Mid-Year Planning

Unless you're in my Happiness contest, or I've told you elsewhere, you probably don't know I hurt myself and can't type on a computer, which is why my stories have been on hiatus for so long. And it's driving me crazy! But I'm optimistic that I can start writing again in July, so I'm making a plan. 

I really really want to participate in NaNoWriMo this year again, and I have a pretty clear idea for what I'm going to do, but I we'll not allow myself to participate unless I get my goals finished. So here they are. 


Close of Day - I have written 8 out of the outlined 14 chapters. That leaves six more, and as long as that number doesn't grow as the story expands, then I should be able to finish it by end of July. That's my goal since I don't know when I'll be able to start with but surely I can write just six chapters between now and the end of July. 

Cruel Magic will be next. I've planned it out to only be 5 chapters so if it all goes well, it shouldn't take me more than a week or two. So I'll give myself mid-August to have that one done.

Promise will be the next one.  It's got a loose outline at 16 chapters but I'm thinking it will either condense into less or grow into more. But nevertheless it shouldn't take me too long, so I'm projecting that one completed by end of September. 

That Thing Called Love is the fourth, and is outlined at 16 chapters exactly. It's a contest entry and is SUPPOSED to be 16 chalets so there is no shrinking or growing allowed here. That being said, I have a full and detailed outline ready to go so I should be able to write it in less than a month. But to be safe I'm gonna give myself to the end of October. 

That sets me up right into NaNoWriMo! So as long as I follow the projected dates or even write faster than protected, then I'll be good!!!

Following NaNoWriMo, up be working on On Shifting Sand. I'm quite frustrated that I have to push it back so far but I don't have a completed outline for it yet and with my focus needing to be on the other 4, I guess it will have to wait. UGH!  But oh well.

SO!  This is my plan that I'm going to follow religiously (as soon as I can start writing OTL)



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Good luck and hope you recover soon. I've been in Seoul for the past 2 weeks and trying to pack to go home now. (and failing miserably, mainly cuz I just don't want to go home. Also because I lost my VIXX fanmeeting ticket and need to find it for obvious reasons. *sobs*) I have to leave for the airport in 5 hrs tho, and just really don't want to.
I have a sort of to-do list too, but didn't get very far on it during this trip. I'll be working on my April Camp NaNo during July's Camp NaNo, and hope to finish it off. (and yes, it includes VIXX, no it does not include Seventeen... :D)
Anyway, really hope you get to recovering soon. Feel better. <3
Woe that's a lot in a very short time! I wish I could be that fast too xD
Good luck. Hwitiiiing
That looks like a good plan to me! Good luck!!!
Woah, You're going to be very busy. Btw, I envy your writing skills!! (I'm having a writer's block)
Looks good all of it.
Wow, you sound busy. Plus, ten chapters in a month? You crazy?! (Or it's just me being incredibly slow with maybe two chapters a month if in productive)
I envy you for being to plan everything so detailed, I wouldn't be able to keep it up.

On another note, what is NaNoWriMo?
Woooo awesome ^.^