Love. Tears. Rejection. ( My one sided love experience)


Everybody has been through it all. Typical rejection, or those non-reciprocal feelings towards their crushes.  I'm here to tell you my story of the time I had been "rejected"

Funny story is that this happened a few months back. I wouldn't really call this love at first sight, but the mofo was hella attractive. He was idealistically my type of guy, (Attraction wise) and I wanted to get to know him more. He had long hair that would always find a way brushing hischeeks, and his fringe was pretty long, that it almost met his eyes. He had a pretty mystic grey color resting on top of his usually brown orbs (contacts), he was really tall, and he had a nice pearly smile. Everything about him literally screamed perfect.

We had a few classes together and I always sat behind/near him? I guess he would always feel a  burning sensation at the back of his head, because I would nonchantly take a 'few' glances at him. (The way he would always look behind him, gave it away) You can say that he had enough of me 'eye fxcking' the back of his head, so he decided to introduce himself. He voice was pretty husky and unexpectally deep. (It would always send shivers down my spine.) We introduced ourselves, and the way he first said my name was toxic. I literally had innappropriate thoughts running through my head, as my name would sound so sinful slipping through his lips. 

He was a very friendly guy, a true gentlemen, and he was like the positive to my negative. We were so different, but we were so alike. He's cheerful, outgoing and really down to earth, while I was shy, timid, and really conscious about my self. Aside from the differences, we had a lot in common. We liked watching sports, playing video games, anime, and last but not least korean pop. I was so shocked when I head he liked kpop, because all my guy friends think that it is gay. Knowing this fact, the attraction towards him grew.

At first, I would always brush off the feeling of liking him, of thinking that he was 'the one' Why? I was always afraid of falling in love, getting, hurt, and last but not least.... Getting rejected. And also, I had never really liked a guy, so the thought of having these 'odd and adnormal' feelings drove me crazy. In my classes I would always sit alone, having a conversation with my inner self about this guy. If I really did like him, if he really was the one, or if I'm just being delusional about my feelings, and being really paranoid because he was just really damn attractive. 


That had to be it.

It was because he was so fxxking damn gorgeous.

The more I got to hang out with him, the more mixed feeling he would send me. The way he would his way snaking his fingers in my hands, the way my name would slip through his lips, all sweet with a hint of gentleness. The way he would stare into my eyes, offering me safety, warmth, adoreness, and a hint of playfulness. When he would always wait for me after class, sending me his cheerful vibe after a long day of obnoxiously timid classes. And last but not least, the way he would hold be securely in his arms.

Because of this, I knew that I fell for him. I finally admitted that I like him, and I wanted him to be mine.


It was on an autumn day. The sun was pushed back by grey clouds, and the weather had a hint of freshness, as warmth filled the air. It was such a beautiful day to hang outside, so he called me and asked to hang out with him.


We played one on one soccer. Before the game, we made a bet that whoever wins, gets what they want.  Obviously, he won (he's a stupid jock) and he asked for a kiss. I was dumbfounded, and caught off guard. So instead he kissed me on the lips. His lips were unamzaing soft and they felt shy as they pecked mine. I froze, shocked about what just happened, as I heard a soft chuckle slipped through his lips. I felt that he felt the same way I did, and I was some how special to him, as he was to me.




But boy was I wrong.

After the day he kissed me, he stopped replying to my text, avoided hanging out with me saying that he was studying, and stopped picking me up after class. A week later, and nothing but loneliness and darkness clouded my heart. I thought to myself that I must have done something wrong got him to avoid me like that. Reason? He started to hang out with other girls that were beyond prettier than me, he started to flirt with them, having his hands wrap around their waists, as he would give them those exact same stares he would give me. Warmth, safety, admiration, and adoration. He started picking them up after classes, spending money on those preppy girls with expensive gifts.

i broke down. I knew this day was going to come. I knew the feeling we're not mutual, and I knew that I was the only one that fell. But I endured it. I decided to love him still.

Four months afterwards, I got a text from him saying that he wanted to meet up with him. I didn't want to go because I was ing mad at him. He ignored me for four months and suddenly he wants to come and 'talk?' I had a feeling he knew about me and what I felt for him. I had a feeling he was going to reject me. I did not know for sure, but it was a gut feeling....


Five hours past and seeing him again was on my mind. Wondering how it would feel to get embraced in his mascular arms, Face buried in his torso, and arms wrapping around his waist as his scent of male cologne fill me nose. I missed the smile that he would nonchantly send me, making my heart skip five beats at a time. His contagious laughter, as it would brighten the day that awaited me.

he truly did not know what he was doing to me. He was sending me with so much suffering, but also so much happiness. I decided to see him.

i thought it would just we us two hanging out at the ice cream parlor that he invited me to, but I was wrong. When I went into the doors of the shop, there were about eight really attractive girls, and five male jocks. He did not notice my presence, so he did not greet me. I did not even know any of these people, so none of them could spot me out from the ordinary. One girl was bouncing on his lap, as his hands were on her waist to steady her.

"When is your 'girlfriend' going to come?"

"What girlfriend?"

"don't play dumb, the one you always hang out with. Lisa? Lily? What was her name again?"

"Oh, Light? Eh. Not interested in her. She's just a toy that I got rid of a while back. She only comes in handy when I'm lone-"

He finally noticed my presence and guilt was planted on his face. A shakey smile was forced on my lips as I tried to hold back the tears that were threatning to fall. The words that were going to leave my lips were going to sound cracked. I know it was...




"Bye Jade. It was nice seeing you too."



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oh my gosh :( i'm sorry if i'm being nosy here, you're in my friend list and i received this notification.. i am so sorry you had to go through this immense pain. what he did was really low and inconsiderate. i hope you're doing fine coping with this bull. stay strong :(
Aww. I'm sorry baby light < / 3
Did you have enough time to heal and get a better man?
That guy is a bastard
His real name is Jaden.