the royalty has something to confess...

the royalty

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kim eunjin +
+ jin/jinnie - called by close friends since she was young; used as a shortening of her name
+ princess - called by everyone at school that isn't close to her; this nickname is based off her personality
+ brat - called by her love interest; he calls her this as it's not a generic nickname you call your lover and they wanted to be special

BIRTHDATE + AGE — 06/20/98
BIRTHPLACE — seoul, south korea

ETHNICITY — korean
HOMETOWN — anyang, south korea

+ fluent / korean / well... she is born and raised in korea...
+ advanced / english / eunjin is born into a family where connections is taught as the most important thing a ceo can have. to keep connections, her father made her learn english as soon as she could speak.
+ conversational / german / as mentioned, eunjin is born into a rich household, which meant that she had maids. one of the maids that worked for her was half korean and half german and eunjin had overheard her speaking german over the phone one time. eunjin wanted to learn the language therefore she asked the maid to teach her some sentences, etc. 

HEIGHT — 166cm
WEIGHT — 53kg
ONE OF A KIND + "puh-lease, don't give me attitude"
FACE CLAIM wendy, rv
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM eunji, a pink

APPEARANCE — eunjin has a body to absolutely die for. all the girls hate her as she has guys drooling over her left, right and centre. she has the curves all in the right places and legs that are quite long and thin. no other word can describe her body other than 'perfect'. eunjin also has very pale skin as she takes care of it well and hates being in the sun for too long. she has a small button nose and round, innocent eyes. her lips are quite thin but very rosy in colour. behind her ear, eunjin has a crown tattoo - in which one day she hopes that her lover would be able to get a matching one. she also has one on her left wrist

FASHION STYLE — If you ask Eunjin to dress colourful, it is quite impossible. Most of her clothes that she owns aren't even colours; they're shades, black, white, grey. You will see Eunjin in a skirt quite often as well. There isn't really a set style of clothes that Eunjin will wear/buy but she will purchase or wear it if it flaunts her body figure. For her workout sessions, Eunjin mostly wears a tight fitted top/crop and leggings/compression pants. Otherwise, from day to day Eunjin is more likely to wear her jeans, short shorts and skirts.

I'M DIFFERENT + "life's a b*tch, so learn to bite it back in the "
POSITIVE TRAITS — motherly, meticulous, perspicacious, charismatic, open-minded
NEGATIVE TRAITS — princess syndrome, impatient, hardworking, persistant, quiet

♔ — ❝Personality is lower than partiality.❞

kim eunjin can be described by many words. perspicacious is one of them. her usual self is fairly quiet, which allows her to be able to make accurate judgments and accusations about an individual through their actions, mannerisms and the way they may speak. she is able to tell whether or not she likes you through that and even warn people around her about it. despite this, she will keep an openmind and try to see if there is a deeper layer beneath the one that she has been able to pinpoint before making a final decision on making friends with you. she also hates having a narrow mind because that's what she thinks will cause you enemies. being open minde allows her to understand situations from other people's point of views and is able to understand their opinion on it. it helps her make decisions and open up her mind to a different world. her open-mindedness allows her to be charismatic and motherly as it let's other people easily talk to her about their thoughts and feelings without having to feel like they are being judged. despite eunjin being a person with not many words, when she speaks she has great assertiveness and confidence in what she's saying, allowing others to feel relaxed and also confident that eunjin knows what she is talking about. she also pays close attention to detail in the conversations she's had with others and tries to recreate the environment they were in if they come to find her to talk again. her will to listen coincides with her motherly personality. eunjin is the type of person to always look after those around her, by, as mentioned, listening to their problems and helping them solve it or even making them text her when they get home to ensure that they are safe. she also, on a daily basis, buys friends that don't have lunch a meal from the school cafeteria and during winter, she would have an extra jacket or two in her locker in case her friends aren't wearing enough layers. 
eunjin sounds like a great friend, but all great people have a down side to them. eunjin is born into a rich family, which sadly causes her to have the princess syndrome. she has to have everything she wants bought or done for her and that all her requests must be fulfilled. she also hates leaving the house without make up and that her clothes has a slight stain on them. eunjin is also one that is very impatient around everyone but her friends. she gets the most impatient when she's at home and will not say it but show her annoyance on her face. if she asks for a glass of water, that glass of water will need to her on her table within 3 minutes or else she'll give you attitude for the rest of the day. people say that hardworking is a positive trait in a person, but for eunjin, is a negative. it strongly ties in with her persistance. eunjin is the type of person that will focus her attention to one thing and one thing only until she's finished the entirety of it. even if others asks her to stop or take a break, she'll continue her job like she didn't hear you at all. eunjin is not one that will take failure easily, therefore she thinks she has to work hard and be persistant in what she's doing to not fail. her hard work also causes her to act upon impulse as she wants to finish that tasks in front of her as soon as possible, letting her drop everything she is currently doing (that is less important) and going to the task immediately. you'd think that eunjin was a talktative type, especially with all the friends she has, but that is a total misconception about her. eunjin is actually quite quiet for someone with so many connections. it all has to do with her charisma. she is able to attract others with the little words she speaks and her quietness also creates a sense of mystery. therefore, there are always people who want to be her friend to know what she's thinking and is always intrigued by what she has to say. 

eunjin is the 2nd child of the kim family. she has an older brother and her father is the ceo of kim corps who has investments in most banks and stock markets. eunjin never got to meet her mother because she passed away giving birth to eunjin. eunjin always blames herself for her mother's death but despite that, her father, brother and grandparents still love her nonetheless. eunjin looked exactly the same as her mother did when she was younger which caused her father not to be mad at her at all. unlike other rich families, eunjin's elders are not strict and manipulative. they are very encouraging in everything that the children do and are not forcing them into the family business. when eunjin was 8 years old, she was attending the local fair with her brother and his friends when she had suddenly become detached from the group. while looking for her brother and his friends, she was pulled into the circus tent by a clown and a towel was cupped over her nose and mouth as she tried to scream for help. when she woke up, her hands were tied behind her back and her feet were tied together. in front of her sat a clown with a water hose in his hand, spraying her with water. being only 8, eunjin started crying as she saw the clown's mouth split into a manic grin. he put the hose down before putting a phone to his ear. his gruff voice was heard over the phone talking to her father. "want your daughter back? $300,000 american. 4pm in the abandoned warehouses in downtown of seoul. be there or you won't see your precious daughter again." eunjin by this point had taken a look around. there was a tall tank full of water, one of those from the magic shows where people's limbs are chained together and they need to get out the water tank before the prahanas are dropped from above. before the clock hit 4pm, eunjin was bruised in all types of places and wet from the hose. her limp body was easily picked up by the clown by the back of the shirt she was wearing and was brought up to the water tank. eyes wide and with the remaining energy she had left, eunjin tried to wiggle free from the man's grip but only to no avail. as soon as 4pm hit, eunjin's body was pushed under water but the man's strong arm. under the water, eunjin tried to fight against the force pushing her down, she could feel the last bit of air being used up in her lungs before she felt unconscious. just before she lost her consciousness she heard the warehouse doors burst open. 
after that incident, eunjin was kept under the watchful eyes of her father, her brother and his friends since eunjin didn't trust anyone else inside the same room as her. she was brought to the psychologist to calm her nerves and as she returned to school, eunjin had a strong will to try out for song academy. one of youngjin (her brother)'s friends (who is the same age as her) told her all about it since he was going to try out for it too. 
surprisingly, both eunjin and youngjin's friend (yoonseok) got in and were placed in the same class. everyone at school thought eunjin would be one of those stuck up princesses that would be hard to approach especially from her economical status. but eunjin is not hard to approach and her popularity only grew as she attended song academy. she was friends with everybody and anybody, even those in the years above her. eunjin enjoyed doing extra-curricular activities and therefore made even more friends. despite her popularity, eunjin only likes keeping some people close to her as she didn't want people to take advantage of her and her kindness. but when popularity comes haters and oh did eunjin have haters. the queen bs of the school hated her guts and also those who "claimed" yoonseok as their boyfriends. yoonseok and eunjin kept their close friendship since they were the only person they had when they started song academy but their friendship group only grew. yoonseok, unknowingly, become protective of eunjin whenever they were together, which only brought along the haters even more. yoonseok would blame it on youngjin giving him the job to protect eunjin from anyone, until the day eunjin started to date someone in her sports class. his name? park jiwoong. jiwoong was a casanova, a sweet talker that had all the girls falling for him with a flick of his fringe. yoonseok was not pleased and he didn't know why - once again blaming the responsibility that youngjin gave him. eunjin and jiwoong dated for about 8 months until she found him kissing another girl from his class in an empty class room. to say the least, eunjin had her heart broken by her first love. yoonseok had warned her many times about jiwoong cheating but she didn't listen and was too blinded by how much she liked him to see. the queen bs weren't happy to hear the break up as they were very close into getting yoonseok for themselves. from that incident, eunjin had sworn off love until, in her opinion, she's found 'the one'. 
eunjin, now, is part of the student council. she has a lot of power over the school, once again because of her money but also her position in student council. she also participates in a lot of the sporting activities that are held at school. most of the time during the breaks, she is spending it with her friendshipe group, yoonseok and minhee. after school on mondays and wednesdays, eunjin likes to go the kim corps with her brother to learn about the family business. it's been kept a secret from eunjin by her brother and her father but her father has been disagnosed with stage 2 bowel cancer. despite
youngjin being the better candidate to take over once their father passes, youngjin insisted on splitting the company 50/50 between the two siblings. that is why since the eunjin turned 17, her father has been making her go to the company on mondays and wednesdays. on the other days, eunjin, yoonseok and minhee alternate between each other's dorm rooms to do their homework together. on the weekends, eunjin likes visiting the kim mansion to see her grandparents and the maids she's become close with. eunjin being friends with everyone in her class was easily chosen as class captain. she has a close relationship with the school councelor and also the homeroom teacher to ensure everyone in their class is comfortable and isn't having any trouble. if they are, eunjin usually tries to approach that person as subtly as possible and see if they'd tell the trusted homeroom captain what is wrong, etc. 


+ bubblegum flavoured things - especially ice cream, the flavour brings out her childish side and she likes the artificial taste
+ bubble tea - there is just some sort of drug that's put in the tapioca pearls and jellies that has made eunjin addicted to the milk/fruity teas. she can't help but continuously spend money on it and drink it. also you can persuade her to do anything you want if you have bubble tea.
+ chocolate - i mean... who doesn't like chocolate right? as soon as you put it in your mouth it melts into something creamy and sweet. eunjin loves that feeling
+ smell of mint - it helps clear up her constantly blocked nose and it's also the aftershave yoonseok uses /bricked
+ baking - eunjin enjoys the smell of baking but she also loves following the recipe to create something that people around her can enjoy and love, i mean, who doesn't like eating, right?
+ men's cologne - she likes the smell of men, is that weird?
+ flowers - eunjin's actually allergic to flower pollen, her face gets puffy and red and in worse case scenario she will have to be taken to hospital 
+ cigarettes/smokers - the smell is too strong for her sensitive nose and it also makes her clothes smell really bad
+ dirt - who doesn't hate a little dirt on a light coloured shirt, but for eunjin, she hates dirt on anything of hers. hands, clothes, bags, everything
+ summer - it's not that eunjin dislikes summer... she despises it. the burning sun on her pale white skin? just a no no. and not to mention the sweat and stickiness from the hot sun. ew.
+ stupid questions - well who likes stupid questions? eunjin will roll her eyes or give a sarcastic response hoping the other person will take a hint
+ bitter foods/drinks - the taste causes her make scrunch her face into weird expressions and makes her cringe. no good for her appearance, huh?
+ knitting - eunjin likes keeping warm in the winter time and like baking enjoys giving her self knitted garments to other people. she even knits small blankets or scarves for a near by orphanage she sometimes volunteers at
+ playing the piano - like most rich families, eunjin was forced into learning an instrument. her instrument of choice, like most little girls was the piano. she likes creating melodies and little songs that she sings at the orphanage when she visits
+ composing - as mentioned, eunjin creates small melodies, etc for the children at the orphanage. otherwise, she helps the music department at school with school concerts, etc
+ photography - eunjin is interested in the way one person may perceive a photograph differently to another person
+ pilates - that killer body doesn't come naturally you know. every morning and sometimes even after school or after she's completed homework, eunjin does pilates to manintain that body.
+ cracking her joints - eunjin can crack everything and anything. the popping sounds are just so satisfying for her
+ midnight walks - it helps clear her head, especially if she is having trouble coming up with melodies, etc
+ takes 2 showers a day - one in the morning and one in the evening. the one in the morning helps her wake up and the one in the evening cleanses herself from the dirt and dust she's accumulated throughout the day
+ calls everyone 'loser' or 'peasant' - it's not that she hates you but she will call you loser/peasant as an universal nickname
+ open water - when she was kidnapped when she was younger, the kidnappers had tortured her with various ways. the only thing she remembered from the incident was being held underwater until she fell unconscious. 
+ clowns - she was kidnapped at a local fair and the kidnappers were disguised as clowns
+ usually falls asleep if she's been crying hard
+ wants a samoyed named cheonsa (angel)
+ has a sibling bracelet with her brother which she never leaves the house without
+ when she's drunk, she'll spill out her deepest, darkest secrets
+ bursts out into song and dance when music comes on - she knows the lyrics to like every song
+ eunjin will die without her skincare - she has to do it everyday, once in the morning and once before bed
+ if eunjin gets sick, she won't just get the sniffles or coughs, she will be bed ridden until she is fully recovered
+ cuddles with someone when she sleeps and also when she's sick
+ eunjin is actually her mother's name, her father wanted her to have it in memory of her mother
+ volunteers at an orphanage with her brother on one weekend every month

LONG TIME NO SEE + "i'm here to talk if you need to..."

 father — kim seokmin / 49 / ceo of kim corps / carefree, understanding, responsible / eunjin had always been distant from her father. she never knew why, but growing up, she always thought that because her father was a ceo of a business, she must respect him like the other employees. it's not that if you have them together it gets awkward, but eunjin will always distance herself from her dad and will never really obtain the friendship levels some parents and children get to. seokmin takes special care (not that he doesn't with youngjin but you know, bias) of eunjin because she grew up so alike to her mother. he is also very sensitive with everything that relates to his precious daughter, therefore he will always give her what she wants - of course to a certain extent and nothing overboard. 

 brother kim youngjin / 19 / college student / confident, charming, calm / both the kim siblings are oozing with charisma. they are both quite confident in their own beliefs and is also suffering from princess syndrome (well in youngjin's case it's prince syndrome). one thing that they are not alike in is that eunjin acts on impulse whereas youngjin is more calm and collected allowing him to thoroughly plan what he wants to do first and is able to make better decisions (not that eunjin's aren't but youngjin's are better). youngjin tends to be the one that is slowing eunjin down most of the time and will calm eunjin down if she seems to be frantic about her work. 


 best friend — min yoonseok / 18 / high school student / observant, blunt, wise / yoonseok is eunjin's other brother when youngjin isn't around. he has been given the responsibility by youngjin, personally, that he must protect eunjin while youngjin is not around to. therefore yoonseok is very careful and observant when it comes to eunjin. eunjin is not the type to voice her deepest feelings to anyone as she finds words hard to portray them so when yoonseok senses something isn't right with eunjin, he would investigate. first he'll approach the matter slowly if eunjin seems at a lost for words, but sometimes eunjin is able to blabber on for ages about what she's thinking. yoonseok is also a mood maker when it's just eunjin and himself. he tends to tell her facts out of the blue - it would have nothing to do with what they were talking about previously. it would always bring a smile back on eunjin's face. 

 best friend  — hwang minhee / 17 / high school student / easily manipulated, quiet, pushover / minhee is in a different class to yoonseok and eunjin but they met because minhee is from a company the kim family has been close with. they own a company that is a branch from kim corps - hwang enterprise. knowing minhee's personality, eunjin took her under her wing to ensure that no one is able to bully minhee - it's like a mother hen and her little chicks. eunjin will do anything and everything in her power to protect minhee. 

 friend — song junsu / 17 / high school student / unsocial, quiet, observant / eunjin is always trying to make friends with everybody. song junsu included. especially after hearing the worries of their homeroom teacher about junsu being antisocial, eunjin wants to learn more about him and maybe help him become more social. despite not being much of a talker herself, she tries to make conversation with junsu as much as possible, usually privately as she understands that he may not like talking when there are others around. she's also tried getting yoonseok to become friends with him since they share the love of basketball. 


 ex-boyfriend — park jiwoong / 17 / high school student / casanova, caring, easily jealous / jiwoong and eunjin were #relationshipgoals before they broke up. they did everything together and jiwoong was, and still, is very kind towards eunjin. you could say that he has a soft spot for her. he always says that eunjin is the only girl that has ever made him feel special and 'himself' again and that others were all just flings but eunjin of course was not having any of that. despite her also having a soft spot for jiwoong because he is her first love, she knows that a cheater will always be a cheater, no matter how much of a sweet talker he is. they still remain as friends though.
I AM THE BEST + "please keep warm"
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TALENT/SKILL — music (song composition)
ADDITIONAL — modelling

STATS — On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, 1 being the worst.
+ CHARISMA — 10/10

This is the interviews section of the application. Answer in any POV, remember this is one of the most important sections that I review. This interview is done when your character is still 14 or 15 unless you are The Lover Pt.2 plotline, it will happen when you are 16 or 17.

What do you believe you would contribute to the school?

i strongly believe that i can bring to the school a sense of pride. of course a sense of pride of being able to attend such a prestigious school, but also a sense of pride in themselves. *furrows eyebrows a little with a hint of concern in my voice* i know many people that have no pride in themselves what so ever and i just want them to know that they should be proud of themselves - even if it's just attending a great school like this. i also believe i'm able to give everyone a sense of friendliness. i'm very open to talking to new people and meeting new faces. i like to experience that even though i'm not much of a talker, i think i will bring together a class, even a cohort if i had to. *smiles and nods, mostly to myself*

Over hundreds of kids your age apply for Song Academy. What makes you stand out from them?

what makes me stand out is not the money that i have or the family background that i have as many will think. despite me coming from a family that is above average to the normal, i also have personal talents and skills of my own. *places hand on my chest to empahsise myself* i'm a composer in my spare time and i also do modelling gigs if they pop up. not only that, i love doing charity work and i volunteer at an orphanage every month. even above all that extra-curricular activities, i'm still able to maintain good grades. i believe i have a strong balance between my school, social life and a healthy life style.

What inspires you?

being a song writer, i get inspired by things very easily - but it doesn't mean that they're creative. *sighs softly* but i guess my best friend yoonseok inspires me a lot. *unknowing smile creeps onto my face* unlike me, yoonseok was bought up in a family of tough economical background and also in a tough family. but he still managed to balance everything in his life and even picked up a hobby that one day he might make a career out of. he's able to make a bad situation into one full of optimism - even when there isn't anything to be optimistic about. he was able to single handedly take care of his youner brother while - *pauses as i realise i'm blabbering* *a dark blush dusts across my cheeks* i'm sorry.. i'm blabbering... *mumbles softly, clearly embarrassed*

How would you grow in Song Academy?

i want to start a new slate at song academy! everyone else from my previous schools just thought i was a uptight princess who didn't talk to anyone and all i cared about was my money, when it fact i was just not much of a talker and is actually sometimes timid when you first talk to me. at song, i want to be someone that is open and is readily available for people to talk to. i want to learn about other people in the world, other than the ones i already have in my life. song will be able to expose me to those types of people because it will be a new slate for me to become a different person - a person that isn't perceived as a up tight, wealthy princess. 

Pick anyone of your favorite quotes. Tell me, what does it make you feel and why do you like it?

"i attract a crowd, not because i'm an extrovert or i'm over the top or i'm oozing with charisma. it's because i care" - gary vaynerchuk

i feel like too many people nowadays think that wanting to know about something or someone deeply is being too much of a sticky beak. sometimes a person may actually truely care about he/she/it and would hate being called "fake" because they wanted to know. i want to show the students of song academy that despite my economical background, i want to truly care for each and every one of the students and their issues. 

CONFESSION TIME + "i made cookies!"
SECRET — she has taken nudes that were sent to a scam company that had told her that they could make her famous in the modelling industry - her father later on conducted an investigation on it to find out the culprit (after he had found out of course) and it was none other than park jiwoong who had masterminded the entire scam. 

SELF REACTION — eunjin's eyes widened and tears were already forming. she never thought a secret like that would be found out by anyone, let alone her entire class would find out. all she could think about was the company, how her father would react and more importantly, what kind of punishment would be put upon her as she never told her father about this. would she be wiped off the family tree and pushed aside by her friends. eunjin was lost and unable to do anything for once in her life. 

PEERS REACTION — 'she did what?' yoonseok's eyes widened. whispers were already echoing off the walls of the now quite room. "she did that?" "how could she?" "what will her father think of this?" yoonseok could only stare straight at eunjin, frozen in her spot. he had to get her out of here. "how is she our homeroom captain?" "and we trusted her with our problems!" the classes questions were getting louder so yoonseok decided to get up and pull her out of there. outside, he wrapped his arm securely around her. "don't worry eunjin. i'm here for you ok? minhee is as well. don't cry... please" 

ENDING — eunjin's father did find out about what eunjin had done, and he had launched an investigation straight away. he was not having his daughter be accused of being "easy" just because she thought she had found someone who will put her out there. he wanted her daughter to fulfil her dreams and he wasn't going to let one nasty rumour ruin his daughters reputation. eunjin was a little more relieved that her father had someone investigating her secret. she did her best to ignore the whispers whenever she walked past and treated everyone the same. she didn't let something like that affect her grades and she knows she had minhee and yoonseok by her side all the time. yoonseok kept watching her even more closely and increased the deep and meaningful talks to ensure eunjin was bottling up her thoughts and feelings. before graduation, the investigation was finally brought to a close as it was found out that jiwoong was the one who masterminded the whole incident. eunjin was able to finally relax a little but was a heartbroken to find her first love would do something like that to her. eunjin achieved high marks for her exams and was able to finally graduate high school. 
ALTERNATIVE ENDING — despite receiving counselling from the school counsellor, eunjin couldn't take the knowledge of them knowing. she begged her father to let her finish her last year abroad. her father relunctantly let her abroad and even let her bring yoonseok with her. well youngjin actually persuaded his father to also bring yoonseok along with her as youngjin could not move with her. yoonseok was more than happy to go but was a little reluctant to let his little brother stay with his parents so mr kim said that he will look after his brother while he finishes his studies abroad. upon returning from overseas, eunjin and her brother take over kim corps as they finally broke they finally broke the news to seokmin's sickness to eunjin.
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+ min yoonseok 
+ gummy bear - called by eunjin because of the way he smiles
+ yoon - called by friends and family as a shortening of her name 

POSITIVE TRAITS — observant, wise, protective
NEGATIVE TRAITS — blunt, quiet, self-doubting

yoonseok is probably the most intimidating person you could meet - but once you get to know him, you'll know he really is just a ball of fluff. he tends to act cute without himself knowing. he is known to have a very intimidating exterior but once you get to know him, you'll know he really is jut a grandpa trapped inside a young boy's body. he has a knowledge of random facts he will tell you randomly and knows a little about anything and everything. his also very big on his naps and hates being woken up. he is also very protective of everything he loves and loves keeping an eye out for them. he can tell immediately if you are acting weird and not yourself. 
being a grandpa, yoonseok tends to say things straight forwardly and bluntly. he doesn't like sugar coating things and he hates getting sugar coated. he'd rather you be straightforward than use euphemisms to hide the true meaning of what you're saying to him. he is also the quiet type, always lost in his own world. but yoonseok is on the more talkative side of the quiet type - if he is with someone who is also quiet, he usually makes conversation and continues it. his quietness reflects his self-doubting trait. yoonseok is hardly ever sure with his decisions and what he's doing. the only actions that he has ever been confident with concerns his younger brother, eunjin and probably basketball. 

both eunjin and yoonseok were very doubtful at first. minhee being the middle woman had to deal with seeing the two's mutual crush on each other. minhee could see that yoonseok had liked eunjin since before attending song academy but he has always been in denial about it. it would always blame it on being reponsible for protecting eunjin, since youngjin asked him to, whenever minhee confronted him about it. yoonseok's overprotectiveness was the worse when eunjin and jiwoong started dating when they were 16.
yoonseok had always been in the friendzone and he only realised that he was overprotective of eunjin because he actually liked her. minhee was more than relieved when he finally came to realise his crush. yoonseok only realised after jiwoong and eunjin broke up as despite he should be siding with eunjin and being depressed, he was happy that they broke up. selfish, much? 
eunjin and yoonseok got together the night youngjin graduated (so they were both 17). they went out to have a small party but it ended with all of them getting extremely smashed. they were just chilling at the kim mansion. youngjin and his friends were screaming at each other arguing over something small while yoonseok and eunjin sat on the couch watching in. let's just say a drunk yoonseok is a touchy feely yoonseok because he had wrapped his arm around eunjin and pulled her to lean on him. he had leaned his head against eunjin's. eunjin didn't mind though. as the night progressed and yoonseok and eunjin began sobering up, they were mumbling to each other. still a little tipsy, yoonseok took in a deep breath before mumbling "i really like you, eunjin.. i want you to be my girlfriend but i know you won't because of what happened with jiwoong.." and sighs. eunjin smiles as she looks at her brother and his friends, sprawled out all on the floor. without looking at yoonseok, she leans closer before whispering back "if that was a question, i would've said yes." eunjin had sobered up by that point as she didn't drink as much as the boys did. yoonseok's eyes widened before rewording his confession, "kim eunjin, would you be my girlfriend?" this time louder and clearer than before. giggling, eunjin gave him a curt nod. all they heard after that was youngjin shouting "finally!" before passing out. the two giggled and decided the best thing to do was to get blankets over them -  not before drawing on their faces. 
after the two got together, yoonseok was more brave with his skinship. he would wrap his arm around eunjin's waist at school and would hold her hand if he wasn't holding her waist. during break times, he would rest his head on her legs and nap while she would run her fingers through his hair. yoonseok as usual, is very observant when it comes to eunjin. he made sure that she told him if she felt upset, etc. and he also made sure that nothing was stressing her and that he would be there to calm her down if she gets to caught up in her work. vice versa, eunjin is always there to encourage yoonseok with all the decisions he makes. she would always assure yoonseok that he as made the correct decision and what he is doing it correct. 
every monthsary (their anniversary is the 10th of july, therefore monthsary is the 10th of each month), yoonseok and eunjin promised to get each other presents. nothing big, it can be something as small as a bar of chocolate or a bubble tea date, etc. eunjin also has a thing with stealing yoonseok's hoodies. she likes wearing larger hoodies and obviously they'd look better on her than him, right? everything looks good on princess jin~ but secretly, eunjin also likes wearing yoonseok's hoodies because she likes the smell of his cologne; she also has his scarf that she had stole under her pillow. yoonseok thinks he must've left it at the basketball courts and someone picked it up by accident or something. 
eunjin also enjoys teasing yoonseok. she does this by pretending she is annoyed with something yoonseok is doing/has done, crossing her arms with a pout on her face. yoonseok would then immediately know what she is up to and pull her into a hug, whispering sweet nothings into her ear or he would tickle her sides. if she is unresponsive (which takes a lot of self control for eunjin) yoonseok would start calling her weird and random pet names to get her embarrassed and turn bright red - making her forgive him immediately. if yoonseok was caught up in the moment and didn't realise eunjin was only playing with him, he would whine and pull out his secret weapon - aegyo to try and get eunjin's attention back. 
IT'S OVER + "is bubble tea involved?"
NICKNAME — steph
USERNAME — chubby_bacon_cheeks

COMMENTS — oh my god i don't know what i wrote and if it makes sense haha~ i hope the grammar and everything was ok >.< also hope you liked eunjin!
QUESTIONS — did i write too much? is her secret reputation ruining enough >.< so many worries gah
+ eunjin going on a midnight walk during the in-school detention and found junsu at the basketball courts and they get up having a chat as eunjin is homeroom captain and she wanted to get to know junsu better
+ maybe eunjin can reveal her secret herself when she's drunk? i dont't know that's kind of throwing it out there >.<

PASSWORD "ew. you are not making me wear that."


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Thank you for applying Steph ^^. I'm on vacation right now but when I get home I'll write your review as soon as possible :)