Daily + Weekly Update

For god's sake, I haven't slept yet. There are still 3 pending proposals that are required for their submissions on this nearest July, the day of when I will be moving to my hometown, a country where you can find a lot of fun things and anime cartoons for children's entertainment. 

I have travelled in 5 countries for finishing up this group researchers. The sad thing is that almost all of my group members only take these as ignorance and I have to take their names off from the author's list and have to find  some new partners. I have sighed like a lot of times, thinking about a single thing and trying to solve their problems whilst mine isn't found its cure, yet. 

Gladly, I found three Ph.D. students that willingly extend their hands to join my 'in the process of building' an Encyclopedia on Bees. I am really fond of bees XD There are lots of benefits of them, and without them, the population of living humans will decrease.

I guess I need to take some breaks due to my tired condition XD I have applied in one or two shops along, and it does not mean that I have fully abandoned my single working shop. Just I need to take some breaks. :D

Wish me luck for the research! I will be flying to Brazil and Switzerland tomorrow, // opps, it's today haha



thank you for reading!  


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God! You are just amazing dear. Coping up with all the work and still managing to do graphics. This is something I need to learn :D
I wish you all the luck and yeah enjoy your trip !
Do your best, Pom. you're amazing you know it! Good luck and take care of your health. Drink more water and have a good sleep!