♦ REBELZ | YG's New Girl Group | Kim Mihyun | Main rapper - Visual ♦

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  Kim mihyun  

birthname.Kim Mihyun

– Mimi :: her dad usually call her like that to nag her 
– Pumpkin :: when she was a baby her mom would feed her pumpkin and carrot a lot so her skin was slightly orange 

date of birth. 02/03/1997
birthplace. Busan
ethnicity. Korean
language spoken. 

– Korean :  Fluent : Native language 
– English :Advanced : Her dad is an English teacher so he made sure that she was capable of speaking it .


–  She is 170 cm tall , which is pretty tall for a girl , she weight 47 kg , and have a fit body with some muscles but not too much , she is the kind of person that eat a lot but don't gain anything but she still exercise a lot , she have long blond hair with a fringe .


– She is the kind of person that would wear everything , she ca wear black a day and pink the next one , she like skirt and jeans , she like high heels and sneekers , she have a style that differt with her mood . She prefer to wear something comfortable on her daily life , but when on stage she stick with what the stylist would give them , she she is invited somewhere formal , she would probably put on high heels and some make up , as she is a make up lover but don't use it much , because she know it may be bad for her skin , so she use it just for occasion , at the drom you will probably see her wearing just a big shirt and , at home she used to walk around in her underwear and her parents would scold her about it but as time pass they got used to it .



faceclaim. Kim Mi Hyun ( Oh my girl )

back-up faceclaim. SanB ( Oh my girl )


   What makes you, You...?

personality traits.  athletic , dedicated , passionate , bossy , messy , stubborn , erted  


Mihyun is really dedicated , when she start something she give it all her time and do her best so that she end it in time and perfectly , she hate it when she is late with something. She also get really passionate in anything she is doing and more about her work and performance , she get mad at her self when she mess up in her work .

She also can become really bossy with the girl and parent , as her parent got her at a young age so they were still studying or working part time jobs , she learnt how to do everything by herself and love to boss people around , if you saw them you would think she is the leader , she scold them when they do something wrong even the girls older than her , she is like a Mama to all of them but she is really stubborn if she have an idea she will follow it and believe in it either it's right or wrong and don't even try to persuade her about something else it's like talking to a wall . She make the most erted joke ever she also have a , she love to tease the girls about the boys and she love to tease the boys about the girl she have a really erted mind maybe that's why she get a long really well with the boys more than the girls .



MiHyun parent had her at the age of 16 when they were still in high school none of there family accepted them so they had to live on there own , they still went to school and worked part-time jobs after school , everyone was looking down on them but they didn't care , they were in love and loved there baby . When MiHyun was born life was still hard on them they got tones of loans and rent to pay , but struggled to give the best to there daughter everything settled when her dad got a job she was 5 at that time when they start living like normal people , they even moved neighborhood because everyone was looking down on them , when her mom or dad would come to get her from kindergarten the teacher and other parents would ask if she is there younger sister .

At the age of 8 her mom was working in a theater so she would get to see a lot of performance , she liked to play around with the artists as she was a really easy going child ;  and touch the instrument she would even start dance and she was pretty good at it . When she got 10 she got to know the world of rap that's when she knew that that's what she want to do , she start to try how to write her own lyrics and would %learn some rap song and perform in front of her parent who were 100% supporting her .When she got 12 years old she auditioned for an agency and got in that's how her trainee life started at YG 

   HOw to get to know you more ::

likes ;;

_ playing the piano 

_ writen lyrics 

_ listenning to new songs

_ jumping around

_working out 

_ cooking 

_ taking care of animals and babies 

_ cute things 

dislikes ;;

_ staying still

_sleeping for too long 

_rude people

_judjementel persons

_swimming (she doesn't know how to swim )

_ her grandparents 

habits and hobbies ;;

_ she can't sleep without her teddy bear

_ for her to focus on something she have to tear paper

_ she love basketball

_ watching old movies

_ kdrama addicted 

trivia ;;

_ her favorite season is summer

_ she like to play video games , big fan of Call of Duty and Fifa

_ she was to have two child later , one boy and one girl

_she doesn't like to be called bored

_ she prefer dogs to cat 

_she want to have a dog but doesn't think that she is ready for the responsability 

_at home she have 6 gold-fish , there names are ; nemo , dory , woody , buzz , llittle , big truck .


Family ;;

– Dad :: Kim Joo Won (34) / english teacher / warm , loving , playful , protective / her dad and her are pretty much a like they love the same things , talk the same way , laugh the same way so they got a long pretty well , he never once got mad at her and would always support her in everything , but when he is angry he is really scary , one they he got arrested at the police station because he beat up a man who had touched his wife , the most important thing for him is his wife and daughter they mean the world to him .

– Mom :: Oh Ha ni (34) / stage director  / motherly , mature , loving , intimidating / They got a long well , when they aren't screaming at each other faces , but her dad call that i way for them to show there love . Even that they don't get a long a lot , her mom is always here for her when she need her the most , she give good advice and good hugs .

Friends ;;

– Best Friend  :: Kim Hanbin (18) / idol / humble , bossy , responsible ,caring , funny  / They met when she first got in as a trainee as he is one year older and had been with YG for a year more than her , she addressed him at sunbae first but they got along really easily they would sometimes tease each other and play around like little kids , he know her story and she knows his , they don't pity each other but support each other he is the perfect best friend even when he is busy he send her minimum one text a day .

– friend :: Kim jisoo (20) / model and actress  / easy going , funny , cheerful , caring  / they met during trainee days and even if she was older than her they got perfectecly a long while fantasming about Lee minho and kdrama .

Other ;;

– Members :: Rebelz (age varies) / idol / cheerful , loving , talented  / She got a long pretty well with each and everyone of her group members , they are like her second family and the sisters she never had .

– Sunbae and Hoobae  :: She got a long with everyone as she make friend easily and like to hang out with everyone , so she get love and support from everyone .

   I'm MIHyun of REBELZ

stage name.  Mihyun
persona.  Savage queen 
Position.  Main Rapper Visual 
perosnal fanclub.  MIMI's
Trainee years.  6 

Trainee Liffe.  

Trainee life were like she said once " it was like hell , but after a while , hell became comfortable" , it was hard like for everyone , she had up and down moment and even if she couldn't debut she never regreted , she made sure to remember every moment , also she made really reliable friend and even if it was hard now she will be able to make her dream come true .

Talent twin(s).  

singing ;; nana (after school )

dancing ;; kim minhyun ( oh my girl )

rapping ;; Cl 

variety shows ;; hani ( exid )

MCing ;; hani ( EXID )




How do you feel about debuting under YG ?.

i feel happy , who wouldn't , but i also feel nervous and scared that i will disapoint all those people that support me and cheer for me , but if you never try you will never know .
What are you the must nervous about .

I'm worried that people will think that we are just like any other girl group that debuted lately , i'm worried that people won't like us , i mean i know that not everyone will like us , but if it's only one person then it's enough

What would be your reaction if your group  won a award?. 

make a happy dance and cy .
Is there any senior group or artist that you look up to?. 

i i look up to all my sunbae in YG and beside them i look up to JYP sunbaniem as i really respect his work and what he is doing right now .

What would you like to say to your fans ?. 

 Thank you for being here with us , i will make my best and promise that i won't dissapoint you guys .

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  Kim Ji Won  

back up. G-dragon

– He is known for his eyesmile , whenever he smiles he shows his bunny teeth . He hass a very cheerful personality and is the team's mood maker . He sill dance weird moves to show how happy he is .He is goofy and sometimes childish , he love to play and tease the other member and especial the maknae, as the younger one is always whining about how his hyung treat him. But on the other side he also has a fierce personality , he can get pretty protective and when angry he is really scary .

love story. 

– They met during trainee days , they would always nag each other and tease one another they were like a dog and cat , if the two of them are in the same room they may jump at each other throat , hanbin has to always scold both of them about how childish they are acting . You would think that they hate each other to the core , it all started on the first day of Mihyun at YG , bobby had made a really bad joke to her , when she asked him about where the practice room was he told her the exact opposite side and she got scold that's where there hate relationship started . One day Hanbin , Mino , Jiwon and Mihyun were hanging at one of the studio talking when both Hanbin and Mino left letting the two alone ,Mihyun was deep asleep and without meaning it she fell on his laps and kept sleeping , he didn't know how to wake her up and kept watching her for a while that's when he realized his feeling for her , after that night he started acting more nicely in a bad boy way if you know what i mean , and Mihyun was suspicious so she screamed at him "if you are going to do something do it now" as she was referring to one of his bad joke but he just stayed quite looking at her before pushing her against the wall in kissing her , luckily there was no one around , Mihyun pushed him confused and angry , that's when he confessed his feeling .

status. work at the same company 
ending. Mihyun kept thinking about Bobby's confession for days and didn't know what to think of it , was he joking was he not , she start seeing some stuffs on him she never noticed before like how cute and handsome he look , that's when she understood that she too feel the same about him but to today never confessed to him they became awkward friend , he would nag her if he saw her with another men and she would nag him if she saw him with another woman , it was like a love and hate relationship . 


last words.  here i go !

password.  EXID - LIAR 

scenes requests.

– here

– here


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