❊ ARORA ❊ 6 ❊ MiYa ❊






✩ Emiko - her grandma would call her like that as EMIKO in japanese mean beautiful child .
✩ Mimi - her brother call her like that just as she really does hate the name .


✩ Korean - fluent - native language
✩ Japanese - semi-fluent - her grandma is japanese


✩ She is quiet short , she have a small and white face , longue brown hair and big brown eyes , she has a fit body and is what people in korean call pretty .


✩ she doesn't have a special style , she like to wear everything , it depend on where she is going or what day it is . But she always wear nice and fashinable clothes .

BIRTHDATE: 12/03/1996


B/U FACE CLAIM: Soohyeon
HEIGHT: 156cm
WEIGHT: 47kg

who I am




PERSONALITY TRAITS: confident , passionated , stubborn , hard to get , careless , outgoing , forward , bossy , kind , no sense of orientation .

you never know unless you try it : Minyoung is the kind of person who isn't afraid of a thing , from a really young age , she was always the one that jumped into the moment first , some may think that she is just too dumb and careless , but for her it's a proof of courage and fearlessness .

there's none so blind as those who will not listen : She is really stubborn , if she have an idea she will fight for it and believe in it till the end even if it's a wrong or bad idea , she tend not to listen to the others and just do what she have on her mind , which got her in trouble with the elder and supperior people . She is prefer to follow her intuition than logical stuffs .

" i'm not lost , this is the right way " : This is a sentence that Minyoung tell her self a lot , as she is really bad with direction and orientation , people around her make sure not to leave her alone or to ask her to go somewhere she's never been before alone , as from a young age Minyoung would always get lost which will get her Grandma sick of worry , and the worst thing is that she never admit that she is lost .

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see: Even if she look like an intimidant and hard to get girl , which is , Minyoung have a big heart , she would make the manager stop the car just to go help an elder cross the road , she is that kind of person . She also know how to comfort the other and is pretty good with words .

Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'm told 'no,' then I find another way to get my 'yes.' But I'm a loyal person. : Minyoung was really REALLY bossy , she would boss everyone around and tell everyone what to do , she would get pretty angry when someone would say no to her , but she won't gave up and would make anything so the no change to a yes and most of the time that's what happen .


BACKGROUND: Minyoung was born and raised in Jeju Island , to two really busy parents who were never here not even to birthdays or funeral . She lived with her big brother and Grandparent in a little farm pretty far from any civilization . But it was never a problem to her or her brother , they spent most of their time together , jumping and playing around , the ocean was close so they were never bored plus their grandparent would also play with them or teach them new things , her Grandma would teach them Japanese and her Grandpa will show them how to fix anything. Then came the time were her brother start going to school the days were less funny and amusing she would wait eagerly to the time he would come back .A year later they went to elementary school together as they are just one year apart from each other . Life became fun again , she got to meet new people and make a lot of friend but also a lot of enemies and haters , as When Minyoung was young she was an ugly child , the boys and girls would laugh at her and won't let her play with them , when she had a crush on a boy and would confess to him he would tell her that he would never like a monster . But her Oppa was always here for her and their was also her only friend who always followed her around . At elementary school when no one would compliment her dress or her ribbon she decided to do something that would make people like her. In their neighborhood there was a dog who scared all the kids away and one day the kids ball rolled over to the dog directions everyone was too scared to go for it but Minyoung did it and came back with the dog from that day at any fight or dangerous situation Minyoung was always the one to call for . When they got into middle school Minyoung grandpa dies from a heart attack she remember the day as if it was yesterday , the sky was grey and dark as if it know that it was a bad day , Minyoung cried really hard and came across the meaning of death that day .At the same period (middle school ) her body and face start changing she became a pure beauty , all the boys would like to get closer to her and all the girls were jealous , which mean that the only true friend was her friend from back the days and her Oppa which also got much more handsome . But inside Minyoung was the same person , she would still fight boys and girls . Isn't afraid of getting dirty or hurt . On the second year of high school Minyoung start to take her childhood dream more seriously , which was to become an idol , Minyoung always had a sweet voice but never sang to anyone but her family with her brother they would play to being rock stars . That year she decided to take get into the school choral at the same time , some kids from high school had created a dance club she decided to join it too . Her brother was on the same dance club they would practice and make choreography together ( like this one ) . In high school her brother went to school to get in a better dance school , he even started high school their and would sleep in a dorm . Minyoung followed him a year later . Again in that school too she was pretty popular but not for her dancing skills or voice just for her looks . One day her brother and her were walking in one of the main street of Gangnam when a man walked their way and asked her if she never through of being an idol , Minyoung was really excited about the idea , he handed her a cart and told her that audition would be held their and she should go to it . She went to the audition , her brother was 100% supporting her , she didn't even had to open just after a couple dance move they accepted her , the people around her were whispering that it was only because of her look which she hated but still got into the company , BigHit entertainment , she made a promise to work harder and show the others that not only her face was their that she deserved to debut because of her talent .


✩ likes:

 - sunny days

- the smell of the sea

- grilled fish

-her grandma cooking

- dogs

- dancing

- watching video on youtube

✩ dislikes :

- spicy food

- loud people

- being ignored

- mean and rude people

- people who don't respect the elder 

✩ Habits :

- she sleep with open

- she can't sleep without covering both her ears 

- she doesn't drink much water

- she look at the mirror a lot but who doesn't 

✩ Hobbies :

- she like to read

-play basketball

-even if she is lazy she work out and dance a lot

-writing imagines 

✩ trivia :

- the first kpop song she listen to was fantastic baby by big bang

- she love kdrama , like she really does but never finish any as she get bored easily

-she want to be on We Got married , Running man and star king somedays

- she want to try acting

- she doesn't get sick easily 


✩ Big Brother  - Ji MinWoo (20) / professional dancer / easygoing , bubbly , cheerful , loving , over protective  / 10
Back when they were young people would think that they were twin as they never left each other side , he was here for her in each moment of her life and it was the same for him . He is a proud brother , that would call her once each two days to check on her , he love his sister a lot .

✩ Grandma - Haruka Abe (67) /Famer /motherly , loving , caring , pretty scary when angry , over protective  / 10
For Minyoung her grandma is her mother as she only saw her mom Two or Three time . Haruka is a loving and caring person who took really great care of her grand children making sure they won't feel sad or any lack of affection , Haruka would call her little girl every end of week to check on her and hear her voice and everytime Minyoung has an off day , she would go to visit and sleep over .

✩ Childhood friend -Kim Ik Joon (20) / college student / reserved , quiet , shy , outcast , jealous , protective  / 9
He was the only one who stick to her when she was ugly and pretty , he is her best friend , he used to always follow her around , he even followed her to seoul , he is pretty smart and is working to be doctor now , as he study at the Seoul university . With minyoung they still meet up and talk a lot on the phone and text , she tell jim everything and he does the same .

✩ Members - Arora (varies) /idol / varies/ 8
Even if they fight and nag each other sometimes , she love her groupmate and get a long with all of them , as most of them she met them during trainee years , they are all really close .

✩ Sunbae - BTS (varies) / idol / varies /6
they great each other repectfully and she feel really proud to be on the same company as them , she know some of them back from the trainee years , but they aren't that close .

who I'll be


POSITION: Visual , Lead dancer , lead vocalist
BACKUP POSITION: Main dancer , sub rapper , sub vocalist
STAGE PERSONA:Savage queen 

PRODUCTION TALENT: She is good at choreographing  , she used to do it in her old dance studio . ( here are one of her dance : here )


✩ SINGING TWIN - Soyou ( sistar )
✩ DANCING TWIN - Seulgi ( red velvet )



At first she hated the trainee life everyone was talking behind her back as she only got in because of her face , she hated , she start working harder to even fainting during practice , her voice would get hurt sometime , but she keep on working , one day she made a friend it was J-hope , she went to him to ask about some dance move and he was really nice to her a first she thought it was only because of her look but then she took a look in the mirror and she was awful , she hadn't slept for two days , her skin was yellowish and she had really messy hair , she knew that he was nice to her because he was like that , she then thought that maybe not all the trainee are that bad , so she start making friend and trainee life became easier to her .


✩ She was a cameo in the drama the heirs 
✩ She was even in Bts boy in luv MV


✩ none


What i am


Please introduce yourself:

✩ Annyeonghaseyo /bows,smirks and winks to the camera/ ARORA's Mean Girl , Miya-imnida .

Why have you decided to become an idol? Why have you chosen bighit ENTERtainment?

✩ I decided to became an idol , to show the people around me that i'm not only a face but i also have skills and i'm good at some other things . Also because i'm a big fan of BIGBANG and the easiest way to meet them is this / laughs softly / , i didn't choose BigHit , Bighit choose me and i'm really thankful for it .

How do you feel about debuting? Do you think you're ready?

✩ I feel nervous and excited , it's like i'm still dreaming . Well i think i'm ready , i'm ready to show the world what i've got , i'm not afraid of thing so .

there are some controversies regarding your debut. People are saying Arora is trying to ride on the success of bts, and that arora is modelled to be bts' female copy. Any thoughts on that?

✩ Well those people who said that didn't meet us yet or even saw what we've got , i don't get how they are already judging us /sighs softly / and no we aren't a female copy of BTS , we are our own person and we would like to be recognised for us not for our sunbae success

is there anything else you plan for your idol career other than arora?

✩ I would like to try acting later on , i'm really found of drama and i would like to try to be one of those character . I already started taking acting classes in my free time and i watch a lot of drama too .

anything else you'd like to add?

✩ i would like to thank our fan , family , friend , agency and all the people that worked in this project , thanks for believing in us , we will do our best not to disappoint you /bows / 


who i love


LOVE INTEREST: last + first name (if an oc, add a face claim and gallery link)

BACKUP LOVE INTEREST: last + first name (if an oc, add a face claim and gallery link)



✩ Describe the personality of your love interest


✩ describe the story of their relationship

STATUS: their relationship status



Jinminchan ✩ Aicha

LAST COMMENT: I really like your idea , hope you like my character if anything tell me about it


✩ Minyoung meeting BIGBANG for the first time 

✩ ARORA on running man 

PASSWORD: #cc99ae , song 




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I've just posted the review for Minyoung, you can check it here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1142917/3/arora-bighit-entertainment-s-new-girl-group-apply-open-apply-sliceoflife-originalcharacter-applyfic-applygirlgroup-bts-bighit
It's my first time reviewing, so I hope I did okay ^^