유착 Coalesce / Miss France in the place !


replace with fc 120*172

 Kim SO hyun  

birthname. Kim, So hyun

– Chloe :: it's her french name , and at school and her mom call her like that unless when her mom is angry then she call her with her full name .
– Soso :: her sister call her like that to nag her  , as soso mean not so good ..

date of birth. 21/04/ 1996
birthplace. Toulouse
ethnicity. half korean - half french 
language spoken. 

– korean :: fluent , having a korean dad he made sure his kids speak , read and write korean , so that they never forget were they came from .

– french :: fluent living in france for almost her whole life and having a french mom .

english :: semi-fluent ; she learn it at school and it's one of her favorite language as it's worlwide .


  Lets get to know you 

personality traits.  Confident , fearless , kind , playful , loyal , protective, bossy , stubborn , erted , narcissistic , little selfish 

personality.  expand the traits listed above

the most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence : from a really young age sohyun was always the kind of girl to be sure of what she want and confident about how she look , no matter how much people judge criticise her or bully her , she never let her head down like she would say "if i let my head down my crown will fall" . Fearlessness is the first requisite of spirituality. Cowards can never be moral , Sohyun doesn't fear a thing , she is always the first one to jump , the first one to react , the first one who face everything . Some people think that it's just because she is too stupid and doesn't think before she act , well the think is Sooyoung is the kind of person that live each day like it's the last , that's why she never fear anything because she is a afraid of regrets but who isn't . Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind : Sohyun is the kind of person who will stop her car in the middle of the road to go help an elder cross it . She may have a blank or intimidant look but under all that is a really kind a big heart that love to help others . I don't like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them : Sohyun is really loyal , she doesn't trust people easily but when she know that someone trust her she never betray them , the best quality in a human for her would loyalty .
I'm not bossy , i just know what you should be doing : Sohyun is the boosiest person alive , even if she just met you she would boss you around , she like to have a control over a lot of things but it's normal for a leader . I'm not stubborn. My way is just better : Sohyun live her life lke that whatever she think is right and good , she wont change her idea or opinion easily , she stick with what she believe in even if in the eyes of the world it's wrong . Having a dirty mind make normal conversation much more interesting Sohyun is known for her dirty and erted mind , she is that friend who takes something you say and make it sound dirty , maybe that's one of the reason why she got a long with guys well .I like to be admired from afar, and then complimented up close : Sohyun love to be complimented , love to look at her self and check her self out , she is pretty soft to flattery but do doesn't mean that she would fall for you just because of a couple words . 

background.  how did their background influence them?*

Sohyun was born in Toulouse , France , she was the first child , her dad is korean and her mom is french ,They met during college as her dad came to France to study and stayed their . She take after her dad more . Her childhood was normal , she was a tomboy back in the days , she would only play with boys , hate pink and dress , fight a lot at school and always short hair .But even so she did ballet and loved it . During elementary school days she only had one friend who followed her around and always came over to her house , he even promised her to marry her later . When she reached middle school and became more interested in other more popular and heat up dances , she quite ballet to join a dance school with her childhood friend who became more handsome for some reason at that age she started to become more feminine but not like really girly , having female as friend but she always had more male friends because she find them more loyal and easy going . She also joined the choral of her school as a lot of people found that she had a sweet voice . At school she wasn't your popular girl as at that time she intimidate everyone , she was that girl that everyone was scared to fight with or to talk to but she still had a couple of friend and for her it was more than enough as long as they are loyal to her.On the last year of middle school she changed school as her family and her moved to paris cause her dad got promoted , she didn't like the idea at first she got used to Toulouse , she had her little squad , her place and people respect her here . The new school was full of rich kids , and bullies , one day will walking out the school a little late she found behind the school three girl beating up another girl being her Sohyun rushed to them and kicked the hell out of them without any problem , the girl who was getting beaten up turn out to be a asian girl like her and even more a korean , Sohyun was kinda happy cause she never met korean people before , they became friend really fast and got a long really well , they would cause trouble together laughs and fight sometimes , she was the one who supported sohyun in taking the music path and suggested to her to create a youtube channel so she did she create a youtube channel where she put videos of her dancing and sometimes covers of korean and english song . Her youtube channel got pretty popular , some people would recognize her on the street and ask for a pictures . When she reached high school she got an e-mail for a korean agency who was interested in scouting her , she got so happy when she read it and even more happy when she read the name of the company it was JYP entertainment , she rushed to her parents to announce the news they weren't really in for the idea at first but after a couple of beg and more they accepted . A month later Sohyun and her dad went to korea so Sohyun can pass the audition , she was so nervous and so excited at the same time , she was only sixteen years old at that time , her dad and her made a big party when she got accepted . 


   Tell us more


– likes ::

_  going shopping : Sohyun spend most of her money in clothes , she is what you call a shopping addicted , whenever they pass by a shop she have to buy something from it .
_ waking up early and going for a run : Sohyun try to wake up earlier everyday just so that she can go for a run .
_ watching drama : she love kdrama and she thank her dad for showing them to her , even if there isn't that much kdrama that she had finished , she get bored easily .
_ dancing on stage : Sohyun love to dance , she breath for dancing , she can even dance to any beat .
_ spending time with her friends : Sohyun try to keep on contact with all her friend bck in France and her friend in Korea .
_ grilled meat or any meat : Sohyun is what you will call a   carnivor 

–dislikes ::

_pop corn with butter :: she can eat pop corn with everything but butter she just don't like it .
_quiet places ;; she is the kind of person who like parties and crowds .
_raining days :: she prefer sun and hot days , rainning day are just too gloomy for her .
_fake people ::she prefer when someone face her and tell her what he have on his mind rather than going behind her back and faking a smile in front of her .

_spicy food :: she can eat everything but spicy food , she would start sweeting and turn red .


– hobbies ::

_ reading :: she love reading , she can just lay down and read a book or a manga for a whole day without doing anything else .

_ basketball :: she was in the school team back in france she is pretty good at it too .

_ watching videos on youtube :: she will start by searching a MV then you will find her watching "people eat mexican street food for the first time "

– habits ::

_ she drools when sleeping .

_she can't sleep without covering both her ears for some reasons

_ she doesn't drink water much 

_ she would stop if she pass by a mirror and look at herself then continue .

– trivia ::

_ back in france she had two dogs and a cat 

_ she is a huge fan of dean , and find him really handsome

_ she love Zion.t she would like to meet him sometimes

_ she erased her youtube channel 

_ she want to be on We Got Married , Running man and Star king 

_ she doesn't get sick easily .

relationships.  only include those who are important and matter to your character

– dad :: Kim Seung woo (42)/comptable /playful,cheerful,childish,loving,caring ,open minded/9

For her he is the best Papa ever , really understanding , easygoing and playful , to today they still play around and laugh a lot , he is your funny and comic guy who lighten the mood .

– Mom :: Victoria Deneuve (40) / writer /motherly , bossy , serious , typical angry mom , lobing caring , over protective  /9 Even if Sohyun and her mom are always fighting or nagging each other , they love each other a lot and her mom is always here for her , supporting her and whatever she does.

– Little sister :: Park Soyoung (15) /student / bubbly , girly , cheerful , little devil / 9  they ate like Mouse and cat always teasing fighting about the smallest thing and nagging each other , the thing is that Soyooung liked her big sister childhood friend so she always ask about him and try not to be obvious but Sohyun always laughs and about it .

– Best friend :: Ahn Sulli (20) / college student / bright , kind , cheerful , too nice  / 9  Sulli and Sohyun quickly got a long with each other , they always text face time to talk about cute boy , new dramas new mv , Sulli treat Sohyun like a normal girl even if she is quite famous now .

– childhood friend :: Harry Blanc (20) / model / reserved , quiet ,over protective , jealous / 8 Sohyun and Harry still talk even if harry is the kind of person that don't talk much with Sohyun it's not the same thing he is more open and more playful with her , they text and face time a lot .

– close friend :: jackson wang (22) / idol / easy going , friendly , funny , caring  / 7 Jackson and Sohyun got in Jyp around the same time so they quickly got to know each other even if Sohyun was pushing him away first , but now they are close friend , they would call and text and meet up from time to time .

– friend ::  Yoo Jung Yeon (19) / idol /kind ,cheerful,caring/ 6 being close in age and from the same company they became friend after Jung Yeon asked for help with dance moves , they have each other number and talk from time to time .

– members :: Coalesce (varies) / idol / varies / 7 being in the same group they ot to know each other and grow closer really fast , even if she boss them around she love them and they are all her friends .

– sunbae :: 2PM (varies) / idol / varies / 5 they didn't meet much but she respect them and look up on them .


( Miss 1 + Leader , Main Dancer , Vocalist ) 

   Talent Twins

Singing Twin.  Tzuyu ( seulgi )

Dancing Twin.  Seulgi ( red velvet )

Variety twin.  in variety skills and Mcing she is like Hani

  Company + trainee life

Sohyun had been a trainee for 5 years now in JYP.

Training life was like Sohyun said : "it was like hell but after a while hell became comfortable" At first it was hard on her like on all the trainee , she never really took singing classes so she had to learn everything step by step , she also learnt a lot of other things , it was stressful and she even thought about quitting and stopping everything which was for her a first in life . But who wouldn't think the same some came here after her and debuted before her , it always made her mood come down she would think that something was wrong with her that she isn't talented enough .



   Just a few questions

Why do you think you were picked to take part in this global project? Isn't it obvious , i was taking  because i'm not fully korean , isn't what this project is about , but just wait i will show all of you that it's not just nationnality that i have but alose talent .

What makes you different compared to the other 6 girls? I think i'm more mature and i love to take the control , i'm also not afraid of saying what i think . And maybe the only thing different is our  nationnality but we are all special in our own way.

What can you bring to Coalesce? I won't say i will bring fun and cheerful and support , i do support people but in my own way , i will make sure that Coalesce stay down to earth and never forget where they came from no matter how popular and famous they got .

What does Coalesce mean to you?. A chance , a chance that i will make sure not to waste , Coalesce look like the only way for me to realise my dream and become the person i dream about .

Do you think this is a good way to get foreigners to join kpop? i think it's a really good way , i mean kpop is already worldwide but with this it's like we are giving the foreigners a chance to dream more like if they are talented kpop may be a solution for them .

replace with fc 95*95
replace with love int 120*172


back up.  Mino

– He is known for his eyesmile , whenever he smiles he shows his white teeth . He have a very cheerful personality and is the team's mood maker . He sill dance weird moves to show how happy he is .He is goofy and sometimes childish , he love to play and tease the other member and especial the maknae, as the younger one is always whining about how his hyung treat him. But on the other side he also has a fierce personality , he can get pretty protective and when angry he is really scary .

love story. 

– Her childhood friend Harry came to Korea for a fashion show and invited her , she was so happy that she would get to see him after all this years . She got ready putting on some nice clothes , make up and made her hair , after that she took a cap to where the fashion show was and showed the ticket her friend sended her She got sat at really front row , beside her sat no other than Bobby and Mino , she was a little surprised but kept her face straight so she won't glance too much as both of them were really handsome . As the fashion show went by for some reason the three of them start talking and laughing quietly , complimenting the clothes they liked. When everything was over their was a little after party that's where harry and sohyun where going to meet . For sure Mino and Bobby were invited too so they stayed together and got to know each other more when she told them she was a trainee at JYP they were really surprised at how a trainee got to come to a fashion show like this one but as she was going to answer them someone put his arm over her shoulder she turn around ready to push someone in the face but it was just harry so her frown quickly changed to a smile and hugged her friend , they were so deep into their conversation that she almost forgot about the two idol but quickly excused her self and presented harry her turned quiet again to the two boys , she explained to them that he was the one who invited her . At the end of the part bobby asked for her number and she surely accepted and gave it to him . From that night they texted and face timed a lot they would even meet up for some fried chicken or grilled meat . 

status. They are like a big brother and his little sister , always taking care of her and asking about her , even if sometime they tend to flirt and act more that just friend but it never last long and Sohyun would quickly turn it into a joke so they would be no awkwardness between them  
ending. They both confessed their feeling and decided not to date for the moment because of both their careers , their relationship is quite weird , but he always call her when something happy or sad happen and she does the same , they text and face time a lot . 

   Jinminchan : aicha

last words.  here you go hope you will like her and if their is something to change tell me about it !

scenes requests.

–Sohyun going on Running man and Star king
– she met Zion.T 

password.  Oh my girl liar liar

face claim : solbin ( laboum )


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