always hanging off some part of jinah's body. she, jinah, and luzy are the real troublemakers that sky needs to watch out for.
notable relations : 
jinah & luzy.
      ( Imbue : The Second Boy Group )     
thoughts & opinion : 
yuni thinks imbue are a bunch of fun and cool guys, less dorkier than axis. she sees them less as brothers and more as friends. as she gets to know them, she falls more in love with them, figuratively and literally since she's in love with like half the group.

behavior : 
yuni will forever ship peyton and sky. he's so bright and nice and he lets yuni boss him around because he's a bit passive and indecisive, how great is that?
seth she considers seth to be the biggest enigma at amour. he's distant with, in her mind, and endless pit of secrets. any attempts she makes at getting to know him are cut short by how distant he is. at this point, she's accepted his secrecy as a fact of life.
.junseok is lowkey yuni's ideal type. he's fun and adventurous and comes up with pranks with her. she encourages all of his ideas, no matter how terrible they may be. they'll both be the first to scale a chain link fence and also the first to run from any security guards. he laughs at her hand fart raps and he shares her love for toilet humor. he encourages her to take pictures of his thighs and nostrils and like half of her phone is filled with weird pictures he sends her. and she just looks at his face and has such a huge urge to like kiss him or hold his hand if she's feeling extra racy. every time he sends her a text at three am, she holds her phone to her chest and rolls around on her bed with girlish glee because junseok is texting her!!!!
myungsoo are they actually friends or do they ing hate each other? it's honestly a mystery to most people looking in on their dynamic. every time they speak, nay every time they even breathe in each other's direction the air is filled with "i hate you"s and "you're disgusting"s and "never speak to me again"s. they're always flaming each other and teasing one another, calling each other ugly and losers. it's how they build each other up. their conversations are 60% bickering 35% bad jokes and 5% actual sentimental things. they fight over the dumbest things too like who's gonna eat the last fry or the pronunciation of cannon.

yuni loves to tease myungsoo because she thinks he's really cute when he's ready to murder her. she makes a bunch of memes of him because of how gullive he is just so he can scold her, she prank calls him like all the time and he always falls for them which is the real surprising part. she's constantly showing him the fun things in life ( though he calls them reckless and barely legal ). her explosive energy can wear him out, especially when he tries to control it instead of letting yuni burn out by herself. myungsoo is often the rock that keeps yuni grounded. even if she doesn't like it, and even if she may throw a fit over what he has to say, he gives her much needed reality checks. he secretly enjoys her pestering but would rather die than give her the satisfaction of knowing that. myungsoo is her knight in sour armor because he may whine and scold her, but he'll always be there for her and help her out when she needs it. myungsoo can be a bit of a tsundere when it comes to yuni. he'll blush and call her a dummy and say things like "not like i care or anything". and whenever she gets too lewd or too forward or too energetic, he chops her head or slaps her arm.
notable relations : 
myungsoo & junseok.
      ( Feli : Felicity Kwon )     
thoughts & opinion : 
both in the lineup for stardust, both in the running for main vocalist. yuni was never particularly close to feli, but after yuni made it into the group instead of her, she's felt awkward around feli.

behavior : 
yuni feels very awkward around felicity and is secretly convinced the soloist despises her. she feels bad that feli is closer to aria and shimin than she is, having trained with the per7s. whenever yuni and aria's confrontations get too emotionally charged, yuni will shout something along the lines of sorry i can't be feli! yuni feels like she can't approach felicity, that they're supposed to be two entities separated by competition.
      ( Kim Moonshik : Vocal Instructor )     
thoughts & opinion of ?? : known for being incredibly strict in lessons, mr kim and yuni clashed a lot. he would criticize her and yuni would make a mountain out of a molehill and then give him the silent treatment until he got frustrated with her and yoomi would have to diffuse the situation. despite the fact that yuni could be difficult, he never gave up on her. he came very, very close though. one day, after moonshik finally yelled at yuni for her behavior and was just about to give up on her, he asked her why she wanted to become an idol.

for my parents
"you want to make them happy?"
i want to make them notice me 
"what do you mean?"
my parents would only pay attention to me if i was singing, so i want to sing well so they'll pay attention to me. 

and after that, moonshik knew he couldn't give up on her. moonshik was the first person in about eleven years to throw her a birthday party, and even though it was just a cake while he and the other amour trainees sang her "happy birthday", it was enough to make her cry. moonshik would give her gentle encouragements and unspoken support, whenever yuni would say she couldn't do something he would tell her that she was wrong. 

over time, their relationship became less hostile, with yuni learning to listen to his advice in order to hone her voice. when she was confirmed for the final lineup of stardust, she even apologized for being so terrible in the beginning and thanked him for everything he's done for her. moonshik could only nod with misty eyes before yuni hugged him. she would never tell him, but she sees moonshik as a father figure and has in fact referred to him as her "dad" on multiple occasions accidentally. 

behavior : ​the two are incredibly close, yuni going to moonshik for pretty much everything. when she has problems, she doesn't tell manager oh or park, she tells moonshik.  he's basically her dad, and everyone likes to joke that they have 'father-daughter bonding time' whenever they hang out. moonshik is the person yuni thanks on every album and yuni is the person moonshik has a soft spot for.


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"sorry I can't be feli!" oooof.
weeps feli does not despise her she's even happier as a soloist rn
because she gets lot of freedom when it comes to her music