A Scary Friend Of Mine

Hey y'all!

It's the weekends, and most people like me are probably slacking off right now.

While some are working hard with their studies and fan fictions.

Today, I went clothes shopping with a trusty friend of mine.

And she scared me with one sentence.


My friend and I went clothes shopping because I need a new outfit for my performance.

She's quite an expert when it comes to dance clothes, so I called her and asked her to meet me in the mall.

After eating lunch, we went to the shops to buy my outfit.

We've been to almost 5 shops just to complete one outfit.

When we decided to rest, we sat down near the huge fountain in the middle of the mall.

She told me, "Have you been listening to any Korean or Japanese singers lately?"

I said, "Yeah. I love DBSK and Super Junior-M."

She said, "What about Japanese singers?"

I replied, "I listen to Ayumi Nagasaki and Hey!Say!Jump!"

She sighed and rested her arm on her side.

She said, "Speaking of DBSK, who do you like in the band?"

I said, "You go first."

She said, "I am absolutely nuts over Choikang Changmin. You know, I haven't gone a day without punching the next girl who says, 'Changmin oppa is my bias'."

I was alarmed and moved a bit away from her.

I didn't reply who I like in DBSK, because I also like Changmin!

If I said so, she'll punch me for sure!

And my friend took 6 years of Taekwondo and Aikido already!!



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lol woah.. i would hella scared o_o...
@Matsukenninol - Totally!<br />
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@Schedulex2 - I'm standing 50 feet away from her! ^^<br />
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@_niXIAH - Lucky! I can't get over Changmin, and wow is she nuts!!
wahaha! good thing my bias is Junsu! :P hahaha!
Schedulex2 #4
I will be standing like 4 metres away from them... Haha!
Lol~! Haha, what a funny story. :) She was claiming territory :p
@Shedulex - I'll be hiding behind you if the fight between them happens!
Schedulex2 #7
Wow, your friend is really... Same as one of my friends! I guess a fight would occur when the two of them meet. I can already imagine the scene... Oh my god, both your friend and my friend are scary...
@PurpleMidLuv - Tell me about it!<br />
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@Shana_Fujiwara93 - You can say that. Don't worry, I'll try to stay away from her as possible
Hahaha!!! XD<br />
Damn, I think your friend was obsess....and that's very dangerous of her....<br />
better be careful, dear.... :3
wow xD