♦ Suite — Spades's sub-leader & main rapper — Jeong Jae Won / 정제원 ♦


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One : Jeong jae won

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BIRTHNAME : Jeong Jae Won 

▸ Jay — it may be silly but he asked his friend to call him like that as he say it's cooler 

▸ one  — it's his stage name and it define how much he want to be number 1 

DATE OF BIRTH : 27 / 03 /1995

▸ Korean — fluent as it's his native language

▸ English — semi-fluent as he learnt by him self to improve his rap

FACE CLAIM : Jeong Jaewon ( one )
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : bobby ( ikon )
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 176 cm and 54kg

▸ One is tall , quite handsome , with a nice jaw and body , he work out a lot and care about his health , he also take great care of his skin and hair , which you can tell from the way he look .

> One is really fashionable , he like to wear trending clothes , he love to put caps on and he have a colletion of it , he also spend most of his money on clothes .

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"i would rather be the weird me than be someone elese"


PERSONALITY TRAITS : funny , shy , caring , he would be the person that made the other smile , get angry easily , tease a lot , joke around , get hurt easily , forgive easily .

PERSONALITY : jaewon is the kind of hyung you would like to have , he is caring , loving , he know what's good for you and what's bad , he can be shy and awkward at first but when you get to know him you may miss the shy person he was at first , he like to joke around and sometime the joke can be pretty bad and wicked , he get angry easily espicially when he is on a bad mood , the thing is that when someone does something bad to him sometimes it can be something really bad he forgive them easily , he can't differency between between fake and real people that's why he get betrayed a lot be he tend to stand up again easily you can tell that he is pretty naive but cute , he is modest too , and get flushed when someone compliment him , he give the best hug ever and love to cuddle with people he is close with , he think that physical contact is the best way to get to know someone . Again he give really good advises : "when you have it hard and you're hurt, your life will shine the brightest " , he is loyal to his friend and always pull out his hand for the people that need it .


BACKGROUND : he was born and raised in busan , with as only family his grandparents , as his parents where always busy with work and tended to go aboard a lot , but he never lacked from love because his grandparent were really loving .When he was a child he was the kind of child that never stopped always playing around , screaming in the house , running and laughing a lot , he was like a little ball of energy . At school he was average , he have never been first or last , just right in the middle and he liked that . He was pretty popular in high school at it was then when puberty hitted him right , people start to notice him , girl start confessing , but he never accepted anyone , he would bow and say sorry then walk way , that's why to today he never kissed anyone and never dated anyone . He start being interested in music in middle school when he start hanging with some rappers and b-boys that's when he start written and even producing which was quite surprising is that he turn out pretty good at it , when he reached high school he decided to audition for an agency , a friend of him had his uncle working in Yunrae , and he  went for it but was refused at first and got quite depressed but worked harder ,  improving his dancing and singing skills as well as the rapping , he tried again the next year and got in , the first thing that he did after being accepted was to tell his grandparent which easily approved and told him that they already know about his dream of being an idol .

"find strength friend, even though I can only see you once a week, I'll be by your side"


he like to sleep a lot , if they aren't practicing or doing something he would probably be asleep .

- he love korean food more than fast food or anything else

- favorite snack is kimbap

- he prefer dogs to cats as they are more loyal 

- role model would be Jay Park

- he every kind of music 

- he like taking pictures of other more than himself 

- his favorite body part would be his eyebrow as he got complimented a lot from the make up artist 

- he like cooking 

- he work out quite a lot 

he love old movies 

- If/when he has children he wants to have a boy first and then a girl. (So the older brother can protect the younger sister)

        -Jaewon does not have a fixed ideal type but rather says that it’s more about the feeling and how they emotionally match him, someone pretty.


- blood type A

- he think that he doesn't appear manly 

- admire artists that do everything on there own

- really bad at aegyo 

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▸ grandpa  — Jeong dong-hwan (68) / shop owner / he look cold and serious but he actually have a big heart and is really generous / really close / his the kind of grandpa that would ask if he had a girlfriend , and will always tell him to choose a beautiful girl as a spouse or he may regret it , he also like to nag his wife , and jaewon find it really funny how they start nagging each other , he love to meet with his grandpa and play chess together as always the older man is the one who always win , he always tell jaewon this "a winner is someone who get up one more time once knocked down"

▸ grandma — Park Buja (63) / co-shop owner  / caring , loving , great cook , tipical grandma / really close / she is loving and caring , and every time jaewon came back home she would make ton of food , she call him a lot worried that he isn't eating or that he isn't taking good care of his health , her grandson is what she is most proud about  , she always brag about him to the neighbors . Jaewon love to watches her cook and talk about her old days and advices him with some of her quotes that she learned from experience like "the only person you should be better than is the person you were yesterday"




▸ friend  — song mino (23) /idol / funny , loyal , protective  / they would meet up when they aren't busy , and go for a pizza and a movie , they barely talk about there jobs but always talk about other stuff , with each other they're like just two normal teenagers who love to eat , sleep and play . The only times they fight would be when playing video games , they are addicted to there games. When Jaewon feel lonely he would face time mino and they would stay hours talking about random stuffs .

▸ friend — yezi (21) / idol / funny , caring , possesive  / yezi and jaewon met first at a playground , where they fighted over a balloon and it end up with yezi pushing jaewon off the top of the slides which got him to go to the hospital , yezi felt so bad about it that she start to follow jaewon around , the boy had already forgive her but she still felt sorry and guilty , so they became friend like that , and to today she would always take good care of him like a mom .



manager  —  Bu Kyungsoo (27) / manager / brotherly, smart, strong, sarcastic, insensitive/ he is the uncle of his friend who told him about the auditions in Yunrae , they are pretty close , he is like ahyung to him he helped him a lot when needed , he treat him like a little brother , they sometime would go for grilled meat together as they are both big fan of meat .

▸ team member — Suite  / idol / funny , goody , talented  / he get along with everyone , as he had know them as trainee or got to know them with time , some of them were his roommate , they are like his second family , they are his brothers and best friends , he like to spend time with them even if sometime they arguing , but no one is perfect , they like to nag and tease each other like boys always do between them .

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"Because you can overcome those times and become even stronger "

PERSONA : Spades's sub-leader , main rapper 

POSITION : Main rapper



▸ Vocals: chanyeol (exo)
▸ Dance: suga (bts)
▸ Rap: bobby (ikon)



He auditionned the first time but didn't got in and tried the next year that's when they got him in . Trainee life was hard like for all the trainees , it was stress , lack of food , sleep and social life , they would wake up the morning to go to school when back it will be vocal training , then dance practice and after that rap session , at night he would stay awake to re practice everything , some weeks were really depressing they would all have just a couple dollars to eat with , at times he would think that better just stop everything , at times hewould think i will never debut , he was envious of his friends but they just made him work harder , he once said in an interview about his trainning year "is was like hell but after a while hell became comfortable "


▸ here


▸ here

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"WHO DOESN't love chocolate ?"


why did you pick yunrae entertainment - or to be an idol at all in that case? : 

▸ Well a friend of mine have his uncle working in the company and he knew how much i love music so one day he suggested to me why not trying be an idol , you could do all those things you like and have a lot of pretty fans /laughs softly/ he also said that with my face it will be pretty easy , i guess he never tried to be a trainee before , it's not that easy but i don't regret a thing .

If you could pick another sub-unit to be in, which one would it be and why? : 

▸ mhm ... i would go with Deuce because beside of rapping i like dancing too , i used to hang with b-boys a lot so i learned a lot from them , i also got accepted in the entreprise because of my dancing skills , i think i would be pretty good at it not that i'm showing off or something i just think it would suit me too .

Is there a particular activity you'd like to try in the future (like acting, musicals, variety)? : 

▸ i would love to do variety and acting , because once i'm a big fan of variety shows , i find them fun and you also get to meet new and different people . I would like to try acting too , cause i'm a pretty good liar /winks/ i'm just joking /laughs / i would like to try acting because i find it really hard and i also started taking some acting lessons .


▸ what can i say ? /laughs/ they are good role models , they give good advices too , i think of them as my hyungs and noonas , i hope one day i would be as successful as them . They're fun to hang with and they buy me foods and drinks sometime .


▸ I would treated them nicely , i may be teasing them a lot /laughs/ but i will do my best for them to feel comfortable , i will give them advises about what they should do or not , i will make them feel a part of the YUNRAE family , i will make sure they work hard and they do there best  too .


▸ well i would like to thank my fans , thanks for being with us in each and every step , thanks for caring and giving us some of your precious time also i hope to never disappoint you , i will give my best to show you a better side of me and better music and videos , i would make sure to make you smile when need , thank you again for giving me the chance to show the world what i can do . please look forward to our next work , love you ! 

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LOVE INTEREST : Kim jongin 


▸ he may look like a confident , hot and y person on stage but when you get to know him he is sweet and genuine , he is really passionated with his work espically his dancing , he work really hard for his dream , he push himself through every injury and hop up again after every fall , he can be really hard on himself when it come to work and dancing , but he is also know how to love and cherry people .


▸ Kai and One met each other in the backstage of  a show , which was surprising is that One didn't have a problem to talk freely to Kai and it was the same for the other boy , they got along really well , exchanged there numbers . it's because of Kai that One got to know about his uality , he start blush at the older boy comment and every little action , he would flush at any contact , he is not ashamed of who he is , he is just hidden it from the world 

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  They text from time to time and call each other , but jaewon pushed him away a lot , which hurt jongin but he didn't say a think and like that they start getting farther away from each other .

ENDING :  One decided to forget about Kai as he should have done from the beginning , now he swing for both ways .

Jinminchan : aicha : really active

LAST WORDS : this is such a great idea , i prefer doing boygroup to girlgroup , hope you like One , he is hot don't you think , thanks for giving me your time .

PASSWORD : " annyeonghaseyo , One-imnida  , your one and only man , please take good care of me " 



▸ here
▸ here

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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