replace with fc

Jeon Seoyeon



{Miss Innocence} - What a weird nickname, but this nickname is a label that many people sees her, because she has still that vibe that she doesn't know much about adult things. Sometimes Jinhwan and Bobby both use it to her, because she is indeed a young adult with no experiences.

{Queen of Deceive} - It is given because unlike her appearance she is totally the opposite of it. She looks like a trouble kid with her hair, but she likes to dye her hair as well her sister is a stylist and use her as a mannequin.

{Miss Fortune} - She is always lucky no matter what, she is always lucky on whatsoever. She always escapes punishments or paying up things. 

{The Ballerina} - Seoyeon is known for gracefulness and feminine aura thanks to her years of years of dancing ballet. She loves to dance ballet.

⇒ {The Genius} - From birth she is always kind of stood out with her knowledge as well how fast she picks up things. Seoyeon aced everything on academics. She is quite a smart kid.

⇒ {The Psychologist} - She is known for her wise words as well, she reads many books about humans. She is like a walking free psychologist who listen to your worries and problems. Even though she is timid, but when someone needs her help, her timid personality is for a moment gone. 



100% Korean - She is born and raised as a real Korean citizen. 
95,5% English - Because her family-in-law of her sister, she speaks English to them. As well, her father's company is international, of course, English would be almost her second-language to speak. 
67% French - Because she does ballet, she already learnt some technique names as well, she is curious about the language of love. As well, she loves to learn new languages, so she spent as well a part of her free time learning new languages.
50% Chinese - Her father's company main focus point would be China. So she went a lot when she was younger kid, to China as vacation. As well, in the end she started to learn it as well in her free-time. 



⇒ Seoyeon's physical built is quite petite. She is a bit on short side, but she is quite skinny for a girl. Her skin is really fair as well, her smile could bright the whole town if she wants to. 
Most of the time is her hair wavy. She always has her dip-dye. It is kind of her trade-mark. Currently her hair is light brown on the top with pink and orange on the edges. As well, she wears little bit makeup, I mean girl we all need concealer and eyeliner, right?


{School} You might think she is a delinquent base on hairstyle, but she isn't at all. Of course, she is like any girl to shorten their skirts, but the remain of the uniform she will wear it properly. As well, she loves to wear knee socks, you might think that would be her trademark. 
{No school}  

Seoyeon's fashion is a mix of casual/basic with some touches of feminine and sophistication. She likes to wear dresses and skirts the most. Money isn't the issue, but she is never a show off of it. She doesn't expose a lot of her skin. As well, her number one rule is definitely, comfort is the key. So you might her see her a lot with simple clothes. She is like any high school student, the only exception she is just rich. 



BIRTHDATE: 21 Dec (18) (senior)

BACK UP: Elkie (CLC)
HEIGHT: 165 cm
WEIGHT: 46 kg

"Once you know me, I am more than a pretty person, I am a human being with flaws."


{ Positive } Funny, loyal, devoting, hard-working
{ Neutral } Soft-hearted, Humble, wise
{ Negative} too kind,naïve, timid, introvert, over-thinker


In General, you could describe Seoyeon as well-mannered and polite girl with kind of stunning beautiful features. She doesn't cause lots of troubles, eats her vegetables well and always listen well. Sounds to typical. Let's meet Seoyeon to an eye level, okay?

{"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."} —  She has been always taught to be kind and generous to people. She might not always show it through gestures or by her expression, but she can observe so well. She knows how to make someone feeling better, she would act like a shadow. Also she is very loyal, she is someone who keeps by her words. She would get sad or disappointed if someone misuse her loyalness or trust. I think she wouldn't forgive you even.
She is someone who also has a pride. Also if someone does hurt her, for example shouting at her or throwing harsh words, she would blame herself in the end. Of course people hates to be bashed to at. She would not show it to the public, she would cry on her own. S
he is the type of girl who don't cry about simplest thing, but when she is hurt, she would cry on her own. Blaming it is her own fault, she sometimes believe the bad things slowly about her. And that doesn't help her confidence, but once she convinced herself, she will be a stronger or better person from it. She always cheer herself up, but sometimes when like comes over her limit. She breaks down. But even that is barely.
However, the bad thing is, she tends to keep troubles and worries to herself, she doesn't want anyone get involved in her troubles. She will feel burden for sure and she hates that kind of feeling. 
Some people mistook her for being a cute doll with barely no emotions. But she is a human too! She just doesn't always express it always like she wants to. Also don't think she is always kind, she knows how to throw some punch lines (harsh words) who can hurt you straight in your face. She isn't for no reason, smart. She knows ho to talk like a B. But the scary thing is, she doesn't curse, she is just polite and know how to put kind face with a foul mouth. That is actually more frightening.
Though, never get really angry. She barely get angry. 

{"Don't judge a book by its cover."} —  She is always timid and an introverted person since her childhood, but once you know her 100%, then you would know that you just misjudged her. Of course she is old fashioned, because she is just raised on the old fashion ways from her dad. She disliking to be late, keep her promises, a male should be a gentleman in her opinion and also must be liked by her family, especially her brothers. Maybe she might have have standards, something that you cannot change her mind. She is always that kind of girl who holds one one thing and she would stick to it. It would be impressive if you able change her mind.
Also she isn't liked to be labeled as rich girl, she is more down to earth. Very kind and sweet actually. She doesn't put her as centre when she is around people. 
Seoyeon isn't stupid, she can see immediately what kind of person is. For example, you want something from her in a bad way, she will notice it. Seoyeon is always careful with approach or talking to people. 
So together with her timid personality, some people can't through her walls, she would smile politely at you, until you know how to make her feeling more comfortable around you, her walls will break off. Then you would notice how naïve and dorky she is. Someone who would you like to put in your pocket.
She is actually quite an interesting person, she is like a 4D person sometimes. She gets hyper and all smiling, when she is comfortable around someone. As well, she is always willing to lend her shoulder whenever that person needs to. Even if she is the stranger, she is quiet, but she listen.

{"Think always twice." —  An important thing about her, she is smart. So she always think twice before she does something. But sometimes, she over-think and almost goes for the worst scenario, though sometimes she is a little bit indecive, she always doubts if her choice is the right one. She is jsut passive, on doing the action in the end.
She is always worried about risks. But that is only about herself, if someone approach her for advice or help. She is always willing to do. She knows it and because she has a broad knowledge, she can give the best advices and listen really well when the person needs to.


Seoyeon is the youngest and the third daughter out of the five children in the Jeon household. What a big family, but Mama Jeon loves all of her babies and having a big family has their adventages too. Seoyeon is born with a silver spoon. She hasn't any troubles about wealth. She is from an elite family, though she never got bothered with it. Though she was the oppposite of the stereotype of rich girl. She is was more humble and acting more like a common girl. Her parents wanted their children be well-raised people who don't use their wealth to their advantages. As well, her siblings and family do has a huge influence on her life, she is always being the one who is doted the most. Their family is really close with each other. Some people are even surprised how well the siblings get along, despite various kind personalities. You would expect hell or chaos, but in this household it is oddly peacefully. 

Seoyeon always stood up, not because of bad or popularity, more because she is smart. She is always on the top on whatsoever exams or tests that are coming. So, school was never a hard thing to do for her, she loves to learn new things. As well, her family background as well stood out. But her family wants their children having at least a life without showing off what they have. They are just like any Korean netizen, so all of the children went to normal schools and had ´almost´ a normal life like any child should have. That is why they don't live in a huge fancy house, but a simple but huge house that fits their family oriented lifestyle. 

Seoyeon never considered herself as a genius, more like an outsider. But she has one best friend, Jeon Wonwoo who is her best friend in the universe. And possibly the only one from her age. Of course, she can get along with people, but Seoyeon do know that peple wants to get closer to her, because she is rich. Maybe that is why she has barely good friends she trust and get along. Because she always has been bashed behind her back in the end.

A funny thing is that during middle school, her sister who is a model, wanted to experiment with fashion side. So as the youngest, Seoyeon became her human dress-up doll. From of that moment, she always look really stylish as well, her sister own a fashion business thanks to her. From time to time, Seoyeon became her model for some new collection. Sometimes, boys do recognize her. So she do get attention from it, but Seoyeon don't pay attention to it.

High school, the prime time of every person's life. Senior year is coming. She is in the same class with her best friend from kindergarten. So far, her schoollife is basically the same. Though, her personality, she doesn't gain lots of friends, more like followers. During freshman, she helped her best friend to confess. She can observe so well, she started to give advices from some books she has read it. (she loves reading), he confessed and it was a success. Of course, he bragged to his guy friends as soon step by step more guys approach her for confession help or love problems. And soon, girls heard about her amazing skills of advices, they went to her as well. She is like Buddha who is wise or psychologist who listen to your problems. However, the relationship of her best friend didn't end well, it broke off after a year. But he was grateful to her still. 

But how did she end up by Heaven club? She is actually asked by a member of the club in her 2nd year. Rumours spread about her 100% succession on coupling as well, helping relationship ending well. Seoyeon first rejected the membership actually. Because she isn't that confident about her skills, but by her best friend's persuading. saying, she will develop herself better and maybe less timid than that she is. 

However, she can get along with some of heaven club very well and some less, but in the end, she values the friendship of them. Because they accept her and she accepts them. And that is true friendship. 



{ likes }

⇒ ballet; she is doing it already for 13 years already
⇒ Studying; she loves to learn new things
⇒ tea; she drinks every morning for sure a cup of her favourite tea
⇒ Music; music is like an expression for how she would feel
⇒ Reading; Reading the most thrilling thing for her
⇒ Winter; she loves to see snow and play in the snow

⇒ Horror; she loves to see horror and glore, it is really interesting why people gets scared from it

{ dislikes }

⇒ bugs; she would freak out
⇒ Rude people or backstabbing people
⇒ People cursing
⇒ Awkward silence; especially because of her

⇒ Dirtness; she cannot stand dirt

{ hobbies }

⇒ Reading books
⇒ Dancing ballet
⇒ Playing violin or piano from time to time
⇒ Studying

Doing volunteering work, she likes to help people on the background, for example helping dog shelters, nursery houses or feeding homeless people by a shelterhouse

{ habits + fears}

⇒ When she is shy or embarrassed, she would use her hair as shield to cover her face
⇒ When she is focused, no one can distract her
⇒ When she is upset or something bothers her, she won't spill any bean or show it

⇒ She shuts herself out of the world with her headphones
 Fear of failure (Kakorrhaphiophobia); she is a perfectionist, failing is not an option for her
 Fear of clowns (Coulrophobia); when she was seven a clown approached her on her sixth birthday party, instead of makng her laughing, she cried because he looked too scary in her opinion and when he tried to make her smile, she cried even harder

{ trivia }

⇒ Doesn't have lots of friends. People do seek advices from her, but knowing her personally is a hard task. 
Has a quick metabolism, she doesn't gain weight easily
⇒ Her brothers are protective and clingy that people sometimes mistook them as her boyfriends from time to time.
⇒ She never has learnt to cycle, but she can swim very well.
⇒ She never curses, so when people curse in her present, she might think those people are sinners.
⇒ Her ideal type would be someone who is extrovert, but very kind or similar as a gentleman who loves his parents a lot.
⇒ She has been confessed from boys from different years of school, but the succession rate is 0%. She doesn't accept them, but she always kindly reject them.
She is ambidextrous, means she can write with both hands.
⇒ At school she is the number 1 student.
⇒ She has 2 older brothers, 2 older sisters, 1 brother-in-law and a cute nephew.
⇒ Intelligence: An IQ of 155.
⇒ She is actually very weak, despite she does ballet.

⇒ She never lose an argument or debat.
​⇒ She has a dog, a labradoodle named
⇒ Her favourite subjects are: languages classes, history, math and biology
⇒ Her least favourite subject: PE
⇒ Her dream job would be a ballet dancer as well either a professor at a good university or she wants to be a doctor to help people.
⇒ She loves cooking, but more about baking, her baking skills are over the top.

⇒ she keeps a diary to express herself. Her diary is always with her and is her most treasuredthing in her belonging.




Mother - Jeon Dahae (50) / stay-home mother / kind, easy-going, sweet / 100/10
Seoyeon and her mother really close. Seoyeon is definitely a mother's child. Her mother knows her the best. She is also the one who puts the rules in house. You could say she is the queen in house. Everyone obeys her rules, but they know how sweet she is. She is actually not strict at all. She always wants her children the best as well for her youngest daughter. Seoyeon is her precious daughter, she and Seoyeon always bake together. Her mother teaches her the fine things to be a perfect housewife as well how to be a perfect partner for her future husband. 


Father - Jeon Heechul (52) / President of the Jeon cooperation / strict, old-fashioned, wise, realistic / 10/10
Her father is strict one. He doesn't always show his inner emotions, (it is in the family?) but he always show it through gestures like when his children cried when they were younger, he would hold them. Seoyeon is always his little princess out of the three princess. Seoyeon is the youngest, but the most loved. He knows his daughter is always quiet and listen well to her older silbings. When Seoyeon doesn't show if she is upset sometimes, he would know together with his wife. After all, Seoyeon has most of his traits, strangely. Still she is the prettiest one between him and her. 


⇒ First child - (Jeon) Park Yoonjin (26) / stay-home mother / kind, motherly, naggy / 11-10
As the oldest of all the siblings, she would be the crown princess of the whole castle. Even after her marriage, Yoonjin loves all her siblings and she would take very good care of everyone. Seoyeon and her get along, Yoonjin partically takes good care of the youngest. As well, she envious Seoyeon's cooking skills. Out of the three women, she is the worst cook after her Mijoo. So Seoyeon is the ideal wife, but less out-going. Together Mijoo they want to spice Seoyeon's personality and look by step by step. After all she is Jeon, and Jeons are confident and aren't anti-social. What they call Seoyeon sometimes. Also she is really thankful for Seoyeon playing a lot with Shiwoo when she is visiting their apartment. 


Second child - Jeon Daehwan (25) / president of fashion business  / strict, protective, wise / 10-10
How old it may sound, Daehwan is really protective about his little sister. Seoyeon is his weakness, he adores the youngest sibling. She is hardworking person and he adores he a lot. He has a lot of female fans, but he always let either Mijoo or Seoyeon pretend his girlfriend. He is second shiest, but he gives Seoyeon a lot of support and helps her sometimes with her studying languages. Well smartness is in the family, Seoyeon and Daehwan are equally really smart so they always study together with languages. They it after their father (well the influences to know lots of languages for business or fun.) Seoyeon would say Daehwan is her favourite oppa, because Seunghwan is noisy in her opinion. Poor Seunghwan. But Daehwan and Seoyeon always talk to each other and know each other very well. If someone wants to date Seoyeon, Daehwan is the first person he needs premission from all the men. 


⇒ Third child - Jeon Mijoo (23) / model and vice-president fashion business / independent, easy-going,  / 11/10
Mijoo is the forceful princess, she is knows she is pretty and she will definitely show it. But she likes to dress up Seoyeon the most. She adores her fair skin and beautiful face. Mijoo may be child-like at heart, sometimes both of them gets confused who is the oldest. However, Mijoo tries to push Seoyeon out her comfort zone and it works sometimes. Seoyeon is really thankful to her older sister. Despite that Mijoo is more child-like and easy-going, she is envious about her sister who is really social and outspoken. But Mijoo likes Seoyeon mature behaviour. Actually the three sisters are closest to each other. You know girls likes to have girl friends more and boys like guy friends more. 


Fourth child - Jeon Seunghwan (20) / University student major business / cheeky, noisy, energetic/ 10/10
Seunghwan the noisest of all the siblings together. He beat even his Mijoo noona with being child-like. Even though he is the upcoming CEO for his father's business. (in honest Papa Jeon wants Seoyeon takes of the business while Seunghwan stands by her side. Poor Seunghwan). Seoyeon finds him annoying lots of time, but she knows that is his way to show his affection. Seunghwan loves the maknae. She is not the cutie type, but she is cute in his opinion. He spoils her a lot and when Seoyeon wants a serious talk, Seunghwan completely change, especially he found out recently about her being bullied. In the family, he only knows, because he sneakily took her phone and found out about her bully. Seoyeon told him to not tell the family especially Daehwan. Seunghwan kept his promise, but he started to be the protective oppa with sometimes his cheeky side and brings her a lot to her out door lessions like ballet classes, violin, piano. 


Brother-in-law - Park Jungjin (27) / Doctor / witty, hard-working, understanding / 9/10
Jungjin is always amazed by the youngest daughter of the Jeon family. His first impression of her was actually her being a troublemaker, because of her hairstyle and cold attitude. He had her as nickname Ice Queen Jeon. But it changed to sweetheart of Jeon. Jungjin and Seoyeon are sort close as in-laws. Seoyeon sees Jungjin as a great brother-in-law, because he treasure his family a lot. Also he is the one who sometimes backup when his wife and her older sister are going overboard with pushing her bounderies. Also he is very impressed by Seoyeon's English ability along with her older brother. Also he made her dream to might be a doctor. 


Nephew - Park Shiwoo (5) / being amazing toddler / child-like, bubbly, stubborn / 9-10
Shiwoo loves out of all his aunts and uncles, Seoyeon the most. Mainly because she is his babysitter or his playmate. Shiwoo is quite an unique 5-years-old, he is artistic and like to paint in his own original way. He talks always cutely to his aunt Seoyeon. He always use aegyo if he needs something from her when his parents say no. Because both of the parents don't nag at Seoyeon in the end, because she is the youngest. (Man being the youngest in Jeon family has benefits)





⇒ Best friend - Jeon Wonwoo (18) / senior student / protective, stiff, easy-going / 9,5-10
Unlike Seoyeon, Wonwoo is more out-going, but sometimes he gets joked for being stiff. However, he is well known for being social and has a wider group of friends, but Wonwoo cherishes Seoyeon a lot. She is his first friend. Wonwoo is the one who she helped first with his first romance. Wonwoo actually once liked Seoyeon (not sure if it still goes on.) He is extremely protective about her. But Seoyeon trust Wonwoo the most, you could say he is her black knight. Always by her side since kindergarten. They always talk and sometimes they laugh together. Wonwoo knows Seoyeon really well. He knows about Hyun Ae bullying her as well her crush on Bobby. He wants the best for his best friend.
Fun fact is that they have at school a ship name 2Jeon, only because they are duo that stick together. Some are betting if they are going to date or not or. Worse getting married even.


Childhood oppa - Kim Jinhwan (22) / university student / kind, protective, wise / 8,5-10
Jinhwan has known Seoyeon since she was a baby girl. He really adores his neighbour, not as love more like as an older brother. You could say Jinhwan is her third older brother from another family. Jinhwan sometimes gives to her advices to love. When Seoyeon is still helping someone. Jinhwan would always be that oppa who would always be for Seoyeon. Jinhwan is always worried about her, sometimes he would fetch her up from her ballet classes with his friends. Sometimes they would peek at how she is doing. You could say Jinhwan is considered as family for the Jeon. Since his family is really close friends with hers. Jinhwan once confessed he has a crush on her older sister Mijoo, Seoyeon couldn't believe it as she sometimes set them up on purpose when Mijoo is at home and Jinhwan appeared to visit. She would afterwards how unmanly he is. Jinhwan now about her little crush, even though she denies it that she likes his best friend. 



Lee Hyun Ae

Jeon Wonwoo

face claim : Mamamoo Hwasa
back up face claim : Actually seventeen Wonwoo

age : 20
OCCUPATION : university student major food science

Personality :

⇒ Hyun Ae is really a nice girl, if she likes you. If she doesn't like you, she will definitely let it show to you. She is hardworking as well. She is like anyone else, but then she has that selfishness and arrogance on the highest level. Hyun Ae can care a lot about things, she is actually self insecure about her appearance. Maybe that is why she wants to be the main focus. That people actually liking her. But then, she does it always on the wrong way. 

interaction with your character: 

⇒ Hyun Ae is actually a two-faced girl when Bobby is around. Seoyeon is like the girl who Bobby treats her like a sister. He gives lots of attention to Seoyeon, though Hyun Ae sometimes acts overly nice to Seoyeon. But Seoyeon do sense she is being actually insincere to her. As well, when Bobby is headed away, Hyun Ae give her a classic B. face to her and tell her to go home and not hang out with the big kids. Seoyeon do that in the end. 

Hyun Ae really despise her actually, because when Seoyeon isn't at university, the guy friends of Bobby and himself do talk about her or fetch her up. She is treated like the most beloved sister. Hyun Ae wants the attention and she wants to be in Bobby's vision. So she sometimes meets Seoyeon face to face to stop meeting Bobby and his friends. Actually she also talk very hurtful things in front of her. She kind of bothers Seoyeon until she stops seeing Bobby. You could say she is bullying the young Seoyeon.
She even stole once her diary and showed in the group, saying they should read it, but Bobby took the diary and said it wasn't cool to read someone else's diary. He gave it to Wonwoo in the end, with lock and unopened. 

Hyun Ae really bullies Seoyeon a lot with hurtful words, she is actually bullying her emotionally. Sometimes, she even confuse Hyun Ae that Bobby is about her family background and he only cares because she is just a rich girl. 

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int

Kim Jiwon

Joshua Hong

AGE : 21 (Korean age) (21 December 1995)
OCCUPATION : University student Medicine


⇒ bobby has slightly a flirtatious personality. in fact, he could be seen as ladies man. He is really known for being out-going and easy person to hang with. Some people may mistake his playful and flirtatious personality.
However, he is actually very hardowrking son and is actually quite an angel. Totally the opposite what people portrait him or see him. he would be that kind of person who would help elderly to cross over a busy crossroad.
He is actually the biggest dork and stupid person you ever might know, but he knows how to have fun. He just have that wild and free mentality. He doesn't get shy easily, he is more the overly confident person that gets excited like a bunny. Sometimes he is quite a straight forward person, he always go straight to the point. He doesn't need to think twice.
Anyways, let's not forget that bobby can take good care of people. He would be always listening to people's worries and comfort them or better to say, he would cheer them 100% up. like I said, Bobby is sometimes kind of stupid person, he isn't always smart. for example, funny mistakes in korean language or doesn't have huge common or basic knownledge. for example, what is the capital city of australia, he wouldn't know it is Canberra. Though he is always willing to work hard and have the best results in the end.



⇒ Their very first meeting is when Seoyeon was 14 and Bobby was 17 years old. She went with freshly baked cookies to Jinhwan. Jinhwan proudly introduced his neighbour and cute dongsaeng Seoyeon to his friends. They immediately ate her cookies and fall in love with it. Seoyeon was awkward and stiff when she waited for Mrs Kim (Jinhwan's mom) to help her with a recipe. 

While Jinhwan's friends and him were playing the games. Seoyeon awkwardly sat down as one of them started to speak to her care-free. It was Bobby, he was talking comfortable with her. He joked for being shy, she gave short responses. Seoyeon felt actually uncomfortable with him. How strange, she found him too scary. Bobby noticed as well, she was uncomfortable with him. He found it strange. A girl being awkward with him. He was actually jealous when she smiled at Jinhwan.
Jinhwan noticed his best friend's interest in his childhood friend. For some reason he knew something will bloom with them. Seoyeon left earlier and asked Jinhwan to text the recipe to her when his mom came back. After her leaving, Bobby immediately asked what kind of person she is. Jinhwan responded, she is just awkward in general. You have to melt her ice cold wall she put it up. 

⇒ Their second meeting was when Bobby tagged along with Jinhwan to fetch up Seoyeon from her ballet lesson. Seoyeon felt once again uncomfortable with him. "I am bored, so I joined. So you are ballerina," he spinned a few times clumsily. He was trying to mimicing to be a ballerino. For the first time, he made her laugh a bit. Bobby knew he melted her ice cold walls she pulled up. 

⇒ As years passed, Bobby and Seoyeon grew as good friends. Sometimes Wonwoo joined. Strangely these two felt like they were rivals. Seoyeon never knows it, it happens behind her back. In the end Wonwoo would win most of times. However, Bobby always sees her as his little sister he never has. He always for being too skinny or serious. Sometimes he would be protective when some guys look at her. Whenever, she visit Jinhwan's house with freshly baked cookies or cupcakes, he would be always the first one who would snatch one. Sometimes Jinhwan's friends (it is actually iKON) call them the 21-couple. Because both of them has the same birthday. 

⇒ However, Seoyeon knew she was having a crush on Bobby. How weird. But it was when she was sixteen, she forgot her umbrella and her family was busy to pick up at her ballet studio. Jinhwan had an appointment and Wonwoo was going out with his friends. Seoyeon was considering to run through the rain as someone passed by with a plastic bag. "Isn't that Seoyeon!" Bobby ran towards her. The smell of chicken hit her nose. "You shouldn't eat greasy things, oppa." Seoyeon told him. He stupidly laughed, "It is always time for chicken." Seoyeon shrugged as Bobby noticed she had no umbrella, "Let's go home!" Seoyeon said, "But your house is completely the opposite direction of--"
"I will have a little adventure in the rain with you," he smiled as Seoyeon nodded. As they were walking to her home. Bobby was the one who kept talking, Seoyeon listened as scooter passed but close to Seoyeon, Bobby pulled her on time close to him and dropped his chicken. "Are you--" he suddenly saw his dropped chicken, "NOOOOO!" While he was mourning about his dropped chicken, Seoyeon felt somehow weird. He embraced her for the very first time. That is the moment Seoyeon saw Bobby in a different light. 
She slowly wanted to see Bobby more and more. Sometimes she purposely texted Jinhwan on what he is doing. Or subtly hanging at Jinhwan's house. 

⇒ Bobby is always interested in Seoyeon. He always sees her as little sister and he definitely show it to Seoyeon. Saying, "You are the best dongsaeng, how I wish you were my sister." Seoyeon never get mad about this. But this was a sign to her that he never see her as a girl. Seoyeon always admire Bobby in her own way. Bobby appreciates her little effort, like she helping reviewing his schoolwork or repeating some school materials. But Seoyeon do all these extra effort to see him a little more. However, Seoyeon knows the distance for him to like her is too far. But worse when Hyun Ae came in the picture. 

⇒ Bobby noticed since Seoyeon's senior year she started to distanced herself more from him and Jinhwan. (because of Hyun Ae's bullying). However, he would always try to see her by her ballet or piano classes, to fetch her up and talk. But she always wait till he left, but he always wait till she show up. In the end, Seoyeon cannot help it to walk to him and Bobby smiled. Little did Bobby knows that he sees the relationship with Seoyeon is actually more a lover way. Sometimes, his friends for liking Seoyeon as a lover way. Bobby denied, but one time when he talked with Jinhwan. Jinhwan told him that Daehwan wouldn't mind Bobby out of all his friends to date his baby sister. Bobby started to think about his feelings more towards Seoyeon. However, he felt also somehow envious, perhaps jealous how close Wonwoo is with her. He sometimes is envious of Wonwoo being the same class with Seoyeon. But he is still in denial about his like for Seoyeon. Sometimes he slap himself in reality to see Seoyeon as a sister and not as a woman. But it fails a lot.


STATUS: Brother-sister friendship
ENDING: In the end, they will end up dating, maybe even marrying, because they have known each other for long time.
Seoyeon comes clean about bullying of Hyun Ae. 
Bobby fought with her best friend, (Wonwoo told Bobby in the end about Hyun Ae who is bullying Hyuna because of him.) Bobby is totally taken back. Seoyeon confessed why she didn't tell him, because she likes to see him daily, she likes him. Seoyeon told him goodbyes, thanking him for everything. When she stood up, she left before Bobby could response or react. Bobby ran after her, grabbed her wrist, "Who told you to leave without this." He straightfowardly kissed her on the lips. 


MiyaCHan ⇔ FY

LAST COMMENT: I hope you really like her. I think I went too dramatic with some things. Anyways, sorry for lots of reading and I hope I made? I think I went overboard with the bullying but hey it could happen. Also I added the whole family but not everyone has to be included though I wrote with some family member an important role or something. 


⇒ Seoyeon is performing and she invited the Heaven club for the very first time
⇒ Wonwoo finds out about Hyun Ae's bullying and gets furious at Seoyeon for not telling. Wonwoo even threats to go to her older brother. 
⇒ Heaven club having their first camping or outing trip together
⇒ Wonwoo possible confessing Seoyeon? < very optional! but I love squares more than triangles.
⇒ Heaven club doing a match making event, but somehow some of their crushes get jealous or get involved as well. 
 Since her diary is her treasure. Bobby finds her diary again while she was sleeping on her table on the library when she helped with his homework (since he and she share similar dream) he decided to read or not her diary? 


"Come over to me a little faster
It's so dark here for me
Without you
Here I am with my arms wide open
Ready to hug you anytime"

The song of the lyrics                   &                                  my jam




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