XXO ~ Second Maknae , Vocalist ~ Oh Hae Young-imnida

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XXO : OH hae young

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BIRTHNAME : last name, first name

▸ YG — Will playing with her members , they once played like if they were in SMTM so she choose YG as her rapper name /

▸ Little Carrot  — when she was young she was a big fan of carrot she could eat tons and won't get bored or enough of it .

DATE OF BIRTH : 12 / 02 / 1997

▸ Korean — fluent , have two korean parents was the reason 

▸ ENglish — fluent , she was born in America and lived there until she reached 9 years old 

FACE CLAIM : Wendy ( red velvet )
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Dasom ( Sistar )
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 1m60 , 40 kg 

▸ She change her hair and hair color a lot  , she sometimes curls them sometimes not , she like to wear comfortable clothes , she prefer jeans to dress , but she still like to wear a dress once in a while , she doesn't like thick make up but love lip sticks . 

casual look ;; 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

formal ;; 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 

practice ;; 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 


PERSONALITY TRAITS : dorky , easygoing , possitive , caring , funny , nagging , impatient , talkative , get angry easily , forgive easily .

PERSONALITY : She has a really dorky personality and laughs, she gets along with everyone she meets, and love to make new friends, even in the worst situation when everything seems dark to you she see a light in it, she has a very positive mind and tend to only see the bright side of the person which is good in a way but bad too, because she is kinda naive when it come to people, she tends to trust people easily or fall in love easily and get heartbroken. She like to friend and play around with them, she says that life is short and we should live it well, so she sometimes doesn't take things seriously, which get her in trouble with people older than her,she thinks that she can be friend with everyone and older people find it kinda rude how she talk to them, she doesn't know when or where to shut it so she is always asking for forgiveness, she is really important like all the people her age and deep inside even with all what's happening around her she is just a normal girl.


Hae Young was born in the city of Chicago , in the USA , she lived there with both her parents and her older brothers until the age of 9 when he parents , died in a fire , so having no family in USA they had to come back to Korea to live with there Grandfather who lived in a farm out of Seoul of 5 km . Her big brother was 16 at that time and her other big brother was 14 years old , her Grandfather didn't like them much as he didn't approve of his daughter and there dad marriage , so he tend to not trait them that well , when her older brother , Hae Jin , got 18 years old , and got his part of the heritage his parent left , and with the money of the part-time jobs he did for the last two years , he got his little brother and sister under his responsibility and rented an apartment in Seoul were the three of them lived together . 

When she reached 14 years old she got a passion of music and her brothers both said that she had an amazing voice , she then went for an audition at SM town with a group of her friend at school as she was too afraid to go alone but surprisingly she was the only one who got in , when she told her brothers about what happened they were really happy and supportive that's how her trainee life started , when she reached the age of 16 there was a scandal so her contract with SM stopped , she then got recruited by  Ahn Minhyuk and being desperate to realize her dream she accepted .


Likes ;;

  • she like to learn other groups dances 
  • she is a big fan of Kdrama
  • she like dogs 
  • grilled meat
  • spending times wwith her brothers 
  • working out 
  • hide and seek 

Dislikes ;;

  • horror movies
  • pop corn with butter
  • quiet places
  • darkness
  • raining days
  • rude people

Hobbies ;;

  • basketball
  • cooking
  • working out
  • watching tv
  • going out 

Habits ;;

  • sleeping with the light on
  • drinking water the first thing in the morning
  • checking her phone too much 
  • sleep hugging a pillow
  • talk in her sleep 

Trivia ;;

  • she have a dog at home named Chat ( which mean cat in french )
  • if she could one thing for the rest of her life it will be ramen
  • she love social media ( she have an instagram and snapchat )
  • she like to read mangas
  • she love bl web series 
  • she like to take selcas 
  • she want to cut her hair but she is not confident enough to do it 
  • she great at impression 
  • she isn't so good at aegyo but try her best
  • she is good at american y dance 
  • she isn't a big fan of trot song 
  • she know the choreography of single lady really well and can even do it with heels on 



RELATIONSHIPS : only include those who are important and matter to your character

▸ Brother — Oh Hae Jin (25) / chef  / responsible , cheerful , over protective , funny , teasing ,caring, motherly   / 10

He took the place of a mom and a dad for her , he was the one who took great care of her and her other brother , he tend to scold her a lot and if he read something he doesn't like about her , he text her or call her , he call her everynight just to hear her voice and check on her , he is really over protective and can get scary when angry but usually he always smile and is really cheerful .

▸ Brother  — Oh Hae Sol  (23) / college student  /outgoing , teasing , over protective , rude , cold at first sight  / 10

Hae Sol and his siter are always fighting , always nagging and teasing each other , they always get each other in trouble , but when Hae Young need her brother he is always here for her they meet from time to time to eat together , they used to play a lot when they were younger and Hae Young was always stick to her big brother .

▸ Grand father  — Lee Kangsoo (65) / farmer / rude , cold , aggresive , nagging / 2

She never really liked him , he always scolded her for nothing , and he would only make her cry , he hated her the most because she looked more like her dad , he once said to her that her dad is the reason why her mom died and it was good that he died too .

▸ Best friend  — Kim Yoo-ri  (18) / student  / cheerful , bossy , sassy , badass , caring / 10

They met in middle school she was Hae Young first friend there , they never left each other side from that time always supporting whatever the other do and to this day they still meet up and text each other a lot she is always here when Hae Young need her and she never asked her for anything because she is famous .

▸ Members — XXO (age varies) / idol / talented , cheerful  / 10
she love and get a long with all of them , they may fight from time to time but it's normal when they spend too much time together , they are like her sisters and she love it .



Stage name: hAYOUNG

Trainee Years and Experience :

▸ She wasa trainee at SM for 2 years , it was hard but bearable , she made amazing friend and dpesn't regret anything , after ther scandal and when she get in Royal , it was hard at first but she quickly got more comfortable and made friend with practically everyone , it was fun but tiring and stressing , she got to learn how to dance better and how to sing better .

Scandals :

The scandal started when She and Minho from shinee start seeing each other at first they didn't want to tell anybody so they kept it for themself but one day a paparazzi caught the both of them going out of a restaurant , when the CEO of Sm found out about he got really mad at both of them but more at Hae Young as her contract said "no relationship" the public and the fans of SHINEE didn't like it treating her of a because she is 6 year younger than him so they had to break up and Sm kicked her out .

Position and Back UP position :

Second Maknae , Vocalist / Back up ;; Leader , main vocal 


Pictures of the scandal 



▸ Because they were the one that believed in me when no one did and give me a second chance , i'm really thankful and i will do my best not to disapoint anyone , plus it's an amayzing agency with amazing staff and creator , i love working with all of them .


▸ I may try acting as it was second on my list of dream job , i will try with secondary roles first , i'm already taking acting classes , please look forward to my next work , i will still be here for my fan just in another way .


▸ /sighs,laughs awkwardly/ well i don't like to talk about it much , but i will say it in the nicest way possible as i don't want more trouble , it was just a stupid girl who fell in love and was judge and hate it about , i do not regret falling in love with that person , but what is in the past is the past .


▸ I will make sure to keep everyone happy and to work my best , as a second maknae i will respect my unni and take care of my dongsaeng . I may tease them and nag them from time to time but it's just a way to show my love to them .



replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : Bobby (ikon)
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : Minho ( shinee ) 


▸ He is known for his eyesmile , whenever he smiles he shows his white teeth . He have a very cheerful personality and is the team's mood maker . He sill dance weird moves to show how happy he is .He is goofy and sometimes childish , he love to play and tease the other member and especial the maknae, as the younger one is always whining about how his hyung treat him. But on the other side he also has a fierce personality , he can get pretty protective and when angry he is really scary .


▸ They met in front of SMtown once , at that time Raven didn't know he was going to be famous ,they were just trainee at that time . Bobby lost his cap and Hae Young had found it , it was a cliché meeting . He debuted before him and she felt like she had seen his face before , she kept thinking about it and once dumbed into him at a karaoké , he felt like he had seen her face before so asked her , she told her that she felt the same then they both remember what happenned years ago , they laughed at the memory and decided on exchanging their numbers a couple day later he read about her scandal but didn't know how to react . Two days after it he read that she was kicked out of the company and Minho said that they weren't together anymore he felt bad for her so called her she was in tear and they met up , he really helped her that night , she was going to get drunk but he stopped her , so they just ate and she finally broke in laughter in front of him after one joke or two , they got closer after that night and kept in touch more .

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  They are like a big brother and his little sister , always taking care of her and asking about her , even if sometime they tend to flirt and act more that just friend but it never last long and Hae Young would quickly turn it into a joke so they would be no awkwardness between them  

ENDING :  They both confessed their feeling and decided not to date for the moment because of both their careers , their relationship is quite weird , but he always call her when something happy or sad happen and she does the same , they text and face time a lot .

Jinminchan : aicha

LAST WORDS : here you go , hope you like it , if not tell me what i should change 


▸ here
▸ here

Password : CUPCAKE

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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