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Main-Dancer ,sub-rapper : Byun KWON

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▸ Kween — his best friend call him like that for fun .

▸ Cap addict — referring  to the number of cap he own 

DATE OF BIRTH : 10 / 11 /1995

▸ Korean — fluent and native language

▸ English — basics and he leanrt it from internet 

HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 177 cm and  54kg

▸ He has the normal height and weight , he doesn't have muscles but he isn't fat or chubby or either to thin , he have balck/brown hair , deep brown eyes . He have the most cute and beautiful smile ever . 


▸ He like to wear fashinable clothes the lastest trend , he love colors but not flashy one , as most of his clothes are in dense and dark colors . He love caps , like he really do he have more than just a hundred . 

daily clothes :: 1 / 2 / 3  / 4 

formal :: 1 / 2  / 3  / 4  

practice :: 1 / 2  / 3

"Don't WORRY , be happy , drink pepsi , be y "





PERSONALITY TRAITS : dorky , goofy , loving , caring , easygoing , shy , naive , stubborn , lazy , erted , narcissistic .


Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu :  Kwon is the always smiling person , who hug every member from behind and always bring a smile on everyones face . You can even have the worst day of your life just looking at him smile will bring a smile to your face .

One of your hugs would be nice right now  : he is the kind of person who like to give love and share what he got (everything beside his caps) . On top of the stage he is the person who lift the other members shirt to show their abs , he is always do one who start water fight . He may be shy at first sight but he will make you feel comfortable even if that mean make him uncomfortable , he is easygoing and can get pretty annoying .

The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for : he is the loyal friend you should always turn to , he stay nutral in fight between friends , but is always on your side . Nothing hurt him more than a friend betaying him , he take friendship really seriously , even if he tend to trust people easily and is pretty naive , he give second chances to people that don't even deserve the first one .

Live is so much funnier when you have a dirty mind  : He have the dirtiest mind among his friend , he like to tease them and always make ert joke , he is the one with the , as he like to slap and grab the other members . He is really dorky and playful but he can be quite stubborn , when he have an idea even a bad one he stick with it and won't say that he regret it later , he have a really big ego and pride .

La jalousie est un vilain defaut : he is the jealous type , what his is his , he will get easily mad if he see you giving more love to someone else , his boyfriend or girlfriend may have a hard time with him . 


Kwon was born and raised in Seoul . He only had his mom , as his dad left them shortly after kwon was born . The first 5 years of his life were hard for both his mom and him , as she had to feed them , pay the rent and onl worked as a housekeeper . At the age of five they moved to the house were his mom worked , their was a single dad with two kids , a boy his age and a girl younger than him . At first Kwon thought that his mom only moved to this house to work here and not pay the rent but turn out she married the man after a couple month you could say that the both of them were deep in love , and even at young age Kwon didn't oppose he was just happy that his mom was . He entred to the same elementary school as his step brother who at first didn't like either Kwon or his mom accusing them for making his mom leave . But as time went by they grow closer ,during elementary and middle school they were like twin never leaving eachother. His step sister was really in love with him she confessed and would hate very girl that got close to kwon , but he only find it cute and to today still see her just as a little girl . It was by the end of middle school that he grew a passion for dance , he started watching videos and try to copy the moves , he then asked his mom if he could get classes and that's what he did he got into dance classes after class , he also grow lover of rap and hip hop . WHen he reached high school he went to anart school , his mother wasn't really fond of the idea .But after a chat with her husband she approve of Kwon choice . On the second year of high school , Kwon got really interested in the idol world , some of his friends went to audition and got in , so he decided that he would to try it . He went to couple of audition and cube entertainement was the first one to accept him .


- he like to sleep a lot , if they aren't practicing or doing something he would probably be asleep .

- he love korean food more than fast food or anything else

- favorite snack is kimbap

- he prefer dogs to cats as they are more loyal                                                                                                      

 - his favorite color is black 

- he love mangas

-taking showers


- he hate being alone

- silence

- he hate spicy food he can't take them at all

- staying still

- rainy days 


- bugs

- darkness


- he like to play basket ball

- he doesn't like to sleep in a normal position

- he always drink water before falling asleep

-he like to cuddle something  will sleeping

- he take to much showers 


- he have an instagram

- he have a collection of caps

- he love noodles , like he reallu love them

- he is the worst one at aegyo

- he like to go to photoshoot 

- he took too many selcas

"Home is where the heart is "

RELATIONSHIPS : only include those who are important and matter to your character


▸ Mom — Park Bo ra  (42) / housewife / serious , bossy , caring , loving  / 9
His mom is stiil not that okey with the path he choose , so when they met she always try to change his mind , it annoy him a little bit , but he know that his mom only want the best for him . They go shopping together and have their day mother and son together .

▸ Step-dad — Ji Jin-hee (45) / CEO / easygoing , friendly , playful , loving caring / 8
He treat kwon as his own son , he scold him when he do something wrong and praise him when he do something right . He is always here when the Kwon need him .

▸ step brother — Ji Sung (21) / College student / flirt , teasing , narcissistic , caring , over protective  / 10
They are like real blood related brother , they fight and tease each other , but also have fun and make some amazing memories , they talk on the phone and text a lot .

▸ step sister  — Ji Su (18) / student / easygoing , annoying , confident , loving , caring  / 9
She is always calling him whenever she hear a rumor , and pouting at him , she love it when come get her from school . Back when they went to the same school she made sure no girl would turn around him .


▸ Best friend  — Kim Jisoo (21) /College student  / kind , loving , playful , protactive /7
They went to the same elementary and middle school , at first Jisoo was a bully but quickly changed to a nice person after he spend some times with Kwon , he used to protect Kwon from everyone and was always by his side the only thing that was bad in it was that Kwon step brother hated Jisoo , but Kwon consider jisoo as his closest friend they still meet and back in high school , jisoo would always come to pick kwon from school even during trainee years they met .

▸ close friend  — Chae Soo Bin (20) / college student  / rude , teasing , narcisstic , typical mean girl with a big heart  / 6
SooBin used to hit on Kwon during middle school and he was the first boy who rejected her , so she tried harder , but it didn't work she just felt like she got to know him more they became close friend even if her and kwon little sister hate each other .

▸ Members — Flyhigh (varies) / idol / varies /9
He love his team members and they do too , they spend a lot of time together , help each other and laugh around a lot , he doesn't know what he could do without them .

▸ FRIEND — Yook Sung Jae (21) / idol / funny , playful , kind , loving / 6
he was his closest friend during trainee years , and to today they still talk a lot , and Sungjae , helped him a lot before debut , he gave him good advises .

▸ Sunbae — 4 minute (varies) / idol / varies /5                                                                                                 He respect them a lot and is pretty proud to be from the same agency as them , he hope to be one day as big as them , the girls treat him like a dongsae when  they meet .


"Don't give up "




POSITION :Main Dancer , sub-rapper

BACK-UP POSITION:Leader , lead rapper

PERSONA :dorky prince



▸ Trainee life was hard and stressing , but he never gave up even when his friend debuted and he didn't for him it was just another reason to work harder . But he doesn't regret a thing , but not working hard enough . 

"HEY 'Kwon' , can we ask you some questions ?"



How does it feel to final debut ? : 

▸ Well it feel like when they tell you at the vet your dog died but then you find him in front of your door the next day /laughs/ am i too weird ? well it feel like it's a dream , a too good dream to be true that's how it feel for me , but i'm also excited and quiet proud of myself that i made it to here.


▸ What is that ? regret isn't a word in my vocabulary , even if i some day take the wrong way some days i won't regret it , because i'm the kind of people who believe in destiny and faith , so if something is meant to happen then it will .

What are you the most afraid of ? : 

▸ i'm afraid that i would disapoint someone , but more i'm afraid to disapoint the people that put their trust in me and supported me for all this years . I'm also afraid that i won't make it , but i will work hard and wait .

Which idol is your role model ? : 

▸ G-dragon  sunbaenim , he is like everyone Role model and his mine too , like i would like to be as talented as him and make it as big as him , but there is also Jay Park , even when he was kicked out of his agency and even with what people said about him he stood again and look where he is now .

What would you like to tell your fans ? : 

▸ I would like to tell you guys to never give up on your dream , even when there's no one that beleive in you , i will believe in you , i believe in each and everyone of you , so make it big and make me proud , i love you guys !

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LOVE INTEREST : looking for one , anyone interested ?
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name


▸ start here


▸ start here


ENDING :  here

JinMinchan : aicha



▸ here
▸ here



debut song 

Bonnie and Clyde - Dean 


turn in : story : cheatsheet



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