face-claim's pic goes here! dimensions: 170x170
full name /  son Jiyul | 손지율
other names /
►  yul - just a shorter verison of her name her owner would call her.
►  klutz - she's pretty clumsy so people would call her this to tease or joke with her.
birthdate / may 12, 1996
hometown / busan, south korea
ethnicity / full korean
nationality / Korean
languages /
► korean 
face claim /  lovelyz mijoo
backup /  lovelyz jisoo
appearance / Jiyul stands at about 165 centimeters and weighs around  fifty kilograms. she is a bit on the leaner side just from her having a more cat like physique. her skin is milky white color from not having a lot fo skin pigment as part of her hyrbid speices which is a snow leopard. her eyes are big half moons with a slight cat eyed shape and are gray in color. she keeps her hair long and dark brown contrasting against her small rounded smoky gray ears with dark black rosettes. Her tail is long and falls about to the tops of her ankles. It is fluffy with a lot of fur and is pretty felxible and quick. it also has the same coloring as her ears. she has sharp caines as her speices is a carnivore. they do have to be filled down if they get too sharp because she doesn't want to hurt anyone or herself. she also does the same thing with her nails. 
personality /
positive; quiet, loyal, observant, protective, and mature
negative; possessive, sneaky, resentful, blunt, and clumsy.
background /  Jiyul was the runt of her litter plus exotic hybrids aren't exactly common. as being the runt, she wouldn't make as much money so she was dropped off at an adoption center when she was a year old. she was pretty much taken care of by the people that worked at the adoption center ever since she was little until she could take care of herself. she was grateful that the people at the adoption center took such good care of her, but she techincally 'endangered wild animal', so it would be hard to put her up for adoption - but she was told not to give up hope. From a young age, jiyul has taken it upon herself to look out for herself and take care of herself. of course, she was taught by the people at the center but being part snow leopard in which they typically don't need a pack, it wasn't hard to teach herself and do things herself. most of the time she was either watching from her spot others being adopted or reading something. she would watch people walk by her spot saying how pretty and exotic she was, but she was too dangerous to bring home - but she was nice to look at. 
as she got older, she would help take care of the younger hybrids without tripping over her own tail or running into something. she thought that if she could others get adopted then she be doing something good and wouldn't look as dangerous. she liked helping the others get a good home and maybe one day that would happen for her because living in teh adoption center is not easy. you have to share your sleeping space with a bunch of people of all ages, little kids, teens, and other ages. Food is not the best, learning materials are far and few, and plus getting clothes that always fit is not common. she just didn't want any of them that could be adopted stay in this type of enviornment for too long. if she couldn't have it herself then she could give it to others, right? Living in teh adopt center is easy for jiyul since she basically doesn't know anything else and likes being there to help younger hybrids left there like she was. though, she does get somewhat sad while watching other leave with their new family member or getting to have a real home to go to. 
when she was old enough, she started to help run the center with the other people. she mainly would help take care of the younger hybrids and keep everything going while they got more hybrids than they could hold. the center needed the extra help so she stepped up. she was glad that government passed the law that every home should have a hybrid but at same time it is bitter sweet that people will come in just adopting because they had to not because they wanted to raise and help one of these kids lives be better. jiyul is pretty protective so she would be the same way often having a hard time knowing that she would be sending kids or friends to a home that might not treat them well. 
trivia / 
likes; snow, winter time, skinship, sweets, books, over sized sweaters, ice cream, and meat.
► dislikes; summer time, hot weather, clowns, horror movies, thunder, spicy food, bullies, and heights.
► habits; mumbles to herself, clings to others when scared, rubs her eyes when she is sleepy, hits people with her tail when annoyed with them, blinks when she is confused, and hugs something them she sleeps. 
► hobbies; sleeping, reading books, cooking, and drawing.
trivia; taught herself to read and write, has no aegyo what so ever, likes cold food over hot, doesn't like to wear lots of layers of clothes, if she could eat meat everyday - she would, loves reading romance books, has a small collection of adult coloring books, helps teach the younger kids at the center, knows how to sew, eats crushed ice to keep herself cool, likes having her tail brushed, sometimes has trouble sleeping since snow leopards are active at night, when she has trouble sleeping - she usually colors or reads, and can fall asleep anywhere.
/ What sort of owner do you wish to have?
"Are you offering one or just wondering?" I sat down on the stool just feeling my tail curl around the legs of the chair. Sighing before keeping myself steady so that I don't fall on my face, i just stared at the other before they motion for me to start speaking. 'oh, right.' I mumbled just crossing my arms. "i just want a home that will take care of me. a place to call home - my home." I nod "But not any home though - okay? a place that actually wants me, someone that wants to have me not becuase they need one of us. us being a hybrid." i leaned forward as I said this just almost falling off the stool just catching myself as I grumbled to myself, 'nice going, dummy'. "i ammusing since you are still you want me be more specific. I always wondered what it would be like to be adopted by a person. a good person who doesn't mind that i am not exactly your average house cat. they would also need to understand that I am not use to be taken care of but use to taking care of others. I can't lie that it won't be hard to leave the others, who will step up and take care of them? I know, i know - we are talking about myself not others." I shook my head as I sighed. "Like I was saying, a good person, hopefully who will treat me well, feed me meat and ice cream which are my favorite foods. hopefully it is someone around my age - cute like the guys on the tv. you know, actors or the guys in my books. is it going too far to ask for a prince who will whisk me off my feet, be a gentle man, or simply just be a nice guy?" i nodded to the other person. "I think that is it. I am not very picky. I've been here too long. if you asked when I was younger the answer might have been different. when you see so many leave with loving people - you stop fanastizing and start just wishing for a home, any home - even if it means the center. at least I won't be lonely there, right?" I nod as shurg. 
2 / Do you enjoy the company of other hybrids?
"uhm, like all the time?" I question as I sit there. "I don't mind it, look where I am." I look around at the center. "friends are nice in all but at times I do like being alone. i've been told that I can be a little overbearing and protective so sometimes people need a break from me." i place my tail in my lap just keeping it from swinging and possibly hitting someone or knocking something over.
3 / Very well, thank you for answering our questions!
i nod just getting up from the stool. "your welcome." i mumbled just letting go my tail as I walked. i made my way back to spot just trying to not to trip only to run into a flying toy from across the room. 'this is normal, i'm okay.' i sighed 'now which of one of you brats threw that?" I mumbled at the younger ones running up to fetch their toy.
final words / i hope that you like jiyul. 
scene reqs / 
password / candy


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lmao, I finally added a password. Check it out
Thanks for pointing it out tho ;)