⤧ hwang eunjin; the human god of acedia

chubby_bacon_cheeks. steph. 5/5 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
hwang eunjin
"shut up. i'm trying to sleep here."
FULL NAME — hwang eunjin
• jin/jinnie - called by friends and family as a shortening of her name
• princess - based off her personality and is only called by friends
UALITY — straight
DOB + AGE — 06 • 20 • 2000 + 20
BIRTHPLACE — seoul, sk
HOMETOWN — seoul, sk
ETHNICITY — korean
• korean; fluent - really? *raises brow* you want me to explain why she can speak korean?
•  english; advanced - coming from a rich family background, her father made her learn a foreign language which happened to be english. he made her learn it since she could speak.
FACE CLAIM — wendy, rv
BACKUP — eunji, a pink
• eunjin has a body to die for. the male population need it and the female population glares at it with distaste. she has curves all in the right places and knows how to flaunt it with her clothing and mannerisms. eunjin has some nice set of ladies up top and also a lovely round cushion on her behind (if ya know what i mean ;) ). basically, she has an s-line body. her hair runs down her back and is resting just at the curve of her and is black with blue highlights. eunjin's hair is dead straight - the way she likes it.
• wears colour contacts (usually grey, blue and purple)
•  has a selection of sunglasses to choose from always resting on top of her head 
• will only wear clothes that has the colours black, white or grey
• 3 tattoos: [1] - left collarbone; [2] - right arm; [3] - behind the ear
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 164cm, 53kg
[+] caring, hardworking, perspicacious, meticulous
[=] quiet
[-] blunt, lazy, princess syndrome, independent
• there are many words that can be used to describe eunjin. perspicacious is one of them. because of her usual quiet self, eunjin has developed a very accurate judgement of the ones surrounding her. it allows her to observe everyone and develop a strong understanding and judgment of a person, causing her to be meticulous as well. eunjin pays a lot of attention to an individual's mannerisms and how they treat not only their friends but their foes. a rough personality profile will be written about you even if eunjin has not had a conversation with you. her meticulousness is reflected through her hardworking self. well, eunjin has selective hardworking syndrome (SHS). eunjin is known for her laziness - for being a sloth. but when it comes to something eunjin is passionate about (which is very, very, very limited) - she will work her off to finish the task, paying the closest attention to the smallest of details. her finished products will always be near perfect, perfect even, even though others see her as lazy and sluggish. not only are the tasks completed by eunjin does with effiency and accuracy, she also likes working alone. she hates having to do group projects because, even if she doesn't say it, she will always think the other's work will not be as good as hers. if the task at hand is not something eunjin is passionate about, she will sit back, put her feet on the table and take a nap, and only complete it when it is absolutely necessary. despite completing it last minute, she is always able to achieve high marks.
• eunjin is also very motherly and caring. she takes good care of her friends and family but only in the behind the scenes. she never shows this side of her personality freely to everyone as she knows people will only take her for granted. eunjin has a habit of checking if her friends have enough to eat or enough clothes to wear by observation. she will never directly ask you, rather put more food onto your plate without you noticing or placing a scarf around your neck without saying anything. despite all of this, eunjin can also be described as lazy and suffers from the princess syndrome. eunjin can be quite demanding when she needs to be. she does not have the patience to wait for an answer either. she will continue bugging you and asking you until you have given her a proper response. when you have kept her waiting, she will not hold back any insults and will be completely blunt with you. when you are talking to eunjin normally, she tries to keep her bluntness to a minimal and also her roasting. she can be quite straightforward in what she says, so it's best for those around her not to take offence or think too much into the comments she makes because she'll most likely forget what she said about you if brought up at a later date. insensitive? yeah a little. but does she care? not really.
• 2000, June 20: oh-so-royal princess eunjin was born. her father is the proud owner of the one and only hwang enterprise that is responsible for many of the beautiful structures located in seoul. eunjin's father was born into a low income family and at a young age he had promised himself that even though his family could not provide everything he wanted, he will provide everything his child/children wanted. therefore as soon as his little princess was born, he gave her everything she wanted. 
• 2002: just before eunjin started school, she went through one of the toughest times a 2 year old could go through at that age. a divorce. eunjin's father had found out that her mother had been transferring his money onto an offshores account and stashing it away. she was planning to run away when she had enough money to spend for the rest of her life so eunjin's father divorced her right away. after a long 3 month trial, mr hwang had won the rights to eunjin and her older brother and had also retrieved all of his money back. being only 2, eunjin never understood what was going on and her father only explained that her mother "had done something very naughty and was being sent somewhere far away." after the divorce, and because he was at work all the time, he made sure everything was done for his daughter and that she was given the best of the best. ever since eunjin could speak proper sentences, she found a joy in singing as well. one of the caretakers that took care of eunjin after her mother was sent away, loved singing to the little princess and eunjin had picked up the hobby ever since. 
• 2003-2018: eunjin had begun school in 2003 - it was also the year she began learning piano. all the schools that eunjin attended in her school years (all were either elite, prestigious or both), her father had put investments into it. when the other students found out or their parents had found out, they began spreading rumours about eunjin and that all her grades were obtained through her father's money and not because of her own hardwork. this made eunjin more distant that she already was as she was brought up by a single father who is rich. the only friends that eunjin really had was those of her father's connection's children. 
• 2008: when eunjin was 8 years old, she was attending the local fair with her brother and his friends when she had suddenly become detached from the group. while looking for her brother and his friends, she was pulled into the circus tent by a clown and a towel was cupped over her nose and mouth as she tried to scream for help. when she woke up, her hands were tied behind her back and her feet were tied together. in front of her sat a clown with a water hose in his hand, spraying her with water. being only 8, eunjin started crying as she saw the clown's mouth split into a manic grin. he put the hose down before putting a phone to his ear. his gruff voice was heard over the phone talking to her father. "want your daughter back? $300,000 american. 4pm in the abandoned warehouses in downtown of seoul. be there or you won't see your precious daughter again." eunjin by this point had taken a look around. there was a tall tank full of water, one of those from the magic shows where people's limbs are chained together and they need to get out the water tank before the prahanas are dropped from above. before the clock hit 4pm, eunjin was bruised in all types of places and wet from the hose. her limp body was easily picked up by the clown by the back of the shirt she was wearing and was brought up to the water tank. eyes wide and with the remaining energy she had left, eunjin tried to wiggle free from the man's grip but only to no avail. as soon as 4pm hit, eunjin's body was pushed under water but the man's strong arm. under the water, eunjin tried to fight against the force pushing her down, she could feel the last bit of air being used up in her lungs before she felt unconscious. just before she lost her consciousness she heard the warehouse doors burst open. after that incident, eunjin was kept under the watchful eyes of her father, her brother and his friends since eunjin didn't trust anyone else inside the same room as her.
• 2017: during her second last year of high school, the other rich kid's families had found out about her mother stealing money from her father and was wiped off the family tree. they were able to link why eunjin was "so lazy" as her father had spoilt her so much and had given her everything she wanted and needed with a snap of her fingers. they also began making up rumours that her father would hire people to do her homework and assignments and would bribe the teacher's into giving her good grades. no matter how eunjin tried to prove them wrong, the rumours only got worse and eunjin just gave up in trying in everything. she became so lazy and unwilling to do anything, she didn't even turn up to school. eunjin would blame it on the headaches, dizzy spells and lost of vision. 
• 2019: despite her father begging her to go to KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) since he had investments and some of the buildings were designed and built by hwang enterprise, eunjin wanted to start on a new slate for university and even maybe meet some new friends. therefore she had put her first preference for university at SNU (Seoul National University); KAIST was placed in her top 5 but because of her excellent exam scores, eunjin was able to obtain her first preference. she had decided to study a double degree in vocal music and composition. since 2017, eunjin had been suffering from the headaches, dizzy spells and lost of vision but whenever she was taken to the hospital for a check up, they always said that she was perfectly fine. eunjin would brush it off, but she had realised that her school scores and marks had been ever so slightly dropping. there was a week in 2019 where eunjin was completely bed ridden. the headaches, dizzy spells and lost of vision had gotten so bad that eunjin was in bed for an entire week. she could do nothing but lay under her covers. her father had told her to go to a hospital since it was a reoccuring thing but eunjin just waved it off saying that everytime she was sick she'd be like that, when in fact it was just her being lazy af
• father - hwang seokmin (53) - ceo of hwang enterprise - loving, care free, conscentious - since eunjin was born, seokmin had showered her with as much love and care as he could while balancing his work. he gave her everything she wanted and hardly ever said no to his precious little princess. ever since eunjin started elementary school, seokmin has put aside a day of the week that is used as day out for the two of them (bonding time). seokmin considers family a very important part of his life and would never neglect them, especially eunjin.
after human demon: eunjin keeps in contact with her father through video calls and text messages but very rarely as she doesn't want to distract him from his work. she has also moved out of the hwang mansion to be closer to her university which lessens the chances of them seeing each other as well. 
• brother - hwang seokjin (21) - university student - over-protective, calm, charismatic - the two hwang siblings have been stuck together at the hip since their parents divorce. seokjin has always been their to protect eunjin from the harsh comments people made about them. he was also the one to introduce her to a friend that was her age, min yoongi. the hwang siblings both suffer from princess syndrome and they both love shopping together as they have similar tastes. during eunjin's last year of high school, he had personally requested for yoongi to protect her at all costs.
after human demon: despite them being such close siblings, seokjin has been on an exchange program overseas for nearly 6 months and only emails eunjin when he as the time to. he has given eunjin his number in case an emergency does arrive but since oversea calls are expensive he told eunjin not to call him too much. 
• best friend - min yoongi (20) - university student - observant, blunt, wise - yoongi is eunjin's other brother when seokjin isn't around. he has been given the responsibility by seokjin, personally, that he must protect eunjin while seokjin is not around to. therefore yoongi is very careful and observant when it comes to eunjin. eunjin is not the type to voice her deepest feelings to anyone as she finds words hard to portray them so when yoongi senses something isn't right with eunjin, he would investigate. first he'll approach the matter slowly if eunjin seems at a lost for words, but sometimes eunjin is able to blabber on for ages about what she's thinking. yoongi is also a mood maker when it's just eunjin and himself. he tends to tell her facts out of the blue - it would have nothing to do with what they were talking about previously. it would always bring a smile back on eunjin's face.
after human demon: eunjin has put a halt on her education and lied to both minhee and yoongi that she wanted to take a break from studying and just chill for a bit. she also lied that an entertainment company was looking into her compositions and is willing to give her a trial period to work with them and see what music she is able to come up with. using that excuse, she reasons out why she is only able to meet them in the dead of night. she tends to text yoongi though. 
• cousin and best friend - hwang minhee (19) - university student - loud, confident, level-headed - minhee has always been the loudest out of the trio. she would usually be the one who voices their opinions out loud to the others as she was more extroverted and confident. she's literally been with eunjin all their lives as minhee's mother was also going in and out of hospital (because of a terminal illness) and her father worked as one in one of the highest positions at hwang enterprise, therefore eunjin and minhee were brought up by the same maids and caretakers. they are always mistaken for as sisters because of their closeness while others thought she and yoongi were dating. minhee does have a crush on yoongi though. 
after human demon: eunjin told the exact same thing to minhee as she did to yoongi. she texts minhee less as she knows that yoongi will tell minhee anything important, etc. 
• acquintance - lee jisung (17) - human-demon - kind-hearted, loud, optimistic - eunjin and jisung met through yoongi. despite being 3 years older, yoongi used to play b-ball with everyone at school and therefore he met jisung there. eunjin would usually be at the sidelines (in the shade of course, cause god damn she aint got time to have sun on her milky white skin) watching. whenever she was there, she'd see the great teamwork the two had and would cheer for them. jisung and eunjin have had small conversations whenever jisung got off the court for a drink of water but that's about it. the only information eunjin knows about jisung is - well his name of course - what year level he is and his shared love for basketball like yoongi. 
• acquintace - ji yoonoh (16) - human-demon - greedy, observant, sharp - eunjin met yoonoh through luxuria. after delving more into yoonoh's background, eunjin found the need to baby him and look after him more than she should. it was some sort of pity for the boy, but being motherly and all, it came as an instinct and wanted yoonoh to feel the love and care from something he might be able to call family. despite not physically showing it all the time, because eunjin knows that he might not like it, she keeps an eye out for him whenever she can. 
likes: bubblegum flavoured things, bubble tea, bubbles (do you see a theme here?), chocolate, smell of mint, baking, men's cologne, conundrums/riddles, napping
dislikes: flowers (it's actually an allergy...), cigarettes/smokers, dirt, summer, stupid questions, bitter foods/drinks
• hobbies: knitting, plays the piano, composing, photography, pilates (that body aint obtained without hard work, yo), napping
 habits: cracking her joints (namely "the crack head"), midnight walks (clears her head and loves the cool night air), morning and night showers
• fears: open water (kidnapping incident), clowns (also kidnapping incident) 
• cannot and will not watch people vomit, see vomit, smell it or hear it because she will hurl as well
• falls alseep anywhere and everywhere
• wants a samoyed named cheonsa (angel)
• sibling bracelet with seokjin - does not, i emphasis DOES NOT leave the house without it
• does not remember anything she does after she wakes up from a drunken night
• sings to herself a lot, especially in the shower
• skincare has to be done before bed otherwise she can't sleep
• will literally cut you if you piss her off
• pretends to hate puns but secretly loves them and will smile to herself afterwards when she hears a good one 
• either will never get sick or will be sick like she's dying - there is no inbetween 
• cuddles with someone/something when asleep or sick
• volunteers at an orphanage every weekend with minhee, yoongi and her brother. 
• swearing is permanently part of her speech and probs won't even know she swore
• calls everyone a diminutive nickname, like loser or peasant

• when annoyed/mad at someone, eunjin will call them by their full name
• always keeps cough lollies, medicine, antiseptic bandaids, etc in her bag. she is a walking chemist because she knows that she can't get sick
• has had an ex-boyfriend before in high school named jiwoong
shut up i'm trying to think
shut the up
i ain't willy wonka, i hate sugar coating
i'm not sorry just cause you can't handle the truth
just let me finish this first
i'll do it myself
hahahahaha. no.
what the actual are you wearing
are you always stupid? or are you making an extra effort today?
have you eaten?
are you warm enough?
get back safely ok?
PLOTLINE — acedia (back-up: invidia)
LOVE INTEREST — min yoongi
BACKUP — byun baekhyun
• yoongi is probably the most intimidating person you could meet - but once you get to know him, you'll know he really is just a ball of fluff. he tends to act cute without himself knowing. he is known to have a very intimidating exterior but once you get to know him, you'll know he really is jut a grandpa trapped inside a young boy's body. he has a knowledge of random facts he will tell you randomly and knows a little about anything and everything. his also very big on his naps and hates being woken up. he is also very protective of everything he loves and loves keeping an eye out for them. he can tell immediately if you are acting weird and not yourself.
• being a grandpa, yoongi tends to say things straight forwardly and bluntly. he doesn't like sugar coating things and he hates getting sugar coated. he'd rather you be straightforward than use euphemisms to hide the true meaning of what you're saying to him. he is also the quiet type, always lost in his own world. but yoongi is on the more talkative side of the quiet type - if he is with someone who is also quiet, he usually makes conversation and continues it. his quietness reflects his self-doubting trait. yoongi is hardly ever sure with his decisions and what he's doing. the only actions that he has ever been confident with concerns his younger brother, eunjin and probably basketball.
• yoongi had always been overprotective of eunjin, even when they were little kids. and only being young, minhee still saw through it and knew yoongi liked eunjin. it didn't stop her from falling for yoongi when they got older though. it hurt minhee to know that eunjin and even yoongi was unaware of his crush but she still tried her best to bring them together, knowing that thei happiness was in each other's hands. yoongi's overprotectiveness was the worse when eunjin and jiwoong started dating when they were 16.
• yoongi had always been in the friendzone and he only realised that he was overprotective of eunjin because he actually liked her. minhee was more than relieved when he finally came to realise his crush. yoongi only realised after jiwoong and eunjin broke up as despite he should be siding with eunjin and being depressed, he was happy that they broke up. selfish, much?
• eunjin and yoongi got together the night seokjin graduated high school (so they were both 17). they went out to have a small party but it ended with all of them getting extremely smashed at the hwang mansion. seokjin and his friends were screaming at each other arguing over something small while yoongi and eunjin sat on the couch watching. let's just say a drunk yoongi is a touchy feely yoongi because he had wrapped his arm around eunjin and pulled her to lean on him. he had leaned his head against eunjin's; eunjin didn't mind though. as the night progressed and yoongi and eunjin began mumbling to each other. yoongi took in a deep breath before mumbling "i really like you, eunjin.. i want you to be my girlfriend but i know you won't because of what happened with jiwoong.." and sighs. eunjin smiles as she looks at her brother and his friends, sprawled out all on the floor. without looking at yoongi, she leans closer before whispering back "if that was a question, i would've said yes." yoongi's eyes widened before rewording his confession, "hwang eunjin, will you be my girlfriend?" this time louder and clearer than before. giggling, eunjin gave him a curt nod. all they heard after that was seokjin shouting "finally!" before passing out. the two giggled and decided the best thing to do was to get blankets over them - not before drawing on their faces.
• after the two got together, yoongi was more brave with his skinship. he would wrap his arm around eunjin's waist on busy streets and would hold her hand if he wasn't holding her waist. during break times (high school and uni), he would rest his head on her legs and nap while she would run her fingers through his hair. yoongi as usual, is very observant when it comes to eunjin. he made sure that she told him if she felt upset, etc. and he also made sure that nothing was stressing her and that he would be there to slow her down if she gets to caught up in her work. vice versa, eunjin is always there to encourage yoongi with all the decisions he makes. she would always assure yoongi that he as made the correct decision and what he is doing it correct.
• every monthsary (their anniversary is the 10th of july, therefore monthsary is the 10th of each month), yoongi and eunjin promised to get each other presents. nothing big, it can be something as small as a bar of chocolate or a bubble tea date, etc. eunjin also has a thing with stealing yoongi's hoodies. she likes wearing larger hoodies and obviously they'd look better on her than him, right? everything looks good on princess jin~ but secretly, eunjin also likes wearing yoongi's hoodies because she likes the smell of his cologne; she also has his scarf that she had stole under her pillow. yoongi thinks he must've left it at the basketball courts and someone picked it up by accident or something. the two spend most of their time together napping or if yoongi wanted to play b-ball, eunjin would be there cheering for him. 
RELATIONSHIP — together; very touchy-feely when alone but once there are others, they tend to lessen the skinship and be more, well let's just say appropriate.
STATUS — taken
RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT — " Somewhere between our laughs, long talks, stupid little fights and our lame jokes... We fell in love... "
i don't know what i was writing half the time so...

and ayo waadup aussie fam! yes i stalked your profile pls dont judge
• baked goods randomly appearing at the house for everyone to eat and when asked, eunjin doesn't want to confess it's her 
• sneaking out in the middle of the night to see yoongi and/or minhee
• gets caught sneaking out to see yoongi and they maybe secretly follow her to see who it is? (this can be whoever idrc >~<) 
• maybe she meets mrs oh somewhere?? oh ho ho!~
ooooh what could it be??!?!
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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