→ 권하늘 IS MADLY IN LOVE WITH 전정국 ♂♀ ←

replace with fc

kwon haneul



celebrity ( yeonaein 연에인 ) ; due to her lowkey fame on instagram, haneul has been dubbed this by the heaven club members. it fits because of the amount of followers she has and the want she actually has to go into the entertainment industry someday. it can be used in situations like follows - sometimes when she comes in dressed extra nice, the heaven club members will be like "omo, yeonaein!!". and sometimes, it's pretty rare, but she might get recognized on the streets, and after the person takes a picture and leaves, whoever's with her will be like "omo yeonaein!!". that's usually the phrase it's used in.
potato ( gamja 감자 ) ; self dubbed lol ; honestly, there's really like no relevance in this name to her, she just really likes the word potato. and it fits in some weird way. idk, man. maybe it has something to do with the fact that she doesn't mind being called a potato? i mean idk she likes making lame puns with it, too. like "come on you guys who needs namja friends when you have gamja friends!!" *finger guns* "no? ok."
the little mermaid / mermaid princess ( ineo gongju 인어공주 ) ; the heaven club members call her this since they're pretty much the only ones who know her american name and are close enough to her to call her this. it can be a contact name or a name yelled across the courtyard to catch her attention or anything else. everyone loves the name, especially because the whole singing mermaid thing and singing haneul seem to have some...correlation? lol idk. refer to trivia for more info.

language spoken

korean ; fluent ; basically mothertongue, but she's like 99% fluent and the 1% is her rare mistakes and her not understanding some plays on words and her not knowing bigger words.
english ; fluent ; mothertongue


standing at the height of 167cm, haneul is considered quiet tall for girls around her age. she has slim body, with fair skin and well-defined facial features, which make her easily stood out among the other girls in yeodang high. the thing she likes the most about her features is the fact that she has hazel eyes. her natural hair color is black, but ever since she attend her first year of high school, she dyed it into blonde, which she still keeps. 


haneul's favorite fashion items are cardigans and sweaters, to the point that she often seen with cardigans and sweaters at school, to accompany her uniform. she choose clothes based on how comfortable she is with the clothes, and she wouldn't even mind if she feels comfortable in sweatpants or sweatshirts, she is not the one to dress to impress, afterall. despite that, people around her always said that she is the type who looks good in anything she wears. but of course there's an occasion where she would dress up, usually when she follows her father to his bussiness meetings. 

her wardrobe


birthdate november 22, 1999
birthplace la, california
ethnicity 100% kimchi korean

face claim red velvet's yeri
back up the ark's halla
height 167 centimeters
weight 48 kilograms

"there's always that one person in gym class who thinks they're in the olympics"


personality traits ( + ) compassionate ; empathetic ; loyal ; selfless ( ? ) humorous ; observant ; playful ; creative ( - )  ; troublesome, compulsive ; deceiving ; discreet


being troublesome is a trait of haneul's. it's not like she ever causes huge trouble, but she just...she gets carried away sometimes. haneul's pretty headstrong and she speaks her mind only when she sees it necessary. however, her definition of necessary isn't really the same as others, which is why she gets in trouble sometimes. if anyone says one thing to her that has a hint of sass or any means of degrading, she'll jump right back, just as sarcastic and strong. she's kind of compulsive when it comes to these situations, which is kind of bad because she just kind of blanks and her whole mind is just "excuse me while i prove you wrong" and sometimes she comes off as too harsh and if a friend is with her, they're like "hey, chill, man" and she's like asdjghslkdj sigh. honestly, though, no one ever wins against her, so who knows why they still try. even if there isn't an obvious winner in her tussles, haneul's always the one who everyone silently agrees came out on top. she's kind of deceiving. though, in order to have that advantage at the win, she always makes sure it's obvious who started the problem and she always makes sure it's not her. this makes her seem like the victim who's just standing up for herself ( which she usually is, but yknow. ) and it gives her the upper hand. she's also a good liar. hah. might as well just come out and say it. i mean, white lies aren't harmless, am i right? she's good at twisting people's words and being cautious of her own and overall, she just can't really be beat when it comes to verbal arguments. but let's talk about some good things about haneul, yeah? the biggest reason she gets into all these verbal arguments is because she's probably trying to stand up for either herself or a friend.

she's a loyal friend and is always compassionate for those she loves. she works hard to protect them and make them happy and she's a pretty sacrificial friend, but it's inconspicuously. she's always doing little acts of kindness that remain unseen except to her, because she doesn't mind her kindness going unnoticed. she has a naturally empathetic nature and is very good to rant to because she's very good at listening and relating. haneul's a pretty go-with-the-flow, really chill person, and her broadmindedness allows her to easily understand how people would feel in a situation. and bonus : she has a pretty grand selection of vernacular and is good with words in general, so as well as being good at listening, if you need a word of advice, she's the one to go to! so as you can see, she really is a good person. she's actually very selfless and is all for giving herself the burden rather than others and is very good at adapting to people's personalities so they can feel comfortable around her. she doesn't really like when people are scared of her or don't like her when they don't even know her, so she's always nice to strangers ( remember - she only talks back when provoked !! ) and, like i said, she tries to match with their personality so they can be theirselves as much as possible.

this is when her observant skills come in handy - she's very good at noticing the small things and this allows her to get to know more about people and know how to act around them. how can you hate her?? *smacked* but really, how. on the inside she is a soft little baby who is just scared of...the world. she's scared of the future, she's scared of getting into a relationship, she's scared of one day not knowing what t say to someone, she's scared of being shut down. she's scared of society turning against little her who just wants to make music to reach out to people and she's scared of breaking down someday after holding all this fear in. she's very discreet about her feelings in this way and always tries to keep a tough front alongside her positive exterior. most people ( besides those she tells off lol ) find her humorous and playful and pleasant to be around. she loves making people laugh and thanks to her observance skills and the way she knows people, she knows how to make people laugh. ok tbh, humorous is just a nice way of saying crazy. she might not be as loud and out there as some of her friends, but she's just...quirky. she has a really lame sense of humor and she loves making lame puns and she's just really, really...weird. no one out of heaven club really sees this side because they mostly see the tougher side of her, so see it as a privilege, heaven club members ! another thing to admire about her is how creative she is. there's a trivia for this, but haneul has an artistic eye and has interests in fashion, drawing, coloring, and aesthetics. her creativity has so many vessels she can express with, including her music. and plus she's lowkey childish so her imagination goes boom sometimes. ( i hope this made sense sighpies i've never really written a character like her before !! )


ariel haneul kwon spent the first 8 years of her life in los angeles, california, where she was born. her father then moved her and her younger sister to korea for a new beginning - one without their mother. she had passed away a year prior due to sickness caused from childbirth of her younger daughter. it wasn't a kind sickness, either. it ate away at her, killing her slowly for 3 years until it decided to give the last punch. those 3 years were hard for haneul's family, but they received many consolations from loved ones and others who knew haneul's mother. which there were many of, since haneul's mom was a musical prodigy. she was a legend in the entertainment industry, and much of the consolation came in the form of money. after using as much as they needed to ensure that haneul's mother would rest in peace, the family used the rest to move themselves to seoul, south korea. it was a hard transition for them all, what with the culture shock and the huge environment change, not to mention the loss they just suffered through. the only thing that kept haneul sane was her music. before haneul's mother passed away, one of her last dying wishes was that no matter what, haneul followed her heart. and haneul knew that that meant to pursue her dreams, which she was basically already doing since her love for music started out so young, like her mother. haneul was never a good student, but after all this was happening, the whole jumbled mess combined to produce a lower gpa for haneul. her dad never really bothered her about it too much ( except for the occasional and accidental mention of the better grades her 13 year old sister had ) since he knew how strong and real her passion for music was. and why would he doubt her ability after marrying someone like his wife?


khaneul she has about 600k instagram followers. lowkey famous, which is where the celebrity nickname comes from. she has an eye for aesthetics and is super artistic and into fashion and as well as daily looks and aesthetic pictures of her normal life, she tends to post pictures of her drawings and / or colorings ( ?? she likes coloring books okay. and while she does have more detailed ones, she enjoys a good hello kitty coloring book once in a while ). refer here for...reference lol.
tangled her favorite disney movie because it's all about following your dreams and haneul is super passionate about that whole theme.
the little mermaid kind of her other favorite disney movie by default. haneul's mother wanted to name her daughter something that would be meaningful for both of them, and so she was named ariel. haneul's mom hoped her daughter's voice would also be able to reach out to many, even if she's forced by the world to stay quiet.
toot toot being a composer, she thinks it's vital to know how to play at least like 10 instruments. hAH i'm jk. but she can do guitar, piano, cajon, keyboard, and she's learning electric guitar and bass. and omg she really wants to learn how to use the machine ( the beat tablet thingy ) i actually dont know if thats what its called but whatever maybe its a brand ( look up yoongi's review of it !! )
she's lowkey known as sass queen. sass, in this case, technically means...hmm. immature. she loves imitating people ( usually in voices more nasally and / or deeper than their og voice ) and mocking people and roasting people and you can imagine she's good at all these things bc she's so eloquent with her words.
vernacular ain't gon get me nowhere yeah, her grades , but she has a surprisingly grand span of vocabulary, which comes in handy when she's writing. she's pretty good with her words, but the only things that helps her in is definitely not schoolwork, even though it seems like even math is being contaminated with letters. it just makes her better at sounding smart and winning arguments and lying otl.
y brain man ok, she's actually pretty intelligent. it's just... she's not intelligent in school material. she can be kind of philosophical at times and she has very good, reasonable, thought-provoking opinions on things - things that don't matter when it comes to school, but do kind of matter when it comes to life. so what does that say about school i think we should just cancel school worldwide but -

cOOKIE JAM this is something haneul and jungkook are constantly competing over. she's on level 543, he's 538. "golden maknae my foot, you can't even beat me at a measly game?" "if this is where you get your confidence from, i feel bad for you."


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+ MIN YOONGI | these two bicker just as much as haneul and jungkook do, but there's no skinship to remediate the bickering. he's a sarcastic, cynical grandpa, and sometimes haneul shares his views on this corrupt world and they just hate on the world together, but other times, she's always nudging him and telling him to lighten up. they work together a lot when it comes to music, though, and she learns a lot from him and they're actually really close, too. he's one of the ones she's better acquaintanced with. she loves watching him work his maschine and she calls him carbohydrate because once he said he was "sweet like sugar but swaggy like suga" and he is now dubbed carbohydrate. no matter if he regrets saying that, haneul will always bring it back !! above are some pictures haneul took on his birthday bc thats the only day she'll admit he's 'swaggy'
HEAVEN CLUB | family | sure she has different levels of friendship with all of them, but they all have a tight bond that haneul knows she could never get anywhere else and she honestly cares for all of them so much and she loves them all so much, even if it may not seem like it for some of them. she has a weird sense of humor and lowkey roasts all ( even sol otl ) of them from time to time, but it's because she feels so comfortable around them. and thats how she expresses her love tbh. if home really is where the heart is, this group of 8 people is her home.


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KANG BYUNGHUN & KANG MINJUNG | parents ; 43 & 40 | weird ahjussi *indian man emoji* | ( note : minjung passed away at 31. 40 is her would-be age ) these two were as in love as anyone could ever be. they raised haneul with their best judgment and always made sure to support her in whatever she did. minjung adored her first daughter and was so proud that they shared a passion for singing. minjung had haneul at a pretty young age, but that didn't stop her from being totally there for haneul as she grew up. she was wise and always knew what to say and was a bit more supportive than byunghun. he was the slightly more strict one, but he's really just a lame ahjussi. he's a businessman at a real estate company and he thinks he's so swaggy it's disturbing. this is probably where haneul gets her quirky humor and lame actions from.
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KANG HANA | sister ; 13 | ddongsaeng *poo emoji* | she's so opposite from haneul, it's kind of weird. instead of music, she studies when stressed. she can't sing for her life, but she can recite 100 digits of pi. haneul's all for lame puns, and hana doesn't even want to deal with haneul's humor anymore. the two are so different, but they still get along pretty well. haneul stepped up a lot to take care of hana when she was younger and they had first moved here. hana's at the age of pubescent mood swings, so the two argue pretty often ( but haneul's not as harsh with her sister than others ohmy unless hana actually did something bad ), but of course they both love each other under all the sass. hana grew up to be a beautiful girl and she lowkey makes haneul feel insecure sometimes otl
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PARK SEOL | best friend ; 17 | SOul cute | 'so' cute...do you get it...okay. but omg this cutie is unni by a few months but cAN I PUT YOU IN MY POCKET. seol is like the female equivalent of hoseok and the embodiment of the idea of youth that haneul is so in love with. "you're like disneyland...as a person." and haneul loves disneyland, so you can expect the love she has for seol. she likes resting her head on seol, playing with seol's hair, and she finds herself getting happier whenever she's in the presence of seol. she loves the whole aura of innocence seol emanates. she's nice to her, with the occasional roast ( because hey, it's how she expresses her love ! ), and she openly compliments them and seol is just the fountain of youth that keeps haneul from becoming lazier like yoongi. and haneul's pretty protective over seol, too. whenever jungkook throws things at her, she'l pick them up and chuck them back at him. "dON'T HURT MY SEOL" and omg whenever seol's sad haneul's like 'oH MY SOUL IT HURTS' heh you get it bc seol and soul. above are some derp pictures haneul has of seol heh


min jihyun



face claim chou tzuyu of twice
backup face claim ahn solbin of laboum

age 17
occupation student


everything that haneul isn't. jihyun is literally the polar opposite of haneul. she's qute reserved and even in class she doesn't say much. she's one of the top students and she's even received the nickname 'golden child' because she's just good at everything lmao. she's a very sweet girl that everyone likes and whatnot. she's also the type who genuinely cares a lot about those around her, even strangers. she's the first to notice when one of her friends are sad or upset and she'll always try to cheer them up in the best way possible. all in all, you could just say that she's almost the living definiton of 'perfect'. 

interaction with your character

they have a pretty civil relationship, since haneul just can't really hate the girl. they are somewhat friends but not really since they don't reallt talk to each other on a regular basis but they have had pretty friendly conversations in the past. jihyun is actually jungkook's childhood friend and so her and jungkook share a pretty damn close relationship with each other. knowing that haneul was a part of the heaven club, jihyun has told haneul that she is interested in jungkook and has even asked for haneul to match her and jungkook together. haneul often gives jihyun relationship and love advice but is slightly awkward when doing so. whenver haneul sees jungkook and jihyun interacting, she can't help but just feel somewhat hurt or disappointed.

zooming into the future after jungkook and haneul get into a relationship, jihyun of course, is disappointed but is happy for them since she found that they were, indeed, a very cute couple.


replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int

jeon jungkook

kim taehyung

"falling in love with you wasn't what i planned to do with my life, but here i am, late night, and you're the only one on my mind."

age 17
occupation student


( + ) loyal ; genuine ; hard - working ; passionate ( ? ) competitive ; mischevious ( - ) stubborn ; blunt ; prideful ; slightly immature
hmm. to describe jeon jungkook in a nutshell. he's a good kid, he really is. like it says, he's loyal and hard - working and passionate for who he loves and what he does. he's always looking to improve in his talents and increase his knowledge of music and broaden his horizons to the music world and he's also genuine - you can always expect the straight truth from him. but, of course, that also has it's bad sides. he's a blunt boy and the thing is, he doesn't really care sometimes. he tends to not speak his mind as much or as rashly as haneul, but he'll pipe up every now and then. he's also stubborn and lowkey prideful, probably because of all the attention he garners from mostly female students. most of all, though, he just wants to have fun, but sometimes, he loses sight of morale when he's having fun and can go slightly overboard at times and he can be slightly immature, but jeon jungkook is still a human and knows boundaries and would honestly never think of majorly and / or intentionally damaging anything or hurting anyone. so basically, he's just a teenager going through puberty who is actually very caring on the inside. 

how they met

when haneul first moved into her new home in seoul, south korea at age 8, she was a mess. her hair was mussed from sleeping in the car, her eyes were red from crying for weeks on end, one shoulder of her jacket was slipping off, and a shoelace was coming untied. but she knew she had to up and take charge, even at her age, because she knew how much her dad was suffering, too. but when the boy next door, who she hadn't even noticed as she dragged her luggage in, came up to her dad and said, "your daughter is very pretty, sir. do you need help bringing in your things?", she was, expectedly, shocked. haneul's dad chuckled - something he hadn't done for a while - and ruffled the boy's hair. "why, you're a man on a mission, i see. sure, we'd love a hand! and of course she is...she looks just like her mother." he softly smiled and nodded towards the boy's house. "why don't you go ask your parents if you can step inside our house for a while?" the kid nodded and jogged into his house and haneul's dad smiled at her. "wow, your looks actually are coming in handy !!" he chuckled and she wrinkled her nose at him. "yeah, the looks that are definitely not from you." yeah, she was a sassy little 8 year old. her dad laughed, the tired wrinkles from his eyes slowly turning into smile wrinkles. jungkook came back with his parents, who greeted haneul's dad warmly, and the two families continued to befriend each other to the point of family vacations together, family portraits together, etc. haneul looks back on this day by herself a lot - she had been a little shy in the beginning when the two first met, but now look where they've gone. she likes to think jeon jungkook saved her family that day.

love story

haneul was shy around jungkook for the first few months they knew each other, but once she realized there was no escaping the slightly weird kid who did taekwondo lol what a loser boy, she started to be herself more. it was a lot easier as a kid, too, since she was less exposed to the cRUELTY OF HUMANITY and she was innocent and naive and could be herself freely, without worrying about boys and whatever.  maybe it was because she befriended him at such a young age, but from there things were purely platonic. there was no childhood romance, no promises to marry each other when they get older, no running away from home at 11pm as 12 year olds, no nothing. the closest they got to romance was skinship, which seemed to come naturally for them - so naturally that that was platonic, too. they don't hold hands as much these days, but they used to a lot as kids. now it's more wrists. they still sling arms around each other, they'll hug each other once in a while, and he piggy-backed her a lot, but not too much anymore. they like playing with each other's hair, she likes fiddling wth his earrings, and they lean on each other a lot. he likes lying his head down on her legs and she likes sitting behind him, pressing her head against his back, her face down as she looks at her phone. this skinship, however platonic it may be, is probably their only form of affection that's constant. otherwise, the two are always bickering, having lame competitions, playing pranks on each other, teasing each other, etc. hah i'm jk. kind of. they're not always being mean to each other. they honestly really are the best of friends and they do pretty much everything together. they walk home together, they "study" together, they recommend music to each other, they have classes together, they have jam sessions together, they play pranks on people together ( with the help of seol otl ), they go on family vacations together, they help out at jungkook's dad's restaurant together, they are pretty legitly (???) always seen together. no one understands how they haven't liked each other yet. or dated. or anything. yet. yET. the feelings start soon after high school starts. they're ready to go into this together and come out alive, no matter how mauled they get. what they don't expect is to get beat up by cUPID BAM. the two aren't the type to show that they're flustered, so they hide all these newfound feelings very well. but there's a lot to hide. they slowly start wanting to see each other more, even though they're basically together all the time. they start enjoying their used-to-be-platonic skinship more. they find themselves just staring at the other for no reason. they start getting jealous when the opposite gender approaches the other. they start to realize that sure, if they followed these feelings, it would risk their beautiful friendship...but they'd rather risk that than their sanity that will probably shatter if they can't get their feelings out now. jungkook opens up about it first. it's a weekend night and heaven club has just separated after a fun day out. the two are walking home as always and he just - just spills the beans !! and potatoes they stop by the park near their house and he goes to the thing that allows someone on the other side of the park to hear them and speak back and tells her to go to the other one and then just...says it. "i like you. a lot. like, like like. maybe even love. who knows? all i know is that you're the one girl i've really gotten to know and gotten to enjoy knowing and who could be better for me than that girl. the girl who i know everything about and who knows everything about me and who i can basically telepathetically communicate with and who i can fully trust with my life and who i know can do vice versa. the girl i've spent almost all my life with...the girl who pretty much...is my life. maybe i'm crazy, maybe i'm not. but isn't that the fun of it?" he went quiet for a while and then spoke again. "haneul?" he stood up to look at the other thing...and she was gone. flustered, he tried looking for her than ran to the steps of her house, then, not wanting to seem creepy, ran to his house, where he could look into a window of haneul's house. he could see her room light on and her shoes at the front. of course, he started worrying about what could've happened. had he been talking to no one? did she run home because she was sick? did she just reject him?? aRGH. there was nothing to do but wait, but it was hard for both of them. haneul had heard everything and ran home after he finished, too flustered to think about what to reply. after hearing his confession, she realized she had the same heart as him for him.

ending but as well as their friendship being on the line as well as being a member of the heaven club, haneul was scared. she's never been in a relationship and they're only in high school and is it even okay for her to be in a relationship when her dad has been so lonely and how does she know jungkook will be patient enough to deal with her noobness as a girlfriend even though he's never dated anyone either and is this going to be a serious relationship and omg what if they're awkward now and how is she supposed to act around him after he basically just confessed to me and all these thoughts are just running through haneul's mind the night he confessed. then they see each other the next day because they're neighbors sigh no escape. she's walking back to the park and he sees her and follows her. his presence startles her, but she tries to be cool as she always is. at the park, they talk things out rather maturely. they communicate to each other their mutual feelings and like just to make sure he's like hey are you following your heart? because he knows her whole mom story so yeah. and she's like yes cries and so he tells her not to worry because he knows how inexperienced she is so why worry so late otl and she smacks him but then he's like hey we're going to act exactly the same as before but even better ok jungneul 2.0 our comeback is going to shake the entertainment world !! and she's like ok chill and he's like ok but seriously just...be normal. we're normal. besides the fact that you can now admit how much you like everything about me. and she like smacks him and it's not like they get too flustered around each other anymore, it's all just...natural. like it always was, like it always should be, like it always will be. basically, they get married tyvm. so idk how you want the timeline to work, but if they get together before the story ends, their relationship is basically the same. they've always been pretty skinshippy, so that doesn't change too much, but there's more hand holding and cheek kissing and cheek wiping and back hugs. they still bicker and compete with each other and no one can really tell that anything has changed except for when they do slightly cheesier things, which jungkook tends to like. haneul hates cheesy guys, but he says lame pick up lines all the time and he doesn't give her her things unless she gives him a kiss and he play-acts clingy and ugh. she loves him. she don't even know why.


tzuyum ⇔ mika

last comment  so i am sorry omg i write so much in apps it's so unneccessary but neccessary ack. and ok so like my fc is honestly like idrc which one you choose. my og was halla bc i love halla and i chose yeri just bc i kinda like her face ( idrk red velvet that well ) but then i switched yeri to my first choice because i felt like she kind of matched my character's image better than halla. but i dont really mind changing if there's like fc issues !! but like i was aiming for the less feminine - y girly side of yeri because haneul is not like the flower crown wearing, finger heart giving girl at all. and sorry if i didn't really match the image you had in mind !!


scene request

01 so like haneul and jungkook are originally kind of skinshippy, but it can be a cold day and haneul's hands are cold, so he grabs them and puts them in his pockets and they just walk like that side by side heh

02 jungkook can break his arm doing basketball and so haneul needs to assist him in lots of stuff and he's like nO I NEED TO BE MANLY but she's like dude just lemme open the marker, you handicap.

03 so like for a more angsty ish not really scene, i was thinking haneul's just looking really down and jungkook's like what's up man? and she spills about how her younger sister, who she thought was going through pubescent mood swings, is actually having a hard time, too. their mom passed away after sickness from childbirth. childbirth of her, iris hana kang. the thought's been gnawing at hana's mind ever since she was capable of having it and it's just a lot for a 13 year old to handle and haneul doesn't know what to do because she doesn't want her sister to feel this way because it's not her fault and it's the first time haneul doesn't really know what to say and she's just spilling all this to jungkook and he's like "awwh, you love her so much" and she's like "shut up maybe i do okay" and he like pulls her head in for a hug bc "you need hug therapy." and when they pull away she looks kind of teary eyed and he's so shocked like what. the. heck. i thought your tear ducts were out of order and she's like i'M NOT CRYING WHAT THE.

04 so when he said hug therapy, he had a lightbulb, and so he takes her to a dog cafe, which is her ultimate dream, and she is just living the life for those few hours and he's happy to see her happy and yeah heh.

05 after they start dating, he could like try to hold her bags or something and she's just like "are you serious? have you not been my best friend for the last 9 years? what makes you think i want a guy to hold something for me jeon jungkook?" because she's lowkey very independent and she hates when guys are like "oh can i get that for you?" because sHE CAN DO IT HERSELF and jungkook's like oops sorry but then later he doesn't even seem sorry and he's like heh sorry i was just thinking how cute you are when you're angry and she smacks him again. they kind of have an abusive relationship -

you don't have to do it all bc there's so many lmao but yeah my app is so crappy i cri


password "it feels like i'm yours, it seems like i'm yours but not"

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