Beach time : Kim jisoo

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▸ Suzy  — it's her english name 

DATE OF BIRTH : 7 / 03 / 1995

▸ Korean — korean parents

▸ English — Born in the USA

UALITY : straight 

FACE CLAIM : byeon jeongha [ http://weheartit.com/ikon_trash/collections/109513406-byeon-jeongha ]

BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : lee sangbi
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 165  cm and  46 kg

▸ she have short hair and each time her hair grow longer she cut it again , because she think short hair are more easy to manage and more cute  . She tend to wear jeans than skirt , because she find them more comfortable , but that doesn't that she is boyish or anything like that , she can put on jeans and be y , because she know how to look sewy in anything . She does put some tick make up on sometime and love red lipstick , she like simple crop top and top or with some funny quote written on them . she love heels , she have a couple or pairs and she take good care of them , but she also like sneakers and caps because they suit her good , she love to wear big top and shorts , she love guys clothes she find them better than girl clothes so sometime you may find her in a man store looking at the jackets and tops .

"Love what is that ? something we eat ?"

PERSONALITY TRAITS : open minded , lovely , caring , bossy , nagging , messy , keep everything to herself .


She is known for her dorky personality , which entails strange laughing , and overall funny faces and gestures . People love that she is willing to throw aside her image for a little fun and laughter , she can laugh like an ajuma , show care for her fellows members and family , and even show off a side of her that deal with fetich . While she has a fun personnality there is also a dark side to that coin . Jisoo sometimes will let her emotions get the best of her , which causes her to either say or do things that a appear weird .She will let her move become apparent despite where or when people are looking .  she is the kind of person who is "interesting but hard to grasp " . She also prefer to follow her intuition in most of things she do . She is the kind of person who would never judge someone for his look or color , she prefer to get to know them before having an idea about them .

She is know to give the members that cold shoulder sometimes . She also tend to keep everything to her self , if no one ask her she won't say anything . She have really REALLY bad memory its her weakest point of all .She is really scary when she get angry and tend to nag people a lot , the members doesn't like to play with her because she tend to play boys game , like really agressive teasing and the members tend to get hurt sometimes , and she tease them about being too soft and that they should grow some muscles .  she scold them when they do something wrong even the girls older than her , she is like a Mama to all of them but she is really stubborn if she have an idea she will follow it and believe in it either it's right or wrong and don't even try to persuade her about something else it's like talking to a wall . She make the most erted joke ever she also have a , she love to tease the girls about the boys and she love to tease the boys about the girl she have a really erted mind maybe that's why she get a long really well with the boys more than the girls .She is the kind of person who would take hours to change her clothes and would let things hanging around the room, but when someone else do it she would scold them about how messy they're and would tell them to cleam behind them .

"it's never enough for them"


▸ big brother  — kim jihoon (27) / doctor /protective , loving , caring , serious , nagging  / they are like cat and mouse always judging and nagging each other , he would always critic what she is doing , he doesn't like when she get close to boy , he have that idea that his sister is still the little girl that followed him around , he can get angry at her but they would act like nothing happen the next day , he tend to call her when he hear rumors about her , he always advises her to not get a big head and to keep her feet on the earth , and always remember her from where she came .

▸ Big sister  — Kim Jiwon (25) / teacher /  motherly, responsible, caring, impatient, independant / she is like a mom to her , always calling her to check if she had ate , if she take good care of her health , she also tend to overreact when something happen to Ji soo she get pretty crazy and scary , she is more scary when she is drunk , she once even kicked a man with a chair while drunk , her and Jisoo get a long pretty well , they can talk over the phone for hours without lacking in subjects or never get bored .

▸ brother in law — lee Jin (27) / colonel  /  eccentric, clever, open-minded, skittish, quiet/ he is like another brother to her even if he doesn't get a long with her big brother , they always fight each other wen they are in the same room or place , so ji soo and ji won always have to seperate them and scold them . Ji soo get a long with him even if normally he is quite and look like some really rich dude but him and jisoo work out and play together a lot .


            ▸ best friend — Mark Tuan  (22) / idol / quiet , reserved , caring , funny , loyal / they are childhood friend , they met first met in the USA , and got a long from a really young age , they went to the jyp audition together , and got accepted together . They spend most of there trainee years together , like twins , they would do everything together , he is the only boy that her brother is okey with . when he debuted she cheered for him when he won his first win she cried with him , they have so many amazing memory together , and she is one of the few people that he is really open with .

"it was like hell after a while hell became more comfortable "


Jisoo was born in raised in USA , her only family is her big brother and big sister ,as both of there parent died in a big fire , when jisoo was 3 , they lived in a orphan until her big brother became legal and took them with him , he start studying really hard to became a doctor and those year of college were hard for all the siblings , everyone had part job , they lived in a little studio in L.A they would work hard to pay the rent but as her brother got his diploma at a young age , he got to start work earlier and life became much more easier , they had really hard time but none of them never gave up on there dream that's how they got where they are now .

Beside there building there was a play ground shared between the rich family on the other side of the road and does who lived in her building that's where she met Mark for the first time , he was getting beating up by some thug child and she protected him at first Mark was really embarrassed so he pushed her away saying that he didn't need her help but as days went by they became closer and closer , he was the one who got her to love music and dance ,she learn how to dance from Mark and he would praise her about her singing , when she performed at a school play that's when she knew that's what she wanted to do for the rest of her life . So she and mark worked really hard to realize there dream , she start spending half her part time job pay on singing lessons when she wouldn't have the money Mark would help her cause he believed in her . At the age of 15 she decided to go for the JYP audition with mark , that was in there city , they were pretty nervous . Mark was accepted but she wasn't , she didn't want to cry in front of Mark so she just praised him and told him to show them what he got , Mark quickly left for Korea and that made her just more determined about try again , so she worked really hard for 2 years before going for the audition again , she was then accepted . Her brother at that time had finished his study and when she told him about what happened , her sibling left everything behind and followed her there , were life for the first year was quite hard for them , but her brother got a job as a doctor in a big hospital and her sister start teaching english in a high school .


▸ she like summer to winter , as she love to go to the beach 

▸she is a big fan of spicy food 

▸ movie night with her sibling 

▸ GOT7 ! IGOT7 !

▸ boy group dances

▸ old rock songs 

▸ jay park 


▸ too much sweet 

▸  crowded place 

▸ too much noise

▸ seafood 

▸ she hate 'bad boys'


▸ dark place , she have to sleep with a little light on or she wont 

▸ ghost , she believe in them 


▸ if she wasn't a singer , she would have became a doctor like her brother 

▸ her favorite cartoon is adventure time

▸ she is a big fan of mangas and tend to ship everyone with each other 

▸ her ideal type would be someone like bobby from ikon or g-dragon

▸ she met taeyang in LA once but she didn't know he was famous 

▸ she can fall in love with someone just because of his smile 

"fighting ! i'm sure you will do it right !"

Why do you want to become an idol? : 

▸ because my best friend is one /laughs/ just joking , i want to became an idol because i admire what todays idol can do how they can make people happy with just a smile or a song , i want to be able to make people smile even if i don't know them , i want to reach there heart with my music .

Which sub-group do you want to be a part of, and why? : 

▸ i want to be part of carousel because it's a pretty summery and fun concept which i like very much , i do love bright color too , summer is my favorite season . When i was living in the States i would go to the beach once every two days /laughs softly/ i also think that Carousel could bring joy and happiness for the fan , it can make them want to dance and jump around that's the kind of music i like .

What idol do you think you compare to? : 

▸ me ? /shakes head, laughs / no one , i think that the other idol are really talented and special in there own way so how can i compare my self to them , plus i don't know much idol personally so i can't really compare myself to them , but people say that i have the same vocal cappacity as Jin from Lovelyz and the same dance capacity as Tzuyu from twice .

What idol is your inspiration? : 

▸ My inspiration will be Ailee sunbae , i find her really confident  , talented and which such a great voice each one of her performance give me goosebumps , she is also a really bright person and i love how confident of a girl she is , i want too be that kind of girl , the one that boys come to and ask for forgiveness someone you would regret .

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LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name


▸ start here


▸ start here


▸ start here



jinmnchan : aicha : active

LAST WORDS : hope you like her and that she suit your test and concept , if there's anything i should change tell me about it .


▸ here
▸ here

PASSWORD : MAMAMOO - you are the best 

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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