Sleep with one eye open

the weirdest happened to me tonight!

first blog so uh bare with me guys (bare or bear Idek)

So there's this really elusive guy on my course at college, he's done so much acid that I'm pretty sure pigs actually fly in his little world. We call him 'slick', no not because he is incredibly smooth but more for the fact that he shows up and disappears without any of us detecting it. Real creepy.

Anyways, he came in to college today (this guy has been into college maybe for 5 weeks out of the whole year and I've met him like a handful of times) and he was in my group for a practical assessment thingy- I'm a tree hugger, as they say, I do like environmental stuff- so we were surveying aquatic invertebrates in this river. He got put in my group. Everything was going fine, we got through the assessment, I barely even talked to him tbh but got real weird in the evening.

I just came back from a 'special walk' and I saw that he messaged me.....bros...he was confessing his love for me....Whut? So I like tried to let him down real easy, I was really nice saying stuff like "you don't know me all that well so we should become closer, blah blah blah", obvs he doesn't know me very well since I'm usually a grade A biatch but he got real intense...he said "I love you like a squirrel"...I did literature at school but Imma need some help with this one...sorry? A squirrel? Then he said some stuff about my 'daddy' being in jail, and basically went to a real dark place with ia. He then smoothly moved on to saying he would trade me for a packet of haribo (ain't no cheap hoe, Maoams at least) and then he asked how he could woo me, and so, he made a list....

Of the order he would like to eat me and multiple people from our class in..oh but that's not it. No. I was on the list twice, he wanted to eat me not once, but TWICE. And also himself...


I have screenshots for anyone who dares to go there~ just ask. My friend told me to make this into a story on here but uh I don't really write (oh, the irony!) 

So that was my day, you guys scared for your lives and afraid to sleep tonight? 

P.s sorry for the rant



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Wow i dont know whay to say....