Earthquake & Tsunami in Japan

I still can't believe how dense some people are.  I'm astounded how stupid some internetusers are. Japan is literally burning to ashes and quaking to dust, people are dying from continuous floodwaves and maybe Fukushima Daiichi and Daini will explode and they bemoan the fact their ing (sry can't put it in other words) wigs or other merchandise stuff won't be here as fast as they need it to be...

I swear they only have swirled in their heads instead of brains...I still can't believe them. There are also those hardcore fans who tell you 'I will kill myself if my idol XYZ died in this' or 'As long as idol XYZ is still alive, Japan can go to hell' ...helloho~are those people dense, stupid or simply braindead? or all three together?

Peoples live are at stake, regardless if they are popstars, rockstars, sportstars or of any other profession. Regardless were the they are in Japan right now. It is dangerous, it's scary, people are dying and other people do all they can to help prevent the worst from happening. All we can do is hope for the best and pray for them and help them dealing with the aftermath in every little way we can. There is no time to bemoan wigs or merchandise stuff that does not arrive on time. This is irrelevant. And killing yourself won't help your idol if he or she died during this . They are dead, they won't take notice.

Yes I know I'm ranting and I'm being callous, but that's my way dealing with this going on in Japan right now. I can't help it. People may think I'm stupid or braindead too, but guess what. I'm trying to reach my friends in Japan since yesterday morning but their phones are still dead and I haven't gotten any answers to the mails I send I'm anxious for them and hoping for the best, that's all I can do...and if god has taken them than I pray that it was as painless and fast as possible without suffering.

I also apologise should I have offended anyone, but I had to vent and shouting at my flats walls wasn't very satisfying.


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