Divinity Application - Aiko

Divinity CheriE Entertainment
Lead Dancer , Main Rapper , Vocalist

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# Birth Name - Aiko Ayuzawa
# Korean Name - Park Seul-gi
# Nickname(s) - Koko / Aikyo

# Ethnicty - Japanese
# Birthdate - 13 / 02 / 1997 ; 19 years old
# Birthplace - Osaka
# Hometown - 

Height: 162cm
Weight: 42kg

# Face Claim - BlackPink's Jennie {Gallery}
# Backup Face Claim - BlackPink's Lisa & {Gallery}


Appearance & Style.

# Style: She doesn't have a specific style of clothes , like her hair color it change a lot , she like every kind of clothes , dress , skirt , jeans , short , it doesn't matter as long as i look good on her and it's at her taste , she like to change her clothes with her mood , if she is in the mood of y clothes , she will probably wear black or dark colors , if she is in the mood of cute , she will wear in the tones of pink , white and purple , she like heals and flat shoes , she like to try different hair styles , but doesn't like to put on tick make up too afraid to damage her skin . 

# Appearance: Aiko tend to change her hair color a lot , right now she have it brown and quite short , she is not too tall but not that short either , she have a fit and thin body , she have defined face features , small nose , small lips , eyebrows on flick . She have a really nice and white skin , she take really good care of it . She doesn't have much but it isn't non-existent , she doesn't have hips , but her figure is nice and attractive . 

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# Positive Traits: Funny , easygoing , cheerful , caring , loving 
# Negative Traits: bossy, messy , get angry easily , impatient 

# Personality:  On stage she have that charismatic , y , intimident aura , she love to fan , with some y galnces , tend to bit her lips and swing her hips , she look mature and confident , she also look like a person you will be too afraid to approch but would like to know . She have that diva vibe on stage , she doesn't accept to do aegyo on public , she also look more than her age some would say it's just the clothes or the make up , even in music videos she look like that . Some don't like her some feel more attracted to her , she is know to be the "Savage Queen" of the group .

But off stage She has a really dorky personality and laughs, she gets along with everyone she meets, and love to make new friends, even in the worst situation when everything seems dark to you she see a light in it, she has a very positive mind and tend to only see the bright side of the person which is good in a way but bad too, because she is kinda naive when it come to people, she tends to trust people easily or fall in love easily and get heartbroken. She like to friend and play around with them, she says that life is short and we should live it well, so she sometimes doesn't take things seriously, which get her in trouble with people older than her,she thinks that she can be friend with everyone and older people find it kinda rude how she talk to them, she doesn't know when or where to shut it so she is always asking for forgiveness,  deep inside even with all what's happening around her she is just a normal girl.

She have really REALLY bad memory its her weakest point of all .She is really scary when she get angry and tend to nag people a lot , the members doesn't like to play with her because she tend to play boys game , like really aggressive teasing and the members tend to get hurt sometimes , and she tease them about being too soft and that they should grow some muscles . she is the kind of person who is "interesting but hard to grasp " . She also prefer to follow her intuition in most of things she do . She is the kind of person who would never judge someone for his look or color , she prefer to get to know them before having an idea about them .


# Languages: 
001. Japanese - Fluent
002. Korean - Fluent
003. English - Fluentl

004. French - Conversational

005. Spanish - Conversational 

# History: Aiko was born into a five children family , she is the youngest and the last one , Her parent are both Japanese , her siblings are really older than her , like the eldest son is 36 years old , come after the eldest daughter she is 34 years old , then come another boy he is 32 years old , Then come another girl she is 26 years old finally her . She didn't live with the two eldest one for a long time just a period of 2 , 4 years before they both moved out the house , so she isn't really close with them but more close with the youngest one . So out of Five children she wanted to be special her high notes weren't something special as all her siblings were genius , it was something that ran in there DNA , they all had a QI higher than the average , school was never a problem for her . So to stand out she got into the artistic world , she wanted to learn how to dance and sing and even more rap , from a young age she was really interested into the hip hop world , people would find it weird when she told them that her dream is to be a performer , they would find it stupid to throw all her intelligence aside to dance and sing on top of stage and knowing that many people didn't made it , but she never stop believing in her dream , at the age of 17 she persuaded her parents to let her go to korea , as she had always been a big fan of Kpop and Khip hop , at first they didn't approve but when she told them that her big sister had accepted to let her come live with her in Seoul they couldn't say no , she was so excited and went for it .

Before going to South-korea she had already register to participate in Kpopstar 3 , thinking that it will be the chance of her life to show those judges which were an inspiration to her , that Japanese people are talented too , she went to the audition without telling her parents , only her sister's husband and her sister knew about it and they encourage her to do it , she went for it , passed the first audition and was part of the top 10 , she was really sad and desperate when she didn't make . After going through her SNS a couple weeks later she found that she have some fans , so she decided just for those fans she will realise some track songs , and with the help of her Sister's husband she recorded and arranged the songs and realized them but the song didn't make it high .Hearing from her korean friend that she should come with them to some agency audition she followed them and got in she was so happy and had her hope up again , now even her parents and other sisblings were supporting her .Yg contacted her telling her that they want her just a mouth after she started her trainee life , she excuse them and decligned the invitation because she was loyal to the first choice that she made and it was CheriE Entertainment ,she was the kind the of girl that never went back on her words .

Trivia & Trainee Life

# Likes: 

    • she like to learn other groups dances 
    • she is a big fan of Kdrama
    • she like dogs 
    • grilled meat
    • spending times with her nieces  
    • working out 
    • hide and seek

# Dislikes: 

  • horror movies
  • pop corn with butter
  • quiet places
  • darkness
  • raining days
  • rude people

# Hobbies: 

  • basketball
  • cooking
  • working out
  • watching tv
  • going out 

# Habits: 

  • ​sleeping with the light on
  • drinking water the first thing in the morning
  • checking her phone too much 
  • sleep hugging a pillow
  • talk in her sleep 

# Trivia: 

  • she have a dog at home named Chat ( which mean cat in french )
  • if she could one thing for the rest of her life it will be ramen
  • she love social media ( she have an instagram and snapchat )
  • she like to read mangas
  • she love bl web series 
  • she like to take selcas 
  • she have an instagram
  • she is good at impression
  • really bad at Aigyo 

# On Stage Persona: Savage Queen
# Off Stage Persona: Dorky Ajumma

​# Trainee Life: 

Her trainee life , first months were really hard and exhausting , she wouldn't get much sleep and would keep practicing to improve her self but like she said once "it was like hell , after a while , hell became more comfortable" she made friend with all the trainee and had some really happy memory with all her new friends , the staffs and coach were nice and were supporting all of them even if sometime it looked like they would never make it they tried to cheer each other up and it worked , she was happy to hear that she was in the group it felt like a she almost realized her dream .

# Pre-debut Works: She was a cameo in Descendant  of the sun , she made a lot of video with the girls were they would play some games that would make the fan know more about them .

# Plastic Surgery: none

# Scandals: none

Family & Friends.

# Family

• Dad  / Hiro Ayuzawa  / 68 / Dojo sensei  / They get a long pretty well evn with the huge , she like to watch movies with him or talk with him about his past days , he have a big heart even if he look serious and scary he is sweet and playful .

• Mom / Hiromi Kawakami / 58 / House mom / She tend to argue with her mom quite a lot , as her mom was the first one to object about her being an idol , but changed her mind when she watched one of Akoi performance , she is your typical angry mom .

• 1th Big Brother / Kaede Ayuzawa / 36 / CEO  / They don't meet much , because he work out the country but when he visit it's kinda awkward because they don't know what to talk about so he start talking about school or some really old stuffs , he once even told his wife that Akoi was 14 when she 16 years old

• 1th Bg sister  / Mana Ayuzawa / 34 / Manager / They got a long fine , but aren't that close either , they don't know what to talk about so just keep quiet , she only talk to her to ask about something she is curious about , Akoi feel sometime like her sister doesn't want her here but it's just her sister cold personality 

• 2th big brother / Akio Ayuzawa/ 34 / Designer / She got a long really well with him from a really young age , he was the one that spended time and played with her the most , they have the same passion for video games , movies , animes and mangas so they got what to talk about , but never talk about each other personal life .

• 2th Big Sister/ Fumiko Ayuzawa / 26 /  Managing Director / They have a love hate relationship , they love each other but they don't show it , they tend to fight and nag each other a lot , they are always competing about who is better at something , but they share their moments sometime when they watch a movie together or talk about boys .

• Sister-in-law / Mary Arola / 35 / Shop owner  / They met two or three time , they didn't talk much just smiled and laughed , but they kind of friend , plus she always send her gifts that Aiko like a lot .

• Brother-in-law / Park JunHwa / 36 / Recording engineer / He is goofy and playful , she get a long with him really well , he is like another dad for her and he treat her like his own daughter , even if sometimes his teasing tend to turn annoying .

• Nieces / Park Min Hee , Park Min Jee , Park Min Jung / 11 , 9 , 6 / students / She love them so much and she get a long with all of them even if they don't call her aunt they always kiss her and hug her , she like to spend time with them and babysits them .

# Friends

• Naoko  Otani / 20 / college student / She is like her twin sister , they love the same stuffs , think the same stuffs and get a long really well , when you are with the two of them you may feel un-welcomed because it's like they are in their own world and they don't like to share t with the others . / Naoko big sister and Aiko sister Fumiko are child hood friend , plus they are neighbors and from the day aiko remembered Naoko was always by her side they don't even remember their first interaction maybe because they were too young .

•  Sam Kim / 19 / singer / He is like another big broher to her , they are always teasing each other or laughing with each other , they get a long pretty well and love to spend time together / He was in kpopstar with her they quickly got a long in the waiting room from the first day .

• Divinity Member's / Age Varies / idol / They get a long really well , she love to spend time with them even if they argue sometimes it's never something serious  / They were trainee together and all of them were really sweet to her .

Love Interest.
#Note - 188 * 251

Full Name: Lorem ipsum​
Stage Name: Lorem ipsum
Birthdate: dd.mm.yyyy & age
Occupation:  Lorem ipsum

Personality: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an, quas minim possit eu. Te vim veri numquam voluptua, ei eum esse movet albucius. Ad ius debitis dissentiunt concludaturque, ne erant reprimique eam. Te dico salutatus interpretaris pro. Id nec iriure similique. Duo porro utinam tractatos id, liber inermis nam et, mundi graeci ius cu. Maiorum appetere vix ut, in ullum erroribus nam.

Interactions: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an, quas minim possit eu. Te vim veri numquam voluptua, ei eum esse movet albucius. Ad ius debitis dissentiunt concludaturque, ne erant reprimique eam. Te dico salutatus interpretaris pro. Id nec iriure similique.

Relationship: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. 


# Scene reuqests: none

# Other reuqests: none

# Passwords:
We aren't just goddess we are divinities , annyeonghaseyo , Divinity-imnida 
002. I broke your heart i made you hurt /winks,smirks/ annyeonghaseyo /smiles wides,bows/ Aiko-imnida 

# Comments: Hope you like it , if i need to change or add anything tell me about it 

# Questions: 

Layout coded @ CherieKnight


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