Blog: What's on my mind now.


Dear all,

Today I'm so happy. Having to be on my holiday, I'm free from all chores. Also, now I'm travelling while writing this blog. I'm listening to more classics (When I means classics, I mean Classical Music, Beethoven, Mozart, Händel and Franz Schubert) while writing this. I've never did something this long since my last post about Exo, but here goes.

Actually, there has been so many things going on in the community right now which is too extravagant for my tiny little brains to handle. I just love being here. I tell you. And I promise I will continue my stay. But I'm going to go on hiatus for this account soon, because of some issues and my uncertainty of my schedules. (My internship is starting next next week, I have my priorities.)

So, while being busy during this holiday, I won't be updating graphics on this account. I will be establishing a new name for myself on another account. It is actually my primary account which I've abandoned for years. Since now things are getting weird and awkward for me to be in this account. I'm going to take a break from this name. 

The requests on my shop, as promised I will always finish them. Once there was a friend who admired me for my responsibilities and the will to deliver the promises, so, without wanting to disappoint that once-a-friend's mindset of mine. I will continue this professionalism towards my work. Although there have been news about worse things to come I will hold my ground. 

Just a quick note. I'm sorry if that friend is reading this. However, if you think that I'm taking sides or that I don't believe or maybe believe the rumours/news about you. As much as I I want to believe you, I will not. Because I have friends here on AFF whom I've known longer, and I believe in those friends whom I've known best because I love them, or in this case, her, the Hooman. Yes, I'm talking about you. Hahaha... so, sorry to the other guy. It looks like you'll have to loose a friend like me.

I used to be very secluded from everyone on this website because I've undergone a similar situation on Facebook which is happening here right now. I'm able to filter bulls. And it's easy for me to distinguish the fakes from the reals. But that was so long ago, so maybe my skill have gotten rusty. And I thought things here are not the same on Facebook. But looks like I was wrong. Whatever it is. Everyone, I want you all to not worry about this silly matter of a stalker or a freak that's seeking attention. They'll get sick of it. No matter how many times you think they'll return. They will never get to you as long as you perform your job with a right intention and passion at mind. 

There will always be people who will appreciate you. There will be people who wants to scare you too. But if you know that you're just doing what you love and doesn't mind a about what others to do you, then you won't waver. Take your stand and be as calm as a cactus. Let them come near. You don't even have to move and they'll get poked when they're too close.

Well, that's pretty much what I want to say. 


Bubbye darlings.

Love, Jas.


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Good luck, Jas! Really. :(
I admire your work, but I agree wit you, you should take a time to calm and yeah, hiatus for awhile. :(
I will miss you and hope I can encounter in your shop again. :(
I'm sorry you had that type of experience and I wish you good Luck on everything you plan on doing! bbubye Jas I'll miss you <3
T_____T Will you come find us with your other account? <3
I wish you good luck with whatever you're doing now and in the future! <3
You are one of the few people I thought after reading the news.
Good luck jas. :)