Mori Lim
f/c goes here! no fixed height, width is 350.

full name. mori lim + (my internet and it won't even let me do a quick search for the characters. i know that mori has no korean equivalent as it's the japanese word for forest.)
nicknames. none
date of birth. november 8th (17)
birthplace / hometown. seoul, south korea
ethnicity. korean
nationality. korean
korean + fluent

japanese + basic) learning from ren for no reason other than he's willing to teach her, and all the best horror movies are japanese.


you seem familiar

faceclaim. kiko mizuhara
backup faceclaim. soo ah (ulzzang)
height / weight. 167 cm / 37 kg.


her short bob, slightly growing longer than she would like and brushing her lower neck, blows in the wind. it's more brown than he's ever seen it in a long time, usually she dies it darker but it seems that she wants to be more natural. her face upturned and smiling, is slightly tanner than it would be under normal floresecent lighting. instead of being a milky white, she is more of a peach color. is wide naturally, but even wider now that she is smiling. her squinty eyes grow to a comical size when the wind picks up strength, making her uniform skirt blow around her. she plays in the wind, allowing it to carry her wherever it wants her to go. she reaches back to him, her smile bright. he has no choice but to grab her hand as  she has never been more beautiful than when wind blows. - from the view of her love interest (and sorry for the poetic crap. lol)

she believes that uniforms hinder creativity. however, she wears her uniform the normal way also believing that detention would take time away from her precious blog.


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briggs-meyer: enfp // the campaigner
troupe: genre savvy, adorkable, brilliant but lazy, aloof dark haired girl

+ intelligent  +/- curious  + confident  +/- a dreamer - reckless - lazy
- persuasive, + a natural leader (too bad she's lazy), - exciteable

(okay so i tried writing this out normally but everything seemed pretentious and self righteous, so I'm going to try to write from the perspective of the people around her. namely taewoo, sorry if he's ooc)

when the name mori lim came up on his list, he shuddered. her grade point average was low, she showed no real interest in anything but that tall boy at her side, and the "blog that would make her famous". he had wanted to cross her off at the very beginning when she cornered him in the library and demanded that he allow her to join whatever '5th floor' adventure that he was planning, but her big wide mousey eyes and the presence that loomed over his back told him that he wouldn't be able to say no. at least not to her face.

her good points? she's intelligent. she has a drive that a lot of young people at her age doesn't have. she's creative. is sarcasm a positive or negative, because she has it by the miles. plus, she's willing to go to the 5th floor and in fact, told him specifically that if he rejected her that she would tag along anyway.

her bad points are numerous. she's lazy. her grade point average and iq scores are totally different and should be more matching. she cares little about others. in fact, he doesn't think she has any friends, other than the tall boy and she seems to like it that way. she probably wouldn't be a team player because of this. can we also say that she's a bit too into ghost stories? her blog is about all the 'haunted places' in seoul that shes visited. plus, she might not be able to control herself when it comes to blabbing about their adventures.

he needs more opinions.

1st year girl: who? oh. she's kind of strange. not like you oppa. not someone i would hang out with willingly.

2nd year boy: she's hot. -is that it?- i don't really know her to make assumptions.

tall boy (ren) : mori? to tell you the truth, she's a bit reckless and sometimes i feel that if I wasn't always with her, she'd run into walls because she's so interested in posting blog posts. however, she's nice and she's confident in the things that she likes. the things that she's not good at however, she'll brush off. i wish she was more interested in her studies. now are you gonna let me study? ...oh, and taewoo. ...just know that i know several types of martial arts and if she gets hurt... i'll let you pick which one you want to die with.

obssesed with horror movies. she writes a blog about them which actually gets a lot of views along with her "haunted in seoul'. she's makes about a '100' dollars a month between the two blogs which is spent on her second obssesion. coffee.

finds it easier to make friends online than in person.

wants to be a tv host for a docu show like ghost hunters or the most haunted places in seoul.

has never had a boyfriend.

(can add more if needed)



everyone is in love with taewoo, but mori honestly doesn't think   much of him. he's cute, but there's something off putting about his face. he's also too flowery for her. he's smart though, she'll give him that. other than being in a lot of his classes, she doesn't talk much to him. // it was only a week, but taewoo was once in love with mori. her devil may care attitude that now freaks him out used to set his heart on fire. but as with all crushes of his, he soon lost interest. 4/10

(will add more if needed. *eyes yongha and his beautiful hair*)


mori & ren // partners in crime

ren nakumoto. 18. 3.6 GPA. male, obviously.
fc: haruma miura // fc 2: kai from exo

personality // it's always good to have someone cynical around when you're doing something stupid. it keeps you honest. no one does cynical better than ren nakamura. as a japanese transfer that probably speaks better korean than most of the korean speakers in korea. he like mori, only seems to be friends with mori. this is more on his end though because their are plenty of girls that would die to be his friends, and plenty of boys who would be friends with him because of the attention he gets from girls. he's smart as a whip and is able to state stats from the top of his head. mori is pretty sure that he will be a doctor or a lawyer or something.

relationship // "single...but not single"
it's happened over and over again, "are you two dating?". the chills start and they search for a way to answer the question without completely denying the other. they are not dating, but no one dates anyone else. everyone around them is wondering what they're waiting for.

how he feels about her :
it's her thirst for knowledge that drives them up to the 5th floor with the group that he has forgotten the name of again. many times she's wondered out loud about what could be hidden on the fifth floor. he knows that it's a bad idea being up here with these kids, but he also knows that wherever she goes that he's going to follow. even if only it's to tumble to their death with him yelling out "i told you so!" before splattering all over the school grounds.

love interest. love interest name + face claim's name.
back up love interest. back up face claim.
about. personality, appearance, etc.
relationship status. are they dating? is it a big crush? maybe a puppy crush?
story. all the cute sappy history goes here.


how are you doing in school, what are your grades?

"you really go for the gutso, don't you taewoo." she nods. "i can respect that. grades mean a lot to you."

taewoo sighs, "this isn't a interview for me. stop avoiding the question."

"i'm not avoiding anything." she smiles. " grades aren't important to me."

however, taewoo has heard nothing as he's looking up something on his phone.
"says here that you are currently standing at a... 2.9. that's pretty low mori." he shakes his head, marking something down. "you should get that up before it's to late."

"grades only measure your ability to follow instructions. ...obviously we both have some trouble with instructions since the rules clearly states that no one is to step foot on the 5th floor." she folds her arms.

he's impressed. she's right about that.

how did you hear of this group?

"i overheard it. you were talking about it with one of your little gal pals." she shrugs.

"probably not exactly about this club, but something about the fifth floor. and you know anything about that place catches my attention. so when you started having these interviews, i figured this was about that."

she knocks on her head. "regular old sherlock huh? i told you...i'm not giving up."

what made you want to join this group?

she smiles at taewoo, it's unsettling as he's seen this smile preface many of bad

"i'm curious, for the most part." she says, crossing her arms. "the other part of me just really loves horror movies. then there's this little part of me that knows that there's something going on up there and wants to be a part of the group that finds out. plus anywhere you are taewoo is where I want to be."

she leans closer to him and grins, he gulps. "does that answer your question?"

what will you do once you visit the fifth floor?
"take pictures." she smiles again. "for evidence."
what do you think will happen once you visit?
"unfortunatley, odds are that the 5th floor is only closed off for renovations or something, so it's probably nothing but dust bunnies up there. i'm hoping we see ghosts or something...but ren says that ghost don't exist. do you believe in ghosts taewoo?"

"i don't know." taewoo says.

and finally, what should this group be named?

she stands up, completely bored with the interview now. without an answer, she starts walking towards the door but with an undignified call he stops her.

she smirks back at him, "you're telling me with all those can't figure out a name? what kind of prince of grades are you?"

she leaves.


name. CJ
comments / questions.

this is a first draft. and i'm not happy with it, and i'd like to revise it but i know i'm running out of time. so hopefully you like the rough version of mori and understand what i'm trying to say. any questions you have i'd be happy to answer.

also, if you wouldn't mind...can i add the pictures when i get more stable internet. i've just moved, so i'm using my mobile internet until the internet service comes. if you can excuse the pictureless part for right now, i'd be soooooooo thankful.

scene requests.
i'm drawing blanks but i'd like to see the dynamics between taewoo and mori, because i feel like they are a lot alike except taewoo is more determined and obviously qualified to be the president of south korea, and mori is more likely to be a rebel leader...if she can stop being so lazy.
also if chosen, i'm not so attached to my characters where i wouldn't want them to die. wouldn't it be awesome if just as mori and ren were confessing to each other, that something mysterious happened to them. like they died. however, i'd also like to see them make it out to tale the tale.

also have you ever seen scream? i picture mori as a gale weathers type except less agressive, less annoying and less y.



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