that trigger

I'm the kind of person that always enjoy a little "teary" moment in whatever story i write, i read, or watch. i don't know why, but it just feels right to go to that roller coaster ride with the expectation of a happy ending in the end. a constant happy-go-lucky story tires me indeed, and don't get me wrong, i love humor and laughter but i believe real life consist of more emotion than just that, so i just try to incorperate real life pain into my story to make it "real-er" (is that even a word?).

I got a trigger to create some of those stories i mentioned and if you're a reader of my ff, i think you'd know what i mean--since all of my story usually contains some tear jerking moment that affected me so much during the writing. This week, however, the trigger is stronger than usual. whilst most of the things i'm currently writing already passed the "stormy part", i have a need to continue with the "teary" trigger at some point--simply to get it out of my system.

i don't even know why i'm writing it here in the blog, but again, to get it out of my system, i binge listening to this song by Urban Zakapa and i browsed some pictures of a girl that fit into the character i've had in my mind for quite some time now--aaannd dig my own grave by starting a new story, while i still have two on-going ones.. -__- it's nice to know that i have something to channel that tear when i have to get quite emotional, although it might sound a bit pathetic sometimes. and now i'm wondering if it's actually normal to wake up one morning and feeling sad without any reason at all, what people do when they encounter that kind of feeling, and if it make them feel any better after they get it out from their head (or heart).

aah, i'm just babling now.

by the way, if any of you come acrros reading this blog and you have a simple story of your high-school romance, could you please share some with me? for my current new story research puporse. hahaha. i only dated once in high school and nothing good or sweet was happening during that time, so i really need some other perspective.. :) i appreciate it if anyone would want to share their story..


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lulu8891 #1
It's normal i guess to feel like that, cause it seems like. There are a lot of people like that including me.

Those teary moments make your stories closer to reality, cayse life is not always colored in pink and fluffy bunnies, it makes me enjoy your stories even more.
It's good that you can take the sadness out of your system by writing it down and turning it into stories.

I don't think i can help you about the love part, but i will be happy to read a new story of yours.
I understand u completely. .the eagerness to write a new story. I always write down my ideas on my phone's notes n still keeping it though I haven't write for quite some time now..

I too include what happened in my life to my stories to make it realistic and so i can deliver the feels properly coz I've experienced it..

it's actually normal to wake up one morning and feeling sad without any reason at all. For me its normal but maybe not upon waking up in the morning ^^, what i usually do is try to talk to people but not talking about what i feel, with that i feel as if i have someone is there listening to me if not talk to someone, i will just cry. .

I can share with u the roller coaster ride of my love life n the people i met for your research purposes hahaha pm me