☪ reckless romance : sm's 2016 girl group。 [ Park Raven ]

WRITE HERE ☆ Love rival's are optional so if you don't want to have one that's fine
WRITE HERE ☆ I also really like crazy nationalities so just go crazy and have fun
WRITE HERE The most complicated part is actually the languages part, if you have double nationality you have to be fluent in those two languages and korean( if your member isn't korean) she can be semi-fluent or actually flunt if she has been living in korea for a long time, the rest can be basic/conversational




☆ Raven Park 

Jin minchan + Aicha + ananke + lysiteah



— Rave ; her friend back in France would call her like that 
— Riri  ; her little sister call her like that 
— nickname ; explanation

BIRTHDAY ☆ 13/04/1999
BIRTH PLACE ☆ Toulouse 
HOMETOWN ☆ Toulouse

ETHNICITY  Half Korean , Half French 
NATIONALITY ☆ Write here  Korean
RELIGION ☆ Budhiste 


— French  ; born and raised in raised in france / fluent
— Korean ; Korean dad / fluent
— English ; semi-fluent , she learnt it at school 

BACK UP ☆ Krystal 
HEIGHT&WEIGHT ☆ 1m61 & 43kg

FASHION STYLE ☆  She doesn't have a special fashion style , she can wear a dress today and a sweatpants the next day , she like to wear clothes that she would feel comfortable in and that she can move around with . She doesn't like to put on tick make up but she do put on some BB cream , eyeliner and lipstick . She like to wear heels as she is quite short , but don't wear them everyday because they hurt too much .


Je t'aime !



Raven is really open minded and sweet when she want to , she tend to smile a lot and people may think she is weird , because she smiles with all her heart even to strangers , she seem sweet and lovely but when you get on her nerves , she may be pretty dangerous , her face get red and her voice get louder , she may make you regret even talking to her . She is pretty crazy and weird love to dance and run around like a little girl but when she need to be serious she get really serious . She is known for her dorky personality , which entails strange laughing , and overall funny faces and gestures . People love that she is willing to throw aside her image for a little fun and laughter , she can laugh like an ajuma , show care for her fellows members and family , and even show off a side of her that deal with fetich . While she has a fun personnality there is also a dark side to that coin . Jisoo sometimes will let her emotions get the best of her , which causes her to either say or do things that a appear weird .She will let her move become apparent despite where or when people are looking .  she is the kind of person who is "interesting but hard to grasp " . She also prefer to follow her intuition in most of things she do . She is the kind of person who would never judge someone for his look or color , she prefer to get to know them before having an idea about them .
She is know to give the members that cold shoulder sometimes . She also tend to keep everything to her self , if no one ask her she won't say anything . She have really REALLY bad memory its her weakest point of all .She is really scary when she get angry and tend to nag people a lot , the members doesn't like to play with her because she tend to play boys game , like really agressive teasing and the members tend to get hurt sometimes , and she tease them about being too soft and that they should grow some muscles .  she scold them when they do something wrong even the girls older than her , she is like a Mama to all of them but she is really stubborn if she have an idea she will follow it and believe in it either it's right or wrong and don't even try to persuade her about something else it's like talking to a wall . She make the most erted joke ever she also have a , she love to tease the girls about the boys and she love to tease the boys about the girl she have a really erted mind maybe that's why she get a long really well with the boys more than the girls .She is the kind of person who would take hours to change her clothes and would let things hanging around the room, but when someone else do it she would scold them about how messy they're and would tell them to clean behind them .


— she love all the animals even the weirdest one 
— she like to read mangas a lot 
— she love spicy food 

-- late night snakes 

__ noodles 


— she doesn't like fish that much 
— she hate dark places 
— horror movies are her enemies 


— she sleep with a pillow between her legs
— she work out a lot 
— she brush her teeth a lot 

__ she have a weird laughs but cute 

__ like to do aegyo 


— she want to get married at a young age 
— she would like to live in a small apartement 
— she is a big fan of WINNER and RAIN

-- she wish to work with producer DEAN or Gray sometimes 


DON't try too hard



Raven was born in Toulouse , Paris , she is the oldest one between her siblings , her dad is korean and her mom is french , she took after her dad more . Her childhood was normal , she was a tomboy back in the days , she would only play with boys , hate pink and dress , fight a lot at school and always short hair . When she reached middle school she start to became more feminine but not like really girly , at that time she start having girls as friend but she always had more boys like friends because she find them more loyal and easy going , it was in middle school that she got really interested in music and want to have a career with music , she told her parents about and they were okey as her dad back in the day used to be in band , she find out about kpop the same year and fail in love with it , she keep begging her parents for a year to let her go to south korea and at the end they said yes , and during summer vacation she went to korea alone . about two days in the country and she didn't have any problem of communication thanks to her dad , one day she was passing by a place and found like an audition being the weird and crazy person she was , she signed for it not even knowing what the audition was about which got her more surprised is that when she went back to France she received a call telling her that she was official a trainee , her parents were confused at first by what was happening and she explained everything to them and even called the company to explain more and that's how one mouth later she was back to Korea to become a trainee of SMtown and soon an idol .


Dad , Park Won-yeong  40  shop owner  funny , out going ,playful , cheerful , schildish sometime   Raven and her Dad got a long really well as , he was the one always playing with her , and she love him so much he s so sweet so nice and is always spoiling her , if her mom is mad at her , he would take care of it , he is always here for her and support her a lot .

Mom, Marie Dubois  38  chef  serious , always screaming , angry mom , loving , caring  Raven and Marie are always fighting , always screaming at each other , but when Raven need her mom , she is always here for her , supporting her and comforting her during hard times , she is you typical mom .

Little Sister , Park Hana  14  student  wicked , always planning some joke to her sister , girly , feminine , playful   She always get her big sister in trouble ,they are like your typical sisters sometime lovely dovey sometime hating each other or jumping at each other throat , but deep inside they love each other and have some fun time together .



Friend,  Hani   24  idol  funny , friendly , easy going  they met one day when Raven was in Korea , in a café , Hani didn't meaning it and dumped in Raven pouring her drink on top of the younger girl   they exchanged number that time and start texting from time to time , she gave her advises when Raven told her about being a trainee at SMtown .

friend , Lee Mark   16   idol  funny , reserved , optimist   they met when she was a trainee at SMtown cafeteria , there was only one pudding left and they both wanted it .  they became close friend , they would practice together , eat together and she cheered hard on him when he debuted .


Sunbae , Exo  between 22 and 26  idol group  funny , caring , talented , easy going  They met at the agancy , where the trainee got to ask them some question and the members gave them a lot of good advice  Sunbae Hoobae relationship 

Sunbae, Girls' Generation   between 24 and 27  idol group  funny , caring , loving , talented   They met at the agancy , where the trainee got to ask them some question and the members gave them a lot of good advice  Sunbae Hoobae relationship 


☆ Ananke

Better not play that kind of game with me 



Well it's kinda exciting and stressful , i won't lie that i would love to be part of , who wouldn't like to debut soon . If i got the chance i will show you guys my best and work as hard as i can possible do , i would do everything not to disappoint any of you and if i don't get that chance well i'm still young life is long i will work harder for something better .


 Is it okey if i jump around ? /laughs softly/ i may cry of joy and do a little happy dance that may scare people away , i would thank everyone that helped me in this adventure and i will promise them to work hard and be the best .


It will sound a little narcissistic if i answer this question myself /laughs softly / but i think my charming point would be my smile and my positive attitude , i'm like a little happy pill to all the people around me that's what i think , but some people find it annoying .


KIM yugyeom

jackson wang  + PARK CHANYEOL


PERSONALITY ☆  showy , y , extravagant on stage , but when he is off the stage he is the sweetest person ever . The passion that he exudes with every move is just mind-blowing. He’s one of those rare people who pursues his craft due to pure passion and love for it, not for the fame and glory. He is perfect boyfriend material .

RELATIONSHIP ☆  They are like a big brother and his little sister , always taking care of her and asking about her , even if sometime they tend to flirt and act more that just friend but it never last long and Raven would quickly turn it into a joke so they would be no awkwardness between them .

HISTORY ☆  They met in front of SMtown once , at that time Raven didn't know he was going to be famous , he was just a trainee at that time and she was a tourist . Yugyeom lost his cap and Raven had found it , it was a cliché meeting . They met again when she was back to Korea as an official trainee , and found out about him being famous. He read about her in an article about SM trainee and decided to meet with her so they start meeting from time to time as he was famous but they texted and face timed each other a lot .



Jeong jaehyun


PERSONALITY ☆  He is sensetive but strong , he tries to make everyone happy , he like to wake up very early and to sleep very late because he is afraid that he won't be living and profiting from his life as much as possible . He is really optimist and like to help people . He can't take a lot of think seriously which usualy get him in trouble . He is really honest in his talking which sometime can be rude and can hurt people and he hate it that he doesn't know how to control it .

RELATIONSHIP ☆  They are friends , as they were both trainee together and have a friend in common , they don't usually hang out together alone there is always someone with them but they tend to glance at each other a lot which the other remarked and would tease them a lot about .

HISTORY ☆  They met during trainee days and got a little bit clothes , like if there was no one to hang out with they would hang with each other , they tend to practice together too and make fun of the other , at first Raven had a crush on him she find him really handsome , he is also her first kiss .

OTHER ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 


last comment ☆  hope it's at your taste if there's something i need to change or end tell me about it c:

scene requests ☆ none


password 2007



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