Lasting Memories

Hi issa me again! With yet another poem! Hehehe :)

I got this idea whilst being all nostalgic and sad while listening to DBSK's Proud. So I wrote this down.

This in honor of DBSK and Cassiopeia!


Staring out of the glass,
The world goes by, blurred blues and greens,
Time had gone so fast,
It feels like it has been a thousand years
When I saw you last
When we were one, all of us together,
Those beautiful things of the past
Our ship has sailed the oceans, but now it's sinking,
Yet flying proud if our flag from our mast,
Remember those years we spent together? The memories
I promise they will last
Whatever happens, I know I won't forget you
Our love is too vast
To forget would be a sin, we held close
Those memories of us,
It might seem a wall is between us but we can break it
For it is made of glass,
Never will those precious moments, us, together,
Fade into the dust ...


Ok ... How was it? Sorry I ran out of ideas and words to rhyme so I kinda cut it at the end. Also the rhyming scheme was weird but meh ...

I hope you like it! Now I will just go off to cry in a corner about the real-life tragedy of DB5K ... *crys*




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It was great :) Keep up the good work~