《COUP》 : SHIN hoseoK
*REPLACE WITH FC: width must be 120!!
korean name : 신호석
other naME(s) : Akio
DATE OF BIRTH : 03 / 01 / 1993
ethnicity : Korean
languages : Korean only - fluent -native language 
faceclaim : Wonho (monsta x)
Backup : Seung Youn ( Uniq )
height and weight : 178cm & 73kg.
appearance : Right now he look exactly like the face claim just with white hair and no peircing or tattoo on the .
stylE : He is what you can call stylitsh , he take time to get ready and check himself a couple of times before going out .
dailylife ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
formal ;; 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 
practice ;; 1 / 2 / 3 /
personality traits : Cheerful , funny , caring , dorky , erted , messy , lazy , nagging , playful , bossy 
description :
 on stage , akio is your y , hot , confident idol , he is considerate a diva and the person who take off his top a lot , he look like your typical player in drama and fan fiction , he is your savage queen , your hard to get and intimidating boy , but off stage , he is your dorky , playful , funny boy , he like to have fun and play around with the boys , he is always teasing them and making some bad jokes but being the eldest they can't say a thing about it .
he may sound childish and someone who doesn't take anything seriously , but when it come to his work or teammate , he know when to be serious , he is pretty scary when he put that face on , he tend to put back every team member back in his place , he scold them and boss them around a lot , he like to give them advices about stuffs being the oldest make him have more experience and make him be the one the boys turn around to when they need someone . 
he may not be the model leader but he get better at it day after day , make sure that the boys don't make any scandal or mistake , he is the one who work hard the most among them as he have to be like a model gor the younger one . if something happen he is the one who get scoled by the higher one , it piss him off and he try his best not to explode in front of the other he keep it for him and just send them some dirty glares .
he is known to be the most erted among them , and he really is , the boys one said in an interview , that they have a computer at home and wonho is the one that you use it the most and it full of virus and other thing , if you get what i mean . 
he was the troublemaker kind at school , he never liked to study but always made sure to pass his class , some would say it was just because he was too lazy to study , he gave all his time to his music , he practice and write lyrics on his own a lot .
he made some mistakes back in the days when he was hanging with some bad friends and he really do regret it , and make sure that his dong-sae follow the right way and don't make the same mistakes as him , that's why he nag them a lot .
he is the messiest person , he take days to get ready and never clean behind him , his room is always messy , and when the others don't clean behind them he would scold them .
background : akio is the eldest child among his siblings, his mom is now a single mom as his dad died a couple years ago, letting him theresponsibility of the family. when he was young life was pretty easy for them, they were wealthy and never had any problem, he was a calm and studious child at school, he didn't play a lot and didn't have that much friend.
When he was 6 years old, his little brother was born, he didn't like him at first he was really jealous of him, as the baby got all the attention, but when his brother grew up a little bit, they start to play with each other, he would take Really good care of his little brother who followed him everywhere, he was the one that cleaned him up and dressed him for school as their parent were always busy with work.
When he got 15 his mother got twins and during same years his dad company went bankrupt, school wasn't as good as before, people would look down on him he was even getting bullied for a time. he started working part-time jobs to help his mom, he hated life so much, he hated how other people started to treat them now that they were poor, his dad didn't do much he started drinking a lot and one day died in a car accidenthe didn't cry the day of his funeral he kept a straight face and held his brothers close to him , he had to be strong for his family .
life went by and he was already at his last year of high school , that's when it got worse he start hanging out with bad kids who were a bad influence to him the only thing that got her out of that state was music , music saved him when he was deep in , and now he wants to make it as his job , he knows that not everybody make it in that path , but he wanted to try . his mom disapproved at first telling him that now he was the head of the family and music wasn't going to feed his siblings  ,he begged her to believe in him and at the age of 20 he moved out the house to a small apartment in seoul where he started to study music more , he would still work part-time jobs and send more than half of his money to his family .
one day in the debut of 2016 , he was desperate nothing worked for him , he was even ready to give up on his job a friend of his proposed that he got to audition for an agency , at that stage he was ready to try everything and he auditioned and got in , that was one of the happiest days of his life because when he got in , he started smiling again like back in the days . 
Family ;;
- Do Ji won (mom ) / 50  / WORK AT A barbecue shop / akio and his mom don't get a long that much they are always , scolding or glaring at each other , because when he was younger Jiwon was the cold kind mother she didn't play with him or anything and now she relly on him a lot , but it's his mom and he still love her  .

- Shin Ho Won ( brother ) / 17 / student /They got a long really well , he support him a lot in his dream of becoming a music a icon , he like to hang out with him and talk about anything and everything , he is like his bestfriend and it's the same thing for the younger one  .

- Shin Hoya and SHin Howa (little brothers )/ 8 / student / They love there bigbrother , because one he always bring them food and two he like to play with them , he is like a hero and a dad to them  .
friends ;; 
- Song Mino / 23 /idol / They are childhood friend , mino was one of the only person that played with wonho when he was young and that stayed by his side even after he became poor , they are still friend to today they always text and talk to each other  .
- LEE minah  / 23 / college student  / Minah had a crush on wonho back in high school so she was always with him and sticked to him a lot , he then explained to her that he wasn't interested but she still sticked so he told her about his little secret is that he have crush on someone else but it wasn't a girl  , and she became his best friend
- JACKSON WANG  / 22 / idol / They never met before , but jackson is his men celebrety crush not a lot of people know about it , he hope that he could meet him some days .
- coup / AGE VARIES / IDOLS / he get a long really well with his group member , he care about every and ech one of them they are like his little brothers .
trivia : 
- he like to walk around with only boxers
-he work out a lot 
- he have an instagram ( @wonhooo )
- he take too much selcas 
- he watch dramas too much for a boy his age
- he like to watch random videos on youtube
- he is a big fan of the AOMG crew
- he is a great cook
- he love dogs 
- he used to have three puppies
- he doesn't have a driver license 
- he never kissed a girl or a boy 
- he read Mangas a lot 
- he doesn't sleep that mucH
- he like to make weird videos
- he know all he girl group dances
- he know how to do an impression of Kim WOO Bin
- He cried at the end of the Healer
- he love chocolate flavored things
- he doesn't like strawberry milk
- he doesn't like red apples
- he can't sleep without hugging something
- he brush his teeth too much
- if he could eat one thing for the rest of his life it would be ramen 
- his favorite color is black
- he spend most of his money on clothes
STAGE NAMe : akio - “akio  means glorious man in japanese.”
POSITION : Leader , lead vocalist
BACKUP POSITION : main vocalist 

TRAINING LIFE : Trainee life was short which made her harder , as they had to rush to debut they trained days and night , it was stressful but he doesn't regret a think .
PREDEBUT ACTIVITY : mv cameo , drama cameo .
scene suggestions : a meeting between jackson and AKIO
comments : did you see that jackson gif it's like he is looking deep into me 
password : G-dragon
*REPLACE WITH FC: height must be 120!! *REPLACE WITH FC: height must be 120!!

Akio is the kind of person you want as a friend , it's like drug when you get a taste of it you can't get anough his addicting . he is the kind of person that will make you smile , laugh , cry , he will make your heart beat faster , he is the happy little pill in your life , but he isn't a perfect person , like nobody is perfect , he try hard to have more positive traits and flaws and you should love him for that . He is a respectful hyung , a loving oppa , a easy going dongsae . He will make boys and girls heart flutter . Don't jugde for what he was but who he is right now . Hoseok is a loving , caring , dorky , y , hot , bossy , lazy and messy idol that would make sure to make music that make you feel better when you are in a bad mood .


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