Arghhhh aka Art Lesson -_-

Ugh ;___;

In English we're reviewing art, right?

I'm praying that I don't have to read anyone's reviews because (no offense) they don't know how to 'review' art.

Ehh, it makes me bang my head in shame!

I'm a simple artist and I admit I'm not picasso or anything, but really.

Please pardon my language.


K, so I quickly drew and colored one of my characters to prove a point.


Aww, look at the pretty clouds~! Bright means happy and light. Light details in the background equal a happier, playful feel. Note how he looks like he's laughing or being devious with a friend. And the sun is a light source, tyvm xD If you were to review this picture you wouldn't say he's planning your death. No bull, yo. Does this cutie look like he'll kill you?


Dark means sad, mysterious, or gloomy. Mother of ing hell, now he looks like he's ready to kill you in two seconds. Note the dark clouds leading you into your death and the dramatic amount of shading. I still kept the light source, yet it's turned into a moon. Now there's dramatic shading and plenty of spots to add 'murderous' details. 


Get those straight! When a picture clearly has both it's hinting something unknown, it's not supposed to be something for a horror movie!

Okay, I admit. I exaggerated my wording a little bit :P 

But still, take note!

K thanks for listening to me rant xP


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