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jinminchan ♦ aicha



// Solo  with the members they like to play games, they once played like they were in show me the money , and each of the member came up with a rapper name , Solbin rapper name was Solo , she find it really swag and cool .
// Solly   her brothers call her like that to nag her , she hate it .


// English   born and raised in the usa 
// Korean  She have a korean dad , and she start living in korea from 2009

// Taiwanese  having a tawanese mother , who only spoke Taiwanese


ETHNICITY, NATIONALITY [ ♦ ] Korean , American 
HEIGHT, WEIGHT [ ♦ ] 165cm & 46kg

FACE-CLAIM [ ♦ ] Hyojung
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Dasom

FASHION STYLE [ ♦ ] Solbin like to wear jeans a lot and pants a lot , she doesn't like to wear skirt because she doesn't feel comfortable in them but when asked to wear something she does it even if she mumbles under her breath how she doesn't like it . For formal even she may wear a dress like she may wear a pant and still look really fancy , she loves heels and flat shoes , she is a big fan of Adidas and Nike , she like to wear work out clothes to practice . When it come to sleeping she like to wear nothing , but for the others to respect them she wear a shirt and some shorts , she doesn't have pajamas she wear just stuff differently , she can even wear her casual day clothes to sleep .
daily clothes :: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
formal :: 1/2 / 3 / 4
practice ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
pijamas :: 1  / 2  / 3 

oc1NAME [ ♦ ] Ahn Solbin
D.O.B [ ♦ ] 12/04/1995

POSITION [ ♦ ] Main rapper , vocalist , lead dancer 
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Lead vocalist,lead rapper 
SINGING [ ♦ ] 60 of 100
DANCING [ ♦ ] 95 of 100
RAPPING [ ♦ ] 90 of 100

PERSONA [ ♦ ]  Savage Queen / the intelligent baronness 

TRAINEE BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] life was pretty hard and trying , as SM is known to be really strict and you must be the top of the top to stay in , she worked her off everyday , sometimes she would even starve but she was determinate and want to make it to the top , so even when some trainee debuted and she didn't she wasn't heart broken or anything , it just was like another reason for her to work harder .

// She was just a cameo in some music videos 


// This song 


// none

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] lazy , sleepy , bossy , funny , playful  teasing , easygoing , intelligent 

// On stage she have that badass aura around her , she is that savage queen , she look intimidating and y . If you saw her just on stage or on music video you would think wow this girl is so cool and so mature . She have that CL vibe around her .
But off stage she is your lazy , always sleeping girl , the girl you don't want to wake because you may regret it she can be pretty aggressive if you wake her out her sleep , she may even hit you , with her friends and members she is playful always teasing all of them , playful , she is like a child her like to discover new things , she like to nag the members about stuff but she doesn't like when someone nag her , she may be quite bossy , she love to boss the members around , she use to do the same thing to people at school .

// But don't get scared of her just because of the annoying face she always have on , even in happy places she have the same blank expression you can even think that she doesn't like to be here , she tend to roll her eyes a lot and doesn't like to have too much attention on her , some people may find the way she talk rude , but she grew talking that way , in her home town it's something really normal .
She is a really friendly and easygoing girl , if you give it a chance you can get a long with her really well , she doesn't like to talk about herself but prefer to know more about the person , and the other people love that , that she give all her attention to them will talking .

// She is the laziest person of her group , she doesn't like to practice but still practice hard , she doesn't like to work out but still buy work out clothes . Her favorite activity would be napping or watching tv while stuffing her face with food .

BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] Solbin parent are really normal asian couple , her dad and mom own a korean shop in LA , it's quite famous and they serve really delicious food . She is the youngest among her siblings so she is the baby of the family that everyone love and care about , plus she is the only girl out of her siblings which make her more precious to her parents . When she was young spending most of her time with her brothers she was really tomboyish , she didn't like dresses or skirt , she loved jeans and pants , she hated the color pink , she played with legos not with barbies , she hated when her brothers pushed her aside saying that she is a girl she can't play to this game , she would always show them how strong she was ; Their favorite game was to act like they were wrestlers that competed in WWE , it was one of her favorite show when she was young . They would sing the intro of the wrestlers together and would fight and push each other around .
When she got into elementary school she had short hair and was always wearing baggy clothes so her classmate would think she was a boy , she didn't mind like that she spent most of her time with boys , they would play around the neighborhood causing trouble and making pranks to old people , but at that time one of the boys was Asiatic like her so the both of them were like best friend he would come over at her house and she would go over at his , as they looked a like they even went and tell people that they were twins .
When she got into middle school her best friend started liking dancing and b-boying so she followed him in that path , she begged her parents to let her take classes with him at a dance studio and they couldn't say no , her style became less boyish at that time as her hair grow longer you could say that she was a girl , but she still spend most of her time with her best friend , they would do dance battles together and make some choreography together , she even started to consider dancing as her dream too .
Life was great and everything , but when she reached the last year of middle school , her parents has decided to go back to south korea , Solbin hated that idea , she was part of a dance crew , her best friend was here and everything for her was here , but she couldn't go against her parents so she followed them to Korea . There school life was hard , people judge how boyish she was , criticized her accent , she wanted to murder all of them , she got in trouble a lot , she was even bullied in school . She continue to practice dance at home and she got into rap music , it was the only thing that made her happy at that moment .
She hated how everyone at school looked down on her so to show them what she got she decided on becoming an idol , as idol in her school were really big and important people . She auditioned for the 6 company and the first one who accepted her was SM , she got in on her first year of high school her trainee life started .

FAMILY [ ♦ ]

// Dad, Ahn Dan Tae   57  alive  shop owner  unny , teasing , protective , easygoing , playful she got a long really well with her dad , as they are both fan of the same football team so they watch football together , and love to hang out with each other , now that she is able to drink , they are even drinking buddies , plus they are both meat lovers .

// Mom, Park Jiwon   53  alive  co-shop owner   motherly , strict , caring , nagging , angry mom  she is always fighting with her mom , because one her mom want her to be more feminine , scolding her that if she stayed like that she won't get married , that she should stop talking like that , she is always nagging her about everything but deep inside she love her daughter and just want the best for her .

// Big brother , Ahn Soo-hyun  30  alive  chef funny , playful , protective , bossy they get a long a lot , when she was younger she was always sleeping with him , he was like a big teddy bear to her , he was the only brother she would stop crying in his arm as a baby , she love her big brother , and to today they still text and call each other , they even meet up some times if they aren't busy .

// Big brother , Ahn Soo-ro  27  alive  engineer in information   reserved , shy , not that talkative , protective   even if he is the shy type , he can get pretty scary when angry , he is quite reserved and doesn't like to talk much the time they spend together is watching a drama ,as they are both drama lovers , that's the only time he can be open and talkative , he is always supporting her and watching over her .

// Big brother , Ahn Soo  23  alive  college student   easygoing , playful , flirt , loving , protective  they fight a lot as they are close in age they went to the same school , he would always go around and tell some embarrassing stuff about her , he once told her that i don't even have to worry about boys flirting with you as they all think you are a boy too , which got her pretty mad , their mom is always scolding them , but he can get really over protective sometime , he doesn't like her best friend much , nowadays , they text and meet up he always ask her to introduce him to some girls but she always said no . 


// Childhood friend , Mark Tuan  22  idol  reserved , funny , loving , caring , quiet  As Solbin is quiet intelligent she skipped a class in elementary and got in the same classroom as Mark they spend of their time together from that age being the only asian of their class    he is her childhood friend they went to the same school from elementary to middle school always hanging with each other , they cried a lot when she went back to korea but kept in touch she was so happy when she heard about him getting in JYP like that they were closer and could meet up sometimes , and that's what they do well making sure that they don't get in a scandal together or something but both Got7 fans and Whiteskirt fan know about them being friend so they're okey with it , well the majority .

// Close friends , kang seulgi   22  idol  easy going , funny , talented , nice , cheerful , bubbly  they met during trainee years .  they got a long from the first day , she cheered on her during her debut and seulgi did the same , they used to practice together and they hold the same interest and hobbies so they are close .

OTHERS [ ♦ ]

// Members , esprit varies   idol  varies  they are in the same group   she get a long well with the other members they are the sisters she never had , she love to spend time with them even if they fight sometimes but it's never something serious .

// Sunbae , exo  varies  idol  varies  she met most of them during trainee days   as she has been with sm from 2009 she spend some of her trainee years with them she know them well and get a long with all of them , they even call each other some times .

LIKES [ ♦ ]

//She love sleeping 
//she like raining days 
//hot coffee
//the smell of the sea
//khip hop and rnb 
//big fan of zion.t and aomg crew
//big fan of variety shows 


// she hate spicy foods
//hot days
//too loud places
//being woken up 


// dancing 
//watching tv
//she play with her hair when bored
//clench her teeth when angry
//have to hug something while sleeping
//drink water the first thing in the morning .

TRIVIA [ ♦ ] 

// she tend to write song when she is bored 
//she can sleep everywhere and anywhere 
//she love to take long car rides
//she have a playlist in her phone which only have ual song on it it called "voulez-vous coucher avec moi se soir ?" which means would you like to sleep with me tonight .
//she like to read mangas 
//she love gays couple and ships 
//she listen to music before falling asleep 
//she have an intagram ( @solbinnie )
//she is allergic to cats 
//she was accepted in YG too .

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] He smiles a lot, laughs and talks loudly and has a 'friendly giant' kind of appeal. he is what we call  goofy and outgoing person . Chanyeol is more thoughtful and aware than people take him as. He is the "Happy virus" of his group and it's not just a facade he is like that in real life too .

RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] they are crushing on each others .

HISTORY [ ♦ ] They met during trainee days , as he got in one year before her , she would call him sunbae , they didn't talk to each other much at first , as chanyeol is the shy kind with girls . But he once heard her rap in one of the recording studio , he loved the parole and bragged in the room amazed , practically shouting how amazing and deep the lyrics was , she got scared and surprised at first as she thought at that time , it was around 1 in the morning , no one would be around , she bowed out of respect to him then he sat down beside her asking her if she was the one that wrote this , she nodded looking at him a little taking a back by how cheerful he was at this time of the day , the first thing she asked him was if he was on drug . As the question left , the room went silence for a bit before that the boy start laughing really hard , he even had tears on the corner of his eyes , she on the other hands was mumbling to her self about what was so funny , he pull out his hand to shook hers and told her that he wanted to be friend . Solbin found him really weird at first but shook his hand and smiled slightly as she accepted his proposition , they spend the rest of the night talking and laughing , they didn't feel sleepy at all which was weird for Solbin as she loved to sleep . From that day they would met up from time to time and practice their rap skills together . He is the only boy that Solbin find attractive , like when their hands touch or when they are sitting too close her heart flutter , his laughs make her smile , she was by his side when he was nervous about debuting he was so happy when he told her that he made it , she won't lie that she have a big crush on him . To now they still meet at SM so that no rumors spread , they text and face times each other a lot , she hate it when she read some rumors about him with another girl and she would act childish and not answer his call or text , he would act jealous when she talk about mark too much , they are like really close friends , they can talk for hours without getting bored of one another , the best thing was when they were in a variety show together , it was so much fun .

OTHER [ ♦ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis.

lo1NAME [ ♦ ] park chanyeol
OCCUPATION [ ♦ ] idol
D.O.B [ ♦ ] 27/11/1992

lo2NAME [ ♦ ] lee taeyong
OCCUPATION [ ♦ ] idol
D.O.B [ ♦ ]  01/07/1995

ANY LAST COMMENTS [ ♦ ] Hope you like it , if you do , please take good care of my character .


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PASSWORD [ ♦ ] this song !



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