

so. you guys know how much i love plottwists in my stories, right? xD

like. if you've been reading my stories for awhile, you'll see... a lot... of them... lol.

and it often amuses me reading the comments of readers predicting theories and stuff.

sometimes it surprises me when i'd be reading over a comment, and someone was able to guess my entire plottwist/the main plot of the story, correctly. i would be screaming at my laptop like, "omg this readerrrr did she hack my mind how was she able to predict everything correctly i want to tell her how right her theory is but i can't bcuz spoilers!!!" xD

sometimes you readers are just too smart~ :P

idk i'm rambling bc i'm just amazed by you guys haha. someone guessed LK's plottwist completely last month, and now with the new chapter of FD, someone else guessed the plottwist of it correctly, too :P of course, i can't tell either of them (yet) that they're right lol /shakes fist


oh, and i wanna do polls of smthn:


one last thing: what is your fave plottwist of mine that you've read? in any of my stories. was there one that shocked you a lot, or stood out, or you really liked once you found out? :D (imma guess LD/LK's MANY plottwists or destinare's kai/prime alpha plottwist will be a popular answer lol :P)



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Yoyoyomannn #1
I hoped I guessed the plot of FD rite haha.and the LD plot twist is just 0_o
If u ask me the one which i remember the most is definitely destinare's kai one is just totally out of nowhere and i loved it wooo
But if u want me to choose from LD and LK is just omg TOO MUCH
Omg the plot twists where everyone like falls in love with Sehun and Kai getting amnesia in LK/LD really got me XD
dreamntell #4
The stories that stood out the most for me were
1: Destinare... Well it was the first story I ever read of yours and I got so attached to it, and the plot twist is awesome!
2; LD/LK. I mean DUH!
3: FD because I Have high expectations for this story and I know you never disappoint :))

80% of the time I guess the plot twist correctly but I don't want to comment because I don't like to spoil the story (it'd just take your effort away in my opinion) instead I just put lame comment of how I bit on my pillow... LOL!

Oh and please update Destinare !!!
The cliffhangers definitely :'v // cries
Okay I chose cliffhangers because you either cut the chapter at the most intense, interesting scene or at the and it just has me screaming.

Anyways. My favourite plot twists by far [ even though i'm aware it still hasn't arrived properly ] is in Fatalis Dilemma. The whole story itself is a huge twist in a plot, combined with cliffhangers.
xulikilla_elf #7
It's hard to choose between plottwists and cliffhangers bc you're the queen on both of them, but in the end I've chosen cliffhangers bc reasons hahahahaha you killed me many times with your cliffhangers xD ;)

The plottwist on destinare definitely shocked me, I didn't expect the Kai / Prime Alpha thing xD I was so surprised to suddenly have Jongin and Kai, like why? My heart was/is a little divided >< hahahaha but it was definitely a good plottwist ^^
And the plottwist on LK's ending surprised me so much!!! I was so happy that you made that plottwist and kai only ended up having amnesia and not dead like I was afraid ^^ you made me cry of happiness bc in the end sekai gave themselves a second chance ♡♡♡

So keep giving as plottwists hehehee ;)
mockingbae #8
HOW MANY PLOTTWISTS DO I HAVE TO CHOOSE FROM?!?!?!? I can't choose omg. To be honest, all of LK was a plot twist, ESPECIALLY WHEN KAI FELL DEAR GOD! I would say that I hate the cliffhangers, but they make all of your plots so interesting, so I'm looking forward to more in the future! The first poll was so hard BECAUSE YOU ARE AMAZING AT ALL THREE
infinite87 #9
I can't chose you are so good at cliffhangers and plottwists and yes the fact that Jongin in Destinare has a Kai Prime Alpha in him was so surprising but the biggest one was when Kai in Love Killer fell, but survived and woke up with an amnesia ! I screamed and cried of relief but also of sadness...
You are very good with every things that are in the poll :D
And my most favs plottwist is LK , like the whole LK story is a huge plottwist for me xD cause when first I read the foreword I thought that Kai will be killed by Sehun own hand and that Sehun won't be with Kai anymore and definitely hate Kai guts but then from the first chap it was already a huge plottwist for me XD
I know I'm not the kind of a genius reader ~ Lmao
I CAN'T CHOOSE WHICH ONE YOU THE BEST CAUSE YOU'RE BEST WITH THOSE ALL!! You're the queen of all of it I swear ~ lol lol
If you put it all in one fics I'm sure I can survive and will give up the first time xD
/sigh/ even now I won't be surprised if there will be a lot of plottwist or cliffhanger ~ I already learned to just read what you give cause if I expecting something and you do some plottwists it surely blast all my expectation and hope T^T
you should do a plot twist where the main character dies.
Hmmm, the cliffhangers are more(oh god maybe on every damn chapter) BUT! the plottwists are just O.O" jaw dropping!! If i have to choose about which stood out more it's Destinare(i'm still hanging though, it's like i'm sitting on needles waiting for the next). I LOVE your scenes!!! \(^O^)/ and the crazy characters xD (i couldn't vote for both). I just love you author-nim~ <3 you are amazing!!!
Keep the hard work!!!
Hwaiting~ ^_^v
It could have been interesting to try and guess them in your stories but i just know for sure that i won't be able to, and anyways, i like being surprised^^ Umm... about my fav plottwist? definitely one of LK plottwists. Maybe the one about Kris and Luhan working against Kai at the end? Or should it be that Kai was actually alive after falling? Ugh it's hard (and i don't really remember the ones at the beginning ><
Anyways, just continue with those awesome cliffhangers and plottwists! they are just too good <3
NandaLin #15
Mmmmm Lets seee :D
I really like the you write ( I often skip in most stories but Idk Your is just >w< )
Also Crazy Stuff and Cliffhangers!! ;_;