
im tagin all of u

also im doin this at 2:49 aM so u kno the drill!!!!! this is gonna be a show :------)


  • Favorite weather?

bich.................. well...... prolly like the weather between spring and summer and summer and fall... like MID season winter u kno.... idk its very nice. OH ALSO IF ITS HELLA STORMY AND TORNADO WARNING-Y OUTSIDE ITS THE BESTTTTT. 

  • Something about mother nature that terrifies you?

the fact that she spawned all these punk es 

  • If you had the chance to change something about the way the world worked, what would it be?

racism discrimination ism immigrant stigma (well i guess thats multiple things but they all tie back to 1 thing)

  • Is there a time in this world you would want to travel back to?

the begining of time when no one existed.... or omg actually the 90s/early 2000s bc i feel like that was a prety rad time........ i wish i was there when the lord of the rings movies and HP movies were first coming out. 


  • How often do you find yourself lost or confused? What do you do to make yourself feel better?

evefy fingle day and i eat my weight in chocolate covered promograntes :-) 

  • Do you wish you had a twin or a double of yourself? What would you want her/him to be like?

yea so i could beat her punk up 

  • Is there something particular about you that you think reflects your personality or way of thinking?

my OCs........ the fuked up love relatinoships i write......... um...... idk

  • Is there something about you that hasn’t changed at all despite all these years since you were a child?


  • Is there something which is lowkey important to you but you don’t make it obvious?

kpop tbh lmfao and exo.......... like yall dont understand so IRL i literally keep (or used to keep) my love of kpop SOOOOOOOOOOOO lowkey.......... and like i always used to rip exo up yanno? but now i cant even think about kris, luhan, or the year "2013" without feeling HELLA angsty. oh now i feel angsty again OKAY okay i dont wan t 2 talk abt it :-) 



  • Is there something you would like to try that is completely not your style or taste/interest?

okay tbh........ LOWKEY............ i kinda want 2 try pole dancing (NOT LIKE 4 STRIPPIN... altho i might 1 day ;))). no but like i heard its really great exercise and really great for ur core, and ive seen pole dancing videos and the ppl doing it look AMAZING. like how do u do that. how. 

  • Favorite place to be at any time?

hmm................... i guess like anywhere by myself. like home alone, in a hotel room alone, at a cafe by myself (even when there are people around), and like in a big city by myself. idk it feels very free i like it a lot. 

  • Is there something you really really want to try but never ever had the chance to?

lowkey takayoki and like seafood, but im vegetarian so idt thats gonna happen

  • How do you starting shipping someone? What effect does you otp have on you?

oh god................. yall......... im the most problematic ......... if there are 2 charcters who in hate each other and have this like power struggle relationship i will SHIP them to hell and back........ I KNO I HATE MYSELF TOO. i have a huuuuge thing for guys who are in evil lmfao like not even just dubious morality just powerful and bat crazy and hella intelligent.

and like i guess this kinda reflects back on my personality because i develop crushes on the weirdest ppl, like never who im "supposed" to like. i mean like okay..... im going 2 b candid or w/e here..... its not like guys havent liked me... like ive had my fair share of guys interested in me i guess. like i get attention from boys or w/e. but the problem is that a lot of guys like me because i (on a surface level) fit the stereotype of a manic pixie dream girl (SO ing problematic). im very  quirky and bubbly and giggly in real life, and guys seem to think im always a ray of sunshine that serves to dote on them and blah blah!!!! like sorry sweetie but just because im friendly doesn't mean i love you!!! thats actually why my prom date (who liked me for years) ended up messaging me a few weeks ago saying "you're not the [my name] i asked to prom". like ....... i never was! i never was that person and the problem with a lot of guys is that they dont see past that surface level demeanor i have going on, and when they find out that im a real person with dislikes and pet peeves and dark secrets they get so turned off. im like very ambitious and intelligent and driven and am smart and the moment a lot of guys learn about that different side to me theyre like "hey!! this isnt the cute little ditz i thought she was!!" >:( these guys feel entitled to my feelings and get mad when i dont like them back!!! stop treating me like a ing child lmfao. 

but yeah, anyway, because of that i really dont like a lot of guys. however, if a guy shows NO interest in me, and doesn't treat me like a little ditzy girl, and is intelligent and accomplished and detached from all of this (they dont even have to be good looking LMAO) then thats the MOST attractive thing to me. the guys i have liked have all been very very admirable, but then the other 50% of it is me projecting my own desires and dreams onto them. funny story: the guy i liked junior year? i have never spoken a word to him in my life. he literally just seemed so cool and mysterious and he didnt even know me which i LOVED so i started projecting all this stuff onto him idk. 


  • Is there an interest or hobby that you have lost? Why?

lmfao dont want to think about this



  • Are you someone who has an easy flow with conversations or are you awkward?

easy flow because im good at being fake lmfao

  • Have you ever done something against your will because of helplessness?

l m f a o 

  • Is there a phase in your life that you have come through?

oh brother

  • Do you post stuff on your sns (tumblr, twitter etc) after giving it a lot of thought? Why do you think is that so?


and facebook (when i DO post on fb). but on other social media i dont have any from real life added so im free to be myself. 

  • Last question; keeping the person anonymous, give a cheesy thank you to someone close to you for anything you would like.

thanks for getting through the show thats ur life rubi

how the did this get so emo........................... im so confused holy .....................


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aIcAiNothing #2
i'm lowkey crushing on this guy who i absolutely hated last year. idk myan
and also, am i the only one who's attracted to annoying guys?
well like you know when you get annoyed for real but they make you smile idek
lmao okay like the huuuuge paragraph about liking guys and whatever I relate to SO SO MUCH like I didn't think there was anyone who existed like that but yeah yeah same experience woww. And also manic pixie dream girl LOL I never heard of it hahahaha the name is hilarious but lmao I fit that archetype too ughghughggughg it's so annoying.

K let me tell you a story. So I liked this guy who was like super smart and ambitious and blah blah like he made his own ing company and it was successful and he was just super admirable and we talked a bit but not really. But then we worked on a project together and it turns out he liked me LMAO so we kinda started dating but it cuz we both had like images of each other that were incorrect. He was immature and insecure as hell and suuuuper passive aggressive and rude and bossy and like lowkey ist and maybe racist and obvs I wasn't super sweet and nice and blahhhh and we hate each other now LOL fun times.
I love the responses to certain ones you didn't want to answer like, "lol" or " oh man" or "lmfao"
omg the moment u said u like guys who were evil for no reason my mind went to warner (the guy from a book called shatter me) like idk he's so mean but at the same time i think he's just messed up (like kookie in tcaah) :P hey at least u got guys who confessed to ya like that...i just low key have a crush (maybe just wanna be friends with him) with my ex-neighbour. we just never spoke and the only time was when we were kids him playing ps2 asking me to join him....COME ON I LOVE IT WHEN GUYS ASK ME TO PLAY GAMES WITH THEM XD but now i just stalk him on social media and my friend has told my feelings for him tho i kept lying and hid it saying it was a joke ._.
im a coward.
dude i wanna try pole dancing too girls who can do that are s t r o n g as heck and i have the upper body strength of a hamster
akriti #7
lol I've always wanted to try pole dancing too! Only problem is that my parents would probably slit my throat open if i said that -_- (typical asian parents problems). i MEAN COME ON its not like I'm joining a strip club (yet) but they think that kind of stuff is too ual, which i still don't get why is a problem cause i think girls should have as much of an opportunity to express themselves ually and physically since all the guys do anyways. Ugh society man, society can go my cause just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean i should have to abide to these stereotype that ppl have for how a "women" should behave. I'm gonna go do me and you gonna go do you, as simple as that. lol i feel like that got too dark and deep way too fast, but its sad knowing that other places in the world force women to behave and act a certain way, like i don't think ppl here in America realize but they are actually luck af cause for the MOST part ppl TRY to be more open minded. Whatever i'll join a pole dancing class secretly if i have to or just run away from home :p (jk i probably won't be able to survive even 60 secs if i ran away from home).
I tend to attract guys that are TOO into me from the get go (like this one whom my friend had number swapped for us and whom I'd never met. We were just chatting over text, and the third day of it, he says "I rewrote a song to make it about you" and I was like tf? I've never even met you in real life. And before that he wanted to go on a date, wbich is fine, but like still, never met him in real life. It would be nice to meet him with our mutual friend there too like jfc. Like I'm a child who's never dated anyone or anything don't pull that on me. And then there was this other guy who had apparently noticed me when I was in 8th grade and he was a freshman bc he was on another school's fencing team and I had joined varsity in 8th grade (plus my brother was a senior on the team) and thought I was cute. A year later, he was (and still ing is the guy broke my school's winning record for the guys ugh) and my teammates jokingly told me to seduce him and get him off of his game (they called me the face of the team one time and idk how to feel about that?). I didn't because wtf no I don't seduce ppl. BUT I DIDNT EVEN DO ANUTHING AND HE STILL ASKED ME FOR MY NUMBER AND SC AND AND POOR ME THOUGHT IT WAS BECAUSE WE HAD GOOD CONVERSATION AND HE WANTED TO KEEP BEING FRIENDS nope he wanted to try to go out with me (not get in my pants thank gOD) and I wasn't interested in him so I just kinda stopped talking to him. A year later, (so this year in the winter) after awkwardly seeing him during the fencing season and not saying anything to him at all, my friend was on my phone bc idrgaf if they mess around and I was reading anyways, and she was snapchattinf a bunch of ppl and she snapchatted him like hi or smth and then I saw that she snapchatted ppl an j quickly told them that it wasn't me and the guy says "awww I got so excited" but not in a sarcastic way in a sincere way like wtf it's been a year bro stop)

And also guys who are younger than me sjdjjdjsndbdjcjn
i thought i was super highkey about the whole kpop loving thing but nope :-) ppl were shocked when they realised that i liked kpop after graduation and i was like wtf i was literally screaming over these fancy gorgeous looking boys in sch and y'all don't know??? i siddenly realised that i totally misunderstood that ppl actually notice me lmao :-))) like for some reason my friends will always end up being someone in the "popular crowd" those who is basically known by everyone ya know

and the whole projecting romantic thing is also what i do cries :-) like the first crush i had was on a guy who my friend also liked lol i felt like a bc i thought i was a horrible person who only liked him since she did but lol that's not the point lmao tbh i don't even know what to do with him (lol my poor is still going back to him like wtf i need to move my on to some one else y'all) so there's this guy who i like currently?? and it started so out of no where and it was bc he was hella rad with his artistic skills and he look hella rad with his uniform on like those song joongki wear in dots except it's green he doesn't even know my pathetic name and i run away everytime i see him lmfao pretty sure he caught me running away once :-) i think it's bc he's in those army kind of in sch so i think that he really controlling and i am trash for nice guys who have such sides to him lol i feel like if i pissed him off he would be super hot lol LOOK AT ME PROJECTING THING ON HIM RN PPL

lol kill me i just shared my life to the world lmao i am hella desperate rn since i have no friends to talk to especially since it is break guess who haven't gone out with friends even once when it's break????? me!!!!

lol i need to chill my rn

peace out
panicattheexo #10
Team show ftw tbh
!!! I RELATE TO THE PROJECING THING OMFG like I hav e literally liked guys who I never spoke to but just assumed things abou and very bad it was very problematic

Lmao keeping kpop lowkey is next to impossible for me Idek y like I'm not crazy like running around yelling about Kai's golden bod or BAP's good music but like ppl always know anD I DONT UBDERSTAND HOW rip
Actually a guy I liked (a while Ago) (that I knew lmao) found out and literally will not let it go like to this day will hold it against me like whyyyyyyyy what is wrong with ze kpoppppppo
Dat tangent rip

Im Cryin 4:46am where I am lmaoooooooo kms pls
I JUST REPLIED TO YOUR COMMENT and then I refresh and here is your show, waiting for me :'D

Omg if you ever travel back to when HP first came out, take me with you. I was SO YOUNG back then, I don't remember anything lol. Though my dad told me he took me to the cinema to see it!!! (I'm a bad child bc I don't remember anything of it)

Ok so when you said that you feel lowkey about kpop I realized that I do too XD Not many of my friends actually know that I'm into kpop. And it's not like I listen to it every day and that I keep up to date with every single news article and stuff. Yanno

"guys who are in evil lmfao like not even just dubious morality just powerful and bat crazy and hella intelligent" SIGN ME
im sorry but i live 4 show rubi thats my favourite mode
but i also love "rubi who knows what she's doin" no pressure

dsdfdsjkhflsdk power stuggle relationships
we think alike boiiiiiiii
