A&D | 허영지 | SOYOU

Young ji: Heo yeong ji 
Jinminchan : Aicha : really active 
full name : Heo yeong ji
other NAME(s) : young ji 
nickname(s) :
Jiji | little brother | he call her like that  to  nag  her
birthdate : 30 / 08 / 1995
birthplace : SOUTH KOREA / SEOUL 
hometown : BUSAN
ethnicity : KOREAN
languages :
like a mannequin
faceclaim : yOUNG JI  [kara] 
backup : KRYSTAL [ F(x) ]
height & weight : 166cm + 56 kg 
bloodtype : a
appearance : she look the same as her faceclaim
style : she doesn't have a special style it's depend on the event or her mood , she can wear pink skirt as well as baggy jeans , she like to choose her clothes by her self , she prefer high heels to flat shoes , because she find that the heels give her a good figure and nice and long legs . she doesn't like tick make up , but she does like dark lipstick , she also like to try different hair styles , each day a hair style , she doesn't like it when her hair is just flat down she find it boring .
why am i like this?
traits : funny , outgoing , positive ,  messy , get angry easily  , doesn't know how to ask for forgivness 
personality :  SHE IS REALLY POSITIVE AND IS ALWAYS HERE TO GIVE THE MEMBERS GOOD ADVISES but she is also the one that nag them a lot , she is like a big sister even for her unni's , she is funny and love to joke around , she also doesn't know how to ask for forgiveness so the member always do it for her and she got SCOLDED a lot for it . she is the kind of person who would take days to change her clothes and would let all her things hanging around the room , but when someone else do it she would scold him telling them that they're messy and that they should clean behind them .those traits make her hard to hang out with , but when she like someone she will be the sweetest girl , she would take care of the person and do her best to make them feel comfortable , she also respect her sunbae a lot and always ask for advises from them .
background : she have been living with her father and mother until the age of 5 when they both had a big fight and divorced , her mother remarried three years later with her boss , and they got her little brother hoon . the weekend were always at her dad's place who lived alone , she never hated any of her parents , as long they were both happy and that she could see both of them she is okey with it . she love her little brother and her step dad they're sweet and trait her like a daughter/noona .
High school life was quite hard for her as no one got along with her , she used to stay in her side far from the other until her last year that's when she auditioned for BHE and got accepted , she has always dreamed to be an idol and show the world what she got , her vocal teacher was the one who supported her for her dream as both her parent didn't approve for that kind of life style at first but about a year later were okey with it  . When she was a trainee she got to make a lot of friends who were actually going to her school that's when her school life changed and became more fun .
likes : minimum of 5
— she love to take selcas
— she love hats and caps
— her sneakers are her baby
— she love junk foods
— she like to work out

dislikes : minimum of 5
— she hate cucumbers
— she dislikes blunt guys
— she hate vanilla ice cream
— she hate injections and anything related with a hospital
— she hate to sweet 
hobbies : minimum of 3
— she love to watch kdrama and chiness drama she is really addicted to them
— she like to learn other groups dances
— she love to go to the gym 

habits : minimum of 3
— first thing she do when she wake up is drink water
— she shower 2-3 times a day 
— she can't sleep with the light on 

trivia : unlimited but don't go crazy
— she can play the guitar and drums
— her dream is to create a stage where they're no restrictions
— if she could have one super power it will be flying 
— her ideal type would be someone like T.o.p
— she watch chiness dramas to learn chiness 

you're too harsh

family :
— siblings | park Hoon | 6 | elementary student | always nagging each other , when she is with her brother she become a little child again , playing around and fighting each other , the worst thing is when she make him cry she have to beg him not to tell her mother and for him not to tell he would ask her to get him food .

— mom | lee  jinri | 38 | SEcretary  | HER MOTHER IS the kind of person that would scold her for every little thing and as young ji get angry fast , you could imagine the war that can start between the two woman , but when needed her mom is always there for her , she support her in what's she is doing and is quite proud of her daughter .

— step dad | park jisoo | 40 | ceo |he treat her like his daughter ,  he barely get angry at her and always take her side when her and her mom are arguing with each other , he like to embarrass her in front of her friend treating her like a little girl which get her to always pout at him .

— dad | heo  ji hun | 41 | shop owner | HE LIKE TO GOOF AROUND AND SOMETIME SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHICH ONE OF THEM IS THE OLDER , he tend to joke around like a teenager and even if it sound weird he is her drinking buddy , they like to meet once a week around some soju and chicken , he would ask her about her week and listening quietly , he would always tell her not to get a boyfriend because she is too young .
friends :
— friend | kim namjoon | 21 | idol | they met during trainee days  they used to hang with each other a lot and when he debuted she cheered on him . they still meet each other from time to time at the company , or to go eat , he treat her like a little sister and she treat him like a big bro , sometime they would have long philosophic talk and sometime they would just run around laughing hard like aliens .
others :
— sunbae | bangtan boys  | between 18 & 23  | idol group | they have your normal sunbae hoobae relation ship , the boys are really nice with her and the girls , they are like one happy little family , sometime fihting , sometime laughing , sometime crying .

i wanna be like that unni
stage name : Young ji
persona : Y UNNI
position : SOYOU + lead vocalist  ( dasom + vocalist face of the group )
fanclub + colour : Jijis + red
talent twin(s) :
Singing twin : mina ( twice )
dancing twin : yerin (gfriend)
rapping twin : optional
trainee years : 3
TRAINEE life : trainee life was hard like for everyone , the dorm was small , one little room for five people , she was an introvert at first so no one really talked to her but then she start getting along with namjoon and her friends start getting more from that time on . they sometime would really lost hope about debuting some days as there company didn't have any girl group , she thought about stopping and focusing on getting in a college but her friends supported her and made her hopeful again .
predebut : optional, shift+enter for more
— activity| group (If needed) | what role

scandals : optional, shift+enter for more
— scandal | true? false? | before or after debut | explanation

i've dreamed of a romantic movie
love interest : jackson wang 
backup love interest : park chanyeol
DOB : 28/03/1994
personality : funny , outgoing , friendly , crazy
History : they met because of namjoon , as jackson and rapmon are really close friend , they went eating together once that's when they got to know each other , they got along really well and exchanged there numbers , they start texting a lot and she was from the only person who would always answer the phone when he call .
relationship : they act like brother and sister witha little bit of flirting 
status : crushing 
everything is so awkward
comments : well that's all i think , hope you will take good care of me c:
scene request(s) : if any

comeback song :  GOOD LUCK / AOA


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