Birthday Wish!

This is just a post talking about my love for Gaara in the Naruto anime series. Yes I know, it's not Kpop related. Sorry, you just gotta listen to me blabber about what I want for my birthday 😜

Recently, my obsession over Gaara increased by like 10000 times. So much that I want a poster of Gaara. (Yup) I want a poster pf Gaara on my birthday! Though, it's 26 dollars, I think my parents will say yes (hopefully). Thanks for reading my rant! 😜 Poster Link:π=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=gaara+poster

- TuanTuan


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Omg same here. I like Gaara very much. He's my fav in Naruto..
i like sasuke xD