Applications for Brides of The Demon Lords


Application Form

User Name: ninaaziz


AFF Link:


Your Character 

Name: Annabeth Yong


Age: 20


Birthday: April 12, 1992


Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 American


Height: 167 cm


Weight: 52


Blood Type:AB 



Annabeth or preferably Anna, is rarely viewed as a girl. She too, sometimes forget that she is a girl. If not for her brothers who keep calling her princess, she won't even remember she is a princess. Her daily life is much the same as her brothers. Her father once told her, she needs to have another life that isn't like a boy. By any chance Anna have the urge or wants to be like a normal girl. She just has not find the correct or the good enough reason to look like so.

Anna was raised in a household of guys, consists of her father and her brothers. She is pretty much exposed to the business world that she barely have time to squeeze in to be a girl. In her free time, she often played video games that her brothers invented. All her allowance were spend on buying video games and consoles.  Despites her obsession with video games and consoles, she has a  fantasy of becoming a fully girl. Shopping, trying on dresses everytime, flirt with guys. However that's all a dream she would never get to fulfill.  

Anna looks like a girl on the outer appearance, its beneath the outside look that she is different. Honestly, she despises people who act nicely infront of her but behind her back they backstab her. Anna never hides her true nature that resembles to being a boy. She is pampered by her brothers the most. Derek took care of her daily need and allowance while Damien teaches her self defence and let her have the first test of any new game he makes. Despites her girl look, Anna is a hard core gamer in making.



Appearance: (5+ Links, can be Ulzzang’s, models or celebrities though I would much prefer model or celebrity.)


Name of your Appearance: Girl's Day's Ji Hae






Backup Appearance: (3+ Links)


Name of Backup Appearance: Miss A's Suzy


Who are you?

Likes: (10+)

  • Games
  • Martial Arts
  • Sweet food
  • Her brothers
  • Girls clothes
  • A good game made by her brother.
  • Action movies
  • Her own room
  • Her secret play time of dressing up
  • The game room in the office.

Dislikes: (10+)

  • Back stabbers
  • The ty type of girl
  • Girls who tries to get in her brothers' pants 
  • Cute stuff
  • Girls who uses aegyo.
  • Guys who thinks highly of themselves.
  • Conceited people
  • People loves to up.
  • Being alone
  • Coffee

Hobbies: (5+)

  • Having a dress up time secretly.
  • Playing games.
  • Practicing martial arts.
  • Buying new video games.
  • Walking in her father's office.

Habits: (5+)

  • Biting her lips when she made a mistake.
  • She tends to eat a lot when tense.
  • She loves to roll on her bed before sleeps.
  • She loves to watch horror movie and then cries to her brothers and blame them.
  • Her hands get sweaty if she is nervous.


  • A very blunt person.
  • Has a pet wolf
  • Loves to dress her brother in girls clothes.

Your Fashion

Description of what you like to wear: On daily days, she prefers to wear short shorts and over big size shirt. She also loves to wear beanie or snow hat as her accessories. For shoes, she prefers to wear heels like sneakers. 


Formal: (5+ Links, I like yesstyle.)


Casual: (5+)




Hometown: Incheon, Seoul


Birthplace: NYC


Family Background:

The three of them, her brothers and her were born in NYC. Her father was on a bussiness matter for 5 years in New York at that time. That's when both of their parents met. Her mother was one of the well known socialite of New York.  After the birth of her brothers, her mother could not get pregnant again, but she insist on wanting more babies. When she was pregnant of Anna, she was given two choice, if she carried out her pregnancy, she will die. As her determination, she wants to keep her baby, and makes her father promise not to hate the baby. Her mother died after giving birth to her. A year after she was born, they moved back to Incheon as her father business growing much vast and Incheon is the main headquarters.


Family Members:

Yong Donghyuk - Father, a world-class businessmen, 53, known as King of Trades, Anna is quite close with her father.

Anna Lee - Mother, deceased.

Derek Yong- Older brother, has a twin, 23, working at their father company, very close with her, and the one who always be there with her.

Damien Yong- Older brother, twin brother to Derek, 23, working at their father company, and a game designer, he is close to Anna.


Your Past

What do you fear:


Why do you fear it: 

She feared of being alone because, she once was kidnapped by her family's rivals at the age of 9. She was waiting for her driver to pick her up at that time, as the school slowly getting emptied. Her nervousness was getting higher that time as she heard footsteps coming closer. She ran back to the school building, and tries to hide in her class which results in another bad decision. She was taken hostage and kept in an abandon warehouse all alone with nothing or no one. She was rescued two days later, looking disheveled and traumatized of being alone. Eversince, she would never be anywhere alone. She will drag her brothers with her.


Love Interest 

Your Husband:





His personality:

He acts like he is all cool and mighty. Someone like who owns everything. 


How does he act towards you:

During times, when we first met, he scoffed at me, but later he treat me as a girl should be, and try to change me to look more like a girl.


How do you act towards him: 

Like how she usually act with her brothers, only with a bit more affection.

Anything Else


Human, because, despites the weaknesses a human has, the mythical, supernatural, paranormal one keep on getting attracted to human.


Do tell me if anything is wrong...


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